Homura Akemi 974 November 8, 2012 Share November 8, 2012 1. Twilight Sparkle 2. Pinkie Pie 3. Applejack/Rainbow Dash 4. Fluttershy 5. Rarity My list changes waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
poniesforfun 716 November 10, 2012 Share November 10, 2012 (edited) Pinkie Pie - I can relate to her the most. Generally doesn't let things get to her, always tries to make her friends happy, very energetic and loves to sing. Twilight - There's something about her I really like, but I have a hard time pin pointing it. I guess its mostly due to her getting paranoid about her studies and just overall dorkiness that's cute to me. Plus, she's the cutest filly Apple Jack - Hard working and honest, what's not to like? Rarity - I find her a bit under rated. What I really like about her is that one's first impressions of her can be very deceiving. At first I thought she was just a Tacky, fashion obsessed pony who had little concern for those around her. But the episode Suited for sucess proved me wrong and showed she'd work hard for her friends. Flutter shy - Maybe just a tad over rated. She has a lot of funny moments, and there's really nothing to dislike about her personality, other than the fact that it might be a little underdeveloped. There's not much much too her other than "the shy girl". I do like her, just less then the four above. Rainbowdash - I like her, but she's defiantly my least favorite of the mane 6. She's got the cool factor to her, but some times she can get on my nerves just a little, particularly in season 2. She had three episodes to her self that season, and all three don't really show her in a positive light if you ask me. I agree Fluttershy is really funny when she acts scared and shy and makes those squeaky noises. I forgot to mention that part of her. Oh no, poor Applejack. At least the reasons people rank her as last aren't as stupid, like disliking her because she's southern--racist stereotypes. Guess she'll have to shine more in Season three. I don't "hate" her the list I made for instance there's just a hair of difference in how much I like them. She was actually my second favorite pony when she grabbed Twilight Sparkle on the second episode. Depending on the episodes, the list may shift around. Edited November 10, 2012 by poniesforfun Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Clarity 3,094 November 12, 2012 Share November 12, 2012 (edited) I don't "hate" her the list I made for instance there's just a hair of difference in how much I like them. She was actually my second favorite pony when she grabbed Twilight Sparkle on the second episode. Depending on the episodes, the list may shift around.I never said anyone "hated" her, just disliked her. And yeah, I thought people ranking her as last simply because they dislike her voice or hate Southerns is the stupidest, most stereotypical, most racist reason ever. I mean, I'm fine with it if they consider her a Mary Sue or a jerk or whatever as a reason, but the former are lame. Edited November 12, 2012 by Clarity Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shankveld 4,950 November 12, 2012 Share November 12, 2012 1. Rarity 2. Pinkie Pie 3. Applejack 4. Fluttershy 5. Twilight sparkle 6. Rainbowdash 3-5 are interchangeable slots of my list. Rarity always being numero uno and pinkie being second and of course Rainbowcap last. ~ 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GrooveBroove 680 November 12, 2012 Share November 12, 2012 The only thing about my list really is that Fluttershy is no longer my number 1. As the series has gone on, my number 1 became rarity. 1.Rarity 2.Fluttershy 3.Twilight Sparkle 4.Rainbow Dash 5.Apple jack 6.Pinkie Pie 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pinkie D Pie 1,036 November 13, 2012 Share November 13, 2012 I hate putting ponies in order but fine, I shall do this and tell you them. Number one would be Trixie obviously, wait no she ain't part of the mane six. Alright I will be serious now. 1. Pinkie Pie 2. Twilight Sparkle 3. Fluttershy 4. Applejack 5. Rainbow Dash 6. Rarity(Rarity) And there you have it, my list of the mane six in my favourite to least favourite order. My OC's Shadow Stalker/Aarod Brachuin/Dark Chocolate/Cocoa Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 November 13, 2012 Share November 13, 2012 Favorite to least favorite is, drum roll please 1. Applejack 2. Pinkie Pie 3. Rainbow Dash 4. Fluttershy 5. Twilight Sparkle 6. Rarity Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fridge 382 November 13, 2012 Share November 13, 2012 (edited) I've had to think long and hard to get them in the right order. 1 - Pinkie Pie 2 - Applejack 3 - Twilight Sparkle 4 - Rarity 5 - Fluttershy 6 - Rainbow Dash Pinkie rminds me of my childhood and resembles me the most personality wise (or so I'm told). Rainbow Dash is last simply because I don't like braggarts and show offs. The others are actually very interchangable. Edited November 13, 2012 by Fridge 1 Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlueFlame 28 November 13, 2012 Share November 13, 2012 (edited) -Twilight -Pinkie Pie -Rainbow Dash -Rarity -Applejack Applejack is my least favorite because she is too....I don't know...country? I don't like that because I have cousins who are annoying and they remind me of Applejack so, that's why. Twilight is just like me, that's why she's my Favorite. Edited November 13, 2012 by BlueFlame "My soul shines brighter than any star in the galaxy, for my soul is a Blue Flame." ~Star Flare My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/star-flare-r1916 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheFabulousPony 102 November 13, 2012 Share November 13, 2012 1. Rainbow Dash 2. Rarity 3. Applejack 4. Fluttershy 5. Pinkie Pie 6. Twilight Sparkle i'd say that would be most accurate... although Rarity may be 1st... and Applejack and Fluttershy should be tied... 1 "We are all in the gutter, but some of are looking at the stars" ~ Oscar Wilide Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Circadian 1,273 November 13, 2012 Share November 13, 2012 (edited) 1. Rarity She may have her flaws, but that only makes her a stronger character. For my greatest emotional attachment to an episode, Lady Rarity wins by a landslide. 2. Pinkie Pie She is an extremely dynamic character, especially in season 2. Plus Gummy is best pet. THE CLUB CAN'T EVEN HANDLE HIM RIGHT NOW 3. Fluttershy (Tied with Twilight) Season 2 has best Fluttershy material. 3. Twilight (Tied with Fluttershy) 4. AJ Sorry Clarity. She just hasn't had enough episodes yet. 5. Dash She's like the Bender of MLP. They have similar personalities, and they both have a soft spot for turtles. That's not always a good thing. Except for the turtles part. Edited November 14, 2012 by Circadian Rhythms 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nothing&NoOne 695 November 13, 2012 Share November 13, 2012 LUNA. ALWAYS LUNA. Hmm.. Pinkie Pie/Pinkamina is my favourite in the mane 6. Followed by Twilight, Then Fluttershy, Then Rainbow Dash, Then Rarity, Then AJ. Rarity and AJ are probably tied. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MorningFlash 214 November 13, 2012 Share November 13, 2012 (edited) 1.Rainbow Dash 2. Fluttershy 3. Twilight Sparkle4. Rarity5. Pinkie Pie6. Applejack I mean I love all of the Mane 6 equally, but I love Rainbow Dash just that little bit more. Edited December 31, 2012 by MidnightInferno 2 Credit to Lunia Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CinemaBrony 1,276 November 14, 2012 Share November 14, 2012 1 being most fave and 6 being least fave. 1. Rainbow Dash 2. Rarity 3. Pinkie Pie 4. Fluttershy 5. Twilight Sparkle 6. Applejack My 1st place is actually tied with Rainbow Dash and Rarity lol Coincidentally, if you just switch the ranks of Twilight and Fluttershy around, then my list is pretty much the exact same as yours! 1 https://www.youtube.com/user/CinemaBronyVA/videos Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Z Star 189 November 14, 2012 Share November 14, 2012 Oh gosh, I love them all! But if I HAD to absolutely put them in any sort of order it would be: 1) Pinkie Pie 2) Rarity 3) Twilight Sparkle 4) Fluttershy 5) Applejack 6) Rainbow Dash And just for kicks due to recent events: 7) Spike! Hahaha But like I said, I love them all! They are all great and flawed in their own ways and that is what makes them so darn awesome! :* 2 I love love love Pinkie Pie! But every pony rules! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sorte95 46 November 15, 2012 Share November 15, 2012 It was actually quite difficult for me to make a list because I like all of the mane 6. This list might change during Season 3, but for now: 1. Rainbow Dash 2. Applejack 3. Fluttershy 4. Twilight Sparkle 5. Rarity 6. Pinkie Pie 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SkyeRibbonPwny 406 November 15, 2012 Share November 15, 2012 FAVORITE IS..... CADENCE <3 1. Rarity 2. Fluttershy 3. Rainbow Dash 4. AppleJack 5. Pinkie 6.....Twist ...I really really hate freakin' Twilight Sparkle. Biggest Bitch who ever lived. At least she was useful when she turned into a Rapidash. I will Readily put Twist before her 2 SkyeRibbon: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/skyeribbon-r1908 QuickJet: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quickjet-r1909 Signature by Doctor-Whooves Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chrysalis Swarm 14 November 15, 2012 Share November 15, 2012 It's really hard but here I go: 1. Applejack 2. Rarity 3. Twilight 4. Fluttershy 5. Rainbow Dash 6. Pinkie Pie However, during season 1 my number one was Fluttershy but during season 2, things changed. I think other characters like Applejack and Rarity became really interesting and well developed. After foggy and funereal daysIn a mixture of sadness and devotion,memory and mental escapeI take back my lifeA bit confused, but more conscious of my way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Redthir 42 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 1. Rainbow Dash: I find her the easiest to associate with (for a starter, I like motorsport and always dreamed of being a hero). One has to love her free spirited and rebellious nature. She's also willing to take some quite extreme measures to help her friends (Dragging Pinkie Pie to Sweet Apple Acres, placing Opalescence in a tree, leaving 2 friends behind to reason with Applejack etc.), and that's why she, of all characters, is the Element of Loyalty. She's an amazingly well crafted character - and I actually like her ego (apart from on a few occasions), I think false modesty is just as bad as arrogance. 2. Twilight Sparkle: Easily the most intelligent character in the show, and the most open-minded. Sure, she's not as exciting as some of the others, but so often she speaks the words of wisdom (almost being the Gandalf of the Mane 6). In Dragon Quest, she was the only one who really understood what was best for Spike, in A Canterlot Wedding, she was the only one to recognise a false friend, in Feeling Pinkie Keen, despite ultimately being wrong everything she said was perfectly true (and she even fulfilled Rainbow Dash's role in her absence, and Twilight seemed much further from her comfort zone charging the Hydra). She is very conventional and orderly, which creates a well made Red Oni, Blue Oni contrast between her and Rainbow Dash (Twilight is Blue). 3. Rarity: I didn't like Rarity at first. Sure, she had her rare (no pun intended) flashes of greatness, but ultimately she seemed boring and prissy. Then came Suited for Success, and my opinion got shot in the face. A truly great friend to have, despite her bouts of vanity. Ladylike, as well as very well-mannered she demonstrates a somewhat damsel in distress esque persona, but when need be she's feisty and certainly not one to mess with (and usually manages to seem just as well mannered and ladylike). She's a pony of top quality, wanting only the very best of everything and she won't settle for less. In other words, a true Rarity if ever there was one. 4. Applejack: Applejack likes apples, rattlesnakes, gravy, lawnmowers and a few other things. Applejack is the Average Joe of the Mane 6, and in a group of extreme dynamics an Average Joe is much needed. She's of a very moderate personality and is excellent at settling disputes since everypony (except maybe Rarity) can associate with her in some way. Firm and strict, yet with a very upbeat persona at the same time as well as a strong moral code. She also doesn't panic easily, and does what needs to be done. 5. Pinkie Pie: Probably the character who stands out most. Whether or not you like her, she's definitely not forgettable and makes her mark on everything she does, whether it's for the good or for the better. What one has to admire the character for, is the fact that unless she's the focus of an episode, she has little bearing on the plot and is usually there more for laughs (rather like that one character you get in every pantomime, usually called Silly Billy or something along those lines). Pinkie Pie is actually very enjoyable in this role, and they still managed to create a character with great depth and a bizarre, yet believable mind. In fact, she's so bizarre that she's generally agreed on as logic defying, and if one tries to understand her, they will be mind screwed... FOREVER! 6. Fluttershy: One of the Mane 6 had to be my least favourite, and for me it's Fluttershy. I love her as a character, but she's the most flawed in her design. She can switch very erratically from very shy and quiet to very assertive and aggressive, which makes her great to watch. Unfortunately, sometimes, this doesn't make her all that believable (especially Green isn't Your Colour, where she manages to hold in her feelings for an impressively long time). Nonetheless, her patience and kindness make her truly lovable, as well as her ability to bring an aura of peace in her presence. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Link is my favorite 31 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 (edited) - Edited June 4, 2020 by Link is my favorite 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harmonic Revelations 8,835 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 1.) Fluttershy 2.) Twilight Sparkle 3.) Rarity 4.) Rainbow Dash 5.) Pinkie Pie 6.) Applejack That's my list of favorite ponies, number one being my absolute favorite and six being my least favorite. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
roptiriolg 49 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 (edited) If from all, Luna <3 but First from the Mane 6, also 2nd from all is1. Fluttershy2. Rainbow Dash3. Twilight Sparkle4. Apple Jack5. Rarity6. Pinkie Pie Edited February 25, 2013 by ImtR Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rosestar130 15 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 Twilight, Pinkie, and Rainbow are at first. Least favorite? Well, I don't really got one. If I had to choose, it'll be Fluttershy.... Yeah... This is challenging.... 1.Rainbow Dash and Applejack, I love them both so much 2. Twilight, she goes crazy like I do about school. 3. Rarity, her voice <3 4.Fluttershy, she's cute, but... I feel like she lacks a lot of development for me to really like 5. Pinkie Pie, while she is hilarious I find no relations Where's Applejack in all of this? Do you not like her or something? I know I like her very much, but not as muck as Pinkie or Rainbow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Link is my favorite 31 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 (edited) - Edited June 4, 2020 by Link is my favorite 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rosestar130 15 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 Oh, now I see. I shall declare my self Derpy for a Day!!! No wait, is that Pinkie I just clicked on, or no? I guess it's high time I scream: PINKIE PIE STYLE! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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