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Mane 6 favorites in order

Twi Rubix

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Pinkie Pie  :lol: : Either her psychotic fanon persona or her lovable canon personality, Pinkie was the one who got me on this crazy ride and she's had my number one spot from the very beginning. She is also the one I've devoted the most fan theories towards how she does what she does and acts the way she acts. 


Applejack  :toldya: : She ships well with everypony, she's funny, and her strength of character has been something I've liked for quite some time. Honestly with my aversion to the south (after poor experiences) I would of thought she would of been lower on  my list, but it just goes to show how lovable she is with how much I like her character. Also her family is totally adorable <3 

And to tack on something else; the potential of her backstory and the loss of her parents is just so much fanfic fodder I love it


Fluttershy  :angry: : She may be shy, but she's also a secret vampony whom can control powerful monsters, has the spirit of chaos wrapped around her hoof, can stare down a cockatrice (which can turn you to stone with a glance), and used her minions to take down all of the elements of harmony on nightmare night as well as scare them silly. Honestly she's a supervillianess waiting to happen and I love it <3 


Rainbow Dash  :wub: : I love her antics, she's totally the tsundere of the group. I find myself wanting for some growth in her at times though, the writers really hasn't done as much with her character as they could do. Its not that she hasn't had any, hell she had more this season than most others but still, I want more out of the Cyan pony, especially in the Scootalove department. More sister stuff!!! 


Twilight Sparkle  :P : I love her to death, don't get me wrong, and she's had many shining moments in the show, but she gets so much love from the show itself that I can't put her higher on the list than this. She may not be my favorite but she's still wonderful. 


Rarity  :pout: : I like Rarity, I'm a big Rarijack shipper, but out of the six she would be on the bottom for me, even if that doesn't mean I hate her or anything. She's had some shining moments...one thing that I'm going to say though may get some gasps... I'm not really fond of her singing voice


*sticks hands up* Hey! Hey! Its just my opinion man! Calm down! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

1.Rarity: tied with Dash for the best developed character, the difference is Rarity's development is generally a lot more fun to watch, quite a few of the major Dash episodes are kinda bad, while Rarity's episodes are at WORST average.


2. Applejack: I just really admire AJ, she's reliable, hard working, family oriented. She's also the ultimate supporting character


3. Pinkie Pie: She's usually funny and her episodes tend to be great, though largely interchangable with Rainbow Dash


4. Rainbow Dash: Well developed, but the most inconsistent track record of episodes of the main characters, and I found her outright unlikable in most of season 2, still largely interchangable with Pinkie and when she's great she's really great.


5. Twilight: Used to be a lot higher, got REALLY boring in season 4, better in Season 5 but not enough to move her back up.


6. Fluttershy: Boring, Boring, Boring. Circular character development and gimmicks galore. 


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1. Fluttershy

2. Rainbow Dash

3. Pinkie Pie


4. Rarity

5. Twilight Sparkle

6. Applejack


I belong to the minority who can like Fluttershy AND Rainbow Dash the most lol Actually i'm only interested in the first three and their episodes.

Edited by Swifty
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  • 1 month later...

For me is easy for 1-3, but 4-6 is hard... Here goes nothing.

1. Rainbow Dash (It's pretty obvious if you know me)

2. Pinkie Pie (Let's just say I can't live without parties.)

3. Fluttershy (She's the cutest)

4. Twilight Sparkle (A bit too calm for me.)

5. Applejack (She's an ok character, but I just don't like her Rivalry with like half to the mane 6.)

6. Rarity (Just a bit to snobbish. She still ok.)


Bronies and pegasisters, hope you are having a great day! Stay awesome!

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1. Rarity the beautiful fashionista horse with a knack to always entertain me through a variety of ways.

2. Rainbow Dash, the awesome flier that I adore for having many shades to her growing complex character.

3. Applejack, the steadfast county pony that I like for being essentially the solid pony that has a growing arc with Pinkie Pie.

4. Twilight Sparkle, while her adorkable bookworm persona I originally loved as lessoned a bit, I' am still intrigued for what the future holds for her role as Princess of Friendship.

5. Pinkie Pie, I can never understand why you're in this place as you a character that holds alot to her persona that would make an analyst like be filled with intrigue for. Still when your comedy is done right and with your budding arc with AJ, you're a cute party pony I can love.

6. Fluttershy, you maybe my least favorite of the mane 6 for my own reasons, but I can see why so many like your cute and relatable issues with anxiety and social issues that others have budded with you since.

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1.  Rainbow Dash

2. Twilight Sparkle

3. Fluttershy

4. Pinkie Pie

5. Applejack

6. Rarity


These are all arranged by very distinct pairs, 1 and 2 could easily swap places, as could 3 and 4, and also 5 and 6, depending on the most recent episode.

Edited by Concerned Bystander


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OH tough to choose favorate


1 Applejack (very down to earth and family orinted very me)
2 Pinkie pie (hyper, funny and freindly, wish could be more like her)

3 Tiwlight (many things i like about her and she great jsut not favorate)

4 Rainbow (eh her bragging gets old, but she loyal and that a great treat since she developed so much since season 1)

5 Rarity (eh..fashion never my thing but i'll give her points for being creative)

6 Fluttershy (many tings that don't appel to me for her. I mean she made appljack appligize to a beaver when ita the beaver hwo flooded her farm. or maybe she put her animal FIRST instead of bloody ponies ugh still don't like Flutterbat and that episode )

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1. Rarity

2. Applejack

3. Rainbow Dash

4. Pinkie Pie

5. Twilight Sparkle
6. Fluttershy 

I like them all though.


Rarity Fan | Kpop & Jpop Fan | Trixie Fan | Sunset Shimmer Fan | Applejack Fan


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I always like it when these post get bumped up again


Anyways an updated list:


1) Fluttershy

2) Sunset Shimmer Rainbow Dash

3) Applejack

4) Rarity 

5) Pinkie Pie

6) Twilight Sparkle

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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Let's post opinions!


Before watching:

1. Rainbow Dash

2. Twilight Sparkle

3. Applejack

4. Fluttershy

5. Pinkie Pie

(I had no idea Rarity existed.)


After watching (Pre Season 4):

1. Pinkie Pie

2. Rarity

3. Fluttershy

4. Twilight Sparkle

5. Rainbow Dash

6. Applejack


Post Season 4 (now):

1. Rarity

2. Twilight Sparkle

3. Pinkie Pie

4. Applejack

5. Fluttershy

6. Rainbow Dash


It's quite funny how things turn out.  :lol:  But I've might gone a bit overboard on the opinions.

Edited by n00bUltima


Friendship Is Magic!

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Well my rankings tend to change quite a bit, but as of right now


1 :yay:  and post-22964-0-58432500-1422670137.png - I really can't decide between these two, Flutters is by far the most relatable to me, but I find Rares to be the most interesting character.


2   :adorkable:  - Twilight was initially my favorite character, though she has dropped a couple rankings over the past season or two I still love her.


3   :sneer:  - I love Dash, and she has developed a lot over the course of the show. I always love seeing her caring side shine through her brash personality.


4   :pinkie:  - If Pinkie was always written as well as she is when the episode centers around her, she would likely be higher on this list. She is only this low because I feel she was written kinda badly in a lot of episodes in seasons 3 and 4


5   :bedeyes:  - Although I still like AJ, to me she is the least interesting character in the show.



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1.Fluttershy OMG she is the best. I would love to be her!!!!!

2. Twilight - common sense!

3. Rarity - when she is not selfish she is quite classy and funny

4. Applejac - all round goodness and honest

5. Pinkie - bit over the top!!

6. Rainbow dash - too self involved but fun!

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1. Fluttershy  ( This will never change. She'll always be #1)  :yay:

2. Rarity :D

3. Applejack   :smug:

4. Twilight Sparkle ^_^

5. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash :blink:  >_>  (That doesn't mean I hate them! their rank might change depending how Season 6 handles them)

Edited by Autumn Mist
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1.  :dash: Well, duh. I'm Rainbow Dash! How could I NOT be number one?!

2.  :D Oh, my! Truly I am flattered. But then, my episodes do tend to be among the finest on the show, don't they?

3.  :toldya: Well I sure do appreciate the compliment, but I'm really just a workin' pony. No need to make some big announcement about me bein' your third favorite and all.

4.  :pinkie: You like me so much you even tried a cupcake with hot sauce once!! Sorry you didn't like it though.

5.  :o I'm in fifth? Well, uh...I suppose that's fine. Is this about the wings?

6.  :fluttershy: Oh, it's okay...I don't have to be your favorite Mane Six pony or anything. Just as long as you appreciate my character, I'm happy.

  • Brohoof 1

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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:o How do you expect me to do this thing? I love them aaaaall...


Okay. I'll try. :P



1. Pinkie Pie


Why: Cuz she reminds me of myself, and seeing her and the things she does and goes through and learns teaches me things about myself too.





2. Applejack


Why: Because she's incredibly dependable and hard working. She's pretty, is somepony I think would make a fantastic friend, and oh my god, I love her family. :D





3. Twilight Sparkle


Why: Because Twilight is literally my sister in pony form. It fits so well it's scary. And my sister's been my best friend my entire life, so how can I not love her and Twilight.





4. Rarity


Why: She's so freaking pretty. o.o And even though there's a stereotype about people like her being conceited and rude, she's not like that at all. She's generous, kind and giving. Not to mention wonderfully poised and sophisticated.





5. Rainbow Dash


Why: Rainbow Dash and I have one main thing in common- a love of flight. She's got cool mane, and sweet abilities. However, her extreme competitiveness and tendency to be cocky aren't something I can really relate to... but I still love her, of course. :)





6. Fluttershy


Why: Obviously this doesn't mean I dislike Fluttershy! I love her just as much as the other ponies! But for the sake of the whole list thing, I've put her here because while she's cute and sweet and super kind, I used to be painfully shy too. And people would compare me to her. However, I knew that the real me wasn't like that at all... so while I do love Fluttershy, she's in 6th place for the simple fact that she reminds me of the pretend me that I've risen out of to reveal my true self. However, she's a wonderful character, and I still love her!

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