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What's your pet peeve?

Tom The Diamond

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People who dont reply to your important texts. OH MY GOD HOW BUSY ARE YOU??


Sometimes when replying to someone, I end up taking a century to write a novella length text response. 

It's a bit of an exaggeration, but it ends up around 21 pages long sometimes. Phone screen pages that is.


Now with more added tea leaves!

My fantastic signature made by Gone Airbourne

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1. Incorrect usage of:

your and you're

their, they're, and there

its and it's


2. Using subject pronouns as object pronouns and vice versa

ex. Me and pinkie bought a box of donuts

correction of the above: Pinkie and I bought a box of donuts.


3. Anyone who thinks "should of" or "could of" is correct.


4. Most other major grammatical errors.


I think I'm a bit of a grammar Nazi... a friend once sent me the first chapter of a fic he wrote for constructive criticism. I sent back a fully revised version and hired myself as his proofreader/editor. I do that regularly to things my IRL friends write, too.

  • Brohoof 1



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Over where I live, nearly 80% of people I have talked to speak like that...

I have a solution to your problem:

step 1: buy large amounts of grammar books.

2. Next time you see a person type/write that, locate that person (bring one of the books)

3. Either slap them across the face with it or throw it at them.

4. Run away whilst yelling the page number explaining it.

5. Repeat steps 1-4 when necessary.

  • Brohoof 1



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I am a girl. Duh.




:okiedokielokie: Why does it matter...?

  • Brohoof 1

"The Earth speaks to all of us, and if we listen, we can understand." -Uncle Pom

"Sometimes she wonders if she can do it like nuns do it but she never heard of Catholic religion or sinner's redemption" -K Dot

Ask me a question: http://mlpforums.com/topic/96396-ask-shady/?hl=ask%20shady

About Shady Bubbles: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shady-bubbles-r6456


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1. A brand new PC that can't play a game even if it surpasses it's system recommendations.

2. Uncomfortable underwear.

3. Communists online who praise Stalin, using a computer bought from a major retailer.

4. People hovering over my computer monitor.

5. Doing dishes all the time, seriously I wasn't put on this earth to clean your damn dishes.

6. People who uphold the ways of the perfect spelling race through National Socialist policies.

7. Anti-brony furries, they do exist. Surprising.

  • Brohoof 2
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1. Incorrect usage of:

your and you're

their, they're, and there

its and it's


2. Using subject pronouns as object pronouns and vice versa

ex. Me and pinkie bought a box of donuts

correction of the above: Pinkie and I bought a box of donuts.


3. Anyone who thinks "should of" or "could of" is correct.


4. Most other major grammatical errors.


I think I'm a bit of a grammar Nazi... a friend once sent me the first chapter of a fic he wrote for constructive criticism. I sent back a fully revised version and hired myself as his proofreader/editor. I do that regularly to things my IRL friends write, too.

You are my hero.  I think I'm probably one of the only people on the planet who proofreads every forum post I make before clicking the button.  Hell, if I didn't proofread, I would have said the exact opposite of what I had intended dozens of times.  I believe many flame wars could be prevented by proofreading.


Here--let me add one to your list: use of the phrase "A whole nuther."


*edit* Ooh, ooh, I just thought of a another pet peeve I absolutely must list.  When you open a new jug of milk or juice or what have you and try to pour it and it just clings to the jug and dribbles down the side and onto the counter and floor.  We can 3-D print human skin tissue but we can't make a friggin jug of milk that you can pour easily?  F*CK!

Edited by Justin_Case001
  • Brohoof 1


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Oh, I have ton, but here's a few recent ones I can think of:


~When people make a big deal about spelling/grammar. If the only thing you can think of in responding to somebody is correcting their spelling/grammar, you're not contributing anything. It's irrelevant, and annoying.


~Tech elitists constantly hijacking conversations about video game consoles to state how underpowered they are and how everybody should switch to PC. I thought people bought consoles, to, I don't know, play games?


~"*Hated Shonen anime* is so overrated!" - Says everybody and their dog.

  "*Popular background pony is so unappreciated!"


~Camera and Wii Remote/Pad batteries that are always dead when I'm ready to use them.


~Lack of manners (burping loudly, spitting, leaving the toilet seat up) Just stop.


~Reeds. Playing music was so much simpler when I was a brass player. xD


~Getting hungry for something I can't currently have. (Happening right now... T_T)

  • Brohoof 3

Everything needs more woodwind!

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- When someone doesn't do their work and forces someone else to finish for them


- When I have to get something for someone who is two steps away


- Remote holders, you can't change the channel or anything until they put it down or leave the room


- Guys who holler at ladies when they walk by


- Being told I have to wear a dress/some other fancy/girly thing because I am female

Edited by Camouflage
  • Brohoof 1
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My biggest pet peeve is bad grammar. 




who is youre favorite pony mine is rainbow dash because she is awesome!!!! one day she will join the wonderbolts because their awesome!!!!!!



Edited by Mikami
  • Brohoof 1


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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In contrast, one of my pet peeves is the commonly called "Dad Joke". You know...


I'm hungry.

Hi hungry, I'm Dad.


And anything similar:


What's up?

The sky.

It's funny you should mention that because I do both of these things. Moreso the latter. Not because I necessarily think it's funny, it's mostly habit. When I don't have anything in particular to say "the sky" serves just as great a purpose as "nothing" or "things" or anything of the like.


Although I learned it from my grandpa. He does it all the time. I learned half my smartassery from him. :P

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4. People hovering over my computer monitor.


Do you mean people LITERALLY hovering over your computer monitor? Do you see dead people?

(Sorry, I had to write that after my harping on people misusing the word literally!)


  • Brohoof 2


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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I am a girl. Duh.




:okiedokielokie: Why does it matter...?

That's when you respond with "obviously the winning one"


Cuz you're winning the race.


HAHAHAHHA, I'm not funny.








I'll just go hide now. :derp:

  • Brohoof 1
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Do you mean people LITERALLY hovering over your computer monitor? Do you see dead people?

(Sorry, I had to write that after my harping on people misusing the word literally!)


I did not mean to, but thanks for reminding me of my pet peeve of people making an ass of themselves over others' minuscule mistakes.

Edited by Flandre Scarlet Pony
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I did not mean to, but thanks for reminding me of my pet peeve of people making an ass of themselves over others' minuscule mistakes.

It's called a joke. There was no reason for you to swear at me.


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Here are my pet peeves!


1. When people chew food with their mouths open


2. Screaming and whining kids (C'mon we've all been there, in the grocery store, movie theater etc)


3. Cell phones in a movie theater or people who don't shut up during a movie!


4. Slow Computers

3DS friend code

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Hey, hey, hey! Looks like your thread's a duplicate of an existing thread. I've them together. In the future, please do your best to run a search before creating a new topic. Thanks! :D
  • Brohoof 1
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Hmm... there are a few.

People who claim Linux is perfect without understanding that the Windows userbase doesn't want open source, they want productivity.

When someone uses philosophy/religion/political affiliation to justify something wrong.

People who take what little they know of you and try to extrapolate your personality.

People assuming because they're older they know you better than you do.

Use of the term 'Grammar Nazi'. seriously people, they're not Nat Socialists, they're totalitarians.

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Here's a little thing that annoys me...I can't remember what I posted in the first place in this thread! I've been digging through this thread and my content page for about half an hour and I can't find my post!


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Littering. I can't stand littering. 


Sig made by Kyoshi.

Cool things people have said about me:

Never heard of him but I guess just you mentioning him is a good reason not to go anywhere near that name.

(In reference to an author I suggested.)



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