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general How do you let things go?


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Hey guys, so today is the day when our old house is up for the closing and it’s finally sold.  We already been living in our new home in the past months but during the time our old house hasn’t been sold yet. So now that today is really happening and we have to say good bye to our old house. I have been living in that house since birth and having hard time right now letting it go.  

I figure if I’d hear others stories about letting things go it might help me gain some insight on how to cope with it.

And if any of you guys have a similar story as me, feel free to share.




♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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Awww! that's so sad :( Things will get better soon. One day you will be able to look back on the memories you had in your old house and look at them positively. You will also get to make new memories in your new house. :) 

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This happened to me a couple years ago! Same MO I was born and raised in it for most of my life and now I’m in a new place. Before I moved into my current apartment I lived in my parents new house. And I remember the transition was a little strange, and I missed the secrets of that house. Little nooks and crannys that you played in and around. It’s hard to let go. This may sound weird. But what helped me was every once and a while I’d take a couple minutes and zone out. And I would manifest in my brain the exact same house and walk through it in my head. Remembering certain memories or just wandering around. It’s like a safe little place in my head that I can go every once and a while when I feel like I need that little touch of home. Again probably sounds weird but it worked for me. And it became a comfort whenever I needed to cope with something 


§I Was Born Awesome, Not Perfect§

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To know myself and the world beyond the transitory state of things helps me understand that everything changes, but in essence remains the same.
To not understand this can create attachment to the transitory state of things, resulting in suffering. And suffering is a sign of ignorance.

By transcending the illusion of self, I became aware that any form of separation is an illusion, and thus this reality is one as well.

In essence, everything is part of me, and I am part of everything.

If your house were to be destroyed, it would still exist inside of you in a timeless state. It is easier to understand once you leave your body. Similar as to what happens with people being reunited with deceased relatives in near death experiences. They are and not their family. Because everything is your family and everything is your house. In such states of being, one is all. And all is one. You may come to experience loss. But in reality nothing is ever lost.

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I highly recommend getting your feelings out through writing. You can do it in a number of ways from just describing your feelings, to listing all the things you're gonna miss or just your favourite memories. If you're worried that you might start to forget things pictures and such should help with that. These things help with the fear that you'll never be able to go back because you'll at least have something to help you put yourself back there mentally. 

  • Brohoof 1
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On 8/3/2020 at 2:59 PM, Petrus said:

This happened to me a couple years ago! Same MO I was born and raised in it for most of my life and now I’m in a new place. Before I moved into my current apartment I lived in my parents new house. And I remember the transition was a little strange, and I missed the secrets of that house. Little nooks and crannys that you played in and around. It’s hard to let go. This may sound weird. But what helped me was every once and a while I’d take a couple minutes and zone out. And I would manifest in my brain the exact same house and walk through it in my head. Remembering certain memories or just wandering around. It’s like a safe little place in my head that I can go every once and a while when I feel like I need that little touch of home. Again probably sounds weird but it worked for me. And it became a comfort whenever I needed to cope with something 

I don’t think it weird to do that, it better to think about rather trying to forgetting about it. Although I try not think too much of it because other wise I’d just break down in tears. But at the same I think letting it pass through my mind does help



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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I will always remember the moment when I truly let go of a problem I had. I was in the car with my parents and I was listening to a song on my iPod. I don’t remember the name of it but a line went like this: “You just gotta let it go”. That line really struck me because that issue was something I needed to let go for my own mental health. (I know that doesn’t answer the question but I wanted to share).

To let something go.. I give it time, as I firmly believe that time heals. Take a deep breathe, think about what you’re letting go, and let out a deep, elongated exhale. Think of that exhale as that problem leaving you forever. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't exactly let things go. Usually I forget some events against my own will. You know, like I simply forget months of my life when things are really messing me up.

The rest? Just endure things. There's always someone having a way worse time than me, and maybe they aren't crying over it like I do.

  • Brohoof 1
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Simple. I just don’t let myself dwell on the past. Why look back on something and make yourself upset/sad/angry etc about it when you have so much more to look forward to and discover. I’ve always been one to live in the moment and look forward to the future anyway. 

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In terms of my past, I dont. My childhood was the happiest time of my life and it is all totally downhill from here. Life has been nothing but a downward spiral for years so I would prefer to not let go of the memories of when I was truly happy. 


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Depends on how emotionally invested you were in the thing you are letting go of. Sometimes, you have to just accept it will hurt some, but remember the feeling is temporary

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Letting go is never easy when you’re attached to something emotionally. I remember having moved once from one house to another in a different state and having to throw out some of my toys to make room in the moving truck. I love my toys and have a deep connection to them, even now. The best way I could cope with it was to put it all out of my mind until a detached perspective sank in. I’m not gonna sugar coat it, things that you love will always be a part of you and be hard to let go of, the best thing you can do is honor the past and live in the present, knowing the things of the past shaped who you are today, which you keep with you forever.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Right now I feel like nothing is worth letting go of. I am too caught up in getting old stuff working, that I am actually learning and getting somewhere. Don't let things go, cherish everything as long as possible!

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