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How do you feel about yourself?


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Well, I'm ok with myself at this point in my life. When I'm not distracted by something interesting, I realize how boring and useless I think I am. I am very trusting of a lot of people and that is something I dislike about myself.


My best quality I guess, is my creative mind. It may drive me crazy at times and make me seem schizophrenic, but it really helps me write some stories that help me get over it.


Rating would have to be a 6.5/10

Just another background cat. Move along.

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Right now I feel like things couldn't be much better :3 and it is for no particular reason. I 'love' myself (as cheesy and self centered as that sounds, it is nonetheless true) I think it is important to have a good opinion of yourself, otherwise how can you expect anyone else to have good opinions of you. I used to be in my own little pity party, now I look back at that old me and say "fooo what chu doin!!??"


My best quality: The ability to make people feel better. ALSO my ability to LITERALLY talk someones ear off.


out of 10... 9/10 (great score, but not perfect) I am still improving myself, but I like how I am now :)

Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently. ~Henry Ford

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How do I honestly feel about myself?


Well I tend to think of myself as narcissistic, and I hate myself for it. I go out of my way to please people, but I know deep down that I'm usually not doing it out of the kindness of my heart. I'm doing it so people will think better of me.


I know I'm intelligent, but I tend not to show it in fear of flaunting it.


I'm a hard worker, but it seems I only work hard to feed my own narcissism. I love to be praised, and I will work myself half to death just to receive a pat on the back.


I feel different than most of my family members. Most of them are the typical 'party drinking clubber' type of people, while I am the nerdy artist who watches ponies. Most of the time I tend to dread that there is something wrong with me, like I'm some sort of freak.


In short, I kind of hate myself; I've just learned to live with it.

Edited by Eljordo



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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I'm smart and artistic. My IQ is 127 and I have Asperger's. I know exactly what I want in life, but I don't know how to get there; probably why I can relate myself to Rainbow Dash. I tend to let small things to get the better of me, I'm one of the many who are unable to find work and be independent. At best, I create vivid worlds with well defined characters. At worst, I see myself not going anywhere in life.

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Hoo boy, this is actually a tough question. Ask anyone that I know and they will tell you that I am very down on myself most of the time. I guess I see myself as this. I am an incredibly flawed person with many different problems, I am a person with many creative ideas but cannot express them. I am a person with little friends and barely a social life. I am a person with almost no talents and poor sportsmanship. Despite all of this, I am fighting on. Little by little accepting myself for who I am. I have a zany and unique personality that I am grateful for. Sure, I cannot drive a car or socialize much, but I can accept it as long as I am fine with myself and I am.


How do I feel about myself? Pretty damn good actually. As much as I am depressed a lot of the time, I always try to end the day with that same feeling.


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I'm not a bad guy but I'll admit it, I might be about 55% fault. I might also be a total liar and cheater, if that would give an advantage in life (it's happened before!). Even with those faults, people still believe I could do better...


Eh, 4/10

"Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa...

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Great topic; intriguing question.


Ever since becoming a brony I've been feeling a lot better about myself than before, since I used to think that life had to mean something big, that being happy wasn't enough. Now I've mostly come to realize that enjoying life is a perfectly okay mentality to have.


However...there has been one thorn in my side throughout all of this. I am a creator of things, an artist, like the majority of bronies (from what I've seen). Throughout all of my life, I've been desperately craving recognition for what I create. Lately, I've mostly been doing symphonic/orchestrated music and writing a fanfic series. I thought that, now that my interests and 'audience' has shifted, I might get recognition I've been wanting so badly for so long...


I was wrong.


That doesn't mean that I can't still enjoy being a brony...but it still hurts.

  • Brohoof 1



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Oh boy... hmm... Actually am thinking about this question...


On a scale of 1 - 10 I would say.... Probably a 6 is a bit too generous of myself... so I'll go with 5/10.


I live in the past too much. I think about what this past year would've been like had I done things differently, I am aware that nothing changes this. I'm slightly paranoid, I'm not very trusting. I'm lazy, not physically, like I exercise a lot and run a lot. It's doing simple things, like responding to a simple text message that says "Hi", I like the person, I would enjoy talking to them, but responding is too much of a hassle for some reason. Or other things like talking about a discussion I enjoy, sometimes I just don't feel like talking. I am a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to relationships, I try to find the perfect girl, be the perfect person, and try too hard when I should just be myself. I get distracted very easily, in fact, writing this is proving difficult because I can hear the TV in the next room.


I am however very confident. I have no problem doing anything. I don't have anything to lose, I have nothing to really fear. I am very outgoing, I can usually invent any conversation and hold any conversation. I have a very good work ethic, if I start something with work I have to finish it (homework doesn't count). I have a silver tongue, I can charm people my way. I am very physically active. I have a lot of achievable goals for the future.


I am aware of all my faults and currently work towards fixing them. When I fix them, I'll think more like an 8 or a 9 of myself.


"In the end it all comes down to just how far we can slide"

V Check out my Artwork at V

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  • 6 years later...

Let's see...I'm insecure, anxious, at least to some degree paranoid, and overly clingy and affectionate.

ON THE OTHER HAND, though, I'm a very welcoming, optimistic, open-minded, and friendly person.

So I'd say I'm a 5/10.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Let's see:



  • I try to be nice to other people, as long as they don't not deserve it
  • I'm quite open-minded about all sorts of things
  • I'm a fairly intelligent person overall
  • I can admit, I do look kind of cute :catface:
  • I try to be my own person, and not somebody else



  • I'm quite indecisive 
  • I am socially inept
  • I have pretty bad anxiety about all sorts of things
  • I'm unskilled in general
  • Something's wrong upstairs, but I know not what
  • I can be a tiny bit overly... flirtatious with the same sex. :sealed:


I would say a 5/10 probably.

Edited by ~Angel Dust~
I made some additions to both lists.
  • Brohoof 1
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Wow, I was so deluded with my original post back then. XD I was still having that "brony high" where I felt good about being part of the fandom and being open about it.

These days, things are different. I have all sorts of issues. Things like my anxiety, depression, confidence, self image, self hatred, that stuff has gotten worse. A lot worse. I still try to enjoy things for what they are, I still love the simple joys and that hasn't changed. It is the act of enjoying them that has gotten more difficult. I view myself as a total failure, a nobody. In terms of my status in life, I am a grade-A screw up. Back in 2012 I didn't have my signatures, so I do have those at least as my one thing in life that gives me value, but lately even doing those is troubling. I feel so much self pressuring that it makes it near impossible to get the motivation.

I am such a mental train wreck. I've always been so in life, but these years have seen it all getting worse. If I didn't feel so much like a failure it would help...I just want to enjoy life. Yet, I am the biggest obstacle in my way. I would probably rate myself a 3/10 these days and that might be generous.


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I’m just okay with myself. I have good physical looks but I have various mental health disorders that can really take a toll on me. I feel like I still haven’t figured out what my purpose in life is.

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I kinda love myself when happy and hate myself when I’m down.


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21 minutes ago, Bakugou Is My Man ❤ said:

I’m just okay with myself. I have good physical looks but I have various mental health disorders that can really take a toll on me. I feel like I still haven’t figured out what my purpose in life is.

I'll copy this because I feel the same. However, my purpose in life may have been figured out quite a long time ago, just getting there is tricky.

  • Brohoof 2
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I wouldn't give myself a very high rating, considering all the issues I have, in addition to just not liking myself much. The feeling that I serve no significant purpose doesn't help either and it leaves me with very little motivation. I'm pretty out of shape as well, which only serves a painful reminder of why I don't like the way I am.

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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Much alive and not dying...yet of course.



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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I honestly don't feel very good about myself at all. I tend to focus way too much about negative stuff, and not enjoy positive things as much (not just with self-reflection, but in general). This leads me to exaggerate my faults and undermine my positive traits (of which I don't feel like I have many in the first place).

I'm not a nice person. Like, I try to be amicable, but I'm just... I dunno. I just can't seem to connect to people at all, and that leads me to believe I'm not nice. It also drives a lot of potential friends away. Being boring to talk to also doesn't help, but I don't have a lot going on in life right now. I'm not very ambitious, and I don't really know what I want out of life yet, so I'm kind of just drifting along at this point.

I honestly can't think of anything positive to put here. I'm relatively smart, but not much smarter than anyone else, and only "book smart", not practical smart. I'm not very good looking, I don't have a charming personality or voice, I'm not very physically adept, et cetera. There's not really that much to know about me.

Yeh. :v

If I had to rate myself out of 10, I'd probably call myself a 2.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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I'd rate myself a 6.5 out of 10.

I have good traits but plenty of bad ones that I haven't ironed out yet. I'm usually not that insecure and I try to be as accessible as possible because I know what it feels like to be on the receiving side of people who are aloof. If I come off contrary to these claims it's usually unintentional and I can be hard to read at times. I think I am nice to be honest, and middle-of-the-road smart, nothing special but not dumb either. 

My best quality is...maybe friendliness, which is better seen in person. And loyalty could be in the mix somewhere too. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I like myself... for the most part.

My #1 insecurity is my intelligence. I tend to comment things like "Oh, I'm so stupid." Or "Ugh, I'm so fu***** dumb." All the time. At first it started out as a joke, but now I genuinely believe that I am not as smart as I should be...

I'm trying to get over it atm, but it's still hard. 


I'd rate myself a 9/10

Edited by Emerald<3
  • Brohoof 2




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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I'd rate myself a 2/10. I think I could be a lot better but I really don't know how. I just really don't like myself and I doubt my abilities all the time.

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