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movies/tv So I actually watched pound puppies today...

Coolius rpi

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And I have to say it was pretty good! You guys should definately check it out. many people dismiss the show without watching it because "its a dumb kids show." But you know what else is a dumb kids show? My Little Pony. And you all seem to like that, right? So I guess just because its a 'dumb kids show' dosent mean its bad, right? If watching MLP has taught me anything, its that adults can like childrens programming, just as children can like adult programming.


so, yeah, just watch it with no expectations, and im sure youll like it!

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Many people dismiss the show without watching it because "its a dumb kids show." But you know what else is a dumb kids show? My Little Pony. And you all seem to like that, right?


^^ This


I don't get why some people would hate the show without even trying after they became bronies. Being a brony should make you more open about anything. I like Pound Puppies too, I just wish I could watch the second season.

  • Brohoof 3


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It's not my thing but it's still a whole lot better than most of the animated series that are currently on TV right now. With only a couple of exception of course.

"Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa...

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I watched a few episodes of the original on boomerang, my reaction is ehh, I guess I'll look at this one YouTube if I have nothing better to do

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Unless it becomes as popular as MLP and actually has streams, I'll probably never watch it. I just don't have the Hub. I was never all that interested in it or its toyline on the past anyway so, Ionno.

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I don't usually like 'Kids' shows but MLP is an exception but I guess it is just not my thing, sorry man, maybe you can call yourself the first Poundie or something, well that sounds strange, well you can make it up :D

  • Brohoof 1



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Yeah, it ain't a bad show, DHX and Daniel Ingram work on it so the animation and music are very good, and the show has had some rather famous actors VA for it- Eric McCormack and John DiMaggio both voice main characters, plus there have been guests like Jim Parsons, George Takei, and Betty White on it too.

  • Brohoof 1


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I saw it.....meh. That's all I have to say is "meh". I mean it's ok and relatively harmless, and there are worse things on TV. Either way the best thing on the Hub is Batman: The Animated Series. God I love that show.

  • Brohoof 1



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  • 2 weeks later...

Seriously guys, stop being so snobbish. MLP is NOT the only good show on the Hub.


Pound Puppies has all of the same elements that make MLP good;


Pounds Puppies has

sharp humor

appealing characters

a great voice cast

and sweet, touching storylines, with small morals.


I'm serious. If you like Pinkie Pie, then you will also like the characters on Pound Puppies. I once witnessed an episode of MLP being screened at a brony con, and the things that people were laughing at, they would also find the same enjoyment from a typical episode of Pound Puppies.


Season 1 of Pound Puppies is on Netflix. (Just be aware that the first 7 episodes of season 1 have rough-looking, rigid animation. But from episode 8 onward, the animation is clean, fluid, and is produced by DHX media, the same studio that animates MLP.)


Also, season 2 is currently airing on The Hub.


Give the show a chance! Watch a FULL EPISODE. (Just avoid the first 7 episodes of season 1)

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And I have to say it was pretty good! You guys should definately check it out. many people dismiss the show without watching it because "its a dumb kids show." But you know what else is a dumb kids show? My Little Pony. And you all seem to like that, right? So I guess just because its a 'dumb kids show' dosent mean its bad, right? If watching MLP has taught me anything, its that adults can like childrens programming, just as children can like adult programming.


so, yeah, just watch it with no expectations, and im sure youll like it!


I think you mean "ignorantly regarded as a dumb kids show." Nonetheless, I do think that this show has potential, it just didn't really get another go after the near full-year downtime after episode 7; after which, everything about the show had improved discernibly. My honest and only gripe with the show is it's lack of major character development, due to its premise, but S2 helps that out a bit more than S1, and there's even a S3 in the works; who's to say that won't promise more character-oriented episodes?


My first episodes were "Quintuplets" and "Homeward Pound." Not the best starters, personally, but they didn't disinterest me as to where I didn't feel to give other episodes a gander. Watched "The General", loved it. Watched "Rebel Without a Collar", loved it. The latter is my most favorite episode. I essentially spent my entire summer with Pound Puppies, I found it that entertaining. Of course, it's a matter of opinion, but so is every other form of entertainment.


I love this show as much as I love MLP and Doctor Who.

(Just avoid the first 7 episodes of season 1)


They aren't all even bad starts for the show, so there's no reason to avoid them like they're relatively "plagued." "Rebound", "The General" (especially), "The Prince and the Pupper" and "Catcalls" are exceptionally good episodes in that scope. Those episodes may not be a "great" start for people, but that doesn't mean that they should be avoided. If you can watch an episode knowing that there are better ones, why should you avoid it, even on your first go? It seems unnecessary. I'm not insinuating that people should start with those episodes, but by no reasonable rationale should they avoid them. Edited by Zatchiel
  • Brohoof 3


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They aren't all even bad starts for the show, so there's no reason to avoid them like they're relatively "plagued." "Rebound", "The General" (especially), "The Prince and the Pupper" and "Catcalls" are exceptionally good episodes in that scope. Those episodes may not be a "great" start for people, but that doesn't mean that they should be avoided. If you can watch an episode knowing that there are better ones, why should you avoid it, even on your first go? It seems unnecessary. I'm not insinuating that people should start with those episodes, but by no reasonable rationale should they avoid them.


Actually, I agree with you.


The reason why I advised people here to avoid the first 7 is because......Well, I know how discriminatory and prejudiced most bronies can be when it comes to other Hub shows, and I didn't want any of them to watch the first episodes and say "Eww! This looks ugly, I'm never watching it again!"


I agree, some of the first 7 episodes are quite good, despite the rough animation.


When it comes to most bronies, I just can't stand the hypocrisy; older guys are fine watching "girly" candy-colored ponies, yet they refuse to give Pound Puppies a chance? Heck, Pound Puppies is a lot more gender neutral has a lot more male characters, so guys should give it a chance.


I'm not kidding guys, Pound Puppies is a really good show. Its just as good and entertaining as My Little Pony.


Again, Pound Puppies has sharp humor, appealing characters, a great voice cast, and sweet, touching storylines. All of the elements that MLP has. If you like Pinkie Pie, then you will also like Niblet from Pound Puppies.


So please guys, give it a chance, watch a FULL EPISODE. And if you like it, watch another one. For God's sake, Its NOT going to kill you.

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And I have to say it was pretty good! You guys should definately check it out. many people dismiss the show without watching it because "its a dumb kids show." But you know what else is a dumb kids show? My Little Pony. And you all seem to like that, right? So I guess just because its a 'dumb kids show' dosent mean its bad, right? If watching MLP has taught me anything, its that adults can like childrens programming, just as children can like adult programming.


so, yeah, just watch it with no expectations, and im sure youll like it!


Well, I have given the show a try.. watched at least nine episodes..... but I can honestly say that I don't like it


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Well, I have given the show a try.. watched at least nine episodes..... but I can honestly say that I don't like it



Honestly, that seems rather sad


It doesn't seem possible at all. Pound Puppies is VERY similar to MLP in terms of humor and characterization. The characters are just as likable. Niblet is just as funny as Pinkie Pie. There are hilarious one-liners.


The bottom line is, I just find that to be sad and unfortunate.


For someone to like MLP, and yet not like Pound Puppies at all. I understand if someone doesn't like it as much, or just thinks its ok. But for someone to say that they don't like it all at, I just think its sad.

Edited by Bronypupfan
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please dont get me wrong... I had my thoughts that the show could be like mlp and I did watch it with an open heart and mind. It just doesnt stickwith me. I watch a fair amount of cartoons, but i just dont find pound puppies very interesting...


i dont want to seem heartless or cold...


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You can't set the expectation of "everyone that loves MLP will have identical feelings for Pound Puppies", Fan. If he doesn't like it, it's not in his preference. He's watched nine episodes (which shows that he was at least half-determined to understand any appeal it is getting). That should show that he's given the show a fair chance, and he's not interested. That's fine. If it's biased, I'm not going to make a fuss of that.


MLP being similar to Pound Puppies does not make them one in the same. They both have an idiosyncratic charm to them that draws viewers; evidently, one more than the other. Keep an objective outlook of things. He doesn't like it. Whether or not it's influenced or biased, you have to accept it as his opinion. He doesn't find it appealing. One more person to say it.


Of course, I'd always prefer that people explain why they don't like the show, but I have no power over whether or not they do.


You haven't done anything wrong, BronyHeart, it's okay.

Edited by Zatchiel
  • Brohoof 4


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I'm aware that Bronyheart has done nothing wrong, and I wasn't saying that he had, I just find it to be sad and unfortunate. Pound Puppies clearly does have a lack of Internet fandom in comparison to MLP. I like Pound Puppies, plus, In general, I root for the underdog (no pun intended.)



There are in fact many bronies out there who will not give the show a chance. Some bronies are in fact, biased.


If there are bronies who are also Pound Puppies fans (and I know that there are) then they need to be more vocal!


Thankfully, the show is confirmed to be back for a 3rd season, and hopefully there will also be a 4th season.


(Pound Puppies had a bit of a late start because of the hiatus after the first 7 episodes aired.)


..To clarify. (I also edited my other post)


I understand if a brony doesn't like Pound Puppies as much as MLP, or just thinks the show is "ok", but for a brony to not like the show at all, that is just sad and unfortunate to me.


At the end of the day, there are many bronies out there who treat Pound Puppies, (and other Hub shows), unfairly.


I mean. I personally don't care for "Care Bears: Welcome to Carealot" but I respect the fact that there are some people who like it. There are many obnoxious bronies out there who attack the show whenever The Hub mentions it on Twitter or facebook (They attack ANY Hub show that isn't MLP, that is what I hate.)

Edited by Bronypupfan
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I'm aware that Bronyheart has done nothing wrong, and I wasn't saying that he had, I just find it to be sad and unfortunate. I do NOT want to see Pound Puppies get canned because of a lack of fandom, which it clearly does have a lack of, in comparison to MLP. (at least on the Internet) I like Pound Puppies, plus, In general, I root for the underdog (no pun intended.)


I'm afraid that referring to his opinion as "cold" and "heartless" says a bit more than "I'm sorry to hear that", but moving on:


The show has a confirmed third season, with such a small fandom as of present. If it does go off of the air, I'm certain it'll be for reasons other than lack of a monumental fandom. The producers know fans for this show exist, and they are tending as best they can. It's kind of insulting to say that this show won't make it if it doesn't get an influx of attention, when it has come so far over the last two years, and it's still going.


If nothing else, I just wish that bronies would be respectful of Pound Puppies and not assume that is it garbage just because its not MLP, Many bronies believe that MLP is the only good show on The Hub, and that is simply not true. Whatever happened to "love and tolerance?"


That generalization is pretty unfair. You're speaking about those that probably don't even know this show exists. I'm also questioning how you're interpreting someone saying that they don't like the show. That doesn't mean it's garbage, it just doesn't meet a quota they may have, or perhaps it's not something they'd see themselves enjoying. People have that schema about MLP as well, it's rather commonplace. Earlier in this thread, you stated that people shouldn't form expectations for the show before watching it. You've clearly formed an expectation of how bronies --or anyone, for that matter-- should view this show. If someone says that they don't like it, and leave it at that, so should you. If they don't care to explain it, then you have no substance or evidence to cry bias.


Bronies probably haven't taken the initiative to watch anything outside of MLP, and they'd need an actual reason. I haven't watched any shows on The Hub besides MLP and Pound Puppies, because I don't have a reason. Perchance, if I may surmise, this thread could be the reason that bronies are even giving Pound Puppies a chance. Becoming aware of the fact that this show actually has a fandom does sprout inquiry.


As for "love and tolerance", not only is it not an omni-accepted thing, I also don't see how it applies.


There are in fact many bronies out there who will not give the show a chance. Some bronies are in fact, biased.


Regardless of whether or not this is true, it doesn't justify generalization, and it CERTAINLY doesn't warrant taking such conspicuous offense from people saying that they don't like the show. I'm appalled.


If there are bronies who are also Pound Puppies fans (and I know that there are) then they need to be more vocal!


I agree. Edited by Zatchiel
  • Brohoof 2


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I just watched "A Rebel Without A Collar".

It's watchable, but I don't like the art style much. I'm probably not gonna watch it again unless I get really bored.


I also saw that new CGI care bears show. About the last ten minutes of an episode. Oh god, I wanted to gouge my eyes and ears out.

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I'm afraid that referring to his opinion as "cold" and "heartless" says a bit more than "I'm sorry to hear that", but moving on:

Well, it was a knee-jerk reaction. I DID mean that I was sorry to hear that, and I even edited the post to reflect that.


"The show has a confirmed third season, with such a small fandom as of present. If it does go off of the air, I'm certain it'll be for reasons other than lack of a monumental fandom. The producers know fans for this show exist, and they are tending as best they can. It's kind of insulting to say that this show won't make it if it doesn't get an influx of attention, when it has come so far over the last two years, and it's still going."


That's true, and I am aware that Internet fandom is not everything. still, it would be nice.



"That generalization is pretty unfair. You're speaking about those that probably don't even know this show exists. I'm also questioning how you're interpreting someone saying that they don't like the show. That doesn't mean it's garbage, it just doesn't meet a quota they may have, or perhaps it's not something they'd see themselves enjoying. People have that schema about MLP as well, it's rather commonplace. Earlier in this thread, you stated that people shouldn't form expectations for the show before watching it. You've clearly formed an expectation of how bronies --or anyone, for that matter-- should view this show. If someone says that they don't like it, and leave it at that, so should you. If they don't care to explain it, then you have no substance or evidence to cry bias."


Bronies probably haven't taken the initiative to watch anything outside of MLP, and they'd need an actual reason. I haven't watched any shows on The Hub besides MLP and Pound Puppies, because I don't have a reason. Perchance, if I may surmise, this thread could be the reason that bronies are even giving Pound Puppies a chance. Becoming aware of the fact that this show actually has a fandom does sprout inquiry."


As for "love and tolerance", not only is it not an omni-accepted thing, I also don't see how it applies.


I have not made that generalization about ALL bronies. I never once said that ALL bronies are like that. I know that there are good bronies out there. Again, I am a fan of MLP, otherwise I would not be here. Unfortunately, the "bad" ones seem to be more vocal. There are bronies who DO spam and troll. I never once said that I generalized ALL bronies.


Also, I was NOT interpreting anything that anyone in this thread said when I made the "garbage" comment. I am speaking from what I have seen in other places on the Internet,


The "Love and tolerance" thing, I am just making a reference to the fans on out there who use that mantra, but don't follow it themselves.



Regardless of whether or not this is true, it doesn't justify generalization, and it CERTAINLY doesn't warrant taking such conspicuous offense from people saying that they don't like the show. I'm appalled.


Again, I am not generalizing. I am aware that not all bronies are bad guys. I never meant to generalize anything.


Again, I admit that I made a mistake. I didn't mean it, and I edited the post. I apologize for it. I don't know what else I can say.


I realize that I've said some hasty things, again knee-jerk reaction. I apologize to both you and Bronyheart.


Now. I just hope that I haven't lost you as a friend.


Seriously, I feel bad that this happened, I didn't mean for things to go overboard, and I never meant to offend anyone.

Edited by Bronypupfan
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Would you guys mind sending me a private message? I'd love to get your contact details outside of MLPForums (e-mail or Skype or something) just so that I'm able to reach both of you in private. Puppies fans should stick together. Once a Pound Puppy, always a Pound Puppy. :)


I would also like to say, watching MLP:FiM has opened up my mind to give other animated shows a try too. Not only with PP as I've already done, but I also bought DVDs of season 1 of Transformers Prime, season 1 of Dan Vs., and an Adventures of Chuck and Friends DVD - all other Hasbro/Hub shows. I certainly feel not at all ashamed anymore to have been a fan of Powerpuff Girls like I was in the past... and then getting teased about it in grade school.


Try to remember too that a huge portion of bronies live outside of the US (like me), and therefore don't have access to other HUB programming that's on The Hub, iTunes US, Netflix US... because they're all region restricted to the US. Hell, for the longest time, I wasn't able to watch season 1 anywhere except catch episodes of it on YTV on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon (there is now a user on YouTube known as "TheParanoidPuppies" who hosts season 1 episodes). I'm unable to watch most of season 2 right now because it's not available in Canada and I can't find it anywhere online.


I'm just saying, part of the lack of exposure and the lack of a fanbase comes from the fact that it's just simply not available anywhere for international people to watch... unlike MLP, of which you can find all of the episodes on YouTube very easy. Not the case with most other animated shows. Online piracy would be extremely beneficial to promoting and advertising the animated shows that don't get a whole lot of attention a bit more, but that's another discussion left for another time.

Edited by Senn555
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I have not made that generalization about ALL bronies. I never once said that ALL bronies are like that. I know that there are good bronies out there. Again, I am a fan of MLP, otherwise I would not be here. Unfortunately, the "bad" ones seem to be more vocal. There are bronies who DO spam and troll. I never once said that I generalized ALL bronies.

Then you don't quite understand what it means to generalize, I'm afraid. The word "all" isn't what denotes a broad statement.


If I said that "girls like flowers", is that not a generalization itself? It's specifying an unenumerated quantity of a group of people, without the word "all." Saying that "all girls like flowers" would make it an impartial, and that's all it does; singles out everyone in that category or class, whereas just leaving it as the plural "girls" specifies neither quantity nor exception. It doesn't exclude "girls that don't have siblings" or "girls that spend more time with their mothers", it just states that girls like flowers.


Now, saying "some girls like flowers" is a bit more strict, but it completely depends on how one interprets "some" by the context granted. It could either connote "a handful" or "an innocuous amount." I don't think you'd be as agitated as you seem to be if it was the latter, so I deduced that you meant that there are lots of bronies that are biased towards Pound Puppies, and I said that I have reason to believe against that. Bronies (out of any fan rapport) should understand that shows should be given a fair chance.

Now. I just hope that I haven't lost you as a friend.

Of course not, mate! <3 I actually feel a lot closer to ya with such fruitful debate going on.


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I'm aware that Bronyheart has done nothing wrong, and I wasn't saying that he had, I just find it to be sad and unfortunate. I do NOT want to see Pound Puppies get canned because of a lack of fandom, which it clearly does have a lack of, in comparison to MLP. (at least on the Internet) I like Pound Puppies, plus, In general, I root for the underdog (no pun intended.)



If nothing else, I just wish that bronies would be respectful of Pound Puppies and not assume that is it garbage just because its not MLP, Many bronies believe that MLP is the only good show on The Hub, and that is simply not true. Whatever happened to "love and tolerance"?


There are in fact many bronies out there who will not give the show a chance. Some bronies are in fact, biased.


If there are bronies who are also Pound Puppies fans (and I know that there are) then they need to be more vocal!


Thankfully, the show is confirmed to be back for a 3rd season, and hopefully there will also be a 4th season.


(Pound Puppies had a bit of a late start because of the hiatus after the first 7 episodes aired.)


..To clarify. (I also edited my other post)


I understand of a brony doesn't like Pound Puppies as much as MLP, or just thinks the show is "ok", but for a brony to not like the show at all, that is just sad and unfortunate to me.


At the end of the day, there are many bronies out there who treat Pound Puppies, (and other Hub shows), unfairly.


I mean. I personally don't care for "Care Bears: Welcome to Carealot" but I respect the fact that there are some people who like it. There are many obnoxious bronies out there who attack the show whenever The Hub mentions it on Twitter or facebook (They attack ANY Hub show that isn't MLP, that is what I hate.)


I feel like I should better explain why I dislike the show.


First off is the animation and color scheme, somehow, although I cant really explain it, this was a derogatory factor to me, and I just found myself not a fan of the style.


Some people may say the characters are well developed, but i just dont see proper characterization with most of them.


The comedy... i had 2 laughs out of all nine episodes... and I laugh at alot of things, but i just didn't find the jokes funny, or they wwere too corny.


Ill admit, the voice acting was one thing that I approved of in the show.

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