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mega thread Why you chose your user name.


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I saw a Filthy Frank video about bad Internet rappers and he used a character named "pooky" 

I thought it was funny so I stuck with it and I actually do raps with the name "P Dot," lol

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I use two usernames (The one you see here for pony and warhammer stuff and MAniACK_Magee for gaming) So I will explain both.

I've been using my gaming one for longer so it's explanation will be longer.


For Fulgrim, I started out as TheRainbowDashNinja because of a picture I found, but it seemed too generic. So I decided to take the name of my favorite character from the WH40k universe and use it instead. (Short explanations of the universe on my profile)


For MAniACK_Magee, I started out as HitlersCookBook, but I got tired of being banned from servers, and I changed it to Maniac Magee because of the book by Jerry Spinelli, but put in capital letters and an underscore for added autism. (People never pronounce it right on the first try and 95% call me Mage Magee) I had just joined a regiment on Mount and Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars and the name stuck because of how I act in certain situations. (MAniACK is a maniac! Was the coined term for me)

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- One day, I decided to buy Minecraft. I could never think of a name, since all of them were taken.

For some reason, I randomly thought of my favorite junk food: nachos!

I was also thinking about iCarly, and how it would turn out if I combined my love of nachos with a kids tv show, and iNachos10 was born!

For some reason, the name always stuck with me.

I haven't used it just for Minecraft, but also as an internet name for every account I have on the internet! :D

  • Brohoof 1
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I decided to make my name "Blitz Kitty", but I immediately changed it to "Ravelicious" before I showed up at the Welcoming Plaza. Why? Because it sounds better and it also defines me. I like rave music.  B)

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My username is simply a part of my real name, Korey! My dad used to just say "Kor" sometimes for short, and I actually like it. Much better than some nicknames parents give, right?

  • Brohoof 1
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Fun story of my squadron in Battlestar Galactica Online where my callsign was Specter, I simply liked it since I'm the lonesome person. This evolved in many ways until now during my mood-damp I re-named myself to The Lonesome Spectre due to how alone I felt. And hell, I liked it enough to keep it.

Edited by The Lonesome Spectre
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