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What is the latest pony related merchandise you bought?

Apple      Bloom

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Well, after a couple trades, I have an AJ and Pinkie grab bag figures, a few AJ, Pinkie, and Twilight cards, and a deck of playing cards.


I want to get an AJ Funko, but by the time I have extra cash, Hot Topic will be out...as usual...

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Last week Everypony  I bought the MLP FIM MICRO SERIES off E bay for 27.00 dollars even for All the mane 6  they're awesome  !  hint hint   one of the comics has your favorite muffin loving pony Try to guess which one ?

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Rainbow series blind bag Fluttershy, I spent ages groping the bags at my local supermarket until I found her  :yay:

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4DE Twi came today, interestingly she's missing the MLP mark on the hoof. The label says she's from batch 01/01 from 12/11/2012, I'm assuming this batch didn't put that on? :S



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Big mac, applejack and fluttershy plushies. I think they're from japan or china, I'm not fully sure what the language is on the tags, they were being sold on UK ebay.


Three images in the spoiler!








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Two more Rainbow blind bag figures, the Rarity is mine (Rainbow Rarity = major glam :D )but I got RD for my brother also:


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I bought these cans of rainbow dadh pop from a comic store in edmonton. The store is called Happy Harbor comics and they still had some last time i was there


It was pretty good stuff I wish I had bought more oh well theres always next time.


I also picked up a vinyl scratch scarf when I was at convention in vancouver (it was a furry con btw)

And the vinyl scratch figure i found at work.



I now own a Vinyl Scratch plushie, i almost ended up with a Chrysalis plushie as well.




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Last week everypony I went to Dollar General and got the MLP FIM CALENDER FREE plus paid for the Paint poster of MLP FIM tried to paint but it soaked a  hole through the paint set  so it's best just to color it with crayons  looks better in 20%cooler rainbows of friendship for all bronies ! So your wondering how did I get the MLP FIM Calender of 2014 free well the cashier said they weren't suppose to have the calendar anymore how cool is that I got very lucky to found it been looking for that calendar forever!

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Finally got the blind bag Fluttershy that actually looks like Fluttershy and not a repainted Rainbow Dash. I also ordered my first piece of merchandise from We Love Fine recently...Discord keychain! In addition to those I picked up a couple more of the comics (I'm really digging the current Reflections story arc) I think this obsession is becoming a problem for my wallet (which also has a pony on it....) :derp:


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I didn't buy it (won it from a page that sells them on Facebook), but I still think it's epic!



My newest addition to my collection wasn't technically a purchase either...

It was a present from my wife for "no particular reason"

Isn't she sweet?  She got me a Sunset Shimmer brushable


Which is awesome because I collect brushables and didn't have this one yet; YAY!

She even took some pics with her cat, The Waif, and my new pony figure which I turned into a small "comic' called....

Sunset Shimmer VS. The Waif




Edit: Apparantly; I don't know how to do spoilers, sorry..

Also, clicking on the comic makes it much easier to read

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I was browsing around wal-mart today when I saw these, I had to refrain from screaming from happiness that they had Octavia and Lyra, even if she looks like a repainted Rarity 



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Bought this dvd today.  I really wish they sold like at least a whole season together, but this was all the store had.



Unfortunately the whole seasons are an Amazon.com exclusive.
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