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The ending of Canterlot Wedding Part One.

Magic Man

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This is discussing the end of 'A Canterlot Wedding Part One'. There seems to be a consensus that Twilight did not deserve to have everypony mad at her and not be allowed to come to the wedding and that everypony else was in the wrong at the end of the first episode. I have gone over it quite a number of times to conclude, in my opinion, that this is not really the case.


I know a lot of you are going to hate me for this, but I'm sorry, I believe Shining Armor and the others had every right to be mad at Twilight here. And before I’m accused of anything, let me make it clear that I adore Twilight. She is quite possibly my fav. Pony character and when she started to break down, I doubt blame anyone for just wanting to reach into the screen and give her a big hug. However, I am still willing to admit how she acted in that scene was out of line.


Let’s review: Twilight burst into the rehearsal and immediately made extremely serious accusations against a member of the ROYAL FAMILY with ZERO solid evidence to back any of it up, whilst acting as hysterical as possible and said accusations consisting pretty much of her just screaming "Evil". This isn't on par with the Smarty Pants incident, this is a royal family member and an official royal wedding. This is pretty much as serious as it can get. Also, Twilight picks the near enough the worst way to bring these issues up - at the wedding rehersal, and considering how we don't see a night transistion, I think we can rightly assume the wedding is on the exact same day!


One of the things I like about Twilight is that she is smart and knows when and how to act. The way she handled herself was pretty OOC for her in my opinion.


As for the others, they were already aware of Twilight's possessiveness of her brother, even after the Mane Six discussed it the previous night. Yeah, a lot of people claim they didn't learn their lesson from season zero, but unlike then, in this episode they actually did take the time to listen to Twilight's concerns. All they see is her badmouthing the bride for no reason other than possessive jealousy and an inability to be happy for her brother even after they tried to reassure her, which must have really disappointed them in her. As for Princess Celestia, she has taught and pretty much brought up Twilight, acting like a surrogate mother to her and sent her to Ponyville to learn more social skills. Seeing her prize student acting so immaturely really must have disappointed her because she knows Twilight knows better than that. It's made worse because Cadence is Celestia's niece, her family. She and Twilight are close, but family is still family.


Shining Armor himself is an even more special case. He and Twilight are siblings and close ones at that, however there has been a certain tension between them over Twilight not being notified earlier on. However, he did expect Twilight to as least be happy for him and the foalsitter she loved. There was no reason, from his point of view, why she should not be accepting of their upcoming union. So when Twilight came bursting in and screeching her accusations like a harpy at who he believes is the mare he loves, she ended up really hurting and alienating him, again because of this aforementioned inability to be happy for him. It's also important to note that if we go by that SA was not as brainwashed yet and was genuinely upset was Twilight, it shows how much he really does love Cadence, as he's willing to defend her.


We also have to keep in mind that SA's explanations were not diabolical in their intent and sounded perfectly believable in context, thus he and the others' reactions can be seen as further justified, which only makes the sting of it all even more painful. I mean, for all we knew, he was right and Twilight was wrong and had just been possessive. Hell, if not for the episode's very last minute, or even half-minute and the episode ended BEFORE that, we would have thought she was wrong too. Then how would the viewers have initially felt? Would it have been all "oh, poor Twilight" or that and "oh, Twilight, you moron!"?


Also, on a minor note, I think SA telling her not to the wedding come is kinda a given, because why should she come to a wedding she's clearly opposed to even happening? I don’t see it as 'you're not allowed to come so to punish you' as it is 'if this is how you feel, then don't come'.


This is my (lengthy) take on it. What say you?


These are other reviews and analyses on the matter: http://japaneseteeth.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d4xdism



Edited by Wormtail96
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You know, I actually totally agree. She didn't have any evidence to back any of it up, and she insulted Candance mercilessly; not to mention she has a history of getting needlessly worked up. The truth was that Cadance was being impersonated by a manipulative succubus, but Twilight didn't know that; it's been a while since I watched the ending of part 1, but if memory serves, Twilight legitimately believed that Cadance had turned into an evil bitch since the last time they met.


Twilight had the right to oppose the wedding, but to bust into the wedding rehearsal just to ruthlessly insult and yell at the bride with little evidence was largely uncalled for, and Shining Armor's rebuttal was reasonable (she was healing his migraines, she was bitchy because she was under stress). Twilight's instincts were pretty much off the mark: at this point it seems that Twilight being right was pretty much a coincidence.



TL;DR: Yep, I totally agree. Twilight was kind of a bitch.

Edited by Jadefire
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You know, I actually totally agree. She didn't have any evidence to back any of it up, and she insulted Candance mercilessly; not to mention she has a history of getting needlessly worked up. The truth was that Cadance was being impersonated by a manipulative succubus, but Twilight didn't know that; it's been a while since I watched the ending of part 1, but if memory serves, Twilight legitimately believed that Cadance had turned into an evil bitch since the last time they met.


Twilight had the right to oppose the wedding, but to bust into the wedding rehearsal just to ruthlessly insult and yell at the bride with little evidence was largely uncalled for, and Shining Armor's rebuttal was reasonable (she was healing his migraines, she was bitchy because she was under stress). Twilight's instincts were pretty much off the mark: at this point it seems that Twilight being right was pretty much a coincidence.



TL;DR: Yep, I totally agree. Twilight was kind of a bitch.


I wouldn't say "bitch" myself, but definitely ooc idiotic. But yeah, her being right still shouldn't be an excuse for the way she acted, just like how because the CMC are kids, that is not an excuse to be free from blame or scolding from the other ponies for the Gabby Gums fiasco.

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Twilight quick to getting herself worked up?

Naww.. Not the Twi I know. She is the most rational, common sense, level-headed pony I know.

Bye gurrrrrlz.... :D

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I saw nothing wrong with either Twilight or her friends behavior in terms of personalitiy. In Lesson Zero her friends learned to take their friends concerns seriously. In It's a About Time they learned that Twilight is a paranoid pony who should not always be taken seriously. She had them spend a week preparing for a disaster that didn't come. This was a case of filly crying changling.

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I understand where you're coming from here, and I do agree with you, to some degree. It does seem like she jumped the gun at a glance, until you understand what was going on behind the scenes with this episode.


Originally, they were going to make it a 3-part episode, and that's the way the storyboard was written. I'm pretty sure that if they had been able to do that, it would've been a bit more fleshed out. But they had to cut it to 2 episodes for some reason (possibly related to the Return of Harmony episode ending up in Season 2 instead of Season 1). So because of this, it did seem like she jumped the gun, but at the same time it can be attributed to only having 2 out of 3 of the episodes to work with, so of course there are going to be things that feel rushed. I guarantee you there was probably a scene written where she talked to Shining Armor about it in private to no avail, but it was probably cut from the final version of the episode because of that change.


That said, I do still feel that it was a bit of a flaw in the episode. But I want you to know that I sympathize with the writers and animators here too, because they had to make a shorter time span work with the plot they wrote.


And FiM isn't the only cartoon that this ever happened to. Really, this sort of thing happens all the time, for alot of different reasons, and the staff has to make due with it.

Edited by SBaby

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  • 1 month later...

I understand where you're coming from here, and I do agree with you, to some degree. It does seem like she jumped the gun at a glance, until you understand what was going on behind the scenes with this episode.


Originally, they were going to make it a 3-part episode, and that's the way the storyboard was written. I'm pretty sure that if they had been able to do that, it would've been a bit more fleshed out. But they had to cut it to 2 episodes for some reason (possibly related to the Return of Harmony episode ending up in Season 2 instead of Season 1). So because of this, it did seem like she jumped the gun, but at the same time it can be attributed to only having 2 out of 3 of the episodes to work with, so of course there are going to be things that feel rushed. I guarantee you there was probably a scene written where she talked to Shining Armor about it in private to no avail, but it was probably cut from the final version of the episode because of that change.


That said, I do still feel that it was a bit of a flaw in the episode. But I want you to know that I sympathize with the writers and animators here too, because they had to make a shorter time span work with the plot they wrote.


And FiM isn't the only cartoon that this ever happened to. Really, this sort of thing happens all the time, for alot of different reasons, and the staff has to make due with it.


Okay yes, I can completely understand that. I'm also aware that it was going to be originally a slice-of-life wedding shenanigins story before it became this and if what you say is true about it originally being a 3-parter, then I agree that it would have been fleshed out more, as well as given the matter of this part of the story a better sense of closure in the ending of Part 2. But even if there had been more time, I still just can't imagine Twilight here pulling this off. It just seems far too irational, even for her IMO. But hey, maybe you're right, maybe more time would have made it more understandable and satisfying, maybe not, I guess we'll never know.


I saw nothing wrong with either Twilight or her friends behavior in terms of personalitiy. In Lesson Zero her friends learned to take their friends concerns seriously. In It's a About Time they learned that Twilight is a paranoid pony who should not always be taken seriously. She had them spend a week preparing for a disaster that didn't come. This was a case of filly crying changling.


Well, not exactly, "filly crying changeling", but rather her just crying "Evil" (inset Mermaid Man joke here). But yeah, the previous episodes of her making mountains out of mole hills certainly can serve as backing for this scene.

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I actually think twilight is completly right in what she did i dont even think she was over protective twilight was using her guts i knew somthing was up when I first watched the episode and saw twilight describe her favrarite foal sitter who thought twilight was her best pony she foal sited come out then not even know what sunshine sunshine was or who twilight was... not to mention cadances werid aditude through twilight didnt know she was a changling she did have the feeling of her being evil and after the brides mades leaving and the the thorowing away of apple jacks food and the look she did at twilight and her freinds even through there was no prove these was a royal emergancy twilight might have thought that eveil cadance was going to hurt or do somthing to royalty and it seemed like there was a time crunch and that cadance and shining amour would never be alone for her to tell shining it the whole castle seemed busy with planning.....and every pony should now if there was a threat to the safety to celestia or luna or anyone else in the royal castle through twilight was a bit crazy there it only proves that she care about her brother and that she was really worried infact I found shining amour a bit un forguiving and rude I mean he should see his sister cares about him and is trying to protect him and has reason to worry and i mean shining must see those werid stares and the way evil cadance stoped what she was saying because it was to mean spirted and evil a few times through love is blind... and he should understand his sister is bit over protective ......

Edited by pinkieshyrose

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I actually think twilight is completly right in what she did i dont even think she was over protective twilight was using her guts i knew somthing was up when I first watched the episode and saw twilight describe her favrarite foal sitter who thought twilight was her best pony she foal sited come out then not even know what sunshine sunshine was or who twilight was... not to mention cadances werid aditude through twilight didnt know she was a changling she did have the feeling of her being evil and after the brides mades leaving and the the thorowing away of apple jacks food and the look she did at twilight and her freinds even through there was no prove these was a royal emergancy twilight might have thought that eveil cadance was going to hurt or do somthing to royalty and it seemed like there was a time crunch and that cadance and shining amour would never be alone for her to tell shining it the whole castle seemed busy with planning.....and every pony should now if there was a threat to the safety to celestia or luna or anyone else in the royal castle through twilight was a bit crazy there it only proves that she care about her brother and that she was really worried infact I found shining amour a bit un forguiving and rude I mean he should see his sister cares about him and is trying to protect him and has reason to worry and i mean shining must see those werid stares and the way evil cadance stoped what she was saying because it was to mean spirted and evil a few times through love is blind... and he should understand his sister is bit over protective ......


Yes, Twilight herself had very good reason to believe something was up. It's just the way she went about doing something about it. Nobody believed her already, why would she think crashing a wedding rehearsal screaming like a lunatic was going to help anything?


"Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears."

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It's obvious why'd they'd be angry at Twilight at first because she could just *sense* that something wasn't right, but couldn't prove it. At least she was the only obe who actually knew something was fishy. It's personally another reason why I like her better than the other 5.

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I suppose I both agree and disagree.


Twilight's friends had learned about the importance of listening to her before making assumptions. They hardly gave her a chance to explain exactly what she saw, and simply brushed off her accusations. However, as already mentioned, this was a ROYAL event, and she acted out of order. Also, Twilight's evidence was easily missinterpreted by her friends, the princess and her brother. and she didn't even try to explain further and proceeded to call "Cadence" evil.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I suppose I both agree and disagree.


Twilight's friends had learned about the importance of listening to her before making assumptions. They hardly gave her a chance to explain exactly what she saw, and simply brushed off her accusations. However, as already mentioned, this was a ROYAL event, and she acted out of order. Also, Twilight's evidence was easily missinterpreted by her friends, the princess and her brother. and she didn't even try to explain further and proceeded to call "Cadence" evil.


Yeah, I mean, it's one thing calling foal, saying how "she's hiding something and I wanna know what", another when you're screaming "EVIL" as hysterical as Mermaid Man!

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I actually agree with you... Twilight did the worst thing possible in being vocal about it, and accusing a member of the royal family... Could've easily met with Celestia in private...


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Well, I do agree with everyone here that Twi was being rather mean by shouting EVIL for no reason that anypony could see. No wonder her friends and mentor left her, she was, in other words, insulting a royal princess, simply because she was being rude. It's understandable, however. Cadence used to be her babysitter and Twilight loved her very much; seeing her act like this must be a huge blow to Twi.

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You know what? I never really understood why Twilight waited till rehersal to shout out at Fake Cadence that she was evil. If she had said something when Cadence was 'healing' SA's migrane Twilight wouldnt have gotten that harshness from her friends.


Im guessing her overprotectiveness of her brother and her slight anger of seeing him getting brainwashed caused Twilight to act somewhat irrational.

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I think it's partially because she didn't want to believe that "the greatest foal sitter in the history of foal sitters" turned out to be a complete asshat.


I think it's fair that they got mad at her..Shining Armor, for..obvious reasons, because his sister is insulting his bride-to-be, her friends because they believe that Cadance is an "absolute gem", and Celestia..probably because Cadance is her neice, and it's very out of character for Twlilight.


And just spouting "SHE'S EVIL" isn't really hard evidence. She did give evidence, but Shining Armor pretty much proved all of it wrong.

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Why couldn't Shining just reason with her instead of just yelling at her? it's not the real thing, plus,

I think the ending is just cruel, like the part where Chrysalis sends her down to the dungeon.

Edited by Danger Dashie
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Well, I can agree on everything you say about why Shining Armor and co. acted like they did. That, I completely agree. However, I do believe Twilight was not OOC. Here's why I think why. Lesson Zero gave us a few things about the ponies and lessons. The one I'll take for this case is that Twilight, the same way it happens with Fluttershy, takes things to the extreme when it comes to personality. She SEVERLY overreacted when she was going to be "tardy" on her report. And since that got feeling bigger when her friends didn't listen/understand her, it was even more noticeable. In "A Canterlot Wedding Pt 1", something similar happened. The protectiveness of her brother, PLUS the fact she had miss time with him, turning into something similar to jealousy, PLUS the fact that her adored foalsitter has turned out to be a complete jerk, PLUS her friends not believing her...yeah, her acting irrationally again was almost BOUND to happen. In her mind, she KNEW "Cadance" was evil, and as such chose not a better time than the rehearsing, where everyone involved would be AKA, her friends, Cadance, her brother and Celestia, to reveal that Cadance was evil. She THOUGHT she had evidence, but was legitimately trumped by Shining. AKA, her "master plan" came down on one fell swoop. And since her friends and Celestia didn't believe her...yeah, even worse.



Why couldn't Shining just reason with her instead of just yelling at her? it's not the real thing, plus,

I think the ending is just cruel, like the part where Chrysalis sends her down to the dungeon.


Well, what would YOU do in Shining's place? You are embarrased by your own sister, has your soon-to-be wife called evil by, again, your own sister, and Twilight also acts like a complete lunatic. Honestly, considering it was the rehearsal...yeah, I can cut Shining some slack for all that.
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Well, I can agree on everything you say about why Shining Armor and co. acted like they did. That, I completely agree. However, I do believe Twilight was not OOC. Here's why I think why. Lesson Zero gave us a few things about the ponies and lessons. The one I'll take for this case is that Twilight, the same way it happens with Fluttershy, takes things to the extreme when it comes to personality. She SEVERLY overreacted when she was going to be "tardy" on her report. And since that got feeling bigger when her friends didn't listen/understand her, it was even more noticeable. In "A Canterlot Wedding Pt 1", something similar happened. The protectiveness of her brother, PLUS the fact she had miss time with him, turning into something similar to jealousy, PLUS the fact that her adored foalsitter has turned out to be a complete jerk, PLUS her friends not believing her...yeah, her acting irrationally again was almost BOUND to happen. In her mind, she KNEW "Cadance" was evil, and as such chose not a better time than the rehearsing, where everyone involved would be AKA, her friends, Cadance, her brother and Celestia, to reveal that Cadance was evil. She THOUGHT she had evidence, but was legitimately trumped by Shining. AKA, her "master plan" came down on one fell swoop. And since her friends and Celestia didn't believe her...yeah, even worse.




Well, what would YOU do in Shining's place? You are embarrased by your own sister, has your soon-to-be wife called evil by, again, your own sister, and Twilight also acts like a complete lunatic. Honestly, considering it was the rehearsal...yeah, I can cut Shining some slack for all that.


yea, but i wouldn't be so mad at her that she be in tears and then punished by the pony who really is evil, I know that she didn't have enough evidence, at first when i saw that scene, i thought she should be ashamed, but after watching her being yelled at by her brother and betrayed by her friends and Celestia, I felt bad for her and thought that they should be ashamed of themselves, and that's after Fake Cadence sent her down in a circle of green fire, to the dungeon, also they weren't in public when they were doing the rehearsal. Edited by Danger Dashie
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yea, but i wouldn't be so mad at her that she be in tears and then punished by the pony who really is evil, I know that she didn't have enough evidence, at first when i saw that scene, i thought she should be ashamed, but after watching her being yelled at by her brother and betrayed by her friends and Celestia, I felt bad for her and thought that they should be ashamed of themselves


I think betrayed is a strong word. I don't think it fits. Besides, first of all, Shining has got to defend the pony he loves you know? Twilight was approving Cadence less and less and it showed. When she finally confronted her, it wasn't that difficult for him to lecture her. And how could he even bring the pony who just hysterically called "EVIL!" to the pony he is going to marry with, even if it was his own little sister? Plus, he thought she was being immature, and with all the things I mentioned mixed, yeah, I don't think he would back down. Nor would many others. As for her friends, they were still in the "EEEEEEE!" phase after being declared mares of honor in the wedding of a ROYAL CAPTAIN and the NIECE OF ONE OF THE PRINCESSES. And after how paranoid Twilight showed to be pre-rehearsal, even they were a little skeptical. As for Celestia, the reason was explained by Wormtail96. The rehearsal of her niece's wedding, all going nice, when suddenly, the pony she has more trust in only behind her family comes in screaming like a filly and calling her niece evil. After Lesson Zero, she would probably think that Twilight learned her lesson to not overreact things. When this happened...well...I don't think she was happy. At all. Hence why she was so firm in her very short sermon.


Don't get me wrong though. I wanted nothing more than to hug Twilight right then and there :( .

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I think betrayed is a strong word. I don't think it fits. Besides, first of all, Shining has got to defend the pony he loves you know? Twilight was approving Cadence less and less and it showed. When she finally confronted her, it wasn't that difficult for him to lecture her. And how could he even bring the pony who just hysterically called "EVIL!" to the pony he is going to marry with, even if it was his own little sister? Plus, he thought she was being immature, and with all the things I mentioned mixed, yeah, I don't think he would back down. Nor would many others. As for her friends, they were still in the "EEEEEEE!" phase after being declared mares of honor in the wedding of a ROYAL CAPTAIN and the NIECE OF ONE OF THE PRINCESSES. And after how paranoid Twilight showed to be pre-rehearsal, even they were a little skeptical. As for Celestia, the reason was explained by Wormtail96. The rehearsal of her niece's wedding, all going nice, when suddenly, the pony she has more trust in only behind her family comes in screaming like a filly and calling her niece evil. After Lesson Zero, she would probably think that Twilight learned her lesson to not overreact things. When this happened...well...I don't think she was happy. At all. Hence why she was so firm in her very short sermon.


Don't get me wrong though. I wanted nothing more than to hug Twilight right then and there :( .


If look at the end of Lesson Zero, Twilight didn't even take part in the letter! :wacko:

Do you think that's why she overreacted? By the way, she did have Cadence as a foalsitter a long time ago, she did know the signs that Cadence has changed, but nopony else gave a crap on how she was behaving, and every time she tries telling her friends that Cadence's changed, they put herself and her thoughts down, :huh:

and where she crashed the rehearsal was when things got out of hand.

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If look at the end of Lesson Zero, Twilight didn't even take part in the letter! :wacko:

Do you think that's why she overreacted? By the way, she did have Cadence as a foalsitter a long time ago, she did know the signs that Cadence has changed, but nopony else gave a crap on how she was behaving, and every time she tries telling her friends that Cadence's changed, they put herself and her thoughts down, :huh:

and where she crashed the rehearsal was when things got out of hand.


Well if you want to say something about that, then they are both at fault, one for overreacting and others for not listening. Plus, do you REALLY think someone would have, you know, actually believed her, considering the moment it was? Just answer me this. With the knowledge you could have had IN THE MOMENT of Twilight's outburst, if you were Shining, what would you do? Same thing I ask you if you were Twilight's friends and Celestia.
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Well if you want to say something about that, then they are both at fault, one for overreacting and others for not listening. Plus, do you REALLY think someone would have, you know, actually believed her, considering the moment it was? Just answer me this. With the knowledge you could have had IN THE MOMENT of Twilight's outburst, if you were Shining, what would you do? Same thing I ask you if you were Twilight's friends and Celestia.

If I was Shining Armor?
I would yell at Twilight just because I don't know that Cadence trying to possess me even though I thought the spell was trying to renew my powers, plus she privately humiliated me when she was calling my wife to be "EVAIL!", thus she got a fair punishment by not allowing her to go to MY wedding.

As for Celestia...

I would tell her angrily that she has a lot to think about thus causing her to burst into tears without feeling bad for her while shutting the really large door in front of her.

As for her friends... *lets say I'm Rainbow Dash*

I would be thinking why the heck did she call that nice bride lady "Evil"? Twilight's a bad friend, lets make her look bad and make her feel bad by abandoning her!

Edited by Danger Dashie
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