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Lord Theoretical

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I don't wish to offend anyone but...


I disagree with anyone who says their "relationship with God" is not a religion. It is, whether they want to acknowledge that or not. If someone believes in a supernatural entity, follows its moral teachings, and engages in religious practices (worshiping, praying, etc.), it is indeed a religion.


Edited by LatinoChurro
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I don't wish to offend anyone but...


I disagree with anyone who says their "relationship with God" is not a religion. It is, whether they want to acknowledge that or not. If someone believes in a supernatural entity, follows it's moral teachings, and engages in religious practices (worshiping, praying, etc.), it is indeed a religion.



I am a firm Christian, and I agree with you. I think the point people want to make when they say it's not a religion is that it's not merely a religion to them, as is the case with me. I don't think my faith in God is merely a religious belief, but it would be pretty silly of me to say that it's not a religion at all.

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Pony Stuff:

-Sleepless in Ponyville was a fuggin' terrible episode that I will most likely never find any sense of enjoyment in.


-Corey Powell MUST be fired from the show's writing staff.


-Power Ponies, Mysterious Mare Do Well, Simple Ways, Ticket Master, and Owl's Well That Ends Well were pretty good episodes that either deserve more praise than they've gotten or don't deserve the hate they've gotten, either or.


-Rainbow Dash is the most overrated character in the whole show by a mile, and I'm a bit scared to interact with her fanbase. (I do like her as a pony, though, and some of my best friends on here are RD fans :D )


-I get extremely wary of people who have admitted to disliking Rarity and am a bit scared to socialize with them.


-Sparity is a bad shipping.


-Spike is a bad character in general.


EDIT: Vinyl Scratch is worst pony.


How'd I forget that one


I don't care if you like her, though, and I won't go around bashing her, since no one likes seeing their best ponies bashed ;)


Non-Pony Stuff:

-The second you talk about anime with me, I'll immediately lose interest in the conversation (unless you're someone I REALLY care about :D )


-Even though I'm American, Hockey is my favorite sport and the Edmonton Oilers are my favorite team.


-Canon ships of any series bore me.


-The Phantom Menace is my favorite Star Wars episode.


-Pepsi is better than any other soda you can buy :D


And that's my last post here.


Every pony/non-pony opinion that I think won't go over well :D

Edited by ghostfacekiller39


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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Somepony to Watch Over Me was one of the best episodes of the season. 


In the aforementioned episode, Applejack wasn't out-of-character. At all.


The aforementioned character is also the most interesting character in the show, not to mention best pony.


All of these, except the last one.


The episode is one I consider to be one of the best in the series thus far.


Also, Mario Party 7 is one of the best video games in history.


Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story is the best Mario game. Period. Not Super Mario Galaxy.


2D Sonic was terrible for the most part.


Final Smashes should be removed from the Super Smash Bros. Series.


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Some of these are political, but I don't intend to discuss them... just posting according to topic subject. =)


1. The life of a baby is objectively not as valuable as the life of an adult.

2. The Humane Society and other large animal welfare agencies have extreme hidden agendas that harm animals and people (similar to PETA but less obvious).

3. People in the US have been conditioned to obey without question and turn a blind eye to authority.

  • Brohoof 1



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Capitalism is actually quite a bit of the reason why the US economy is so bad from the consumer standpoint.


The AK-47 is not the best weapon in history. It is actually greatly inferior to many modern weapons.


Power Ponies is the second worst episode of this season. Season 4 has been hit or miss, though most are hits. Quite the hits too. It was just extremely cheesy and so much of the terribly executed references.


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Skyward Sword was the best Legend of Zelda game to date. Yes, even better than Ocarina of Time.


Also, since I'm on the topic, Majora's Mask was a fantastic game, too.


Let me throw my own on that subject: Twilight Princess was better then OOT.


Yeup..I went there.

  • Brohoof 3

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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Screw Facebook, Screw Mainstream media, Screw Social Media, Celebrities are over glorified nit wit puppets that act on command and have no skill or talent ultimately. The industry is bought, every length of it. Politics are nothing but a sham in regards to wealth and warefare and geopolotical agendas.

  • Brohoof 2
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Screw Facebook, Screw Mainstream media, Screw Social Media, Celebrities are over glorified nit wit puppets that act on command and have no skill or talent ultimately. The industry is bought, every length of it. Politics are nothing but a sham in regards to wealth and warefare and geopolotical agendas.

Don't forget corporate agendas. Though maybe that's what you were referring to when you mentioned "wealth".



I don't know how popular this is but... If your main intent to going to university is to expand your knowledge and skill set for your own purposes then going to school is exactly what you don't want to do. Know which books you'll want to get and experiment with what you find as you please. Just a matter of finding a way to manage the time. Works best if you're single.

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askGamerLuna is much better than the infinitesimal askprincessmolestia

oc ponies that use guns or are just plain OP Mary Sue Characters just make me ignore them.

I strongly hate Trixie for the fact that she refers to herself in the third person (or pony if you prefer). Also I just don't like self entitled people or ponies.

I do realize that there are weak episodes of all 4 seasons as of this post; I haven't had a series that I hated. Even 2-4.

MLP crossed over with (insert franchise name here) usually scares me.

Gorefiction like "Cupcakes" dissuade me from reading them. (Cannibalism scares the living daylights out of me.)

Similar things that are in the same area of cannibalism like 'vore', scare me.

Seeing video game, gun, modern technology cutie marks just frustrate me. My OC has a T square for a cutie mark. I like video games but that's not a talent. I like keeping things need and tidy as does my OC. Also if you're not a unicorn, how in the hay are you going to play video games with hooves?

Creating an OC that's friends with the mane six. I sound like a hypocrite for saying that's stereotypical OC creation, because I'm writing something similar. At least what I plan to write involves Nit becoming friends with them as he gets to know them. They in turn get to know him. Rainbow-Dash doesn't want to be around Nit, Pinkie needs to be persuaded to make any sort of party for him since he canceled his own welcoming party that she set up for him, Rarity objectifies him (in a PG-13 way and as a modeling dummy since he's the only other pony nearby that's four foot five). Etc Etc.

How good OC tumblr ask blog ponies get ignored while Mane six clones get all the attention.

I love Weird Al in every way shape and form. Until Cheese Sandwich. I did enjoy his performance in the episode. I was just disappointed he didn't to a Polka Collection of MLP songs. Also doesn't he just look like a brown Bubble Berry? The genderswap of Pinkie Pie?


I love Two Best Friends Play and SeaNanners. However other lets players like Markiplier I just tend to stay away from. I don't hate them, but they think being loud, obnoxious and saying random things that they think are funny usually are not funny to me.

I own both of the next gen systems, they both have their strong suits and their faults. All in all I don't hate either. However if I had to choose one system to like it would be the PS4. I am gonna play Titanfall for the Xbone when it comes via Gamefly.

I hate Macintosh computers, iPods, iPhones and iPads. I just don't like how expensive they are, the aesthetic of the OS and just how they come out with a new system every five or six months.

I REALLY hate all in one computers. I mean you just can't mod those things. When something goes wrong, you can't open it up and fix it. They're just so stupid! I get why people get them but still... ugh.

I'm extremely excited for the new Godzilla. But I'm never watching another trailer after the first teaser trailer. This would also be a follow up to the next thing that's an unpopular opinion.

I hate watching trailers for movies I'm excited for. I haven't seen one Guardians of the Galaxy trailer. But I'm gonna go see it. However if it's a movie that I have no interest in or just hate the fact that it exists, I'll watch the trailer. Odds are, it's gonna spoil the entire movie anyway. :lol:

I hate name actors that people swoon over. Samuel Jackson, I get why he's popular. However he's just a one note actor. You get one popular movie that makes you an a list star and everyone who likes him/her thinks that you're a great actor. Samuel Jackson's character for Nick Fury begins and ends with eyepatch. His role in the new Robocop movie was a complete waste of time (so was the movie but that's another discussion). I've only talked to a few people who say they watch the movie for the story. I met one guy whom I asked "If Robert De Nero was in a movie where he was a child rapist and molester who got away with it; would you watch it?" he gave a confidant yes. He wasn't even trolling me. He followed it up with "because he's good in whatever you put him in.

I watched the Lego movie, it's my second most favorite movie of all time. I hate the fact that hollywood is so scared to put in nothing but name actors. Why can't they give some VOICE actors a job in a big movie? WHY? Just because no one wants to watch it unless their favorite actor is in it? Sure if Tara Strong quit MLP and a new voice actor came in to replace her, I would find it disheartening but if she provided the same heart and tenacity of Tara and she gave the exact same performance as the actor that came before her; I WOULDN'T CARE THAT TARA STRONG QUIT.

I fucking hate Google's bastardization of Youtube. It takes four to five clicks just to get to a users channel page. I miss the five star rating system. I hate the like and dislike buttons. I hate the fact that there's no warning of an upcoming Youtube Design change. I hate the "What to Watch" tab. Which is why I bookmarked the "My Subscriptions" page. I hate how you can't ascend or descend a playlist by name because some users who create cartoons can't organize their episodes in sequential order. The copyright block can work when it does work. One of the videos by Two Best Friends were blocked on account of a game owned by FOX. On a game that's not being sold anymore. It's a broken system. Google just needs to put all their money into a better designed youtube layout with better coding and just need to focus their efforts on one thing at a time. There's a lot of good things coming out of google. My state's getting Google Fiber. An an affordable internet service that gives faster download times. I have never watched "The Internship" (aka googles attempt at making an advertisement movie) and I never will.

I don't have a strong interest in watching indie films. I have checked out a couple of them and they were good. However a lot of them fit into the category of "if i make my movie morbid or if I put guns in it or if I put myself on a green screen or even all three, I can have a good indie movie" movie.

I've stopped caring for zombies, however I LOVE the Walking Dead video game by Tell Tale Games.

I've stopped caring for Star Wars, however I might check out Star Wars Battlefront 3 when it comes out on Gamefly. I wish the Star Wars 1313 wasn't canceled. It looked like fun.

I've stopped caring for Modern War Shooters, like I've said before; I'm gonna play Titanfall when I get it in the mail. I do like games that dare to be different. Like Titanfall. I just wish they would make a Psychonauts 2 or any of the highly desired squeals to cult classic games.

I liked Spider-Man 1 and 2. 3 is barely hanging in the 'like' category because I can see why people hate/dislike it. I LOVED the Amazing Spider-Man. I'm super anxious to go see the sequel. Rhino was a joke in any previous incarnation of his history, the mecha Rhino was a vast improvement to make him an actual threat (if they make him a threat). I will buy the Amazing Spider Man 2 game when it comes out because they say that there's going to be no more swinging from clouds.

I've stopped caring for Mass Effect (one can probably guess why). Also, don't send vanilla cupcakes with different colored icing to bioware. Do you reward your dog for pooping on the carpet? No.


Mr. Freeze is underrated and the Joker is overrated.

Those are all the ones I can think of. Man. Almost 6000 characters. Well I didn't choose the name Nit Pick for my OC for nothing. :lol:

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Cloppers, as a whole, are just as**oles.


They know that a lot of the fandom, if not most of it, doesnt care for clop, yet they shove it down everyone's throat.


They take "I dont want to see that, please dont show it to me." as a challenge to be the biggest d**k they can be about it.


They get offended when you say that people dont like clop, and they forcably try and 'correct' you by bombarding you any and all images they think are suitably nsfw.


They demand that you show them 'love and tolerence' in the same breath that they're abusing and mentally scaring people.


When people do these things, they're as**oles. Cloppers as a whole, are relentless and neurotic about doing these things.

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I sort of dislike Mario Kart 64 and Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I liked Hancock. I can't stand Dane Cook. I enjoyed the Star Wars prequels.


Signature by Kyoshi

Hymenoptera is the most superior order of insects. | I'm the best Street Fighter player ever... in my hometown.

Rosalina's #1 fanboy.

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Cloppers, as a whole, are just as**oles.


They know that a lot of the fandom, if not most of it, doesnt care for clop, yet they shove it down everyone's throat.


They take "I dont want to see that, please dont show it to me." as a challenge to be the biggest d**k they can be about it.


They get offended when you say that people dont like clop, and they forcably try and 'correct' you by bombarding you any and all images they think are suitably nsfw.


They demand that you show them 'love and tolerence' in the same breath that they're abusing and mentally scaring people.


When people do these things, they're as**oles. Cloppers as a whole, are relentless and neurotic about doing these things.


While I agree with you that there are people who do such things and that such things are rather offensive, I will say (and this may be an unpopular opinion in itself) that I don't think rude or offensive actions are justification for calling the person an a**hole. People, even people who do offensive things, are still just people, and while it's fine to disagree with or show no respect for their choices, I personally draw the line at attacking the people themselves for what they do.


In short, people are not their actions.

Edited by HennyPennyBenny
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1. People that use marijuana aren't idiots

2. Newer pokemon are ugly

3. The Walking Dead is boring

4. Sex is a private subject

5. Movies/shows should cut down on nudity/sex scenes

6. Not all people that cut are attention whores

7. People should be allowed to show their emotions without other people looking down on them

8. Being mercilessly cruel online isn't funny


There's probably more

I tend to have a lot of unpopular opinions 

Except for the parts about sex, you get a cookie, especially for #3.  I had a roommate that was a fan of the show and I spent many a Sunday evening watching the show with him.  I couldn't get into it.  You don't alienate potential viewers by not adequately filling them in on what has been happening recently or not placing their actions in context.  Plus, too little dialogue, and no character has any traits worth writing home about.  I find it rather amazing it has its own talk show to accompany it.


You do know that not all forms of eugenics are the same, right?


Here: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/positive+eugenics

Except that even positive eugenics can be unwise from an evolutionary standpoint, not to mention it would be a gross violation of human rights nonetheless.


OptimisticNeighsayer's Unpopular Opinions, Edition 4ish


20s Jazz is still best jazz.


Relativism is not only a lazy philosophical position, it sidesteps why we pursue philosophy in the first place.


There's nothing inherently wrong with characters acting idiotically (even contrary to their usual character) in a show; we do it all the time in real life.  What matters is how well it is written into the show.  (That being said, AJ's behavior in the StWOM was actually poorly written, but its impact for the episode overall balances it out.)


However, there is something wrong in at least three levels about idiots being characters for the sake of comedy.


If God exists, it had no role in creating the universe.  The corollary of this is that a pantheist/panentheistic God is the only coherent God there can be.


Also, God has never been perfect, and there is no real reason to define God as such.  Deal with it.


Using "Man" to refer to humanity as a whole is not really sexist unless conventional masculine qualities are actually attributed to it.

Edited by OptimisticNeighsayer

Hablo español--Je parle français--日本語を話す--我说中文--...and sarcasm (yeah right!)

I compose music.  Six Pony Rags

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If God exists, it had no role in creating the universe.  The corollary of this is that a pantheist/panentheistic God is the only coherent God there can be.


Also, God has never been perfect, and there is no real reason to define God as such.  Deal with it.


I would love to hear your reasoning behind these two points, but this is probably not the place to discuss it. Furthermore, at the moment and for reasons totally unrelated to this, I'm in a rather bad mood, so discussing religion is not a good idea right now.

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I think film tracks are the best type of music.


Except that even positive eugenics can be unwise from an evolutionary standpoint, not to mention it would be a gross violation of human rights nonetheless.



I'm not saying it should be attempted :P


However, I do believe it isn't a completely bad idea, unlike what many people say.

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