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Characters that grew on you (or did the opposite)

Silly Lily

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(Episode version of this thread)


for me,

) Mane cast

) Non-mane cast


Increased in Appeal

--Rainbow. When I first met her I practically hated her. She was everything that I don't really like: competitive; brash; sneaky. But during S2 when she was being turned into a joke (the egghead/reading dilemma, the cider, the MMDW) I really started to see her softer side. She's still my least fav but she's no where as low as she used to be.

--Cheerilee. The first time I watched S1 I probably didn't think about her character at all and I all but forgot about her. But now, she's one of my favs and I really look forward to her scenes.



Decreased in Appeal

--Pinkie Pie. I loved her at the start but that only lasted during my inital introduction to MLP (and even then it was during the first few episodes). The lowest was during the 1st 3rd of S2 when there was like no singing of hers. She's also become a bit too visually cartoon'y or personally wacky for my tastes.

--Octavia. The only reason I say this is because I was totally fanboy'ing over her and was elevating her pedestal way too high. She's still great but "halo" is gone.

Edited by Silly Lily

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Rarity - as the show has progressed i've been enjoying her charcater and episodes a whole lot more.



Fluttershy- She was the first pony I was really drawn to character wise, so she'll always have that.

But honestly as the show has gone on i've been finding her appeal less and less for some reason.

  • Brohoof 1


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I think mine would have to be Rarity. I'm not completely sure why I hated her right off the bat. I guess it could be just engraved in my mind to hate fashion diva like characters because they are normally far to stuck up and think themselves better then everyone. Guess I was just stereotyping :P She is my favorite pony now.


Not really sure if I have had any decreased in appeal t'wards any of them so far.

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Appeal Increase:

Pinkie. I thought of her as "Whatever, shes just another happy go lucky cartoon character" But her personality has become more than that, like in "Party Of One" and to an extent, "Baby Cakes".

Derpy. Initial thought: "Ooh, big deal. A BG pony with Derped eyes." But of course, she got the whole talking scene in "The Last Roundup", now I see the appeal to her. Plus, fans always see her as a mail carrier, and she really started to become her own character.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. I always kind of found them boring since in early episodes, all they wanted to do was get their cutie marks. But, Like Pinkie, they started gaining more personality, and for some reason, i just like them in general. (I'm still not sure on Sweetie Belle yet.)

Rarity. Some people like her because she can get really funny when she gets all dramatic. I never understood it, and I felt she wasn't really the element of generosity. But I finally saw the appeal to her in later S2 episodes.



Decreasing Appeal.

Umm... well, I don't ever think I stopped liking someone so far.

Edited by Twi Rubix

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1. Mane 6

2. Secondary Character

3. Background Character (no speaking lines)



- Twilight Sparkle.

Ever since the "Look Before You Sleep" episode, where Twilight acts ever so adorable, trying to have fun by guidelines of a book, she's just gradually began to appeal to me more and more.

- Sweetie Belle

I kind of assumed Sweetie Belle was just going to be annoying. She seemed like a very stupid kid, quite frankly. Later on, though, she began to be more adorable, and her voice cracks/squeaks just got to me, and I started to love her. Also, her mane and tail are just... Yes.

- Octavia.

Unlike OP, I didn't even take note of Octavia's presence until just recently. The thought of such an elegant, wonderful pony just makes me squee in joy. Octavia is now my wallpaper for my laptop.



- Applejack

At first, I thought Applejack was totally badass, which, I say she still is, but I kind of overrated her a bit to start off with, which only led me to disappointment with her 1 dimensional, simple pony characteristics.

- Scootaloo

Pretty much the same deal with Applejack, but it went from more of a "badass" expectation to an annoying, immature kid.

- Lyra

At first, I loved her jumping. But then, I realised that jumping =/= awesome sauce. Simple as that.

Edited by Chiaki
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for me,

) Mane cast

) Non-mane cast


Increased in Appeal

--Rainbow. When I first met her I practically hated her. She was everything that I don't really like: competitive; brash; sneaky. But during S2 when she was being turned into a joke (the egghead/reading dilemma, the cider, the MMDW) I really started to see her softer side. She's still my least fav but she's no where as low as she used to be.


I wouldn't say she was being turned into a joke to see her softer side. The writers put her in situations that took away her cocky, arrogant front, e.g. having to work very hard to get her cider and her fondness for reading, allowing us to see her true self and thus her softer, kinder side.

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Increase in fondness:

+ Twi: For a long time I just considered her as deliverer of the afternoon special "I learned something today" obligatory moral-imparting splat. However, later on I began to appreciate her adorkablenes for its own sake. Also, since Leson Zero, other characters have helped shoulder the burden of the often groan-inducing friendship lessons. And in Luna Eclipsed she poked fun at her own obtuseness when she said "I'm going to do what I do best: lecture her!"

+ Scootaloo: The CMC struck me as unnecessary and annoying at first. But these days I enjoy their antics, and as a result, the Scootalove has been doubled.


Decrease in fondness:

- Dash: Sonic Rainboom, Fall Weather Friends, Cutie Mark Chronicles...the cyan Pegasus was heroism incarnate! Fast forward to season two: between the MMDW, Best Pet and the whole Commander Hurricane bit, she managed to take a level of douchiness that outweighs her awesomeness.

  • Brohoof 1



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Let's see...




Twilight Sparkle - I really disliked her at first. I thought she was stuck-up, boring and a Mary Sue. In "Look Before You Sleep," though, I saw for the first time her adorkable Aspergers-esque traits and really started to warm up to her. She is now one of my favorites and I love her freak-out episodes!


The CMC - Thought they were pretty annoying at first and I didn't like how they had episodes devoted to their group when the Mane 6/Spike should have been focused on instead. Although I would argue that they still have a bit too much screen time (especially Apple Bloom, who has had more episodes in S2 than her big sister has!), I find them hilarious and adorable.




Cadance/Shining Armor - I thought they were pretty awesome the first time I watched the finale episodes, but upon watching it again, they are a bit to sappy/corny for my taste with their "my love will make you strong" stuff. Ick.

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Pinkie Pie - I liked her before, but I seriously thought she was going to be over the top all the time. Turns out, as the show carried on, her antics were actually pretty well-timed and always made me smile. There's rarely a Pinkie Pie scene that I don't catch myself smiling.


Applejack - Didn't think much of her before, but the strong, stubborn, but still gentle nature of the apple tree bucker has just grown on me like moss on a log.


Rarity - I normally hate characters that are vain, but Rarity is a good middle ground between vain and lovely. It's shown that she just has more attention to detail than anything. Besides, she's got the best mane of any pony.


Luna - After NMM, I thought Luna was just a defeated, docile little pony. Once I saw the Halloween special, I knew Luna was a really lovable character deep down. I hope we see more of her in Season 3.




Fluttershy - Before the show, I loved Fluttershy's character. At least, everything I read and saw pointed towards her being my favorite. As I watched more and more episodes, she's been in the spotlight less than expected, and is almost annoyingly shy sometimes. I still really like her for those few times when her real character shows.


Princess Celestia - When I started the show, Celestia appeared to be a warm, heartfelt leader. The first huge strike was in "A bird in the hoof", when she never introduced her bird as a phoenix. Someone that smart and wise would have known confusion would happen. So, she put Fluttershy and Twilight through a bit of trouble just to "teach them a lesson." No sir, I think Celestia is becoming more like Troll-estia or Mol-estia.

I mean, if that's okay with you...

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Trixie. Seemed annoying but I learned that her character had some great potential.

Celestia. She seemed boring and a tasteless character ..until seeing her in a new light. Again, part of my own personal developments. I can totally dig the trickster addition to her personality.....



Pinkie Pie. Too much effort of the producers to make her personality stand out so much. Got annoying.

Lyra. I feel the magic is lost since she got a voice.

Edited by enigmatia
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Decrease in fondness:

- Dash: Sonic Rainboom, Fall Weather Friends, Cutie Mark Chronicles...the cyan Pegasus was heroism incarnate! Fast forward to season two: between the MMDW, Best Pet and the whole Commander Hurricane bit, she managed to take a level of douchiness that outweighs her awesomeness.


Those are true, but I don't think it was as heavy in Best Pet as it was in MMDW, and not to forget, the Commander Hurricane bit was a role she was playing.

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Dash has always been my favorite. Twilight, though, wasn't. At least until I realized how similar we were. Yep, she kinda grew on me. Applejack was never really one of my favorites for some reason. She's just kinda bland compared to the rest. At first I really did not like Rarity, but now I'm starting to like her a bit more. :P


Pinkie Pie used to be my second favorite of The Mane Six, but she just kinda wandered down to the lesser favorites. And Fluttershy used to be pretty high on there but she was of course overtaken by Twilight and Rarity.

It's ironic how I fall just to get back up again...

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The Commander Hurricane bit was a role she was playing.


That's true, but in many ways the historical characters they portrayed were simply the personalities of the Mane 6, writ large.



Bassist, pianist, and backing vocalist for MLP-themed metal band Draconequus.  Check out our latest music video, a metal cover of "Tricks up my Sleeve" here.

Bassist, pianist, and vocalist for MLP-themed alt rock band Worst Princess.  Check our recent live performance of "Shine Like Rainbows" here.

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Rainbow Dash: When I first saw her, I thought she was lazy because she didn't clear the clouds (just for like 5 seconds before she cleared all the clouds in 10 seconds flat xD) Later on, her determination and sportiness really got to me :]

Rarity: She reminds me of my sisters xP they're really obsessed with clothes and drama-queens, but I can relate to her.



Prince Blueblood: My God...this pony reminded me of my classmate in kindergarten, everything he didn't get or doesn't like he whinged and complained.

Diamond Tiara: Just your regular school bully no one likes :/


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Rarity -one they started to work on her characteristic the more and more she became my favorite of the mane 6

the CmC- i didn't like them at first because that were just side tracking character to me and Sweetie bell and Scootaloo felt like add on for Apple bloom (also if Applebloom was the only pony in her class who doesn't have a cutie mare why are Sweetie bell and Scootaloo in the same class now) but as i re-watched there episodes o grew to like them and enjoy there episodes



Rainbowdash - episodes like mysterious mare do well and may the best pet win rely got me disliking how shallow she can be, shes my least favorite of the mane six

Derpy Hooves - this isn't her fault tho i blame us bronies for this because to me she was the were's waldo of MLP and the fact she had lazy eye made me relate to her and at first and then the last round up happened and although i found it offensive i still liked Derpy and she was still me fav background pony Bronies came along to ruin it for me with "you just don't love and tolerate her because shes mentally challenged (this is why i decided to become and anti- brony for a while)

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Spike is the character that grew on me. I didn't like him at first, I thought the show was going to be all ponies, but as I watched more episodes I got to like him and realized he was important to the show. Plus, he has some pretty good lines ("An outhouse?" "Dude, that's creepy.")

"Mr. The Dragon!" - Ms. Harshwhinny

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That's true, but in many ways the historical characters they portrayed were simply the personalities of the Mane 6, writ large.


Well then, i guess that for Rarity, in her Princess Platinum bit, would have to have a point against her too.


But as for the Best Pet episode, I don't think RD was being as big a jerk as some like to think she is. Sure, her initial treatment of Tank was harsh, but it comes off as less harsh when it is kept in mind that it was a voluntary competition and RD made it quite clear that a torotoise wasn't what she was looking for but he wasn't taking a hint. She just didn't understand didn't see the tenacity and loyalty qualities he had because she was focus on the critera of being fast. And she did feel a bit bad for him halfway through. So yeah, I can understand MMDW, but Best Pet, not so much.




Rainbowdash - episodes like mysterious mare do well and may the best pet win rely got me disliking how shallow she can be, shes my least favorite of the mane six


Yeah, those can be bit glaring problems, but Best Pet wasn't as bad as MMDW. She at least learned her lesson on her own in that one and was somewhat sympathetic to Tank halfway through. But year, MMDW is a bigger issue.

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The character that grew on me the most was Pinkie Pie at first I thought her to a bit too hyper/crazy but throughout the series began a love for her character and personality. Pinkie pie to me was one my favorite characters because how she is always wanting others to be happy rather than depressed. She would be the kind of friend I would want in real life

  • Brohoof 1



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Pinkie Pie- Now I already liked Pinkie Pie and everything she did. During season 2 I think they real gave us more as to what she does, like trying to make everypony happy in some way besides just throwing them a party. Also during the episodes Baby Cakes she learned a lesson that did not involve friendship, so I thought her charter would start to learn other lessons besides those of friendship.



Scootaloo- Scootaloo I think is very shallow. During the Mysterious Mare Do Well episode once Rainbow friends put on that costume, Scootaloo started to like MDW more and did not care much for Rainbow Dash. She is not loyal to her and would just following any pony who came to town who could out do her.


Diamond Tiara- I feel like during the episode Ponyville confidential she started to not just bring down the CMC, but adults to. Like how she put that story in the paper about the Cakes. So this just makes her seem more mean.

  • Brohoof 5


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Okay, now it's my turn. However, I do want to point out something important: I think the reason why some characters grow on us or don't may mostly be due to the varying writers of the episodes. They have different way of writing the characters and certain episodes may be more impressionable on us than others.




Rainbow Dash - There's no denying that RD is flawed. She is arrogant, cocky and can sometimes be jerkish. But depsite this, it is clear she is a loyal friend (Element of Loyalty, People!) and a good person. To me, a character's flaws are important and help the character grow as well as their pros. Say, for examples, in the Cider Squeezy episode, she does her eyes set on the cider, but when she was called in to help the Apples, she did not once say she wanted all the cider as reward or demand it for her troubles or something like that, she helped no questions asked. And in May the Best Pet Win, yes, her initial treatment of Tank was harsh, but it comes off as less harsh when it is kept in mind that it was a voluntary competition and RD made it quite clear that a torotoise wasn't what she was looking for but he wasn't taking a hint. She just didn't understand didn't see the tenacity and loyalty qualities he had because she was focus on the critera of being fast, and she did feel a bit bad for him halfway through, and in the end, she realised she was wrong and picked him. Rainbow Dash is flawed, but hey, for me that is interesting and the S2 which showed her flaws allowed us to see her softer side, when the writers take down that cocky and arrogant front and allow us to properly understand her.


Rarity - At first, I did not like her all that much, but S2 has definitely allowed her to grow on me, showing her softer, more generous side by taking down her front like RD's. Sweet and Elite, Putting your Hoof Down and Sisterhooves Social did this very well.




Pinkie Pie - Now don't get me wrong, I still enjoy Pinkie Pie, she's fun and entertaining and all that. On the other hand, though, I think she's become a tad too flanderized in her cartoony nature and breaking the fourth wall.


Fluttershy - Again, I don't dislike this character. She's nice and pretty cute, but her extreme shyness - and I guess this is a bit unfair considering it's in her freaking name - can get irritating sometimes. It's often the focus of her episodes, in S2 especially, and that can get repetitive to the point it becomes boring, because we know what to expect; she'll come through it but will still be very shy in the following episodes. I do like her occasional switch to Flutterage/psychoshy/New Fluttershy, but I'm starting to wonder if that's on its way to becoming repetitive.

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-Pinkie Pie: I really hated her in the first three or so episodes, to the point where I thought I would stop watching the show. But by "A Friend in Deed" she was one of my favorite characters.


-Rainbow Dash: She also annoyed me (albeit to a much lesser degree than Pinkie Pie) but over time she has turned into my favorite character. After all, Dashie is best pony.


-Luna: I did not care for her in the first two episodes as the villain, but once I saw "Luna Eclipsed", I became a Luna fanboy.


-Almost every BG pony




-Fluttershy: To me she is a little overrated and doesn't have as much of a personality as the other members of the mane six.


-Applejack: She was probably my favorite pony for the first half of S1, but after a while I became a little uninterested in her.

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lol, alternate thread title, "Worship characters you now like, bash characters you don't."



Applejack. Her personality and character grew on me after a while.



None :3 And damn proud of it.

  • Brohoof 1


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Reading what I typed, the show probably taught me not to judge by appearance...



Rainbow Dash - She´s been always my fav, but the more I watched the show, the more I liked her. My love for her probably increased the most during the Sonic Rainboom and Read it and Weep. Everypony says she´s "that cocky pony" but honestly, I think she has probably the most character development.

Applejack - At first I was like "meh, this pony has nothing special", but soon I started to like her more and more. Probably because she´s stubborn on the one side and caring on the other side... and the "sugar cube". I love when she calls someone like that. :wub:

Pinkie Pie - Just like AJ, at first I was like "meh, this will be one crazy pink happy pony..." probably because I don´t like pink. But you can´t not love her randomness and the crazy stuff she does. When I saw her costume in the Dragon quest, I started laughing (and I rarely laugh when I´m watching something on my own). And her schizophrenia side... perfection.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders - Applebloom probably the most. Again I told to myself "geez, one cute filly character..." but she has so much more in herself, just like Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. And their Cutie Mark Crusaders song is probably my most fav of all.



Fluttershy - Again, I was like "Omg shy antisocial character that likes animals, she´s just so much like me, I´ll probably love her!". Lol nope. She was the 2nd fav mane six, now she´s 4th. She´s cute and everything, but I found her lack of will so annoying. Like in Dragon quest, when Applejack had to go the other way with her because she wasn´t able to fly (and yeah, she has the wings...), or the other episode when she was afraid to jump from one hill to another (0.5 meter...). Also it really annoyed me when Discord turned her evil and she took Twilight´s book. I know it wasn´t her, but it just pissed me off the most of them all.

Twilight Sparkle - Another character I expected to love (because she´s bookworm and egghead, I usually love these characters because they´re a lot like me) but nope.avi... I don´t know why.


Remains the same:

Rarity - I still don´t like her.

Diamond Tiara - I still don´t like her.

Prince Blueblood - I still don´t like him.

Luna&Celestia - I still like them.

Derpy, Octavia & Vinyl Scratch - I still like them very very much.

  • Brohoof 3

Try to try again

To see yourself again from time to time.

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Increase :

Dash - First time, I thought I'll be getting constantly annoyed by her flaws, until I got to the stage when I realized she's opposite of me in nearly every direction, and got fascinated by it. (note : This happened quite quickly)

Pinkie- At first I thought she's just a mad party-pony, but after rewatching A Friend in Deed (Smile song.) episode few times, I started to consider her one of the wisest ponies on show (for her positive approach to life).

Rarity - I've learned to appreciate her more over time, alongside with most of the people with flaws :3

Decerase :

Nopony really. I don't know anypony whom I would think more of before.

  • Brohoof 1


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