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gaming Favorite Generation of Pokemon?


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After looking through some old VHS tapes, I uncovered a few of me and my older brothers "Pokemon: Gotta Catch 'Em All!" episodes. My childhood mainly consisted of Pokemon/Mario/Zelda, so they brought back a lot of memories - and it also got me wondering; what is/are your favorite generations of Pokemon (both the games and seasons of the anime)?


I personally think the newer seasons are crap, more specifically the Black and White anime. The first few seasons are way more entertaining to me, it was a bit more humorous, Ash was actually somewhat like-able, etc. As for the games, let's just say that around Ruby/Sapphire it started to seem like they were just recycling the same old content (with a few new features albeit, but not many). Kanto and Johto were in my eyes the golden years of Pokemon.


So, what do you think? Which games are your favorite? Do you agree/disagree with me?

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I think that generation 1 and 2 were the best years of pokemon for me. Maybe it was because I was younger and it was the first encounter I had with pokemon. I still play the newer ones, though not as intense as I had once played the first on the Gameboy.

(same as the anime)


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I haven´t seen pokémon for ages, but I have to agree that newest are shitty. The pokémons are ugly, which makes me sad. But talking about games, I like leafgreen and emerald the most.

Try to try again

To see yourself again from time to time.

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I never really watched the actual tv show the closest I got was the movie they made but my favourite generation of the games has to be the blue/red/yellow version their just awesome :')


Thanks to Doctor-Whooves for the awesome sig

Thanks to FayFoxeh for allowing me to use one of her artworks ^^


There was a crooked man and he walked a crooked mile.

He found a crooked sixpence upon a crooked stile.

He bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse.

And they all lived together in a little crooked house.

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I've been around since Crystal and I still play. I'd have to say that Generation 4 is my favourate generation, simply because I like Sinnoh and this Gen is were a lot of my favourite pokemon are from. I don't have much opinion of the anime though.


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Generation II was my favorite. I just felt like the games, especially Crystal, were at the very top of their game.


Although I have enjoyed all of the games. R/S/E are my least favorites by far, though.

  • Brohoof 1

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I don't play much Pokemon any more... But...


I first started playing Pokemon at diamond and perl... I really like piplup... It's my fave Pokemon...


Then I emulated white... I had a good time with it... Till I got board...


Now I'm waiting for white 2...


As for fave generation... Idk my fave pokemon is piplup... But I also like the univa pokemon... Idk what to say...



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G/S/C all the way. Gamefreak and Nintendo really should have added access to multiple regions in the newer generations. Gen 2 added day/night, breeding, pokegear, some of my favorite pokemon, and had 17 badges if you include defeating Red. Best by far.


The remakes were pretty good, but they don't feel quite the same to me. =/

Edited by MadCowDisease
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The anime sucks after about the first season or so. When Ash became really stupid and started losing everything he did.


As for the games, Gen 3 is the best imo. New area and completely new pokemon with very few old ones involved. It was magical playing it for a first time. If that game had online capabilities like Black&White I would still be adding on to my 483 hours on that single game. They seriously need to do a remake of it.

  • Brohoof 2


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hm hm, I didn't grow up with pokemon because I wasn't allowed to watch or play it when I was little, so I don't have nostalgia glasses clouding my opinions. I think for me, my favourite to least favourite list goes G3, G5, G2, G1, G4 based on the looks of the pokemon alone. all the generations have pokemon that I love and pokemon that I hate though, so my opinions aren't super strong one way or the other.

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I'd say Gen 4. I loved Sinnoh and the new pokemon from that gen were definitely my favourites. Most notably Electivire and Glaceon. Gen 3 isn't far behind, but it had zigzagoon, which to this day is still the worst pokemon ever to exist.

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Pokemon Crystal was my favorite Pokemon game. All the eggs I hatched where shiny (1:8 chance in an egg of being shiny).


But I loved the Gold, Silver and Fire Red games too! :)post-7636-0-05561500-1347136396.jpeg


My favorite new games are Black, Soul Silver, Diamond and Purl. post-7636-0-62743800-1347136416.jpeg


I cant wait for black and wight 2! :lol:


from:someone's deviant art

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You really can't beat the classics, especially when you've grown up with them. The first and second seasons will always simply be my generation. I've kind of lost interest in Pokemon after the Jhoto season, mainly due to thinking the Pokemon were looking lamer and lamer. Generation 3's weren't so terrible, but by G4 the new designs had me throwing up in my mouth.


I agree with the others that G/S/C were the best in the series with my favorite forever being Crystal. Everything they added literally made the games 20% cooler; the animated sprites, day/night, genders, and so on. Plus you got two whole entire regions to explore! That was awesome! I did like Sapphire and Diamond whenever I played through them though, though I think a good bit of why I liked them were due to how cool the cities looked. The ash, tree, and sea cities were all pretty cool in R/S/E and I liked the new "3D" look of the cities in Platinum.


I don't bother with Pokemon anymore really, the games have just gotten so boring to me (constant random encounters with the exact same battle system for 10 years, whew!) and the new Pokemon (literally) disgust me.


Of course I know a large part of it has to do with nostalgia, but after the Jhoto season of Pokemon I started drifting towards other shows.. Like Digimon. :P


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You really can't beat the classics, especially when you've grown up with them. The first and second seasons will always simply be my generation. I've kind of lost interest in Pokemon after the Jhoto season, mainly due to thinking the Pokemon were looking lamer and lamer. Generation 3's weren't so terrible, but by G4 the new designs had me throwing up in my mouth.


I agree with the others that G/S/C were the best in the series with my favorite forever being Crystal. Everything they added literally made the games 20% cooler; the animated sprites, day/night, genders, and so on. Plus you got two whole entire regions to explore! That was awesome! I did like Sapphire and Diamond whenever I played through them though, though I think a good bit of why I liked them were due to how cool the cities looked. The ash, tree, and sea cities were all pretty cool in R/S/E and I liked the new "3D" look of the cities in Platinum.


I don't bother with Pokemon anymore really, the games have just gotten so boring to me (constant random encounters with the exact same battle system for 10 years, whew!) and the new Pokemon (literally) disgust me.


Of course I know a large part of it has to do with nostalgia, but after the Jhoto season of Pokemon I started drifting towards other shows.. Like Digimon. :P



I played a lot of roms to do the older ones but most of them where real.

I loved the classics!

But red and blue where the same as yellow.

I love yellow its in my gameboy right now!


from:someone's deviant art

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I don't believe I mentioned it in the first post, but my personal favorites are the Generation 1 games, closely followed by Generation 2. Gen 3 isn't great but it's enjoyable, and the rest I just don't find any entertainment value in. They've just run out of ideas for new Pokemon to collect, they're beginning to look horrid.


They seriously need to do a remake of it.


They've already remade Red and Green, then went on to remake Gold and Silver, so my guess is that they'll eventually get around to remaking Ruby and Sapphire.

Edited by YeahManWAZZAP
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I played a lot of roms to do the older ones but most of them where real.

I loved the classics!

But red and blue where the same as yellow.

I love yellow its in my gameboy right now!


I remember getting yellow when I was a wee foal for Christmas and instantly falling in love with it. Pikachu following you, being able to get all three starters, the real Jessie and James Team Rocket.. it was sweeet! :D


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I don't believe I mentioned it in the first post, but my personal favorites are the Generation 1 games, closely followed by Generation 2.




They've already remade Red and Green, then went on to remake Gold and Silver, so my guess is that they'll eventually get around to remaking Ruby and Sapphire.


yup, I know. I have one from each of those. Waiting anxious as hell for that Sapphire/Ruby/Emerald remake, though. They better do it or ill burn down their houses be a very sad pony. :(


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yup, I know. I have one from each of those. Waiting anxious as hell for that Sapphire/Ruby/Emerald remake, though. They better do it or ill burn down their houses be a very sad pony. :(


I think I see a trend that GameFreak has started, although I may be wrong. After Ruby/Sapphire, they made FireRed/LeafGreen, and then after Diamond/Pearl, they made HeartGold/SoulSilver. Am I imagining things? They've already made Black/White and haven't released a Ruby/Sapphire remake yet, so maybe I'm just pulling stuff out of thin air.

  • Brohoof 1
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Allow me to respectfully disagree with most of what people have said here, although ninjas everywhere because walls of text take time to procure.


Re: the show, I've sampled some of the new stuff and it's not worth watching really. I don't remember the old stuff, so I won't judge, but I have heard that the movies are always objectively better than the show (I've only seen Mewtwo Strikes Back and Destiny Deoxys in that respect).


I have a ton more to say about the games, though. I've played Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, Leafgreen, Diamond, Pearl, SoulSilver, and White in the main series (which I assume we're talking about instead of spinoffs like Mystery Dungeon or Colloseum/XD). The first generation (RBY) had strange, severely unbalanced mechanics and were full of bugs (for example, the only move that hit every time was Swift due to how accuracy was calculated; everything else had at least a 1/256 chance of missing. Crit rate was based on Speed, with high crit moves having guaranteed crits and Focus Energy doing nothing because the games were so damn buggy, etc). These things are immutable facts I am stating for the record. It does not mean bashing is what is taking place here. Some people think these things add to the charm of the games and make them unique. Personally, while I do think these games are good simply because they're Pokemon, I do not think that they're better than other games in the series. Pokemon selection is severely limited: for example, the only Ghost types were the Gastly line, the only Dragons were the Dratini line, the only Dragon move was Dragon Rage, the only damaging Ghost move was Lick, the only damaging Bug moves were Twineedle, Pin MIssile, and Leech Life...there's just so little variety to choose from, really. As a pre-emptive thing about Pokemon design, if you dislike things like Vanilluxe and Garbodor because they're "uncreative," you must've forgotten about the Doduo line, Magnemite line, Diglett line, and Grimer line. I don't know how many times I have to say this, but Pokemon designs haven't radically changed ever, really, and there always have been poorly designed Pokemon. Some people (cough*SuntouchedCoco*cough) just don't want to like the newer stuff, thereby blinding themselves to the likes of Volcarona, Zoroark, and other well-designed Gen V Pokemon. This must be about the tenth time I've said this exact thing on this forum alone. It's fine to have opinions, but when they blatantly disregard certain things, that's less okay with me.


Second gen (GSC) was really neat. The Special stat was broken down into Special Attack and Special Defense, the Dark and Steel types were added, and more kinds of different types of Pokemon and moves were introduced, drastically increasing the variety, even if the new types did only get a few members each. I personally loved the idea of gaining access to an entire region for pseudo-postgame shenanigans. Other than the aforementioned goodstuffs and some mechanic refining and Pokemon and item adding (oh yeah, how about those items), not much happened in the generational shift, what with the whole "still on GBC" thing. I guess the games were a bit more colorful? The Battle Tower in Crystal was fun to mess around in, and set the stage for some of the really cool post-postgame stuff in later games. That's really all there is to say on the matter.


Gen III (RSEFRLG) kicked tons of ass in my opinion, especially since Emerald is my favorite game (as I said in the "Which Pokemon Game is your Favorite" thread that I'm too lazy to link here). Hoenn is my favorite region design, since it has a little of everything. Expansive water routes, foresty areas, beaches, volcanoes, and islands...it all felt really exotic and interesting. Cover legendaries started getting really neat backstory that had story significance, which became a thing. Double the ambiguously-evil teams make for double the fun, perhaps even more than double. The style of the games became much more colorful and clean compared to generations previous, which I liked. More Pokemon, new moves and items, and the new EV/IV/nature system meant a near exponential increase in variety, since a Pokemon could now perform more than one role effectively (case in point: Salamence, who was pretty cool with a Choice Band, a Dragon Dance set, or a fully Special attacking set). Abilities were introduced as well, so yay. Perhaps the best thing, though, was Emerald's Battle Frontier, which basically made the game infinitely entertaining (and, for a change, challenging). FireRed and LeafGreen set the precedent to remake the games of two generations prior, and they were neat games despite being Red and Blue with updated mechanics and graphics with a postgame thing tacked on. I just can't get enough of Emerald.


Gen IV (DPPtHGSS) had a rather slow start, in my opinion. Diamond and Pearl were actually notorious for how long anything took to happen, from battle animations to overworld loading to text scrolling. Galactic is probably the best single antagonisteam (yes, I just made this term up) because they go big or go home, and have Admins and a leader with very developed character. Platinum, from what I know, fixed nearly every problem with DP and added sweet stuffs like Pokemon that got a new evolution (no more Fire type E4 with two Fire types out of his five Pokemon because there aren't any more) and a redesigned Battle Frontier, complete with Move Tutors out the wazoo. HGSS brought back and expanded upon Yellow's Pikachu-following shenanigans, which is really cool and I want it to return in other games because oh my god reasons. They also were updated Gold and Crystal games, which is totally awesome and they're probably my second favorite games. The mechanic changes were strong in this one: no longer is damage type (physical/special) determined on the basis of the move's type. It's now on a move to move basis, giving things like Gyarados, for example, a physical Water move in Waterfall (or the new Aqua Tail: adding new moves is still a thing that happens). A lot of things became more useful because of this, and it really makes a lot of sense to do things this way (lol Shadow Ball used to be a physical move and Dragon Claw was special). But yeah: pretty decent generation right here.


Gen V (BW, BW2 in Japan now, but worldwide in a month or so) is a mixed bag so far. On the one hand, I like what they did with certain aspects of the postgame timewaster (Battle Subway in this case) in allowing us to immediately challenge reasonably strong opponents. Unlike most people, I don't really mind any of the new Pokemon designs, although I obviously have my preferences. I enjoyed the storyline because it seemed to be much more involved than ever before, dealing with moral ambiguities and such as well. One thing I'm not too keen on, though, is being led by the nose to the next area. It won't be a half-circle ingame for BW2 at least, thank gog. The only real addition here was Dream World, which is a lot bigger than most realize, but not quite as big as any other generational transition. What I'm really looking forward to is a possible remake of Ruby and Sapphire (or Emerald, actually, to keep the number of games per gen-with-remakes constant). They would basically be the greatest things ever in the history of anything, and make Gen V my favorite by a wide margin, since I really do like White, and BW2 can only be improvements.


The order for me is something like III>IV>V>II>I. One and two are so low because they've been remade and improved and all that jazz, so y'know. Gen III also has Colloseum, XD, and the first Mystery Dungeon games, so that's a plus, although I prefer Explorers of X to Red and Blue Rescue Team. Average post size for me in a Pokemon thread, yes/yes

  • Brohoof 2


@Eevee (Arcanel)

@Leafeon (Sapphire Quill) @Vaporeon (Seraphim) | @Glaceon (Megamare) | @Flareon (MrXweet)

 (Golgo) | @Espeon (BowlArt64) | @Umbreon (Kestrel) | @Sylveon (Annakavanna)

The Espeon gif from http://www.pkparaiso.com/xy/sprites_pokemon.php

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Crystal version was perfection, man. I can't think of a Pokemon gaming experience I had that was as fun as that one was. The story was great, the world was great, the graphics were great...just a great game all around. Gen 1+2 will always be my favorite.



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I think I see a trend that GameFreak has started, although I may be wrong. After Ruby/Sapphire, they made FireRed/LeafGreen, and then after Diamond/Pearl, they made HeartGold/SoulSilver. Am I imagining things? They've already made Black/White and haven't released a Ruby/Sapphire remake yet, so maybe I'm just pulling stuff out of thin air.


Mother of Celestia.....So your theory is that they may make one after Black&White2 (or possibly before, but I don't see them doing a secret release)? They also seem to have some sort of 2-3 gen separation before they make a remake. I hope you're right in this theory.


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