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mega thread Why you chose your user name.


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Sorry for having my mind in the gutter, but I honestly thought Klopp was a pun on Clopping.

Anyways, my pony is just a background pony with about as much screen time as Vinyl Scratch, but much less publicity



I was actually half expecting that, I always imagined ponies giving my username looks of semi-disgust from the other side of the screen :lol:

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Sadly despite Marshmellow changing her name, "Lady Rarity" was still unavailable so I decided I would add the most basic word in the fandom to my name...Pony


Yeah, sorry about that. Lady Rarity is still unavailable because even though I've changed my name, I still have to log in as Lady Rarity because that was the name I had when I created my account. :/




I'm the kind of person who likes to always use different usernames for all the places I go. Back on 3DS forums, shortly before the launch of MLP Forums, we were discussing what our usernames would be here. We figured that since we were going to be among the first members on the site, that meant that all of the names of the ponies in the show would be available so we might as well take them. I decided that I wanted the name Rarity. I knew that I wasn't the only one who wanted this name, but I was determined to get it.


When I finally made my account, I discovered that the name Rarity had been reserved, so I grabbed the name Pinkamena instead. A little while later, I thought about using the name Lady Rarity, so I made another account with this username (I didn't know that we could simply change our name on the profile). Anyway, I asked Feld0 to delete my Pinkamena account and I went with Lady Rarity for maybe two days or so.


After a while though, I started to realize that people were refering to me as "lady" or "miss" and that felt a bit awkward since I'm a guy. And so, I finally decided to change my name to Marshmallow. I chose Marshmallow because it still references Rarity (since you know, she's made out of marshmallows), without making it too obvious (I had mixed feeling about "impersonating" a pony from the show... ) I actually hesitated quite a lot between Marshmallow and Marshmallows. I finally opted for the singular for no precise reason. I suppose I liked it better that way.


Aaaand that's pretty much it I think^^

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Listen up all you fillies and foals, for the story of Fluttershy's name to be told.

I once was a lad with usernames bad, but all of those names are quite old.

I progressed through my days and changed names year to year

Only to realize they had all been quite queer so I invented a name oh-so-bold.

NicolaiB is by what you once knew me and many before you did too.

Now a pony's my handle and other names hold no candle for my username now is pure gold.


Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were taken.


But... But... I joined the forums about 3 weeks after you did. :blink:

Edited by Fluttershy
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But... But... I joined the forums about 3 weeks after you did. :blink:


Yeah, at first the names of the main characters were reserved for some eventual mod or something.

Then after a while, Feld0 decided to unlock them for some reason >.<


..Guess you got pretty lucky! ^^

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I was thinking about unique names, when upon my music player a song, The Fun Palace, played and it got me thinking about the album. Never Neverland. I thought "cool name" so why not?

Edited by NeverNeverland


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Sorry if I actually offended someone here. Extreme use of capslock and overdramatizing 100 % regardless, that is how I got my username, though. I just had to get a bit of crazy out me. =P


I found it very amusing, personally. :lol: Still, I added a mod note to the top of your post just in case.


When I found my way here I wanted to adopt the name I had been using.

Sadly despite Marshmellow changing her name, "Lady Rarity" was still unavailable so I decided I would add the most basic word in the fandom to my name...Pony


And thus Lady Rarity Pony was made, I do enjoy my username and I like the look of LRP as a quick way of referring to me :)


Yeah, sorry about that. Lady Rarity is still unavailable because even though I've changed my name, I still have to log in as Lady Rarity because that was the name I had when I created my account. :/


Marshmallow, I can change your login name and give it to LRP, if you like.

  • Brohoof 1

Twilight SIG 8.png

Avatar credit: robinrain8
Signature credit: Kyoshi


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My name goes back to when I was probably 8 or 9. So about 9 years ago.


Does anypony remember the Fox Box? Every Saturday morning at 7 (that's pony time now.... so I have no idea if the Fox Box still lives) a block of cartoons played. My favorites were Ninja Turtles, Kirby Right Back at Ya, and Sonic X. Then my favorite of those was the Kirby one (I can't even explain how addicted I was to Nightmare in Dreamland for the Gameboy...)


Anywhoo, the show's commercials advertised the Kirby FoxBox website. I of course went on (without "parent permission first" by the way... :D) It said I needed a username and password. And of course everything I tried was taken. I got angry, and decided to play more Nightmare in Dreamland. Then on the back of that box, was another site to go to. (I don't think I'm allowed to give the URL, but right now it's Nintendo's Kirby page)


Because I didn't learn my lesson the first time, I went to the second website. Tried everything again. Failed. This time I got mad, and just buttonmashed everything on my keyboard (I'm 80% sure I pulled off a Hadouken with all my buttonmashing). But the keyboard sucked, and couldn't handle multiple keys (more than three) being pressed at once. So I ended up with the name Fghik. And it's stuck with me ever since. I use it for almost everything, if you see an Fghik somewhere, it's most likely me.

Edited by Fghik
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But what do I know? I'm just a stupid kid.

҉ .Eternal ¸.•'´¯Chaos¯´'•.¸Comes¸.•'´¯With¯´'•.¸Chocolate¸.•'´¯Rain ҉


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I've always liked this story. :D


Well Hayze is the name of a character I drew when I was SUPER shy about my artwork. I wouldn't show anyone anything due to lack of pride.And people teasing me for what I did. She is also my best drawing that I have done.


However, in school about 8 years back I had to do an art project of any topic I wanted, so I created my own character. Little did I know we had to present our finished product, and I was petrified. When it was my turn to go up, I presented what I created, and everypony around me fell in love with what I did. Even the people who used to tease my talent. I felt proud of my work for a change.


Ever since then I've improved, and reflected back to that moment. It made me stronger, and not afraid to present my talent with confidence (I am still shy though due to personality ;) ).


When I accepted I was a brony, I felt like I did all those years ago, afraid of what others would say or do. So when I felt like that, I decided my alias would by Hayze, a personal reminder that I am proud of who I am no matter what people say or do.


And that is how I got my name. :)


Edit: In case anyone was wondering, I've been drawing for about 11 years.

Edited by Hayze
  • Brohoof 5


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I found it very amusing, personally. :lol: Still, I added a mod note to the top of your post just in case.





Marshmallow, I can change your login name and give it to LRP, if you like.


Oh, I don't mind having to login as Lady Rarity, (I almost never logout anyway :P )

But if Lady Rarity Pony wants it, then I'll gladly give it to him!^^

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Alright I'll explain my username origins...


DJ Gamer 15: I first used DJ Gamer 15 on Xbox Live and various sites since I was a gamer, my first 2 initials are in fact DJ, I wanted to be a DJ (something I have in common with RKA! :P ), and I dreamed of making a gaming company call DJ Games!


DeeJay: Then I discovered the fun of using aliases in online community so I then became DeeJay (I actually never knew about the Street Fighter character with the same name till a few years ago!) who was an avid gamer, a DJ, and not to mention a Skeleton who wore headphones! (If I find an old picture I'll post it!)


DJ Exterminator: Years later I played Halo 3 and in which while playing with friends a miracle happened! In the first 5 seconds of a match on Construct I threw a grenade randomly across the map. The I see a huge amount of medals on my screen including my favorite EXTERMINATION! (kill and entire team before anyone of them respawns). The grenade blew up some explosive crates and killed the whole team in a second! I then went by the name DJ Exterminator although I wasn't into being a DJ anymore, but Exterminator was taken! I wrote (in my head) an idea for a Machinima Film (video game film) where I'd use Halo to make a superhero type movie of a mercenary, Batman-like hero name The Exterminator. The Machinima idea died since I can't make Machinima, but The Exterminator concept lives as a comic book I may write someday!


Mr Kitty, Delivers, I Be Orange, and SiKkNuSs: After my Machinima dreams died my MLG days came around. My friend changed my name without my permission to Mr Kitty because he thought it was Pro! So I got ridiculed for being Mr Kitty for a while until I changed to Delivers. Then I got bored of the name so I did the rational MLG name block thing and went for something completely ungrammatically correct and my favorite color (at the time). I quickly found it stupid and changed to SiKkNuSs to be more badass!

I then grew out of the MLG scene, but kept the ever misspelled SiKkNuSs!


FailedAbortionBaby (Binky FABulous): I then went back to the alias game and made a new and interesting... alias Binky FABulous the FailedAbortionBaby. This alias stuck with me for a long time! Binky is basically an ulta-violent, rave obsessed (I tried to produce music again... better than Deejay's attempt, but no), infant in a man's body! He was my vision of wanting to instead of put up with today's awful quality in entertainment and change it for the better or kill everybody.. depended on his mood! This alias is till not technically dead, just on hold for now. (if I make music it goes under FailedAbortionBaby)



Stachioed, Colon Leftbracket, and Colton Manestache: Eventually the SiKkNuSs was cured and I changed my name on Xbox Live and other sites to Stachioed! If I were to make a company it would be Stachioed Studios. Then in my Intro to Web Class earlier this year we were supposed to make a logo. After seeing the over complicated messes of other students I went for just a simple gray button with a :{ mustache face with the characters colon left bracket. I then realized that it sounded like a name so Colon Leftbracket replaced Binky as my alias to tie everything together in a nice bow at the end... and Colton Manestach is the Ponified version!


[New siggy in progress!]

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* Zoop reads massive wall of sir capsalock




P.P.S. Actually serious with this, could someone record a dramatic reading of my post? I'll love you forever if you do. Well, platonically, anyway. =P

... I may have to tackle this over the weekend. God damn.

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Ferrous_Oxide. Ferrous Oxide, Iron(II) Oxide, FeO. An oxide of iron that takes the form of a dark black powder. In reality, my username is supposed to reflect rust, or Ferric Oxide. However, Ferrous Oxide rolls off the tongue more easily, and in my opinion sounds better.


The back story is somewhat long so I will condense it.

I find rust to have an aesthetic appeal to me, as long as it does not harm the function of the object. The rusty look makes things seem more rugged and vintage in my eyes. One day I was taking a look through a book my dad let me have on the subject of the history of Zildjian cymbals. On the inside front cover were numerous stylized alchemical symbols for elements and compounds. One of them was Iron Oxide. I already had the rusty aesthetic in my liking, and the symbol for it was simple yet charming to me. thus I began using monikers that applied rust and iron in the names. I eventually landed on Ferrous Oxide, and whatever available variations of it as my username for many of the websites I visited.

I am an aberration. We all are. There is no such thing as normal, for the norm is difference.


My DA page-->http://ferrousoxidem...deviantart.com/



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Nothing too special, it was a username I started using around 4 years ago when I was finishing up high school. It's quite simple - I'm somewhat of an envious person. Always wanting to be somebody else, to be prettier, to be more talented in music, etc. etc.


I'm not quite as bad as I was back when I first chose the username but it still fits me. =/

Everything needs more woodwind!

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"Now, this is the story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how I got my epic name they call Tyger."

(Sorry, couldn't resist).

"Tyger" was a name given to me when I was just a little weenie teenie pony. I remember all the kids from daycamp calling me this, instead of my real name, Tyler. I remember I was so embarrassed to be called Tyger, that I started calling myself "Ty" and it stuck with me throughout my daycamp years.

That was way back in the '90's. We are now in the 21st century and people are still referring to me as "Ty", until I got my first job as a counselor at a YMCA Summer Camp. I was referred to as "Mr. Tyler" from the other counselor's, but the little youngins' misheard my name and started calling me "Mr. Tyger" instead. At first, I was little annoyed, but then they showed love for my name and always wanted me as their counselor and it really touched me inside.

And that's how Equestria was founded. Now, do you want to hear how I got my name? Edited by Tyger
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Is it bad I imagined Pinkie Pie's voice as I read this? ;)


Not at all, I always read everything in the voice of the character represented in the users avatar and/or sig. It makes some posts about 20% more hilarious ;)

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Is it bad I imagined Pinkie Pie's voice as I read this? ;)

Is it bad that I imagined an inner city gangster while I read it?


I'm serious. My brain was even inserting "yo dawg"s in the appropriate areas as I read it.

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Well, I wanted a character from the show for my name on these forums first of all, but I didn't want it to be just any random name. Well, I may not play the cello, but I do play a few other instruments, and I'm very musical. Hence, Octavia!


My name on most other sites is Dons35. It came from the first time I played Runescape (I don't really game much anymore, that was a long time ago). "Don" is my nickname, "S" is for my last initial, and "35" because everything else was taken at the time. Real creative, I know. Since then, I've just used that for all my different accounts.



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Why does it have 03 in it? Just wondering...




well, the number 3 is my favorite number...

how is it?

well when I was 3 years old I had this strange dream where I was at a fortune tellers place thing and this person picked up EXACTLY 3 cards, one with the colour green on it, one with the number 3 (03) and one with a picture of Jupiter. They are all my favorite things in there respective groups ( number, colour and planet)

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