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gaming Hardest video game boss?


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The end boss of monster hunter tri online. You know the friggen fire light water fire dragon thingy yeah i started that game with its release so eveyrone was low level when we went into the fight

Anon -buckets buckets buckets buckets buckets

Gamzee- SuRe BrO lEtS gO fIlL sOmE bUcKeTs!


Gamzee - KaRkAt Is ThAt YoU?



WhAt WoUlD yOu Do WiTh A dRuNkEn TaVrOs?

WhAt WoUlD yOu Do WiTh A dRuNkEn TaVrOs?

WhAt WoUlD yOu Do WiTh A dRuNkEn TaVrOs?

EaRlY iN tHe MoRnInG?

TiE hIm Up AnD fIll SoMe BuCkEtS

TiE hIm Up AnD fIll SoMe BuCkEtS

TiE hIm Up AnD fIll SoMe BuCkEtS


EaRlY iN tHe MoRnInG

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Ever played I Wanna Be The Guy?

Well the final boss actually managed to be significantly harder than the rest of the game.

Which is freaking ridiculous.

~We stop looking for the monsters under our beds when we realize they're inside us.



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Not sure if anybody ever played this game, but in the game Lunar: Dragon Song for the DS, the final boss Gideon was incredibly hard to defeat. It's not the fact that he did a lot of damage, it's that he had like 4 million hp, and super high defense -_-

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The secret boss in The World Ends With You, no boss in the whole game compared to that one, it was so damn hard and the problem is that you have to keep track of 2 characters at the same time, you got one combined health bar, 2-3 hits and it's over.

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Matriarch Benezia in Mass Effect. Unless you're a biotic, she is RIDICULOUS!


No I don't suck at the game. She is JUST. PLAIN. HARD. TO. KILL.


Every time I see her name, all I can think about is the Mass Effect game over screen.


To make it worse every time she killed you, you had to go through the cutscene and dialog sequence AGAIN. AND AGAIN. AND AGAIN!

Edited by Urdnot Shepard
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Yiazmat for Final Fantasy 12, even though I didn't beat him nor I played the game, he sounds pretty hard.


Yiazmath can reflect Renew and fully heal him and it will be a pain, because he has... 50.000.000 HP!



  • Brohoof 1

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Flamelurker from Demon's Souls, Ornstein and Smough from Dark Souls. Both of those boss fights are an ENORMOUS pain in the butt.

Slight spoilers ahead.







The former is on fire, which causes you to take damage if you get too close. He also has a nasty habit of jumping around, creating huge fireballs. He also becomes more aggressive, fiery and nasty when his HP gets low.


The latter is pretty much a tag team battle, except it's two on one. They're huge, have lightning-based attacks and are a general nuisance. It's even worse when you kill one of them, because then you have to fight a super charged version of the one you didn't kill.

Crush. Kill. Destroy. Swag.

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  • 1 year later...

Nebiroth (second fight) from Super Ghouls N' Ghosts. In that game, you have to go through all the levels twice. The second time, you have to defeat Nebiroth using a specific weapon. I've never done it. His long-range flamethrower and lightning trident are formidable and you die in two hits. Maybe one day.


Other difficult bosses are: Hiruko, the final boss from the PS2 version of Shinobi (2002) and Ozma, (aka Satan's Marble) from Final Fantasy IX, who has superb A.I., numerous devastating attacks and the ability to heal all his H.P.

On 4/12/2014 at 0:00 AM, Miaq_The_Truthful said:

This is the internet, not reality.


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It's probably Twin Freaks from Dynamite Headdy. There is an incredible amount of things to keep track of, as well as the always popular Instant-Death he can do.


You have to navigate a spiky maze without hitting the spikes, you have to deal with the boss, you have to focus on switching the bosses modes around, while balancing level layout with being able to ht the boss, you have to avoid areas you can get stuck in because that means instant death, all while the screen is scrolling and he's shooting things at you. Also considering the fact that the US version is very much stingy with it's continues, chances are you are not beating this guy.




I would also like to give a shout out to Duriel from the second act of Diablo 2. He hits hard as hell, he takes a LOT of damage, and his spell is an utter pain in the ass. Combine with the fact that he's wicked fast and you're fighting him in a very cramped area, dying even once is not an option as that means it's incredibly hard to get your items back.



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Not a boss, but a stage. Ever played Star Wars Episode 1: Racer? If you have and beaten it, I'm sure you remember the Invitational Course Abyss. ...ahh, I can almost hear the grinding of teeth and smashing of controllers. Good memories. That course was basically impossible unless you had the PERFECT podracer and inhumanely fast reflexes. Basically you have a course as wide as two pods, it is twisty, and if you fall off this course you fall to a second level just below it. Only this second level adds about an extra four minutes to your lap time. Oh, and when there's eleven other racers jockeying you and you're flying along at over 700 MPH... I hate that level. Had to use a fast-forwarding cheat to make it through. EDIT: Looking back through this thread, I now remember "The TRUE" Arena from Kirby Super Star Ultra. Just...just...the hell, guys.

Was that one of the last levels n the game? I remember there was a set of four tracks that were supposed to be the hardest, and one of them was in in airborne city with lots of clouds that I could NEVER beat.

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No offense but Hazma(Green Guy) was easy,like REALLY easy but what do i know about your gaming life? -_-

I lolled.

No really.

Everypony, you will think I am insane.


King Dedede. But, the one from Level 7 of Nightmare in Dreamland. TOOK ME FOREVER TO KILL THAT HAMMER-SLINGING BASTARD.


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Was that one of the last levels n the game? I remember there was a set of four tracks that were supposed to be the hardest, and one of them was in in airborne city with lots of clouds that I could NEVER beat.


Yup, that's the one: Abyss. The most rage-inducing racing stage I've ever played. In comparison, the other three Invitational courses (the four final tracks) were pathetically easy.


EDIT: Here's the course. See the part where the track splits just off of the mining platform? Yeah, if you fall off the course before that point, you have to take the two-minute detour around the arena in the north. What a terrible, terrible course.



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oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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Lancelot Returns, the Antlion, Marx Soul, Perfect Chaos, Galactia Knight as Kirby, Egg Viper or The Biolizard


You have no idea how much I hyped up when I beat the former.

Edited by Shift

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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The Nihilanth from Half-Life


Holy Shit, this son of a bitch is hard to defeat! He may look ridiculous, but he his just OP. Your weapons, whether they'd be the Nucleur firearms or the alien weapons, don't do much damage against him and he's constantly firing projectiles at you! On top of that, he regenerates his health! When I first faced him, I got my ass kicked so many times, that I gave up for 2 weeks!

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The hardest boss I've faced and beaten is Remilia Scarlet on hard mode. Of course I know that's not much of an achievement next to the guys who play on lunatic, but for me, that was a great victory at the time. Especially since I was going through the last stage on one life :P

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Yup, that's the one: Abyss. The most rage-inducing racing stage I've ever played. In comparison, the other three Invitational courses (the four final tracks) were pathetically easy.


EDIT: Here's the course. See the part where the track splits just off of the mining platform? Yeah, if you fall off the course before that point, you have to take the two-minute detour around the arena in the north. What a terrible, terrible course.


Yeah, that was literally the worst. Even worse, the CPU NEVER falls off, or at least the better ones, which means it's completely impossible to win.


So yeah, course had terrible design.

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I would have to say Puppet Ganon (I never beat him) is the worst one that I ever fought. But only in the snake form. The bucker moved to fast for me to hit with the light arrows, so I just came so close to the end of the game only to never win.


One that I did beat (thanks to level grinding) was Abysion from Tales of Symphonia. I swear, this guy sucked. It took me days to beat.


But the number 1 epitome of stupidly powerful bosses is Yiazmat from FF12. With well over 50 million health (specifically 50,112,254) hits the entire party at once or uses a bunch of instant death spells, can double his damage output when he has 10 million health left, casts the ultimate reflect spell on himself, can cast Regen on itself and usually takes hours to beat.

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images (2).jpg images (1).jpgWho was the hardest video game boss you have ever faced and BEATEN. For me it was the guy towards the end of Kingdom Hearts 2 that used the cards. I beat him, but i actually had to use cheats. Either him or the guy from the same game that had the sitar...I finally beat him without cheats but I had to use the anti-sora drive form.

OhMyGosh yes!!! I had such a hard time with both of them. The card guy must have taken me a month to beat and the second guy kept using his water forms and the time limit was annoying as heck. You only had like 15 seconds to beat 25 forms.

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The hardest video game boss for me had to be Sephiroth from Kingdom Hearts 2, the range of his sword was ridiculous and he has a ton of health. Also Angra Mainyu (I call him the elephant boss) from Final FantasyF X2, from my memory I think he had 300,000+ health! I remember the good'ol days when I felt the pride and sense of achievement when I finally defeated them after months of work.


I find their berserker outfits hilarious  :lol: 



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