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mega thread Why you chose your user name.


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I used to call myself Scientist Cat because I love science and I always wanted to be a cat.

That was until... I forgot what year (Heck, I never keep track of time when I change things. When I move on and turn the page, I decide to focus entirely on the new situation.) but, when I first found out about Ninty's character Yoshi. Then I called myself Scientist Yoshi, though I kept Cat on non-yoshi communities.


But then, I figured I wasn't as much a scientist as I was a dreamer and writer. Since I loved applying science to fictional works, finding logical explanations to things that (at first sight) shouldn't even exist, I adopted the name Fiction Scientist. As in, a scientist of fiction.

I was referred to as FS for short, which btw inspired the name Ephesus on another forum, where I didn't have the time or interest to be a regular.


It's at such a time that someone posted the first season's first episode on another forum, and I fell in love with it. After a while, I imagined myself a pony OC, which I made a pegasus because I've always wanted to fly (I also wish I could do magic, but that seems to require too much conscious effort).

I wanted to pick a name with my initials, FS, which I had never done for any other character before. So I took "Feather" referring to the quill used for writing, and "Spiral" because: A) I'm somewhat mentally unstable, but I'm proud to be "insane", since that makes me more aware of some things; B) I'm allergic to linear or circular thinking, seeing how both are corrupting our science.

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He was a Bouncer pony. I don't even know why there would be a bouncer in a show for 7-year-old girls, but it's pretty cool.


Here I am!:


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I've had quite a few usernames in my time, but for this site, I didn't want either of my main ones (Fynch or Matsuri) - they weren't really suiting for this site for some reason. So I combined them, and thus the name Fyntsuri came into being!

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I go by a lot of names online. "LoliCore" was a handle I went by on MSN back in 2008 or so. It was "inspired," for a lack of better words, by this page. I don't actually like the music on that page, but at the time when I first saw it, the summary of the genre cracked me up. Actually, a bunch of tags on last.fm still make me laugh from time to time. So that's basically it.


I do use other names though, but I won't reveal them 'cause I like entering new forums as completely new face.

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I go by a lot of names online. "LoliCore" was a handle I went by on MSN back in 2008 or so. It was "inspired," for a lack of better words, by this page. I don't actually like the music on that page, but at the time when I first saw it, the summary of the genre cracked me up. Actually, a bunch of tags on last.fm still make me laugh from time to time. So that's basically it.


I do use other names though, but I won't reveal them 'cause I like entering new forums as completely new face.


I was always interested where you got your name.


When I think loli, I think the jappanese word for it.


You see where I am going with this.

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At the time I made my first user name for posting online, my favorite anime character was Cutey Honey. There were already a bunch of them running around the Internets, so I shoved my own name smack in the middle. I've been cuteycindyhoney online now for over ten years!
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In a manga that I have been working on for the last 2 years, the main character is one of a few geneticaly enhanced people that can open and travel throug natural time/dimention portals, these people also have different enhanced abilities wich is known by there ranks, (1= agility, 2= speed, 3= strength, 4= 5 senses, 5= hybrid overall)

SXCJ's 01-05 were the first generation of these people. and SXCJ 40 is on of the 2n'd generaton people.


SXCJ40 can look like the natural inhabitance of whatever world he is on and hase a different name for each form, but is always known as SXCJ40 univeraly.................. ya lame story but i always use SXCJ40 as my username on any site :P

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I chose my nickname because I love star wars so I had my name as Star wars episode 3 rocks and then my friend shorten it to Star then people started calling my starlighty so I went with it so I made a screen name of it! :P

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I was randomly thinking of characters that would represent me if I ever made the jump into Equestria, so I developed the name as one of my fanon characters. I forgot where the idea came from, I would guess I was just thinking of names that weren't used.

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I chose mine because Scootaloo is truly the best pony BESIDES MOTHERFUCKING TRIXIE , I dunno what y'all are talking about when you say it's ANY OTHER PONY... I know y'all truly mean it's Scootaloo :P


Fixed your post

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