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Happy Hearts and Hooves day 2023 - Your Matches - The Gathering

Ice Princess Silky

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Hello everyone my deep apologies for causing a confusion and panics regarding with closing this Thread. After hearing the people and their discouragement about this plan,

I will NOT close the thread

Do resume as usual and do not forget to joined our RP activities events! 

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18 hours ago, Tree Song said:

@Astral Soul

There was a large crowd of ponies near the food tables, which wasn't exactly making Tree Song feel comfortable. But they all seemed very nice... Well, maybe there were a few exceptions, but the majority of them definitely did. Looking at the faces and comparing them to the picture in her invitation, she found the one she was paired with. He was talking to another pony, and Tree Song didn't want to interrupt them, but as soon as they finished talking, she addressed him politely.

"Are you Astral Soul? I believe we were matched together in this event here..."

He does look pretty handsome, Tree Song thought.

@Tree Song

Uumm yes and we have been he said and almost hid inside his top hat.

He continued "Nice to meet you" while he offered a cup of tea. He was not really skilled in having longer talks with mares, but he found this mare nice so he tried to keep talking.

Ive heard you also like plants he said to give her an oppurtunity to speak

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30 minutes ago, Astral Soul said:

@Tree Song

Uumm yes and we have been he said and almost hid inside his top hat.

He continued "Nice to meet you" while he offered a cup of tea. He was not really skilled in having longer talks with mares, but he found this mare nice so he tried to keep talking.

Ive heard you also like plants he said to give her an oppurtunity to speak

Tree Song sipped some tea from the cup.

"It's delicious, can you tell me what kind of tea it is? And yes, I love plants! Should we go to the forest maze together?"

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7 minutes ago, Tree Song said:

Tree Song sipped some tea from the cup.

"It's delicious, can you tell me what kind of tea it is? And yes, I love plants! Should we go to the forest maze together?"

Astral smiled as Tree Song expressed her delight for his newest creation and plants.

Y-y-y-eah .. Im sure we will find many plants to make some more tea

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On 2/16/2023 at 5:57 AM, Thunder Gust said:

@Sir Hugsalot @Stone Cold Steve Jobs

Gust turned his head toward Vibrant as the stallion approached. "That's right, I'm Thunder Gust. Pleasure to meet you, Vibrant," he said. "If I might ask, what's that you're holding? It's gotten quite bright." He couldn't help but glance curiously at the stone for a moment before his attention turned to the sky blue mare heading their way with a basket of flowers.

"Ah, there you are, Anya. How have you been?" Gust said, picking up one of his plates of food and offering it her. "I got us some dinner before the festivities begin. By the sounds of it, there's a mythical forest to explore and probably a concert? I think the forest sounds a tad more interesting, what do you think?"

"Pleasure to meet You, Thunder Gust!" Vibrant responded and then glanced at the lantern he was holding. "This shiny thing? Honestly, I am not entirely sure. All I know is that while I've seen many glowing stones in my life, this is the first time, their glow shows any kind of symbol, look!" He presents the lantern to Thunder Gust. At first it looked like a typical lantern, emitting light, but then he saw that the light actually came from a crystal... and the crystal had a shape of some flower." @Princess Silky Star Silk gave it to me, so she may know more. What's curious is that the glow became brighter as I approached You"


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7 hours ago, Saffron Shadow said:

Placing his tea back to the table, he turned to the two with a warm and greeting smile. "Hello again, Silky." He said, before turning toward @The Wife of Law. He paused for a moment and pondered her curiously. Had he met her before? He felt a sense of familiarity with her that he couldn't quite place... a distant memory from the past, perhaps. He just couldn't be sure.

"You must be Wolf Tracks; it's a pleasure! I'm Saffron." He said after a few moments with sincerity. "I'm sorry if I can't quite place your name, but I thought for a moment it seemed known to me. Like we'd had a chance encounter somewhere once before." He admitted a little sheepishly. "I suppose I've always struggled a bit with remembering names and faces. I'm sure I've encountered more than half the ponies here already." He chuckled, before adding: "It seems that Silky here believes we have a date with destiny, if the invitations we both received are anything to go by. Though I admit I'm just as confused by what that means as I suppose you are."

Wolf Tracks stared at Saffron for a solid 20 seconds without saying a word. It looked like the two were in some sort of western movie stand off. The silence is finally broken when she speaks “Yeah, that’s me, you got it right. You say we’ve met? I can’t say with the utmost confidence that is the truth but I will admit you look familiar. Maybe we passed by each other or had some small talk somewhere”. She proceeds to walk closer to Saffron and sniffs him as if a dog would “You seem harmless”. She then backs away and smiles “A date with destiny, huh? Not really my style but I guess I can give this a try… OH! I should properly introduce myself. My name is Wolf Tracks but you can call me Wolfey if you like”. 

Her hoof extends to welcome a hoof (hand) shake. 

“So tell me a little bit about yourself. I would ask you for more information about this party but you look similarly confused”.

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1 hour ago, Vibrant Grove said:

"Pleasure to meet You, Thunder Gust!" Vibrant responded and then glanced at the stone he was holding. "This shiny thing? Honestly, I am not entirely sure. All I know is that while I've seen many glowing stones in my life, this is the first time, their glow shows any kind of symbol, look!" He presents the stone to Thunder Gust, so he can see the flower symbol. " @Princess Silky Star Silk gave it to me, so she may know more. What's curious is that the glow became brighter as I approached You"


Thunder Gust got an incredible stone:love:  

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21 hours ago, Vibrant Grove said:

"Pleasure to meet You, Thunder Gust!" Vibrant responded and then glanced at the stone he was holding. "This shiny thing? Honestly, I am not entirely sure. All I know is that while I've seen many glowing stones in my life, this is the first time, their glow shows any kind of symbol, look!" He presents the stone to Thunder Gust, so he can see the flower symbol. " @Princess Silky Star Silk gave it to me, so she may know more. What's curious is that the glow became brighter as I approached You"


@Sir Hugsalot @Stone Cold Steve Jobs

"Just Gust is fine, I know Thunder Gust can be a mouthful," Gust offered, before taking a closer look at the lantern. "It has a symbol in it? May I see it?" He turned the lantern until he could make out the symbol inside and let out a small gasp. He looked at it for another minute and returned it to Vibrant. "I don't know what it's supposed to mean, but I know why it led you to me and Ana. I know that flower well, or that daffodil to be more specific." He pointed to the cutie mark on his flank. His cutie mark was a single blue daffodil and a lightning bolt crossed overtop a shield.

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On 2/16/2023 at 10:56 AM, Dynamo Pad said:

Smiling, he looked around at all the guests and the faces that started becoming familiar to him. Continuing to look around, his eyes stopped as he thought someone had been looking at him. Turning to the pony, he was met by a chocolate mare with blonde, brown and gray mane and tail. Her attire consisted of a black parka, purple socks, black rimmed glasses and three piercings in her ear. To say that she was cute was a complete understatement. To Dynamo, she stood out from everyone as he was simply starstruck. A slight blush slowly dusted his cheeks as there was this sort of aura around her that wanted him to approach. Feeling nervous, he looked towards the friends he was talking to. "Uh...h-hey guys? I hope you can excuse me. There's someone I want to try and meet." He'd say, before making his way over towards the chocolate mare.

As she sipped on her drink, and nervouslly looked around the event, she would soon notice @Dynamo Pad approaching her. She would nervously do her best to smile and to keep her disguise, as he would contineu to get closer and closer. As he did, she could notice that he was actually just as nervous and shy as she was feeling, which helped her relax a little more, and she'd smile sheepishly at him, "H-hi, you're Dynamo right? Silky told me about you, I-I'm Caramel Ripple"

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1 minute ago, Roswell said:

That is awesome, laughing sometimes is the best medicine.

What should I call you?

Wind Walker or just Wind?


Most ponies call me "Windy", I heard one of the Elements of Harmony has a mother named "Windy Whistles". 

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5 minutes ago, Roswell said:

I heard that too.

Besides @Princess Silky, are there any other ponies here that you know?


@Totally Lyra owes me twenty bits but he keeps changing his name which, makes him difficult to catch. :dry:

I met @The Wife of Law  a short time after I moved to Ponyville from Cloudsdale...Too high up, very scary. 

@Patty Thundersnow and I like to go to Equestrian Wrestling Federation shows whenever they visit Ponyville, do you like wrestling, Roswell?

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1 minute ago, Sparklefan1234 said:


@Totally Lyra owes me twenty bits but he keeps changing his name which, makes him difficult to catch. :dry:

I met @The Wife of Law  a short time after I moved to Ponyville from Cloudsdale...Too high up, very scary. 

@Patty Thundersnow and I like to go to Equestrian Wrestling Federation shows whenever they visit Ponyville, do you like wrestling, Roswell?

That's awesome.

I know @Patty Thundersnow, she's a lovely pony but I haven't seen her in years though.

I have heard of @Totally Lyra and @The Wife of Law but I've not met them yet, they sound like awesome ponies.


Yes, I like it.

Not been a fan for a long time though.


You have a favourite wrestler?

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6 hours ago, AuroraGlimmer said:

As she sipped on her drink, and nervouslly looked around the event, she would soon notice @Dynamo Pad approaching her. She would nervously do her best to smile and to keep her disguise, as he would contineu to get closer and closer. As he did, she could notice that he was actually just as nervous and shy as she was feeling, which helped her relax a little more, and she'd smile sheepishly at him, "H-hi, you're Dynamo right? Silky told me about you, I-I'm Caramel Ripple"


As he made his way over towards the bespectacled mare, he thought he had seen a blush upon her cheeks. Was it due to him being nervous, or was she as nervous as he was. He was thankful that he wasn't the only one as it seemed like others were feeling as nervous, as well. Hearing his name, he blinked suddenly, before giving her a nod. "H-Hey. That's my name, b-but how do you know who I am?" He asked with curiosity in both his voice and expression. Upon hearing her name, he gasped as he levitated the invitation for them both to see. "Wait a minute. You said Silky? From the invitation? You're Caramel Ripple?" A small smile began to form upon his lips as her sheepish smile felt infectious. "It's so nice to finally meet you! I remember hearing about you from, Silky, as well. Although, she never told me of your name. She said that she found the perfect match for me." He wasn't sure if he should hug the mare, or if that would be considered too formal. However, he was still feeling so nervous, yet ecstatic.

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