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In what way do you break brony stereotypes?


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Just to go through a few stereotypes mentioned before:


"Bronies are fat"

I am not, in fact, I am quite slim and have a PMI(pony mass index) of 20,3. I also do sports and work out regulary



Well partly true(I am not going into details


"No social lives"

I have my good friends and many people I like


"Lives with parents"

Nope, I am 20 and live in an apartment



"Are obsessed"

Partly true but I call would it dedicated ^_^


"Has no girlfriend"

Is true at the moment





"Low Self Esteem/Shy"

Depends, I did have low self esteem as a teen but it's much better now



And I've served for the Army until 1 year ago

  • Brohoof 1


OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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30 year-old: I'm 15.


Fat: I look like a freakin' skeleton.


Virgin: Duh.


No social life: I have a job, friends, and I go longboarding quite a bit.


Lives with parents: Well of course, you numbskull.


Is obsessed: Not really, I only have one piece of pony merch at the moment, and I haven't watched an episode in about a month.


Has no girlfriend: I'm not interested in that sort of relationship.


Clopper: ...Moving swiftly on...


Low self-esteem: I have little to no opinions of myself in any capacity.


Creepy: Not creepy, more like Johnny Depp-style strange.

  • Brohoof 1

how even is otter and how can it be if

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- I don´t clop.

- I don´t have only brony friends (in fact I have no brony friends -_-)

- I´m going to gym, I don´t consider myself fat, I´m about average.

- I prefer to be alone, but it is because I chose it, not because I have no other possibility.

- I´m not obsessed, I have plenty of chores and other hobbies so I don´t have time to be obsessed.

- I´m not gay

- I´m not a brony

Edited by Cocodrillo

Try to try again

To see yourself again from time to time.

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Huh? I always imagined bronies to be... you know, just people. People with families, jobs, careers, interests. Just regular people.


Except for having epic Pony videos and PMVs all across their computer. :3


I am difficult to associate with any stereotype due to my nearly unpredictable and wide behaviour habits. I do belong to a younger agegroup (15) and therefore many aspects cannot be attributed towards me (being virgin and living with my parents). I do tend to be awfully anti-social, and in times of after-thought, regret my decisions. I mean, do excuse me having unavoidable mental difficulties concerning my social abilities I'm supposed to learn by nature.


Oh well. That's what I have internet for. At least text messages give me time to properly respond and not let my natural instincts take the best of me.

Who needs signatures?

   ...not me

          seriously, you're not supposed to see this.

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I'm the only Brony in my JROTC Battalion and my orchestra.........

And I'm relatively open about it IRL, so much that I'm gonna start a Brony Club at my high school during my senior year this year :lol:

Edited by Red
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  • 2 weeks later...

How do I break stereotype? Well...I guess, I'm 18 and a man, I absolutely adore football (soccer for those who may confuse. Here in Argentina, it would be blasphemy to call it something else XD), cars and explosions, which I guess are three things considered manly, and I dunno. I'm normal build, I don't have a big social life, sadly, but I so far told the people I trust, me being a brony, with the "secret". If anybody asks me however, I won't deny it. After my very first brony meetup, which lasted more than 6 hours, almost 100 people showed, was one of the best times of my life, this is one of the most productive communities ever, AND the fact that I made friends thanks to it, made me discover my potential writing abilities, gave me a lot of stuff I can thorughly enjoy...yeah, I'm not gonna deny that, people screaming bloody murder my flank =).

  • Brohoof 2
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probably like alot of others on here, i play sports (specifically soccer). dont really imagine a tall guy who plays soccer to be watching my little pony, but hey :P

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I'm 25, so getting close to that barrier. Fat, slightly but I lost 30 lbs last summer. No social life, I work during the summer and go to college during the rest of the year. I have a couple close friends that I hang out with on a bi-weekly basis. I've had a few relationships but they haven't panned out exactly like I hoped. Live in parent's basement. They have no basement, and no one can afford an apartment while only working 3 months out of the year. I'm actually going to get a part time job this winter. I have 2 years left of college still. Clop to ponies? No. But I'm not so hypocritical as to write off the people that do and call them hopeless human beings. Everyone's free to do what they want to do behind closed doors, unless it affects another person negatively.


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well i dont rely care much for stereotypes because well there stereotype, and honestly you break them by not giving a f :( k about them and being yourself. hell if i meet someone who judge me as a Bronie and not the loudmouthed jackass i am i would happly just walk away with a pocket full of f :( ks and get on with my day


Yeah, the steriotypes don't bother me at all, but when I'm accused of having one, I give back some kind of Smart-A :blush: reply to them about it.


You censored F**k but didn't censor A**? You made fluttershy cry :( I like the way you censor words, it's creative ;) .

"I swear I didn't know!" -Myself  :ph34r:

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I do live with my family, but does the fact I own the house count for anything? How many people own property at 19 going on 20?


In all seriousness I'd have to say my stand out is on the lazy part. I'm actually really blue collar and have no problem doing grunt work like odd jobs and junking for scrap metal. I'm kinda unique in the fact I tow the line between Redneck and Nerd.



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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Although I occasionally think about shipping characters, I refuse to consider same-sex ships.

Although I occasionally think about shipping characters, I still think through these things with a preference of friendshipping over intimacy.

Although I occasionally think about shipping characters, I still think though these things with a strict adherence to abstinence.


My favorite character is not in the mane cast.


I am not very good at drawing ponies and have an active intention to avoid porn of any shape or form, so that precludes anything clop or R34 in my case.


My computer is my parent's kitchen, I'll have you know.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 3 weeks later...

I like cars, am not homosexual, and certainly am not a pedophile. I also am not morbidly obese, I don't clop, and, well.. I barely own any merchandise.


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Hmmm... I'm going to do it this way


30 years old

I'm only 16...



I do weigh 220 lbs... but then again its mostly muscle (I play linebacker for my HS Varsity football team)



I act pretty normal around most people, but sometimes I act like a creeper around my friends just to mess with them.



Yes (but then again I am only 16)


With no social lives

I love talking to people! I have tons of friends that I talk to and hang out with most of the time.


Live with their parents

Yes, I still live with my parents. (Again, 16)


Will never have a girlfriend

I current have a beautiful girlfriend named Sarah <3



I'll talk about the show sometimes around brony friends, but other than that I don't really talk about it that much.


"Clop" to the ponies

Nah, it's just not my thing...

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Here's how I break the sterotype: I'm a GIRL! :wacko: I know, not terribly groundbreaking or anything, but Bronies are typically considered male. I'm not a dude. So I'm not your stereotypical brony. NOR do I associate myself under that label I am a Pegasistah. :P

  • Brohoof 1
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I have a high social status. I hang out with the basketballers, sports girls, etc. I wear all Nike apparel. I guess you could call me a popular kid or whatnot. I also love watching sports in my spare time.


"Forgive me if I withhold my enthusiasm."

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30 years old

I'm 16



Not even close.



I'm odd,not creepy



I'm a virgin by choice, not by circumstance. I won't be a virgin for much longer anyways (I hope!!)


With no social lives

I'm Non-Social due to my Disabilities and social awkwardness


Live with their parents

Well i'm 17...soooo


Will never have a girlfriend

Straight with a loving boyfriend thanks



Hmmm... not even sure how one defines "hyper-obsessed." Because I collect pony toys and the trading cards, and I watch new episodes when they come out. I am also a member of this forum. It does not consume my life, but MLP is one of those things that I'll always love at the bottom of my heart, even when I've moved on to other things.


"Clop" to the ponies

Uhhhh....I don't even Masterbate to anything!


So yeah, I break the stereotypes. But... I think I usually do anyways.

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"Middle-aged man-child"

Yea, I'm a 16 year old girl -_-



No. In fact, I'm really thin. People have even commented that I look like a model (which I don't particularly like)



I'm 16, and I've never had a boyfriend due to lack of interest, so yea, I'm a virgin, but by choice


"No social lives"

I've never been that into going out on the town, but I do have friends who I spend time with


"Lives with parents"

Like I said, I'm 16


"And are obsessed"

I'm in a few dozen other fandoms, and have plenty of other hobbies and interests. I don't have any pony toys or shirts (I wouldn't mind having one or two shirts, though), just a handful of badges and some fanart I got at anime conventions

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30 years old




I do weight 200 pounds. But i'm 6' 6" height. I love biking and swimming, and trying to do it as often as I can (It's snowboarding in whinter instead of biking). And always happy to try extrime activities of almost any type.



No one ever said that about me.





With no social lives

I'm introvert. But I have so much social life that some times i have to turn off telephone and skype, just to be alone for some time.


Live with their parents

We haven't got tradition to flee as fast as we can. So yes i'm living with parents, same as 80% of my counterparts. But i'm earning enough to flee at same moment I need it.


Will never have a girlfriend

I had girlfriends, and now looking for someone who can be not just girlfriend, but wife.



Yes i'm hyper-obsessed, with life. I love to live, and i know what i'm doing with my life.


"Clop" to the ponies

I cant even understand how it's working.


I have only one piece of merch - Twilight figure on the bookshelf.

And yes i'm trying to love and tolerate, but not because the TV show said I have to, but because in 90% of situation it's realy the best choice.

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- I´m 17.

- I don´t clop.

- I don´t have only brony friends (in fact I have no brony friends -_-)

- I´m going to gym, I don´t consider myself fat, I´m about average.

- I prefer to be alone, but it is because I chose it, not because I have no other possibility.

- I´m not obsessed, I have plenty of chores and other hobbies so I don´t have time to be obsessed.

- I´m not gay, I´m bi.

- I´m not a brony, I´m a pegasis...


My expression literally changed with each line :D



- I´m 17.

- I don´t clop. :blush:

- I don´t have only brony friends (in fact I have no brony friends -_-) :(

- I´m going to gym, I don´t consider myself fat, I´m about average.

- I prefer to be alone, but it is because I chose it, not because I have no other possibility. :)

- I´m not obsessed, I have plenty of chores and other hobbies so I don´t have time to be obsessed. :D

- I´m not gay, I´m bi. :wub:

- I´m not a brony, I´m a pegasis...





Moving on...

I'm not fat, I have plenty other hobbies, some of my friends aren't bronies... yet!

I'm not old enough to move out of house and don't see the point in it.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, normally when I shop for ponies (this is where most of my "Life Stories" series comes from) in a store, I bring my Girlfriend with me to make it seem less weird (she, too, is a pegasister).


So, when someone used the good ol' "Gay" insult on me, I tell them I have my gf, and show them. and if they want me to kiss, I just walk off and forget it. Kissing for someone else's pleasure by request isn't only rude, but just plain wrong.

What's wrong with people around my place...


[EDIT] about steriotypes...:

30 years old.

-no, I'm fourteen.



-I did mention I have a gf, correct?



-of course, I'm fourteen!


"Clop" to ponies.

-No. Even if I did, is it hurting you?



-I weigh 142. for fourteen, I'd say that's good.



-Yes, and I'm also very shy. I'm not open to meeting new people. And I get especially nervous around huge crowds of people, especially if they are focused on me.

Edited by Snapple Jack
  • Brohoof 1

"I swear I didn't know!" -Myself  :ph34r:

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well, im not a walking comertial

its not one of the things i talk about a lot

i dont stat argues about it

i dont force people to love it

i dont say "ponys" and lough


i chose those streotypes only by people i know irl, that bother me




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I am an 18 year old girl.


I get out and go out with friends, party, have fun.


I live at home, yeah. i'm still a teen after all.


I am not ugly or fat. (debateable. my friends think i'm gorgeous but i think i'm ugly.)


I don't flaunt MLP in front of everyone. I mean, jokingly around friends yeah. But I'm not weird about it. o.o


I may be a virgin but things have been done before.


I don't lie to myself and believe in Love and Tolerence. :P


I like dollies.

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