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Updates From Equestria


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(This is just a way for me to let my creativity out.)


Updates From Equestria 






Dear Princess Twilight, 


Today Spike thought he saw a ghost but it turned out to just be his shadow. :P


"Write that I wasn't scared!" :mustache:


He wasn't scared. :twi:



I have no idea what I was thinking when I suggested this, but as long as Sparklefan is enjoying it then that's all that matters. :rarity:


Thank You, Rarity. :twismile:




"Purple" ain't a fruit! :mlp_huh: ...It's what we call, Twilight. :mlp_icwudt:




Apparently, all of the blue Trixie has been seeing today was meant for that blue pegasus with the high opinion of herself. 


The "Great and Powerful" Trixie is annoyed. :unamused:



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On 3/11/2020 at 8:44 AM, Flutterstep said:

This is amazing! :laugh:      


Thank You, My Friend! :D 


@Flutterstep What do you think of this one?




Granny Smith is *so* old! :maud:

How old is she? :laugh:

Granny Smith is *so* old that she remembers when Oreos were originally called "Hydrox". :nom:

...I don't get it. :ooh:


What is a @Dark Qiviut:mlp_wat:

Maud told me it was the shipping name for Batman & Green Arrow. :)

That would be "Dark Quiver", Pinkie. :twi:

What about "Darkwing Duck"? :huh:

That sounds like a shipping name to me. :)

Perhaps, but Dark Qiviut doesn't have wings. :twi:

I thought he was a Red Bull. :blink:

I'm afraid Dark Qiviut is a muskox. Sorry, Pinkie. :adorkable:

Aww. :sunny:


@Stone Cold Steve Tuna is my favorite wrestler! :Daydreaming:


That fish on TV who says "Huh?" all the time? :confused:      


"What?" :scoots:


No, "Huh"? :confused:


"What?" He says "What?" all the time. :scoots:


Huh? :confused:

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After a great deal of careful consideration, it is my honor to bestow the title of "Royal Sun Raisin-er" upon our BFFFF, @ShadOBabe! Congratulations! :adorkable:    


*Whispers* "Royal Sun Raisin-er?" :dash: 


Also, wasn't Ms. Babe a bit...Umm... ezgif-5-528bdf0edef9.png.f3ede287f69882ce9fe0bf734fa205be.png during the Nightmare Night party last year?




the title was Applejack's suggestion & while ShadOBabe *did* cut a piece of Celestia's mane to add to her homemade wig in front of EVERYPONY,


Twilight figured this'd be the best way to keep an eye on her. :pout:


Oh. :please:


Yeah, now it all makes sense. :dash:


UPDATE: @Alexshy has officially earned the role of "New Princess Luna". Congratulations! ^_^


UPDATE#2: @Totally Nyx has just informed me that I have a daughter named Nyx. I'm both *extremely* excited & nervous. :worry:

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7 minutes ago, ShadOBabe said:

*gasp* I did no such thing! Lies and slander! :eww:

My Celestia wig is store bought. :proud:


You should just be glad Twilight forgot about the "PLEASE, 'LESTIA!?" fan mail. :sealed:/:P



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Just now, Sparklefan1234 said:

You should just be glad Twilight forgot about the "PLEASE, 'LESTIA!?" fan mail. :sealed:/:P

The what? I only wrote one letter to Tia, and it was telling her how she helped me with my depression in college. :worry:

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Check out my artwork any time: http://shadobabe.deviantart.com/
"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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3 minutes ago, ShadOBabe said:

The what? I only wrote one letter to Tia, and it was telling her how she helped me with my depression in college. :worry:


Oh. That must've been...TWILIGHT!? :smolder:


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 "@Totally Nyx visited me earlier today and I didn't have any of her favorite desserts." :worry:

"Uh, Twilight? Totally Nyx is the one with the Ask a Pony, Nyx is your daughter." :dash:

"Oh. I always get them confused." :twismile:

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According to @DivineBlur1000, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna & Princess Cadance are all on vacation. :wacko:

Meanwhile, I'm busy in Canterlot taking care of a million different things related to the Coltronavirus.   :worry:

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We should ask @Totally Nyx to follow our topic so we can bother him whenever we feel like it. :pinkie:


Indeed. image.png.5b19b2a1f6534c474d3d2fa4dbbc8f45.png


Uhm, I don't know how much Totally would like being bother-. :wacko:


*Puts hoof to Twilight's lips* The wheels are already in motion, Twilight. image.png.5b19b2a1f6534c474d3d2fa4dbbc8f45.png


I would like to congratulate @Treeglow Flicker on becoming Equestria's new Fire Chief. :ticking:


Uh, Twilight? Treeglow Flicker's the Ponyville Pyromaniac:lie:





@Twilight Luna isn't just our BFFFF, he's also the body double Princess Luna & I use when we're participating in boring social events. :twi:


Where is he now? :kindness:


Uh-oh. :worry:


*Cut to: Twilight Luna participating in the "Equestria Sloth Races"* 

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Being quarantined with seven ponies is starting to become a teensy bit stressful. :fabulous:


Have we run out of rations yet? :mlp_wat:


*Sighs* We ran out of food three days ago because *somepony* insisted on making an "everything pot pie". :yeahno:


*Everypony glares at Trixie*


*With a mouthful of food* What?...:sealed:



@ShadOBabe seems *really* excited about Fluttershy's new Animal Crossing. :mlp_icwudt:

Yay! :yay:

Yeah, she should *totally* make one for Zotl's, too. B)

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On 3/22/2020 at 8:36 PM, ShadOBabe said:

Here you go guys. Me and my mom weren’t even hoarding, but we still have tons of food for two people. You ponies can have some. Just don’t let Trixie eat it all. XD


Trixie isn't "Gluttonous and Piggy" like *some* ponies she knows. 



Why's everypony looking at me? image.png.fd9f3e251c63473712ca24bbc665f8c0.png





Day...I don't even remember at this point. :worry:


Rarity has become *so* desperate to create something new that she's started taking books from my library and- 


I call this piece: "Words with Fringe"ezgif-5-528bdf0edef9.png.f3ede287f69882ce9fe0bf734fa205be.png


*Cringes* :lostit:

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I have recently watched the movie "Outbreak" thanks to Sparklefan & 


am now extremely nervous around Fluttershy's Capuchin monkey, Clyde. :please:





How long has @ShadOBabe been stuck on that island? :sealed:

About a week, I reckon. :mlp_wat:

Have we tried sending out a search party? :blush:

No need to fret, Sugarcube. I sent'er a volleyball with Celestia's face on it a few days ago. :mlp_icwudt:

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