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“Okie dokie Loki! Pinkie says. she bounces away, only to bounce back a moment later when you fail to stand up. “Wow, you look tired. here, Lemme help.” She leans down and helps you climb to your hooves. “Alrighty! Let’s go!”

As he gets up and walks with Pinkie to Sugarcube corner, he tries his best to stay on his hooves for the duration of the walk. After awhile, they reached Sugarcube Corner, so Penguin asked Pinkie, "So, what do you wanna do now?" He waits for a reply from Pinkie while he gets some cupcakes and some drinks for them


(OOC : Mal we can have a double date :P)

Edited by Penguin

My OC : Winter Chill (Indigo)

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Twilight puts a hoof on your shoulder to calm you down “It’s okay Mal, yes the spell worked, and I’ve already sent a letter to the princess. She should have those monsters rounded up by nightfall. We’ve won.” she levitates a book over to you. “I can understand you being a bit paranoid after all that’s happened to you, so here’s a spell that will tell you if somepony is a changeling.” She opens the book to a specific page and puts it in front of you. “I hope you don’t mind, I already performed it on you while you were sleeping. just to be sure.”


Mal looked at Twilight. "Don't worry Twi, I don't mind. Also, we won't have to worry about the changelings anymore?" Mal told her as he read the spell.

After a few minutes of reading the spell he began to cast it.

'I hope I don't mess this up and hurt Twi. I also hope this isn't a changeling.'

Mal cast the spell on Twilight.....


(OOC I'm up for any double date/parties and such if the changeling matter is now solved.)

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Eljordo and rainbow dash get in line, and are soon joined by Dj Shy3 and Fluttershy. [/font][/color]

“Oh hey Fluttershy!” Dash Calls. “Cool hair clip!”

“Oh, Hi Rainbow Dash. this is ADF, He made it for me.”

“Did he now?” Rainbow dash gives Shy3 the once over before leaning in to whisper. “Listen you, Fluttershy is very delicate, If you do anything to hurt her, I will mess you up, we clear?”


Yes, we are clear. Although I just gotta say, I would NEVER say or do anything on porous to hurt Fluttershy. It took a lot out of me to even go up to her and ask het out. All I know right now, is that it would be awful if something went wrong and Fluttershy never wanted to see me again. I mean, she is just so perfect! Where as I'm just a nopony.

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(OOC: Time to get started... I am kind of nervous... But I hope it all goes well!)


Metallic Stings wasn't wearing his normal accessories. He was wearing a black bowtie, which means he was not on for some headbanging concert. He was going to ask Octavia out.


As he closes to Octavia, Metallic Strings says:


-"Why hello, lady Octavia. I've seen most of your symphonies and many other musical artwork of yours. I say, you play with your heart, and not with the bow... You are... Amazing." He blushed as he said so.


-"So I was thinking... Would you like to have a cup of tea with me?"


He awaited Octavia's response.


(OOC: I am... Doing my best.)

Support Apocalyptica!!! Visit the official Apocalyptica website: http://www.apocalyptica.com/us


Oh, yes... My OC/ponysona: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/metalic-strings-r1553

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Dawnpath goes rigid, and his mind empties. Then a ton of incoherent thoughts shoot in, and he says, "Can we try that again? I didn't really get to, you know, kiss you back..." He flushed, "I mean, umm, well, what I said, with more flowery language. Hmm, If I may, dear lass, another kiss? Before I go ask a unicorn to help us with this? A wedding is no place to be without planners, and her coltfriend and I have been good friends, and for me, that matters. No, to many slant rhymes. Hmmm," he looks down to think.


(He wants Twilight to help plan the wedding, and Mal to be his Best Colt. Basically.)

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Hey, Rarity! Mum, you probably get this a lot, but um.... are you taken? Spike's behind me, isn't he? *turns head * then Spike suddenly passed out.Rarity, looking rather flattered, was in a rather uncomfortable position, for she had feelings for both of us. She casually shut the door, after saying that she'all think about it. Suddenly, Spike got up, and he gave me a piece of his mind. Talk about anger issues. Well don't blame me. It's not my fault that so many stallions are after her. I mean, what's not to love?

Latest Drawing: http://mlpforums.com/topic/44024-happy-new-year-everypony-heres-my-gift-to-the-forum/


Latest pony I made: http://mlpforums.com/topic/60337-happy-mothers-day-everypony/

<img style="-webkit-user-select: none" src="http://i1330.photobucket.com/albums/w563/KyoshiLonehearted/HelpingTwilightwinthecrown-FullscreenHD-EquestriaGirls_zps5e6d428c.gif">
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“A drink would be very nice,” Rarity agrees. “As for anything else I may want to ask you, well, I’m sure I’ll come up with something later, for now, let’s just enjoy ourselves.”


I walk to the bar with the white unicorn

"2 glasses of wine for me and the lady" ;)

I tell the waiter then I turn to Rarity

"I hope I've ordered something you like, but they actually have quite a good wine here.,,Anyways, I've heard you go on adventures quite a lot with the "Elements of Harmony". It sounds so interesting, mind telling me more about it?"

I ask her smiling and waiting for her response :)

Edited by Wildcard


OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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Glitch gulped, a cluster of butterflies in his stomach.


"Here goes something," he muttered to himself. The green unicorn walked up to the gray pegasus.


"Um, hi there, Derpy," he awkwardly began, "I couldn't help but, uh, see that you don't seem particularly busy at the moment." Glitch nervously chuckled. "So, I was, um, wondering if you'd like to go for a walk in the park with, um, me." Glitch flashed an awkwardly large smile as he felt a bead of sweat roll down his cheek.


"For the love of all things Equestrian," he thought, "I hope this works."

"This room. This bullet. There's a bullet for everyone... and a time, and a place. An end." -Agent 47


My OC: Glitch

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Meta Knight walked to the library. A book would go down nicely, and would allow him to order his thoughts...


The first thing that grabbed his attention was the library itself. It was formed, he noted, out of a tree. A tree that was still alive. This was already going to be interesting. He entered and looked around silently. What a lack- although a diversity- of books. Well, if nothing else, here's one. He took out a book about ancient artificers, 500 years ago. He'd been alive then, but who knows what the Equestrians had written about it? He stepped up to the counter, and looked up to study the ceiling- and saw a lavender pony tending to a stallion who looked like he had been socked. "Hello...?"

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Eljordo and rainbow dash get in line, and are soon joined by Dj Shy3 and Fluttershy.

“Oh hey Fluttershy!” Dash Calls. “Cool hair clip!”

“Oh, Hi Rainbow Dash. this is ADF, He made it for me.”

“Did he now?” Rainbow dash gives Shy3 the once over before leaning in to whisper. “Listen you, Fluttershy is very delicate, If you do anything to hurt her, I will mess you up, we clear?”


Jordo just stands there next to Fluttershy as Dash talks to Shy.


"so um, good to see you again Fluttershy. I didn't know you were much of a Daring Do fan."


Honestly he didn't really know Fluttershy that well, they went to flight camp together, but never really talked much; she seemed nice enough. He was just trying to make conversation while dash 'talked' with Shy.

Edited by Eljordo



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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Coco got a tick in her eye out of nerves. She followed Braeburn for an hour; she watched him from the sky, so he haven´t noticed. She haven´t had many choices to do this because of the fact that he lives in Appleloosa and she spends the days in Cloudsdale. She decided to do it and flew down, graciously landing in front of him. Before it, she put on her glasses so she could see him well.

"Uhm..Hi there, Braeburn..." she looked in his eyes, but she couldn´t stand it.

"Well.. see you." she said out of despair and as fast as a lightning, she was gone in a sec. Her glasses fell down on a ground. In that moment, she didn´t care.

"You stupid flyhorse, what have you done?!" she said to herself. And while writing´s so much easier than talking, she pulled one feather out of her wing, dashed with a speed of a light in her Windmill house in Cloudsdale, took a piece of paper and ink. Writing without glasses wasn´t easy for her, but the note was legible. "My poor, poor glassies.. where are you now?" she said to herself and in a sec wrote a short note.

"Sir Braeburn,

I´m sorry about my weird acting. I can imagine how creepy it was. I promise it won´t happen again. The true reason why I´m writing this note is that... would you like to have some cider? Or whatever you like to drink? I´ve baked some cookies...


Suntouched Coco.


P.S. I know it´s a stupid way to communicate while I live in the clouds and it´s not that easy for you to reach there.. Whistle when you know you´ve decided."


In another minute, she was already miles away from home, hiding herself in a cloud, following Braeburn again. With a silence of her own, she sneaked behind him and as gently as she could (and she could do very well, with her deep thief roots) she put the note behind his hat, and in a second rapidly flew into the clouds, right before he could notice something weird..

Edited by Suntouched Coco

Try to try again

To see yourself again from time to time.

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Vinyl walked into the spa as she had every month for the past year or so. She and Lotus had been friends for a while now, but Vinyl had always felt... Felt that it could be more. "Hey, Lotus. How've you been? I'll get my usual treatment." She changed into her robe and sat on the massage table. "Hey, my sister's DJing at a dance later on this week. I was wondering if you'd like to come with me."

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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leogal, on 13 November 2012 - 06:09 PM, said: (OOC: Lol that's what I was trying to go for, but I got all awkward ) Awesome! I guess I'll see you tomorrow :3 “Eeyup.”

Waits at the front gate of the county fair for Big Mac, awkwardly glancing at the clock in the "town square" that's set up between the concession stands and the petting zoo.

OK...everything is going to be fine Lemon Lime...he'll be here soon and everything will go wonderfully!

Begins pacing, and playing with the dangley puffs on her fall boots.

I hope he dressed warm enough...it can get pretty cool at night this time of year.

Paces three more steps.

Maybe I should have brought an extra scarf just in case....

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Cheerilee thinks about this for a moment. “Honestly? I don’t really know how to put it into words, I think it was because you cared. you sacraficed yourelf for me, and that says a lot about the kind of pony you are. But enough about that, let’s just enjoy this wonderful party.”

This kind of praise always made Static feel good, especially from Cheerilee. Even though Static could have easily chosen to find a way to save himself and Cheerilee, he knew that he didn't have much time to think of a really in depth plan, so he chose to defend Cheerilee so she could get out instead and sacrifice himself. It may not have been the smartest move, but he just couldn't risk letting Cheerilee do slave work.


Static couldn't help but direct a smile toward Cheerilee, showing her how much those words meant to him.


"I agree, let's just put this behind us and enjoy this party. I wonder what Pinkie Pie has thought up for a party this time..."


Static continued walking down the road with Cheerilee close by his side, towards Sugarcube Corner, the location of his and Cheerilee's party. Static wondered if other ponies will be there. Oh well, he would find out soon enough.

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(OOC: Good Celestia in the sky, 17 replies... *Cracks knuckles* Here goes...)


(OOC: lol, suddenly, pinkie.)


*I blush and put my hoof to my cheek, then smile* Heh, I guess that'll suffice me for now. *When Pinkie appears, I'm a bit suprised and jump* Woah! Oh, it's just Pinkie... Hey Pinks, what's up? *I listen to to her and Vinyl's conversation, then I turn to Vinyl* Hey, that sounds like it could be fun! You should totally do it! Can I go with ya ta hang out?

Vinyl Grins “Sure thing pinkie, We’ll both be there.”

“Hooray!” Pinkie Clops her Hooves together in excitement. “Oh, and before I forget, Didja Hear that Dawn and AJ got engaged? It’s so romantic! seeya later.”

“My, Ponies come and go so quickly here.” Vinyl notes. she looks at you. “Looks like we’ve got a party to get ready for.”


Morning star replied."it's alright i can wait for awhile take your time Celestia". Morning star knew he had to be Patience to get his chance with the Princess after all he knew how busy she can be.

Celestia motions for two of her guards “Gather Everypony in the courtyard.” she says to one. “Escort Morningstar back to his room.” she says to the other. “Oh, and see to it that he gets something to eat.” she adds.

The guard doesn’t look pleased but he takes his orders and begins pushing you toward the door.


Bob smiled."How about some hay fires , and some spaghetti maybe sunflower deluxe , and my Queen i am not trying to be romantic i only wish to get to know you more better". Bob smiled but he knew he told a lie within a truth. did wish to know her more but to only to romance her more.

“It will be as you have requested.” Chrysalis says. “I shall send a changeling for your- ugh, our meal straight away.” She opens the door and relays your order to the changeling guard stationed outside. The changeling nods and heads off down the hall.


"Yes Ma'am!" I say excitedly as I go home to prepare. "I need an outfit that grabs her attention but doesn't make me too flashy," I say as I reach my house. I open my closet and find only my guitar and a blue bow tie with yellow polka dots. "Oh right, restaurant singer salary," I mutter as I tie on the bow tie and head to town square.

Trixie Meets you at exactly fashionably late. (11:05:01) She is not wearing her ordinary Hat and cape, but rather a simple dress patterned with the same design. “Rejoice! For The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie has arrived.” She says in her dramatic way. She looks you over and notices your bow tie. she flinches. “What is that supposed to be? I refuse to be seen in public with one who is wearing something so garish. remove it at once!”


Although it was rather unfortunate that AJ's friends couldn't tag along, Red Talon felt the butterflies in his stomach.

"A weekend with nopony else but Applejack?" he thought. "Well, besides when I'm practicing, qualifying, and racing but still, spending four days with Applejack! Thing seem to be going my way for once."

When Thursday came, he and Applejack boarded the train headed for Neightona Beach. It was quite a pleasant train ride, as Red Talon and AJ had a nice conversation (as well as a delicious lunch) all the way. Upon arriving at Neightona, Red Talon and Applejack checked into the hotel, which was situated right next to the beach, overlooking the vast, blue ocean. As dinner time rolled around, Red Talon and Applejack headed into the town to search for a good restaurant. Finally, the two decided to eat at a small diner. The food there was, to Red Talon's surprise, quite tasty. Applejack certainly enjoyed her meal. After their dinner, the two decided to sit on the beach and just shoot the breeze. Applejack noticed the worried look on Red Talon's face. After AJ asked what the matter was, Red Talon spoke up.

"Well, you know, it's racing. It's a sport that gives and takes. Every time I go out there, I know that there is a possibility of serious injury. Now many ask why I even race if it's so dangerous. It seems as if the racetrack seems to be the best place for me. It's like my natural talent is racing. As you can see, I'm just not cuttin' it with my current job. If I want to get out of that dead-end job, I need to really grab the attention of major teams and sponsors, and make a living off of racing. And after last year's incident at Neightona which nearly put me out of racing for good, I've got a lot of pressure not only to overcome my trauma, but also I need to get the attention of major teams if I want to stay in Ponyville, and not move to some slum in the middle of nowhere. Sure, I don't have a whole lot of friends in Ponyville, but I've lived there for almost all of my life. Being separated from my hometown, my memories, and especially you, is quite a daunting thought. If I don't place well on Sunday, I'm afraid that my days in Ponyville will be numbered."

Applejack is silent for a moment as she thinks about how to respond. When she finally does speak her voice is very soft. “Let me tell yall’ a story. ‘Bout a year ago, I was in the rodeo, I promised mah friends that I wouldn’t come back to ponyville until I had enough money to fix the town hall after Derpy broke it. But when I got there, I Jus’ wasn’t good enough, I placed in every competition I was in, but I didn’t get first in any of em’. The money I got wasn’t gonna be enough, so I decided to stay in Dodge Junction an’ get a job. an ya know what mah friends did? They came lookin’ for me. They told me it didn’t matter that I didn’t win, and they all pitched in to help me pay fer the town hall.” She finishes her story and gives you a smile. “I guess what Ah’m Sayin’ is, No matter what Happens, Ah’ll be there for ya. but for the record, I don’t think your gonna need me. An’ I ain’t just sayin that, Ya’ll know I cain’t lie fer nothin.”


As he gets up and walks with Pinkie to Sugarcube corner, he tries his best to stay on his hooves for the duration of the walk. After awhile, they reached Sugarcube Corner, so Penguin asked Pinkie, "So, what do you wanna do now?" He waits for a reply from Pinkie while he gets some cupcakes and some drinks for them


(OOC : Mal we can have a double date :P)

“Oh, I didn’t tell you? I’m putting together a party for Static Arc and Cheerilee tonight! there’s going to be Dancing, and games, Scratchy’s gonna do her DJ thing, It’s going to be super fun! And I need youuu,” she puts a hoof to your chest. “To help me make the Cupcakes for the party! It’s so great seeing two ponies in love isn’t it? I can’t think of anything more fun than being in love with somepony, can you?” she looks at you expectantly, awaiting your response.


Mal looked at Twilight. "Don't worry Twi, I don't mind. Also, we won't have to worry about the changelings anymore?" Mal told her as he read the spell.

After a few minutes of reading the spell he began to cast it.

'I hope I don't mess this up and hurt Twi. I also hope this isn't a changeling.'

Mal cast the spell on Twilight.....


(OOC I'm up for any double date/parties and such if the changeling matter is now solved.)

The spell scans Twilight, revealing that she is, in fact, Twilight. She smiles.

“Yup, The Princess is going to round them all up and send them someplace far away where there are no ponies for them to hurt.” just then, the two of you are interrupted by-


Meta Knight walked to the library. A book would go down nicely, and would allow him to order his thoughts...


The first thing that grabbed his attention was the library itself. It was formed, he noted, out of a tree. A tree that was still alive. This was already going to be interesting. He entered and looked around silently. What a lack- although a diversity- of books. Well, if nothing else, here's one. He took out a book about ancient artificers, 500 years ago. He'd been alive then, but who knows what the Equestrians had written about it? He stepped up to the counter, and looked up to study the ceiling- and saw a lavender pony tending to a stallion who looked like he had been socked. "Hello...?"

Twilight turns to the strange masked pony. “Oh hello there, I’m Twilight Sparkle, What can I do for you?” She sees that the Pony is carrying a book. “Oh! were you wanting to check that out? I’ll be right there.” She heads down the stairs and stands behind the counter. She takes the book and examines the label, with her magic, she summons the correct card from the catalogue, and, after stamping the due date onto it, slips it into the little pocket on the inside cover. all the while, saying: “Ah, you’re interested in ancient artificers? Fascinating subject, I actually wrote a paper on it once. Anyway, It’ll be due back two weeks from today, here you go.” She passes the book over.


Yes, we are clear. Although I just gotta say, I would NEVER say or do anything on porous to hurt Fluttershy. It took a lot out of me to even go up to her and ask het out. All I know right now, is that it would be awful if something went wrong and Fluttershy never wanted to see me again. I mean, she is just so perfect! Where as I'm just a nopony.

“Dash Cocks her head to one side. “Alright then, you seem sincere. I just had to get that out of the way, I’ve had to run off quite a few freaks who just wanted to- yeah.” she shrugs. “I’m a pretty good judge of character though, I can tell you’ll do right by her.”


Jordo just stands there next to Fluttershy as Dash talks to Shy.


"so um, good to see you again Fluttershy. I didn't know you were much of a Daring Do fan."


Honestly he didn't really know Fluttershy that well, they went to flight camp together, but never really talked much; she seemed nice enough. He was just trying to make conversation while dash 'talked' with Shy.

“Oh yes, I love Daring Do” Fluttershy says. “She’s Bold, She’s Beautiful, she’s adventurous, She’s not afraid of anything.” Fluttershy looks at the ground “She’s Everything I wish I could be...”


(OOC: Time to get started... I am kind of nervous... But I hope it all goes well!)


Metallic Stings wasn't wearing his normal accessories. He was wearing a black bowtie, which means he was not on for some headbanging concert. He was going to ask Octavia out.


As he closes to Octavia, Metallic Strings says:


-"Why hello, lady Octavia. I've seen most of your symphonies and many other musical artwork of yours. I say, you play with your heart, and not with the bow... You are... Amazing." He blushed as he said so.


-"So I was thinking... Would you like to have a cup of tea with me?"


He awaited Octavia's response.


(OOC: I am... Doing my best.)

(OOC: you’re doing fine.)

Octavia looks at you curiously. then begins to giggle. She stops herself quickly. “I Apologise, It’s clear that you are unused to formality, and i found your attempt to be quite... Charming.” She straightens up and responds with exaggerated formality “I would deem It a privilege to have tea with you good sir. May I have your name?”

She Begins giggling again.




Dawnpath goes rigid, and his mind empties. Then a ton of incoherent thoughts shoot in, and he says, "Can we try that again? I didn't really get to, you know, kiss you back..." He flushed, "I mean, umm, well, what I said, with more flowery language. Hmm, If I may, dear lass, another kiss? Before I go ask a unicorn to help us with this? A wedding is no place to be without planners, and her coltfriend and I have been good friends, and for me, that matters. No, to many slant rhymes. Hmmm," he looks down to think.


(He wants Twilight to help plan the wedding, and Mal to be his Best Colt. Basically.)

Applejack laughs punches you lightly. “Quit speakin’ fancy, Ah Cain’t take ya’ll seriously when ya’ll do that.” She leans in and gives you another kiss. after a few endless seconds, she breaks away again. “Ya’ll go on and find yerself a Best Colt, Ah’ve got a few Ponies to set things up with mahself.”


I walk to the bar with the white unicorn

"2 glasses of wine for me and the lady" ;)

I tell the waiter then I turn to Rarity

"I hope I've ordered something you like, but they actually have quite a good wine here.,,Anyways, I've heard you go on adventures quite a lot with the "Elements of Harmony". It sounds so interesting, mind telling me more about it?"

I ask her smiling and waiting for her response :)

“Oh, It’s quite exhausting really, I love my friends dearly and of course I would never leave them hanging, but I must say that all of the running around and saving the world does wear on a lady such as myself.” She remains silent for a while. “It’s... an awful thing to say, but sometimes I wish I could just...give it up.”


Glitch gulped, a cluster of butterflies in his stomach.


"Here goes something," he muttered to himself. The green unicorn walked up to the gray pegasus.


"Um, hi there, Derpy," he awkwardly began, "I couldn't help but, uh, see that you don't seem particularly busy at the moment." Glitch nervously chuckled. "So, I was, um, wondering if you'd like to go for a walk in the park with, um, me." Glitch flashed an awkwardly large smile as he felt a bead of sweat roll down his cheek.


"For the love of all things Equestrian," he thought, "I hope this works."

Derpy Looks at you with her left eye. “You want to go for a walk?” She asks, dumbfounded.

You nod.

“With me?”

You nod.

She Grins “Okay! I know a great place to watch the ducks! It’s great because I can watch two of them at once!” She bounces on her hooves excitedly. “Let’s go!”


Coco got a tick in her eye out of nerves. She followed Braeburn for an hour; she watched him from the sky, so he haven´t noticed. She haven´t had many choices to do this because of the fact that he lives in Appleloosa and she spends the days in Cloudsdale. She decided to do it and flew down, graciously landing in front of him. Before it, she put on her glasses so she could see him well.

"Uhm..Hi there, Braeburn..." she looked in his eyes, but she couldn´t stand it.

"Well.. see you." she said out of despair and as fast as a lightning, she was gone in a sec. Her glasses fell down on a ground. In that moment, she didn´t care.

"You stupid flyhorse, what have you done?!" she said to herself. And while writing´s so much easier than talking, she pulled one feather out of her wing, dashed with a speed of a light in her Windmill house in Cloudsdale, took a piece of paper and ink. Writing without glasses wasn´t easy for her, but the note was legible. "My poor, poor glassies.. where are you now?" she said to herself and in a sec wrote a short note.

"Sir Braeburn,

I´m sorry about my weird acting. I can imagine how creepy it was. I promise it won´t happen again. The true reason why I´m writing this note is that... would you like to have some cider? Or whatever you like to drink? I´ve baked some cookies...


Suntouched Coco.


P.S. I know it´s a stupid way to communicate while I live in the clouds and it´s not that easy for you to reach there.. Whistle when you know you´ve decided."


In another minute, she was already miles away from home, hiding herself in a cloud, following Braeburn again. With a silence of her own, she sneaked behind him and as gently as she could (and she could do very well, with her deep thief roots) she put the note behind his hat, and in a second rapidly flew into the clouds, right before he could notice something weird..

Braebun stops. Thinking he felt something, it wasn’t much, like maybe a fly had landed on his neck, he reaches up and finds the note tacked under his hat. he unfolds it and stares at it for a few moments.

“Well Ahhhhhhhh’ll be.” he says. “That Shy little Filly somehow stuck a note on me! She must be one o’ them there Ninjas! and she wants to have a drink with me? Why didn’t she just say so? Says here I’m supposed to whistle...” He looks up and shouts. “AH CAAAAAAAIN’T WHISLE, BUT IFFIN’ I COULD AH’D BE DOIN’ IT NAO!”


Vinyl walked into the spa as she had every month for the past year or so. She and Lotus had been friends for a while now, but Vinyl had always felt... Felt that it could be more. "Hey, Lotus. How've you been? I'll get my usual treatment." She changed into her robe and sat on the massage table. "Hey, my sister's DJing at a dance later on this week. I was wondering if you'd like to come with me."

“Oh, Hai, you must mean party That Pinkie Pie hosting for Static Arc and Cheerilee, I heard much about it from Rarity yesterday.” Lotus replies in her heavy Neigponese Accent. “I would love be there! I think Aloe may want come too, I hope that’s all good.”


(OOC: yes, She’s Pony Japanese, It just makes sense to me, also, Japanese people are awesome. Gomennasai in advance if the way I wrote her offends anyone.)


Waits at the front gate of the county fair for Big Mac, awkwardly glancing at the clock in the "town square" that's set up between the concession stands and the petting zoo.

OK...everything is going to be fine Lemon Lime...he'll be here soon and everything will go wonderfully!

Begins pacing, and playing with the dangley puffs on her fall boots.

I hope he dressed warm enough...it can get pretty cool at night this time of year.

Paces three more steps.

Maybe I should have brought an extra scarf just in case....

Big Macintosh Arrives Right on time looking exactly the same as he always does.

He acknowledges you silently, motioning toward the festivities as if to say ‘Shall we?’


(OOC: Sorry Static, But your reply is going to have to wait until a few of the others catch up to you.)

Edited by Page Turner
  • Brohoof 4

Do you want an awesome thread to visit? Visit this thread! http://mlpforums.com/topic/39132-ask-any-pony-on-a-date/


My Little Pony is a sparkly, happy diamond among things that are not diamonds. -Apple Cider


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@@Page Turner


I salute, smiling loosely, "Yes ma'am!" Trotting out of the house, I slide my bags on. The thing about going into town is that ponies tend to see through me. Actually, I like that, but it's difficult when your last novel comes out, and nopony recognizes you. It'll be different this time, this time I won't think myself all the way- Did that one just say wedding? Does this sort of thing really spread this- Applebloom! Cutie Mark Crusader Town Announcer isn't your calling! Gah! I run, giving town square a wide berth. When I can fly straight from my position to Twilight's house, without crossing town square, I take off. Okay, Mal has to be here. He only talked about Twilight Sparkle every night,how fabulous she was, how perfect- I should write about him sometime. I might even include that year we were room mates, and instead of going out, he decided he would try illusion spells on me. He never could get my wings off. I wonder if I still have that picture of me as a purple alicorn. Hmmm. Here we are! Oh crud, is that Lyra? No, for the last time, I'm not a human! But thank you for reading my book... No, best to get inside Twilight's house before she notices I'm here.*Knocks on Twilight's door with urgency*


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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“Oh, Hai, you must mean party That Pinkie Pie hosting for Static Arc and Cheerilee, I heard much about it from Rarity yesterday.” Lotus replies in her heavy Neigponese Accent. “I would love be there! I think Aloe may want come too, I hope that’s all good.”


(OOC: yes, She’s Pony Japanese, It just makes sense to me, also, Japanese people are awesome. Gomennasai in advance if the way I wrote her offends anyone.)


((I didn't think she'd be Neighsian, but whatever works for you. Also, the accent that Vinyl has isn't as thick as AJ's, but it's how I talk.))


"Great. Also, I think there's a weddin' comin' up fer Applejack and Dawnpath. Would y'all wanna go to that too?" Vinyl laid down on the massage table and Lotus started massaging her. "Oh, it's great to get all this tension in my neck out."

Edited by Feld0's Overlord
  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Meta smiles. "Thank you, miss." He plopped down on a chair. He kept reading...


Page three. They made it to page three without making any mistakes. No, the Delta Sword was not a single artifact. It was five artifacts, screwed and welded together. He had actually used it once. But the moment Equestria was free from darkness, it splintered back into the five artifacts, which then scattered itself around the world. He said out loud, without realizing it, "Heh... page three without mistakes. A new record. Of course, these ponies never know what true history is... it's always garbled by whoever is in charge at the time." He sighed, and kept reading, keeping half an eye on the other two ponies.


Then, there was a loud knocking on the door. He opened it with his hoof. "Hello there," he murmured. He watched him from behind his book. A new object of interest.

Edited by Meta Knight
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(OOC: I find your reply hilarious. :lol:

Braebun stops. Thinking he felt something, it wasn’t much, like maybe a fly had landed on his neck, he reaches up and finds the note tacked under his hat. he unfolds it and stares at it for a few moments.

“Well Ahhhhhhhh’ll be.” he says. “That Shy little Filly somehow stuck a note on me! She must be one o’ them there Ninjas! and she wants to have a drink with me? Why didn’t she just say so? Says here I’m supposed to whistle...” He looks up and shouts. “AH CAAAAAAAIN’T WHISLE, BUT IFFIN’ I COULD AH’D BE DOIN’ IT NAO!”


"What the... aren´t them western ponies supposed to be able to whistle?" said Coco to herself, watching Braeburn from a near cloud. She was confused. But then she realised she got the reply, took a deep breath and landed on the ground. She couldn´t see very well with her glasses lying somewhere around, so it was easier for her to look at Braeburn.

"Uhm.. thank you. So..?"

Edited by Suntouched Coco

Try to try again

To see yourself again from time to time.

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“Oh yes, I love Daring Do” Fluttershy says. “She’s Bold, She’s Beautiful, she’s adventurous, She’s not afraid of anything.” Fluttershy looks at the ground “She’s Everything I wish I could be...”


"Don't say that, Fluttershy! your bold, beautiful, and even if your not adventurous, you make up for that by being kind, caring, sweet, and lovable! Daring Doo WISHES she could be you!"


After you get though the line, you go to the consession stand. "Fluttershy, is there anything you want? I'd buy you anything your heart desires."

Edited by DJ-Shy3
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Derpy Looks at you with her left eye. “You want to go for a walk?” She asks, dumbfounded.

You nod.

“With me?”

You nod.

She Grins “Okay! I know a great place to watch the ducks! It’s great because I can watch two of them at once!” She bounces on her hooves excitedly. “Let’s go!”


"Wha-uh, really?" Glitch stammered. "That's great!" Glitch smiled as he began to follow the bubbly pegasus to Ponyville Park.


"How did that work?" he thought to himself.


"Don't question it!" he mentally countered himself. "The prettiest pony this side of Sapphire Shores just said yes to your offer of a date, and you're gonna wonder how you did it? Just focus on the girl!"


"All right, all right," he conceded. "Ya don't need to yell."

Edited by Glitch

"This room. This bullet. There's a bullet for everyone... and a time, and a place. An end." -Agent 47


My OC: Glitch

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(OOC: Good Celestia in the sky, 17 replies... *Cracks knuckles* Here goes...)


Vinyl Grins “Sure thing pinkie, We’ll both be there.”

“Hooray!” Pinkie Clops her Hooves together in excitement. “Oh, and before I forget, Didja Hear that Dawn and AJ got engaged? It’s so romantic! seeya later.”

“My, Ponies come and go so quickly here.” Vinyl notes. she looks at you. “Looks like we’ve got a party to get ready for.”


Celestia motions for two of her guards “Gather Everypony in the courtyard.” she says to one. “Escort Morningstar back to his room.” she says to the other. “Oh, and see to it that he gets something to eat.” she adds.

The guard doesn’t look pleased but he takes his orders and begins pushing you toward the door.


“It will be as you have requested.” Chrysalis says. “I shall send a changeling for your- ugh, our meal straight away.” She opens the door and relays your order to the changeling guard stationed outside. The changeling nods and heads off down the hall.


Trixie Meets you at exactly fashionably late. (11:05:01) She is not wearing her ordinary Hat and cape, but rather a simple dress patterned with the same design. “Rejoice! For The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie has arrived.” She says in her dramatic way. She looks you over and notices your bow tie. she flinches. “What is that supposed to be? I refuse to be seen in public with one who is wearing something so garish. remove it at once!”


Applejack is silent for a moment as she thinks about how to respond. When she finally does speak her voice is very soft. “Let me tell yall’ a story. ‘Bout a year ago, I was in the rodeo, I promised mah friends that I wouldn’t come back to ponyville until I had enough money to fix the town hall after Derpy broke it. But when I got there, I Jus’ wasn’t good enough, I placed in every competition I was in, but I didn’t get first in any of em’. The money I got wasn’t gonna be enough, so I decided to stay in Dodge Junction an’ get a job. an ya know what mah friends did? They came lookin’ for me. They told me it didn’t matter that I didn’t win, and they all pitched in to help me pay fer the town hall.” She finishes her story and gives you a smile. “I guess what Ah’m Sayin’ is, No matter what Happens, Ah’ll be there for ya. but for the record, I don’t think your gonna need me. An’ I ain’t just sayin that, Ya’ll know I cain’t lie fer nothin.”


“Oh, I didn’t tell you? I’m putting together a party for Static Arc and Cheerilee tonight! there’s going to be Dancing, and games, Scratchy’s gonna do her DJ thing, It’s going to be super fun! And I need youuu,” she puts a hoof to your chest. “To help me make the Cupcakes for the party! It’s so great seeing two ponies in love isn’t it? I can’t think of anything more fun than being in love with somepony, can you?” she looks at you expectantly, awaiting your response.


The spell scans Twilight, revealing that she is, in fact, Twilight. She smiles.

“Yup, The Princess is going to round them all up and send them someplace far away where there are no ponies for them to hurt.” just then, the two of you are interrupted by-


Twilight turns to the strange masked pony. “Oh hello there, I’m Twilight Sparkle, What can I do for you?” She sees that the Pony is carrying a book. “Oh! were you wanting to check that out? I’ll be right there.” She heads down the stairs and stands behind the counter. She takes the book and examines the label, with her magic, she summons the correct card from the catalogue, and, after stamping the due date onto it, slips it into the little pocket on the inside cover. all the while, saying: “Ah, you’re interested in ancient artificers? Fascinating subject, I actually wrote a paper on it once. Anyway, It’ll be due back two weeks from today, here you go.” She passes the book over.


“Dash Cocks her head to one side. “Alright then, you seem sincere. I just had to get that out of the way, I’ve had to run off quite a few freaks who just wanted to- yeah.” she shrugs. “I’m a pretty good judge of character though, I can tell you’ll do right by her.”


“Oh yes, I love Daring Do” Fluttershy says. “She’s Bold, She’s Beautiful, she’s adventurous, She’s not afraid of anything.” Fluttershy looks at the ground “She’s Everything I wish I could be...”


(OOC: you’re doing fine.)

Octavia looks at you curiously. then begins to giggle. She stops herself quickly. “I Apologise, It’s clear that you are unused to formality, and i found your attempt to be quite... Charming.” She straightens up and responds with exaggerated formality “I would deem It a privilege to have tea with you good sir. May I have your name?”

She Begins giggling again.


Applejack laughs punches you lightly. “Quit speakin’ fancy, Ah Cain’t take ya’ll seriously when ya’ll do that.” She leans in and gives you another kiss. after a few endless seconds, she breaks away again. “Ya’ll go on and find yerself a Best Colt, Ah’ve got a few Ponies to set things up with mahself.”


“Oh, It’s quite exhausting really, I love my friends dearly and of course I would never leave them hanging, but I must say that all of the running around and saving the world does wear on a lady such as myself.” She remains silent for a while. “It’s... an awful thing to say, but sometimes I wish I could just...give it up.”


Derpy Looks at you with her left eye. “You want to go for a walk?” She asks, dumbfounded.

You nod.

“With me?”

You nod.

She Grins “Okay! I know a great place to watch the ducks! It’s great because I can watch two of them at once!” She bounces on her hooves excitedly. “Let’s go!”


Braebun stops. Thinking he felt something, it wasn’t much, like maybe a fly had landed on his neck, he reaches up and finds the note tacked under his hat. he unfolds it and stares at it for a few moments.

“Well Ahhhhhhhh’ll be.” he says. “That Shy little Filly somehow stuck a note on me! She must be one o’ them there Ninjas! and she wants to have a drink with me? Why didn’t she just say so? Says here I’m supposed to whistle...” He looks up and shouts. “AH CAAAAAAAIN’T WHISLE, BUT IFFIN’ I COULD AH’D BE DOIN’ IT NAO!”


“Oh, Hai, you must mean party That Pinkie Pie hosting for Static Arc and Cheerilee, I heard much about it from Rarity yesterday.” Lotus replies in her heavy Neigponese Accent. “I would love be there! I think Aloe may want come too, I hope that’s all good.”


(OOC: yes, She’s Pony Japanese, It just makes sense to me, also, Japanese people are awesome. Gomennasai in advance if the way I wrote her offends anyone.)


Big Macintosh Arrives Right on time looking exactly the same as he always does.

He acknowledges you silently, motioning toward the festivities as if to say ‘Shall we?’


(OOC: Sorry Static, But your reply is going to have to wait until a few of the others catch up to you.)


"Oh, uh yeah," I say as I take it off and tuck it away. "Sorry, It's sort of my signature thing when I preform, so I'm not used to going out without it on," I say while I rub the back of my head. "Well, now that that's done where do you want to go? I can get us into most of these resturants for free, or I hear there's a party going on, It's not lunch but it might be fun, plus you can see me sing if they let me," I ask with a serious blush on my face.

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Red walked up to the mare after the rehearsal had ended, he gathered his courage and tapped Octavia on the shoulder, "Um........miss Octavia?" he said nervously, "I'm Red......I'm the second chair bass? I was wondering if.........maybe you'd like to get together at some point?" Red braced himself for rejection.

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(OOC: Good Celestia in the sky, 17 replies... *Cracks knuckles* Here goes...)

Vinyl Grins “Sure thing pinkie, We’ll both be there.”

“Hooray!” Pinkie Clops her Hooves together in excitement. “Oh, and before I forget, Didja Hear that Dawn and AJ got engaged? It’s so romantic! seeya later.”

“My, Ponies come and go so quickly here.” Vinyl notes. she looks at you. “Looks like we’ve got a party to get ready for.”

Celestia motions for two of her guards “Gather Everypony in the courtyard.” she says to one. “Escort Morningstar back to his room.” she says to the other. “Oh, and see to it that he gets something to eat.” she adds.

The guard doesn’t look pleased but he takes his orders and begins pushing you toward the door.

“It will be as you have requested.” Chrysalis says. “I shall send a changeling for your- ugh, our meal straight away.” She opens the door and relays your order to the changeling guard stationed outside. The changeling nods and heads off down the hall.

Trixie Meets you at exactly fashionably late. (11:05:01) She is not wearing her ordinary Hat and cape, but rather a simple dress patterned with the same design. “Rejoice! For The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie has arrived.” She says in her dramatic way. She looks you over and notices your bow tie. she flinches. “What is that supposed to be? I refuse to be seen in public with one who is wearing something so garish. remove it at once!”

Applejack is silent for a moment as she thinks about how to respond. When she finally does speak her voice is very soft. “Let me tell yall’ a story. ‘Bout a year ago, I was in the rodeo, I promised mah friends that I wouldn’t come back to ponyville until I had enough money to fix the town hall after Derpy broke it. But when I got there, I Jus’ wasn’t good enough, I placed in every competition I was in, but I didn’t get first in any of em’. The money I got wasn’t gonna be enough, so I decided to stay in Dodge Junction an’ get a job. an ya know what mah friends did? They came lookin’ for me. They told me it didn’t matter that I didn’t win, and they all pitched in to help me pay fer the town hall.” She finishes her story and gives you a smile. “I guess what Ah’m Sayin’ is, No matter what Happens, Ah’ll be there for ya. but for the record, I don’t think your gonna need me. An’ I ain’t just sayin that, Ya’ll know I cain’t lie fer nothin.”

“Oh, I didn’t tell you? I’m putting together a party for Static Arc and Cheerilee tonight! there’s going to be Dancing, and games, Scratchy’s gonna do her DJ thing, It’s going to be super fun! And I need youuu,” she puts a hoof to your chest. “To help me make the Cupcakes for the party! It’s so great seeing two ponies in love isn’t it? I can’t think of anything more fun than being in love with somepony, can you?” she looks at you expectantly, awaiting your response.

The spell scans Twilight, revealing that she is, in fact, Twilight. She smiles.

“Yup, The Princess is going to round them all up and send them someplace far away where there are no ponies for them to hurt.” just then, the two of you are interrupted by-

Twilight turns to the strange masked pony. “Oh hello there, I’m Twilight Sparkle, What can I do for you?” She sees that the Pony is carrying a book. “Oh! were you wanting to check that out? I’ll be right there.” She heads down the stairs and stands behind the counter. She takes the book and examines the label, with her magic, she summons the correct card from the catalogue, and, after stamping the due date onto it, slips it into the little pocket on the inside cover. all the while, saying: “Ah, you’re interested in ancient artificers? Fascinating subject, I actually wrote a paper on it once. Anyway, It’ll be due back two weeks from today, here you go.” She passes the book over.

“Dash Cocks her head to one side. “Alright then, you seem sincere. I just had to get that out of the way, I’ve had to run off quite a few freaks who just wanted to- yeah.” she shrugs. “I’m a pretty good judge of character though, I can tell you’ll do right by her.”

“Oh yes, I love Daring Do” Fluttershy says. “She’s Bold, She’s Beautiful, she’s adventurous, She’s not afraid of anything.” Fluttershy looks at the ground “She’s Everything I wish I could be...”

(OOC: you’re doing fine.)

Octavia looks at you curiously. then begins to giggle. She stops herself quickly. “I Apologise, It’s clear that you are unused to formality, and i found your attempt to be quite... Charming.” She straightens up and responds with exaggerated formality “I would deem It a privilege to have tea with you good sir. May I have your name?”

She Begins giggling again.

Applejack laughs punches you lightly. “Quit speakin’ fancy, Ah Cain’t take ya’ll seriously when ya’ll do that.” She leans in and gives you another kiss. after a few endless seconds, she breaks away again. “Ya’ll go on and find yerself a Best Colt, Ah’ve got a few Ponies to set things up with mahself.”

“Oh, It’s quite exhausting really, I love my friends dearly and of course I would never leave them hanging, but I must say that all of the running around and saving the world does wear on a lady such as myself.” She remains silent for a while. “It’s... an awful thing to say, but sometimes I wish I could just...give it up.”

Derpy Looks at you with her left eye. “You want to go for a walk?” She asks, dumbfounded.

You nod.

“With me?”

You nod.

She Grins “Okay! I know a great place to watch the ducks! It’s great because I can watch two of them at once!” She bounces on her hooves excitedly. “Let’s go!”


Braebun stops. Thinking he felt something, it wasn’t much, like maybe a fly had landed on his neck, he reaches up and finds the note tacked under his hat. he unfolds it and stares at it for a few moments.

“Well Ahhhhhhhh’ll be.” he says. “That Shy little Filly somehow stuck a note on me! She must be one o’ them there Ninjas! and she wants to have a drink with me? Why didn’t she just say so? Says here I’m supposed to whistle...” He looks up and shouts. “AH CAAAAAAAIN’T WHISLE, BUT IFFIN’ I COULD AH’D BE DOIN’ IT NAO!”


“Oh, Hai, you must mean party That Pinkie Pie hosting for Static Arc and Cheerilee, I heard much about it from Rarity yesterday.” Lotus replies in her heavy Neigponese Accent. “I would love be there! I think Aloe may want come too, I hope that’s all good.”


(OOC: yes, She’s Pony Japanese, It just makes sense to me, also, Japanese people are awesome. Gomennasai in advance if the way I wrote her offends anyone.)


Big Macintosh Arrives Right on time looking exactly the same as he always does.

He acknowledges you silently, motioning toward the festivities as if to say ‘Shall we?’


(OOC: Sorry Static, But your reply is going to have to wait until a few of the others catch up to you.)


(OOC: Good Celestia in the sky, 17 replies... *Cracks knuckles* Here goes...)

Vinyl Grins “Sure thing pinkie, We’ll both be there.”

“Hooray!” Pinkie Clops her Hooves together in excitement. “Oh, and before I forget, Didja Hear that Dawn and AJ got engaged? It’s so romantic! seeya later.”

“My, Ponies come and go so quickly here.” Vinyl notes. she looks at you. “Looks like we’ve got a party to get ready for.”

Celestia motions for two of her guards “Gather Everypony in the courtyard.” she says to one. “Escort Morningstar back to his room.” she says to the other. “Oh, and see to it that he gets something to eat.” she adds.

The guard doesn’t look pleased but he takes his orders and begins pushing you toward the door.

“It will be as you have requested.” Chrysalis says. “I shall send a changeling for your- ugh, our meal straight away.” She opens the door and relays your order to the changeling guard stationed outside. The changeling nods and heads off down the hall.

Trixie Meets you at exactly fashionably late. (11:05:01) She is not wearing her ordinary Hat and cape, but rather a simple dress patterned with the same design. “Rejoice! For The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie has arrived.” She says in her dramatic way. She looks you over and notices your bow tie. she flinches. “What is that supposed to be? I refuse to be seen in public with one who is wearing something so garish. remove it at once!”

Applejack is silent for a moment as she thinks about how to respond. When she finally does speak her voice is very soft. “Let me tell yall’ a story. ‘Bout a year ago, I was in the rodeo, I promised mah friends that I wouldn’t come back to ponyville until I had enough money to fix the town hall after Derpy broke it. But when I got there, I Jus’ wasn’t good enough, I placed in every competition I was in, but I didn’t get first in any of em’. The money I got wasn’t gonna be enough, so I decided to stay in Dodge Junction an’ get a job. an ya know what mah friends did? They came lookin’ for me. They told me it didn’t matter that I didn’t win, and they all pitched in to help me pay fer the town hall.” She finishes her story and gives you a smile. “I guess what Ah’m Sayin’ is, No matter what Happens, Ah’ll be there for ya. but for the record, I don’t think your gonna need me. An’ I ain’t just sayin that, Ya’ll know I cain’t lie fer nothin.”

“Oh, I didn’t tell you? I’m putting together a party for Static Arc and Cheerilee tonight! there’s going to be Dancing, and games, Scratchy’s gonna do her DJ thing, It’s going to be super fun! And I need youuu,” she puts a hoof to your chest. “To help me make the Cupcakes for the party! It’s so great seeing two ponies in love isn’t it? I can’t think of anything more fun than being in love with somepony, can you?” she looks at you expectantly, awaiting your response.

The spell scans Twilight, revealing that she is, in fact, Twilight. She smiles.

“Yup, The Princess is going to round them all up and send them someplace far away where there are no ponies for them to hurt.” just then, the two of you are interrupted by-

Twilight turns to the strange masked pony. “Oh hello there, I’m Twilight Sparkle, What can I do for you?” She sees that the Pony is carrying a book. “Oh! were you wanting to check that out? I’ll be right there.” She heads down the stairs and stands behind the counter. She takes the book and examines the label, with her magic, she summons the correct card from the catalogue, and, after stamping the due date onto it, slips it into the little pocket on the inside cover. all the while, saying: “Ah, you’re interested in ancient artificers? Fascinating subject, I actually wrote a paper on it once. Anyway, It’ll be due back two weeks from today, here you go.” She passes the book over.

“Dash Cocks her head to one side. “Alright then, you seem sincere. I just had to get that out of the way, I’ve had to run off quite a few freaks who just wanted to- yeah.” she shrugs. “I’m a pretty good judge of character though, I can tell you’ll do right by her.”

“Oh yes, I love Daring Do” Fluttershy says. “She’s Bold, She’s Beautiful, she’s adventurous, She’s not afraid of anything.” Fluttershy looks at the ground “She’s Everything I wish I could be...”

(OOC: you’re doing fine.)

Octavia looks at you curiously. then begins to giggle. She stops herself quickly. “I Apologise, It’s clear that you are unused to formality, and i found your attempt to be quite... Charming.” She straightens up and responds with exaggerated formality “I would deem It a privilege to have tea with you good sir. May I have your name?”

She Begins giggling again.

Applejack laughs punches you lightly. “Quit speakin’ fancy, Ah Cain’t take ya’ll seriously when ya’ll do that.” She leans in and gives you another kiss. after a few endless seconds, she breaks away again. “Ya’ll go on and find yerself a Best Colt, Ah’ve got a few Ponies to set things up with mahself.”

“Oh, It’s quite exhausting really, I love my friends dearly and of course I would never leave them hanging, but I must say that all of the running around and saving the world does wear on a lady such as myself.” She remains silent for a while. “It’s... an awful thing to say, but sometimes I wish I could just...give it up.”

Derpy Looks at you with her left eye. “You want to go for a walk?” She asks, dumbfounded.

You nod.

“With me?”

You nod.

She Grins “Okay! I know a great place to watch the ducks! It’s great because I can watch two of them at once!” She bounces on her hooves excitedly. “Let’s go!”

Braebun stops. Thinking he felt something, it wasn’t much, like maybe a fly had landed on his neck, he reaches up and finds the note tacked under his hat. he unfolds it and stares at it for a few moments.

“Well Ahhhhhhhh’ll be.” he says. “That Shy little Filly somehow stuck a note on me! She must be one o’ them there Ninjas! and she wants to have a drink with me? Why didn’t she just say so? Says here I’m supposed to whistle...” He looks up and shouts. “AH CAAAAAAAIN’T WHISLE, BUT IFFIN’ I COULD AH’D BE DOIN’ IT NAO!”


“Oh, Hai, you must mean party That Pinkie Pie hosting for Static Arc and Cheerilee, I heard much about it from Rarity yesterday.” Lotus replies in her heavy Neigponese Accent. “I would love be there! I think Aloe may want come too, I hope that’s all good.”


(OOC: yes, She’s Pony Japanese, It just makes sense to me, also, Japanese people are awesome. Gomennasai in advance if the way I wrote her offends anyone.)


Big Macintosh Arrives Right on time looking exactly the same as he always does.

He acknowledges you silently, motioning toward the festivities as if to say ‘Shall we?’


(OOC: Sorry Static, But your reply is going to have to wait until a few of the others catch up to you.)



Red Talon looked at Applejack in the eyes, moved by her words. Rather disturbed by her "you don't need me" comment, he spoke:

"Applejack," he said softly, "what do you mean that I won't need you? Ever since I met you, you've always been there for me no matter what. The truth is, I need you. You've been a better friend than anyone I've ever had, even better than my friends from high school (as they never kept in touch with Red Talon). I'm just like you, a pony that stays true to his words. I mean everything I say. And just promise me one thing: promise me that you'll never think more or less of me, even if the results Sunday don't please the teams and sponsors."

Edited by La Li Lu Le Lo

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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Morning star smiles, he go's to his room and begins to wait for Celestia but he understands perfectly that she has her duties and he has his which is waiting on the mare that he liked, once inside he beings to think to himself."What shall i say"? Morning star was worried that he'll say the wrong thing to her.


Bob begins to wait on there meal but to get things off on the right hoof he speaks to the Queen."So my queen tell me about yourself". Bob wanted to get to know her which would turn the situation in his favor.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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