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When a Pony Cries, Which One Gets to You The Most?

Tom Gallagher

Well, which one is it?  

37 users have voted

  1. 1. Which Pony Makes You Cry The Most?

    • Fluttershy
    • Applejack
    • Twilight Sparkle
    • Pinkie Pie
    • Rarity
    • Rainbow Dash
    • Everypony

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This is an interesting one. Basically, the question is which crying scene in MLP gets to you the most and who is it? :huh: The show has had its fair share of emotional moments throughout the nine years it’s been around and they can be, in the words of Pinkie Pie, ‘Just... heart-wrenching!’

Here, I tried to use the best examples I could. Some were easy, some not. :dash: Some were obvious, some were more difficult. I tried to go for the most emotional ones, rather then ones that were more funny than sad. Honestly, as you all know, all of the Mane Six are my favourites so when any of them cry, it’s pretty difficult for me to get through. :worry: Anyway, here are my examples:

Fluttershy: :(

Applejack: :mlp_wat:

Twilight Sparkle: :worry: (This is the saddest scene in MLP history for me)

Pinkie Pie: :blink:

Rarity: :awed:

Rainbow Dash: :dry:

Or all of them together:

Let me know below!

Edited by TomDaBombMLP
Fixed videos that had disappeared.
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Rarity's cry is quote laughable...always makes me laugh..... Pinkie...even though she's my favorite is quite fake...... Fluttershy...makes me worry because one of the sacred rules...dont make fluttershy cry.

Aj and rd and twi is a bit realistic and painful to watch

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Fluttershy being my fave means that I absolutely hate seeing her in distress like that :( Quite like Rarity I just can't bare to see Fluttershy cry. However I would say that the group moments definitely affect me more. I'd say the hardest part of the show for me to watch is Rainbow Dash and the rest of the Mane 6 (mostly) crying together over saying goodbye to Tank, but that's mostly due to the seriousness of the issue in that episode. I think it's also more likely to have a greater impact on the audience when a strong character like Dash breaks down opposed to Fluttershy, Pinkie or Rarity who cry way more often. 

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Really depends if they’re legit sad and could be any of them :huh: .

I know it “got me” when Pinkie Pie cried after Sunset was ranting about her in Find the Magic. Like I knew that legitimate hurt her. Also she’s my fave :U

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11 minutes ago, WWolf said:

I know it “got me” when Pinkie Pie cried after Sunset was ranting about her in Find the Magic. Like I knew that legitimate hurt her. Also she’s my fave :U

Find the Magic? When was that? What did I miss?

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15 minutes ago, Splashee® said:

Find the Magic? When was that? What did I miss?

Welll that was actually EQG :twi: . So she’s not a “pony” really.

Other than that I don’t usually take hits from sad poners :wacko: .

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2 minutes ago, WWolf said:

Welll that was actually EQG :twi: . So she’s not a “pony” really.

Other than that I don’t usually take hits from sad poners :wacko: .

You emotional when colorful horse women cry? :wacko:


So are we talking about the Everfree camp movie? When Sunset sings? I cannot think of another place?

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26 minutes ago, Splashee® said:

You emotional when colorful horse women cry? :wacko:


So are we talking about the Everfree camp movie? When Sunset sings? I cannot think of another place?

Well I wouldn’t say emotional :pout: . Just really hoping they get better :o .

Its errr one of the specials :huh: .

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51 minutes ago, Splashee® said:

You emotional when colorful horse women cry? :wacko:


So are we talking about the Everfree camp movie? When Sunset sings? I cannot think of another place?

Not my problem. I can’t stand EqG.

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Honestly; while all of them has a certain effect on me, it's really Applejack and Twilight breaking down that get to me. In a sense, the two of them share a burden of having a lot of ponies depend on them; whether it's family (AJ), an entire nation (Twi), or their own expectations (both). This can lead to quite a lot of stress, and when they reach that breaking point, they feel like an utter failure.

I should know; I've felt that and it's brought me down, whether my own family, place of employment, or even the forums here. I tend to handle my emotional tendencies well, but sometimes...yeah. Their sadness hits me because I feel like I can relate to it.

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I wanted to say Fluttershy but it's kinda... in her nature? So I say Pinkie Pie because if constantly smiling happy-pone starts to cry, you know something really bad happened. Also Twi cries only when it's serious

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11 minutes ago, Vefka said:

I wanted to say Fluttershy but it's kinda... in her nature? So I say Pinkie Pie because if constantly smiling happy-pone starts to cry, you know something really bad happened. Also Twi cries only when it's serious

Your avy, tho :wub:

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While it’s sad seeing Fluttershy crying, it’s frequent, and not always serious. Princess nerd horse on the other hand, cried the hardest and during the darkest situations. That breakup scene in the movie, the wedding, and I got to Find a Way comes to mind. Besides, she’s probably the strongest pony out of them. Seeing such a strong person cry is always heartbreaking :sunny:

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8 hours ago, WWolf said:

Really depends if they’re legit sad and could be any of them :huh: .

I know it “got me” when Pinkie Pie cried after Sunset was ranting about her in Find the Magic. Like I knew that legitimate hurt her. Also she’s my fave :U

Oh that one yeah ....that takes the cake

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