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Your thoughts on today's society

Dusty Soul

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Society today is so different then what it was 20 years ago. We have politicians peddling lies. We have parents that are scared to let their kid out of their sight for a second. I think we need to change. The main problem I see with how society is ran today is that people turn to the government for everything. If they max out their credit cards they go to the government. This is bad because the government is happy to oblige. They think that the only way to run this country is to fight over ridiculous topics and never find the solution. Republicans and Democrats are both in the wrong here. Actually all political parties are in the wrong. They don't respect each other's opinions worth diddly-squat. They would rather fight over it. This is not only bad for Washington it's bad for the whole United States. I dream of the day all political parties are abolished and we can all get along.

Another thing that I really can't stand about today's society is the parents. Now I'm not talking about all parents, I'm talking about the crazy ones who think that anything abnormal is disrespectful and evil. I'm sorry about bringing this up, but the whole Derpy conflict was just stupid. This is an example of what I mean.

Yet another thing that really ticks me off is how children act to their parents, and how kids are starting to get pregnant in 8th grade. It's truly disgusting. Kids today can't go a second without some form of entertainment. They almost never go outside, and almost never attempt to even get active. They then want and want and want and want. They never are satisfied. Most of them whine until they get their way, but some throw an all out tantrum. Why, you may ask. The parents spoiled them while they were growing up. It's the parents fault.

Last thing (this may be a touchy subject but it needs to be said.). Okay children deemed special needs in schools. Ok this is a subject that really gets me going. My mom substitutes kindergarten sometimes and theirs this child that is special needs. He has repeatedly kicked my mom and grabbed at her earrings and pulled on them. What did the school do about this? Nothing absolutely nothing. They give the lame excuse that he doesn't know any better. I was punched by another special needs kid walking down the hall. I got in trouble for blocking. This is not the kids fault. This is the schools fault. They should buckle down on discipline. I mean I go out to get a drink and I see a special needs kid roaming the halls alone. They don't go to classes. I was in algebra and one walks in almost every week. He comes in and he stands on a desk and he burps out loud. The teacher does nothing. I shout out "can we please get back to the lesson". She gives me a bad look. I have never been so dumbfounded in my life.

So this is where I release it to you guys. What do you think about society and how it changed everything.

  • Brohoof 4


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i definitely agree with you. the fact of teens getting pregnant at 8th grade, drugs, smoking, sex, and all that stuff is just horrible. i also hate how, if someone works out more than you, they > you. and yea, the thing i agree with you on the most is definitely the parents. when i played tennis, my coach had to move to a different court because some stupid mom didnt think it was right that he had to rely on the students to get into the court since he didnt live in the court's area (to access my local tennis court, you have to have a key, which you can only get by living in the area). but yea, today's society is screwed up.

  • Brohoof 2
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Well Dusty, some things never change; most of the time social problems which already existed become more visible.


Greed has become more visible because we can track some of the money that goes to our politicians, see for ourselves in the media children who have everything and demand more, and be astonished when some CEOs receive massive raises while the company itself cuts workers and has windfall profits.


Vengeance and our lack of feelings for others, though, is also a huge problem and always has been. Our entire justice system, to start, is predicated partially on the idea that somehow the suffering of one individual will alleviate crimes of the past. When we see someone we don't like who we think might be guilty of a higher crime, millions of people can be seen all over the internet screaming for their death. But what does this really accomplish? The idea is to stop crime, not to revel in the punishment of others for it; what does it say about us that so many of us enjoy watching people, even those who are guilty, suffer and demand their imprisonment or execution?


I do have to disagree about special needs children, though, since I know so many people who work with them. They really do not know better a lot of the time. Aside, from this, though, I think you will find that most of the social problems we have now such as greed, corruption, spoiled children, and a lack of empathy have always existed but just haven't been as easy to see without social media and the internet.

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" the fact of teens getting pregnant at 8th grade, drugs, smoking, sex, and all that stuff is just horrible. "


I'm going to leave this video here.




Also, as for drugs ( and smoking, same fucking thing ) I believe every drug should be legal and most drugs are illegal for entirely nonsense reasons. A person should be able to put whatever they want in their body. Even if it's going to kill them, they should be able to. You don't start smoking these days because you started without warning and became addicted, these days, you know the warnings ( they're shoved in your face every fucking day ) and when you start smoking, it's because you want to.

  • Brohoof 1


At my table there's no place for your rituals of grace

I will drink to myself for I know there's nothing else

Words of faith reflect your fear

Thinly veiled but far too clear

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I do have to disagree about special needs children, though, since I know so many people who work with them. They really do not know better a lot of the time.

I know I never said they really should know better. All I said was they need to be disciplined. I know (and am good friends actually) with a lot of people who work with them. (I'm sorry if this seems harsh, I wasn't writing it to be harsh). Oh and I do like what you said in your 1st paragraph. Edited by Dusty Soul


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I know I never said they really should know better. All I said was they need to be disciplined. I know (and am good friends actually) with a lot of people who work with them. (I'm sorry if this seems harsh, I wasn't writing it to be harsh). Oh and I do like what you said in your 1st paragraph.


i dont mind having special needs kids in my school, as long as what they do doesnt affect us in a negative way. i actually hate it when people make fun of special needs kids (im not saying you are) but i still want the ones who are a bit more aggressive to be a bit more controlled.

Edited by Scootabloom
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Politicians lying is nothing new. As a matter of fact, thanks to democracy, and the fact that we can vote your ass out of office if we don't like you, I feel like there's less lying, as opposed to the corruption of things like dictatorships and theocracies.


The US is one of the few countries that runs on a two-party system. This is stupid, because it prevents people with new ideas that could potentially beneficial to everyone from getting into office. Instead, we have cookie cutter model A and cookie cutter model B that we have to choose from, that don't necessarily represent us as individuals or don't even represent the majority of the nation. You hear people often talking about having to vote for "the lesser of two evils." We shouldn't have to choose between crappy choice A and just as crappy choice B.


Parents, today, seem to not want to raise their kids. There's a sense of obligation to have kids. This is good for societies that are underpopulated. There's just one problem: we have 7 billion people on the earth. Upping the population isn't exactly a priority anymore. Besides which, the society has changed. We're not at an age anymore where we can do some of the things we used to, like having kids young, and still make it in the world. People haven't accepted that the world has changed this much, but it has. Anyway, as far as parents not wanting to raise their kids, they just expect everyone else to do it. Their teachers, their friends, TV, and there's a lot of inconsistency with this. (Though, I live in Japan, and I'd say that in that respect, things are much worse over here.) And it's because of this obligatory notion that we have to have kids. Here's an idea: if you don't wanna have kids... don't have kids. So many people fail to realize what having a kid entails. They think, oh, we're gonna play and have fun and go on vacations and have super duper happy fun time all the time. The reality is that the majority of the time is not spent having fun. Or at least it shouldn't be. It should be spent instilling discipline, teaching morals and values, teaching them how to do things, all the grunt work of parenting. That's what it basically is - grunt work. If you're fortunate enough to have a fun family vacation or play time with your kids, that's the up side. Yet, again, so many people don't realize that, think it's gonna be fun, end up with a kid, and then go, hey, this is work! This isn't fun! Why didn't anyone tell me this wasn't gonna be fun? Then they end up slacking on their responsibilities, many even being resentful toward their children, who have no blame in this situation whatsoever, because they can't go out like they used to or have the fun they used to have. Kids should only be for those who truly want them. And if you haven't thought about the responsibilities you'll need to take or given thought to if you truly want them, you'd sure as hell better suit up your soldier. Society doesn't wanna be stuck with your crappy mistakes.


I can't say that I agree or don't agree about kids with special needs. I do agree that kids who don't have problems have no business being in a special needs class. This has been a long-debated about subject. I think we can all agree that all kids have the right to an education. However, what to do with them and how they're to be treated is where the matter of debate comes in. I can't speak for kids who actually have genuine disorders. Some members in my family have mental disorders, so I feel sympathetic in that stand point. However, I've been a student in classes such as these, and have been frustrated as a result. So it's a fine line. However, again, people who have nothing wrong with them have no business being in special needs classes. Remedial? Possibly. Special needs? No. I had a friend when I was in junior high and high school. Supposedly, she had ADD. (Which, by the by, is one of the most over-diagnosed disorders out there.) If she wanted to, she could be focused and provide her undivided attention. She was just kinda lazy. All the diagnosis of ADD did was allowed her to use it as a crutch. She'd claim that she forgot her meds that day, and all of the sudden, she was no longer to blame for her bad grades. She used it as an excuse not to do her work and not to think. This certainly wasn't beneficial to her. If she were thrown in the deep end, she probably would have tried harder. She almost failed a grade at one point. But because she, supposedly, had ADD, they just pushed her through to the next grade. If they'd let her fail, maybe she would have realized that she was slacking off and that she actually has to try to get ahead. That's what I have a problem with.


Personally, I feel like the main problem with society is a lack of responsibility. Back, actually, not too long ago, people recognized when they were causing a problem, and would actually do something to stop. Now? "No, that's not my fault. In fact, it's everyone else's fault but mine. Yeah. What the hell, everyone else? Why did you let me do this horrible thing I did? It's certainly not -my- fault. I have circumstance/situation X which prevents it from possibly being my fault at all. You guys really dropped the ball on this one." Please.

  • Brohoof 2

maudpie_zpsh8n7erzx.png You're the most basic of jokes.

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Society today is really bad. I can completely agree with this.


I think we all understand what is currently happening around us, we see it on a day to day basis. It does genuinely make me feel gutted seeing kids 'growing up too fast'. All I can say is that when I was 13-16 I wasn't dressing or acting like they did at all.


I could go into great detail of the differences of about 4 years. But it's a bit pointless as I think everyone can see and understand that for themselves if they take a step back and just look.


Right now, I can't see society EVER fixing itself... Let's face it, as each generation passes, the world is getting more violent, slutty, etc. I think we're going to be the ones that destroy ourselves. :/

  • Brohoof 2
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I didn't take the time to read anything posted on this thread, because society sucks, will suck, has sucked, and is known to be sucky; in many more ways than 1.


Giving a buck about it only makes it worse, so I usually just shrug it off and go about my business.

  • Brohoof 2


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Everyone says this generation sucks and hates teens for having sex and doing drugs, but who were the ones who raised them?

  • Brohoof 2


Brushing your hair is for people who care and someone who cares is not I, I'll jump off a bridge and then fill up your fridge,
and best pony is Fluttershy.


Her face is still blushing and she is still eating the pasta.


"on the internet;everyone are strong"- Guy on Youtube.

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Practically todays generation is well and truly bucked in my opinion. A lot of people I know that are my age have done drugs, smoked cigarettes and had sex. I think the rolemodels of today is what bucked up all the kids.

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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It's not only the parents fault it's also the media's fault. When kids and teens are watching Jersey Shore and other reality TV crap, it makes them want to be like the people on that show. My sister is a great example of a spoiled brat. She will scream and cry whenever she doesn't get something she wants, and she will start breaking things and slamming doors. She has already broken about 2 doors from slamming them so hard. She is 15 years old and nearly 16 and she is still not mature enough to stop doing this.

  • Brohoof 3


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It's not only the parents fault it's also the media's fault.

Oh, I was hoping someone would say this. I agree with this, the media is only pushing all of it and saying it's right. I probably should have put that in the first post...


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We also have an entire society without consequences for some, and too many for others. I laugh at the idea that we are all equal. We have stupid people suing McDonalds for spilling hot coffee on themselves, parents suing the school board because their child was failed for obvious cheating, and the rich getting richer by having their pockets padded by a government who would rather piss all over the meek and needy and add to the wealthy.

Edited by Cupcake Ice Cream
  • Brohoof 1

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We're a desensitized society that has manage to shift our entire focus onto the bad and evil things in life as if they were the only things that mattered. We hate things because all we know is what's bad about them. We are too arrogant to realize that our world view is not perfect. Our popular culture is controlled by advertisers rather than normal people. We're a society where our support for a chicken sandwich or a cookie are of greater importance than people fighting for their freedom in another country.


However, at the same time, we have come to a point where the social norms are breaking. We're beginning to realize that what we thought was normal a few years ago is just one part of what is truly normal. We're a society that makes beautiful things, even if they often go unnoticed. We're a society that makes great things to improve ours and other people's lives. We strive to know more about ourselves and the things around us, even if we don't have the proper funds. We're still a society that is capable of class, love, kindness, charity, intelligence, creativity, and happiness.


If you spend your whole life thinking that the world around you is a dark place, you'll never see any light.

I'm pretty cool. I think.


Also, new OC (it has a cutie mark this time!).

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We also have an entire society without consequences for some, and too many for others. I laugh at the idea that we are all equal. We have stupid people suing McDonalds for spilling hot coffee on themselves, parents suing the school board because their child was failed for obvious cheating, and the rich getting richer by having their pockets padded by a government who would rather piss all over the meek and needy and add to the wealthy.


Just a little something about the McDonalds thing. It was entirely justified. No one should be serving coffee that does this:

(spoilered because nasty as fuck)


Posted Image


to your skin.



Back on topic, yeah, society is pretty screwed up. One of the problems is that people seem willing to complain about society, but very few actually try to fix it. Also, there are laws in some places that make it illegal to give anything to hobos. That's just being a dick.

Anyways, society has, does, and always will suck, just in different ways as time goes on. Hopefully, the next hundred years will change that, but probably not.

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Just a little something about the McDonalds thing. It was entirely justified. No one should be serving coffee that does this:

(spoilered because nasty as fuck)


Posted Image


to your skin.



Back on topic, yeah, society is pretty screwed up. One of the problems is that people seem willing to complain about society, but very few actually try to fix it. Also, there are laws in some places that make it illegal to give anything to hobos. That's just being a dick.

Anyways, society has, does, and always will suck, just in different ways as time goes on. Hopefully, the next hundred years will change that, but probably not.


I'm man enough to admit you are right. I am still dubious about the details of the case but that's just me


It still doesn't change the fact that this country is in a sad way...but again that's just me too

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I believe there's both really great people and aspects of society and bad people and aspects of society, its just that the media much rather focus on and the general masses much rather hear and be entertained by the slimy and bad aspects of society. The media shouldn't be the driving voice of what we should hold important but unfortunately it is.

Edited by Doctor XFizzle
  • Brohoof 1

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
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I hate society too... At school, almost everyone had sex, got drunk, smokes and tried or is even addicted to drugs. I did nothing of that because I know drugs can destroy your brain, smoking destroys your lungs, alcohol tastes bad and sex is dumb. At least almost no one in my class is like that from what I know. I'm also surprised to know that my school is one of the most gay friendly school ever (You can get beaten for being homophobic there). You're also right on politics. How many times did we try to get rid of our prime minister here and always find him reelected because people are too dumb to notice he steals our money? Hope we can get rid of him this time. Also, everything is overpriced now and you can't go anywhere without having to pay a fortune for gas. I remember when my parents said you could buy chips for 1 penny and a soda for 2 pennies, when was that time actually because that seems really far behind.

  • Brohoof 1


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Also, as for drugs ( and smoking, same fucking thing ) I believe every drug should be legal and most drugs are illegal for entirely nonsense reasons. A person should be able to put whatever they want in their body. Even if it's going to kill them, they should be able to. You don't start smoking these days because you started without warning and became addicted, these days, you know the warnings ( they're shoved in your face every fucking day ) and when you start smoking, it's because you want to.


Here's the thing about drugs. As long as you don't force it upon me, your only hurting yourself. I don't support kids smoking, but it's impossible to stop.


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I believe there's both really great people and aspects of society and bad people and aspects of society, its just that the media much rather focus on and the general masses much rather hear and be entertained by the slimy and bad aspects of society. The media shouldn't be the driving voice of what we should hold important but unfortunately it is.



Hmmm? Bad People and Good People? You know what we need ?

Posted Image



But back on topic there is nothing we can really do about it.

We are Pain , We are God - Nagato


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Everyone says this generation sucks and hates teens for having sex and doing drugs, but who were the ones who raised them?


It's not the parents fault. People have children at different ages. Someone could be 20 and have a 40 year old parent, and someone could be 15 and have the same aged parent.


It's the media that has done it.

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Everyone says this generation sucks and hates teens for having sex and doing drugs, but who were the ones who raised them?


Like I mentioned, it's not always the parents fault, it's the medias fault. My parents are some of the greatest parents out of everyone else I know. They raised me well and will continue to do so. It's not my parents fault my sister turned into a whiny screaming spoiled baby. Because if it was I would be like that too.


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Teens have ALWAYS fucked and done drugs, because it's our nature. We smoke cannabis because it's fun ( just like elephants and birds eat fermented fruit ) and we have teen sex because IT'S OUR BIOLOGY, we're supposed to want to fuck after we reach around the age of 13, it's how we are. the only reason we see " teen sex " as bad is because our society is so far ahead of our biology. drugs and teen sex are NOT wrong, you're just conditioned and programmed to think that way.


At my table there's no place for your rituals of grace

I will drink to myself for I know there's nothing else

Words of faith reflect your fear

Thinly veiled but far too clear

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Consider the possibility that the world isn't getting crazier, more selfish or more dangerous...as you get older you're simply becoming more aware of the craziness, selfishness and danger that's always been around.



Bassist, pianist, and backing vocalist for MLP-themed metal band Draconequus.  Check out our latest music video, a metal cover of "Tricks up my Sleeve" here.

Bassist, pianist, and vocalist for MLP-themed alt rock band Worst Princess.  Check our recent live performance of "Shine Like Rainbows" here.

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