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open Ask any pony on a date!

My little pwny

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I'm just giving page a hard time myself :P


Common guys, he has a life :3


Page has been doing really well so far, keep in mind Pwny would usually take 2-4 days to respond

Edited by Eljordo
  • Brohoof 1



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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geeze loise! it seems I've spoiled you with my daily replies! I take one little weekend off and you start Rioting! Replies will be up tomorrow. Just calm down!

  • Brohoof 9

Do you want an awesome thread to visit? Visit this thread! http://mlpforums.com/topic/39132-ask-any-pony-on-a-date/


My Little Pony is a sparkly, happy diamond among things that are not diamonds. -Apple Cider


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geeze loise! it seems I've spoiled you with my daily replies! I take one little weekend off and you start Rioting! Replies will be up tomorrow. Just calm down!


OMG HE'S BACK!!!!!! nah, just kiddin. XD but sweet, i wanna see how vinyl reacts to my last post. oh, and welcome back.


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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Ahh, I'm so excited to see what happens between me, Twi and Chrysalis.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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geeze loise! it seems I've spoiled you with my daily replies! I take one little weekend off and you start Rioting! Replies will be up tomorrow. Just calm down!


It's cool, Just take the time you need to dude :P



Don’t pretend I think you know I'm damn precious

And Hell Yeah I'm a motherf***ing princess


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page is back. :D thank goodness to, i wasn't to sure if he would come back but he did I'll be waiting for the replies.

Edited by Prince_Morningstar

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Okie Dokie Lokie, I have something to say before we get started, I Am slightly disappointed in several of you. (Especially morningstar) I’m taking weekends off because... well... I need a break from time to time, and I really don’t like coming back to find Discord running around in the thread (Unless one of you is dating him). From now on, be aware that replies will stop on fridays and resume on Mondays. Sorry for the inconvenience, and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you on friday. That said, enjoy your replies.


Static opened his eyes slowly, hearing a couple of voices around him. Where was he? Was he at his house or somewhere else? Suddenly felt a sharp pain in his side, making him grimace. What had happened to him? What did he do yesterday?


Then it hit him. The Diamond Dogs. Digging out of the mines. Seeing Cheerilee after a week of slavery. The kiss. Helping out Cheerilee at school under a heavy strain of fatigue. Static felt a wave of dizziness hit him. Was he really out of working for the Diamond Dogs? Did Cheerilee and him really kiss? Was this a dream?


Static opened his eyes fully and found himself back in his house, in his room. He was in his bed, like any other normal day. He also noticed that Cheerilee and an Earth Pony that looked like a doctor talking a few feet away from him, unaware that he had awoken. Static still wasn't sure if this was a dream or not.


After listening in to their conversation, not learning much of what happened, the doctor left and Cheerilee noticed him awake. Cheerilee looked really happy to see him, which made Static feel good.


After filling him in on what exactly happened, Static couldn't hold in his curiousity any more. Static wanted to get up and know that this wasn't a dream. He looked Cheerilee in the eyes, flinching a little at the pain in his side. Was the pain from when he fell onto the street, hurting his side? It was a possibility, but he still had his doubts.


"Th-This isn't a dream right? Am I out of the mines? Did you and me really...kiss? Please tell me that this is real and we really are a couple."


As Static waited for Cheerilee's answer, he could swear that the pain in his side was getting stronger. What was going on?

Cheerilee looks even more concerned than she did before. What are you talking about? of course this is real! It’s all right, I’m here now and I love you, The doctor says you bruised your ribs at some point, probably during your escape,I’ts nothing serious, but i’ts going to take some time to heal. so try not to move too much.” She leans down and kisses you. “Don’t worry, I’ll be right here. I’ll get somepony to substitute for me at school tomorrow.”


Fluttershy, I just love how you are so caring for all animals. I love your wonderful smile, those lovey eyes, and the way your mane looks in the moonlight. If you want to, I would be so honored if you could come with me to see a movie with me this next Saturday night at 6:00 P. M . That is, if you will go with me. I just don't see how a mare so PERFECT would go on a date with me. I'm just a shy colt who is too afraid to say his feelings. *Shakes with fear, starts to whimper*

Fluttershy looks at you from behind her mane.“Oh. Thank you. that’s so nice... I... I would love to go to a movie with you, I mean, If you’re sure you want me to... I won’t be mad if you change your mind...”


Mal was surprised that woke up Twilight, he found some strength and stood up. He felt light headed but that didn't stop him from readying his magic. With Twilight next to him, his confidence returned. 'She is simply stunning, the way she can quickly understand a situation, how fast she can react to it. Wait, did she just tell me I'm a good kisser?' Mal looked at the changeling queen. "Try defeating us now, changeling." Mal said the word 'Changeling' with contempt and disgust in his tone. He knew combat was imminent, Twilight seemed to be ready, she didn't look tired, and her casting stance was flawless. Chrysalis was obviously confident in her abilities and ready for combat. 'I hope we can do this. If not.....' Mal didn't even think of the outcome of failure.

Twilight and Chrysalis both unleash powerful beams of magic, which meat in the middle as beams of magic always seem to do, Twilight could probably explain the reason for it. For a moment, the bright spark where the violet and green magic meet hangs tin the middle, but then slowly begins to move towards Twilight.

“Foalish Pony! You Cannot defeat me! I am powered by your love!”

“Yes.” Twilight replies. “But so are we!”

That’s when you make your move, you charge up your horn and send out the strongest attack you can muster, which, in your current condition, is the magical equivalent of throwing your shoe. Still, It is enough to distract the queen, allowing Twilight’s spell to make contact. Chrysalis is knocked back into a bookshelf, causing an avalanche of books to fall on top of her. This serves to enrage Twilight even more.

“I JUST RESHELVED THAT WALL!” She screams, she picks the dazed Chrysalis up in her magic and tosses her out the window, quickly followed by Twilight herself. you run to said window to watch as Twilight once again lifts the Cheeselegged bugpony in her magic and proceeds to smash her into the ground, the trees, the side of the library, and anything else within her magic’s reach over and over again.

“This is for the Books! And this is for ambushing us in our sleep! And this is for foalnapping Mal! And this is for something else you did! And this! AND THIS!”

“Twilight! Stop!” you call. Chrysalis may be repulsive, but Twilight is taking things a bit far (OOC: Plus, if you kill her, bob won’t be able to date her anymore). “She’s had enough!”

Your voice seems to snap twilight back to her senses, she looks down at the half-dead bug queen. “Go Crawl back into your hole Changeling, maybe next time you will think twice before messing with the elements of harmony!” with that, she turns and storms back into the library.


(OOC: I knew I'd bloody lose damn I was close too : ) After playing at several stalls (which she beat Penguin at every single stall) and rode several rides. Pinkie saw one of her favorite rides and dragged Penguin inside the Ferris Wheel without hesitation. Penguin started to sweat and shiver. When the ride started, Penguin just sat still because of his fear and he's hoping that Pinkie won't notice him being like this and waits for Pinkie to say something. (OOC : Sorry if I used Pinkie for a line there, had to do it just to make it look interesting [i guess?])

Pinkie Stares out over the edge of the Ferris wheel car. “Wow! Look how High up we are! If we were to fall from way up here we’d be pancakes? Do you think I would taste good as a pan... Pengy what’s wrong? *Gasp* Omygosh! Are you afraid of heights? I’m so sorry! I Didn’t Realize! Don’t Worry! I’ll get us out of here!” before you can protest she throws up the lap bar, grabs you and flings the both of you out into the air.


-Bad End-


Just kidding!


You do not hit the ground, but suddenly you find yourself there.

“I’m so so super sorry! I didn’t know you were afraid of heights! Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?” Pinkie implores.


I grin, "Applebloom, how many wedding have you been to that didn't have a flower girl. I can think of three young mares who fit the bill. But, of course, I only do the guy stuff. Ring bearers, Best Colt, Groomscolts, stuff like that. I can only speculate," I look at Applejack and shrug, "Up to you, Applejack."

Applebloom thinks for a moment. “Well, Ah’v only been to one wedding, an’ me an’ the other crusaders were flower girls fer that one, so we cain’t be Cutie Marck Crusader flower girls again...”

Applejack laughs. “It ain’t about yer cutie marks, It’s about Helpin’ me out with mah special day.”


“Oh fine, Ah’ll do it. Cain I go now?”

"Well, I can offer you a colt with good manners, a positive attitude who has at least some interest in fashion. Unfortunately I am no prince though" I answer smiling. "And to be honest you are exactly what I am looking for in a lady as far as I know you, maybe even a bit more"

“That is quite a bold thing to say to a lady.” Rarity replies. “However, I do find your sentiment quite... Sweet.” She smiles at you “I suppose we shall have to see where this goes.”


Morning star smiles."I glad you had fun. I, for one, enjoyed myself ". Morning star enjoyed the time he had with Celestia, but he begins to feel something that wasn't there before.

Celestia smiles as she leaves. “I must go, I imagine Shining Armor is none too pleased with me at the moment. I hope to see you again soon.

(OOC: This date is over, the ball is now in your court to ask her on another one)


Bob had to think for awhile he knew Chrysalis wanted his love, which he said he'll give freely. He had an idea he knew his love for her will last forever, so he came up with a plan. "Then lets put it to the test. My queen, you say it will not last forever, but lets see if it won't last. If I am wrong then you can toss me to your changelings, but if i am right, then you'll have an unending food source." Bob once again used his wits and gave the queen another win win situation. He hoped the queen wouldn't throw him to the changelings, but he knew the queen would want to prove him wrong.

“Verry well. I accept your proposition. shall we begin?” The Queen Grabs you and pulls you down so that you are laying on the bed next to her. “Most Ponies are Horrified by what is to come, but you are an odd one. You are probably going to enjoy this.” She says, and then she kisses you.


"Oh I would never turn down a challenge soarin." Says Jack, Trying to hide how much he's dreading the event.

Soarin grins triumphantly, “Alright pal! I’ll see you tomorrow, I have places to be.” Soarin leaves the restaurant.

Spitfire, noticing your discomfort, puts a comforting hoof on top of yours. “Hey, don’t worry about the race, it’s all in good fun, and I’m sure Soarin will take it easy on you.” she stands up. “C’mon, a change of scenery will help you relax, plus, you still owe me a fly around.”


A large grin trickles across Jordo's face. "R...Really? That's great!" Jordo said happily. To be completely honest, he was half expecting Dash to shoot his offer down. Still, he was very happy she didn't. He takes her by the hoof, still grinning. He knew it probably made him look like an idiot, but he couldn't help it. "Now that that order of business is settled, I believe we still have a date; and I wouldn't want to miss a date with the best mare in all of equestria" he gives her a quick peck on the lips.

“heh, Of course not! Nopony wants to miss a chance to be this close to my Awesomeness! um... what were we doing again?” Rainbow asks.


*i listen intently as she tells me her story, and I pat her on the shoulder when she finishes* hey, i understand where you're coming from, i've had pleanty of bad relationships in the past, too, it happens to everyone. I mean, there was this one time when I was dating Berry Punch, and... well, needless to say, it didn't end well either. *i sigh, but then smile a little* but ok, i'll tell ya about me. what did you want to know?

Vinyl Shrugs “Anything you want to tell me, What do you like to do in your spare time, what do you do for a living, What’s your favorite color, y’know, the basic stuff”


After receiving the note, Red Talon left for Sweet Apple Acres to thank Applejack and her friends for the gift. After knocking on the door, Red Talon told her just how thankful he was, yet at the same time, he really wanted to repay her in some way.

"I'll tell you what," he said to Applejack. "The Neightona 500 is coming up really soon, and I'll once again be racing down at Neightona Beach. Would you and your friends like to come along and spend the weekend in Neightona? We'll leave Thursday afternoon and settle in. On Friday, after qualifying, The seven (or eight if Spike comes) of us can go and hit up the beach and the town. Rinse and repeat for Saturday. Sunday is the actual race, and I'll negotiate with my boss if he can get a good price for us all. Don't worry, it's all on me. Whaddaya say, Applejack? I'm sure you and your friends will LOVE Neightona Beach!"

“I absolutely refuse!” Applejack snaps. “To let you pay for the trip! Ya’ll may be a bit fuzzy about the concept of a ‘gift’, the whole point is that it’s free, Tryin’ ta return the favor cheapens the gift, Don’t you worry none, Ah’ll be there, an’ all ask mah friends if they wanna come too, but you ain’t payin one bit.”


(OOC: Sorry it took so long, Pagey! Here you go!)


Alex listened on as Lyra told her big secret. Alex didn't really know what a human is exactly, but he could tell that she was very excited about the subject and is now stuck in a loop of trying to not Alex feel uncomfortable. Alex just brought a hoof up to stop her rambling. "Easy, Lyra. It's okay, you don't need to explain yourself. I don't really know a thing about Humans, so I don't really feel weirded out by you liking them." Alex said to Lyra reassuringly. Alex put his hoof back down before continuing. "Maybe you can tell me a little about these 'Humans'." Alex says to Lyra, awaiting her response.

“You... Don’t know?” Lyra seems taken aback at the idea that somepony doesn’t know about humans. “Okay, you see, there’s this really old Toy line called ‘my little human’, and they recently rebooted the Tv show that goes with it, they got a lot of the same ponies working on it that worked on ‘The Powerpuff Fillies’. It’s a really good show, it has great animation, good humor, and stories that actually make you think from time to time. but by far the best part is the humans themselves! They all walk on only two legs, and instead of hooves they have hands! With fingers! and they use them to hold things, or open doors and they can make shapes with their fingers to communicate with other humans whose ears don’t work! It’s so cool!” She suddenly looks very self conscious again. “Would... would you like to watch an episode with me?”.


(OOC: Changed Lyra’s text color to something that is closer to her actual coloration, and is hopefully easier to read.)


(OOC:I really hope i don't screw my date with Luna up.)

After Luna accepted my invitation,i instantly shot up with excitement.It seemed as if all the fear that was stored in me seemingly disappeared.Feeling confident in my ability,I said "Of course Luna,its perfectly fine. We'll meet at the EverFree at exactly 10:30 p.m"I said with a smile."I mean if 10:30 fine witn you"as I waited for response I gave her another smile but this one was filled worry rather than excitement. (Had to fix a few mistakes here and there.Pretty tired over here.)

Luna Smiles. “10:30 will be perfectly fine. We shall Be there as thou hath requested.”


Hi Big Mac! I know you're always busy with the orchard and all that, but I was wondering if you would like to go to the county fair with me. It would be lots of fun, we could get some candy apples, play a few winter carnival games and watch the firework show from the ferris wheel....if you aren't busy or anything that is :3 It's happening all week till Thursday if you're interested :3

Big Mac Thinks about you offer for a moment. “Eeyup.”



hey rainbow dash, i got 2 tickets to a slipknot concert tomorrow at midnight. do wanna check it out?


(OOC: Alright, here’s the thing, First, Dash is taken, like, SUPER taken. I would suggest going for somepony like Daring Do instead. Second, Slipknot? Really? This is Equestria we are talking about, real world bands like Slipknot don’t exist here, you need to think pony, try inviting her to a DJ Pon3 concert, or even some clever ponification of an existing band, like Daft Pony.)

Edited by PageTurner(Pwny'sHeir)
  • Brohoof 4

Do you want an awesome thread to visit? Visit this thread! http://mlpforums.com/topic/39132-ask-any-pony-on-a-date/


My Little Pony is a sparkly, happy diamond among things that are not diamonds. -Apple Cider


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Big Mac Thinks about you offer for a moment. “Eeyup.”

Oh boy! What time should we meet up? I mean it really depends on if we want to get in early for the trade fair or not, but then again we could just skip that and go to the petting zoo they have set up! Although that would mean missing the cute little buttons and knick knacks...lol what do you say we meet at the fair ground tomorrow at 4 and wing it? ^_^

Edited by leogal
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Okie Dokie Lokie, I have something to say before we get started, I Am slightly disappointed in several of you. (Especially morningstar) I’m taking weekends off because... well... I need a break from time to time, and I really don’t like coming back to find Discord running around in the thread (Unless one of you is dating him). From now on, be aware that replies will stop on fridays and resume on Mondays. Sorry for the inconvenience, and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you on friday. That said, enjoy your replies.

Well, my guess Page, is that they really like your work and was worried about you when you didn't post for an entire week. I mean, I didn't bother you about the absence, but still. We all love the work you put in.


On another note, I will post my reply to Cheerilee later in the day :D

Edited by StaticArc
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Thank you, Fluttershy. I was so scared you would say no. Thanks for giving me a chance. If you want it, I got you a present. *gives Fluttershy a butterfly hair pin.* I made it myself. if you don't want it, that's okay to.


p.s. it's not a real butterfly. I would never harm an animal.

Edited by AppleandDashFan247
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Well I don't think soarin likes me that much spitfire, and besides I think I do need to go for that fly my mind is all over the place. Says jack. And also something tells me he won't be going easy on me



Don’t pretend I think you know I'm damn precious

And Hell Yeah I'm a motherf***ing princess


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Okie Dokie Lokie, I have something to say before we get started, I Am slightly disappointed in several of you. (Especially morningstar) I’m taking weekends off because... well... I need a break from time to time, and I really don’t like coming back to find Discord running around in the thread (Unless one of you is dating him). From now on, be aware that replies will stop on fridays and resume on Mondays. Sorry for the inconvenience, and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you on friday. That said, enjoy your replies.


Cheerilee looks even more concerned than she did before. What are you talking about? of course this is real! It’s all right, I’m here now and I love you, The doctor says you bruised your ribs at some point, probably during your escape,I’ts nothing serious, but i’ts going to take some time to heal. so try not to move too much.” She leans down and kisses you. “Don’t worry, I’ll be right here. I’ll get somepony to substitute for me at school tomorrow.”


Fluttershy looks at you from behind her mane.“Oh. Thank you. that’s so nice... I... I would love to go to a movie with you, I mean, If you’re sure you want me to... I won’t be mad if you change your mind...”


Twilight and Chrysalis both unleash powerful beams of magic, which meat in the middle as beams of magic always seem to do, Twilight could probably explain the reason for it. For a moment, the bright spark where the violet and green magic meet hangs tin the middle, but then slowly begins to move towards Twilight.

“Foalish Pony! You Cannot defeat me! I am powered by your love!”

“Yes.” Twilight replies. “But so are we!”

That’s when you make your move, you charge up your horn and send out the strongest attack you can muster, which, in your current condition, is the magical equivalent of throwing your shoe. Still, It is enough to distract the queen, allowing Twilight’s spell to make contact. Chrysalis is knocked back into a bookshelf, causing an avalanche of books to fall on top of her. This serves to enrage Twilight even more.

“I JUST RESHELVED THAT WALL!” She screams, she picks the dazed Chrysalis up in her magic and tosses her out the window, quickly followed by Twilight herself. you run to said window to watch as Twilight once again lifts the Cheeselegged bugpony in her magic and proceeds to smash her into the ground, the trees, the side of the library, and anything else within her magic’s reach over and over again.

“This is for the Books! And this is for ambushing us in our sleep! And this is for foalnapping Mal! And this is for something else you did! And this! AND THIS!”

“Twilight! Stop!” you call. Chrysalis may be repulsive, but Twilight is taking things a bit far (OOC: Plus, if you kill her, bob won’t be able to date her anymore). “She’s had enough!”

Your voice seems to snap twilight back to her senses, she looks down at the half-dead bug queen. “Go Crawl back into your hole Changeling, maybe next time you will think twice before messing with the elements of harmony!” with that, she turns and storms back into the library.


Pinkie Stares out over the edge of the Ferris wheel car. “Wow! Look how High up we are! If we were to fall from way up here we’d be pancakes? Do you think I would taste good as a pan... Pengy what’s wrong? *Gasp* Omygosh! Are you afraid of heights? I’m so sorry! I Didn’t Realize! Don’t Worry! I’ll get us out of here!” before you can protest she throws up the lap bar, grabs you and flings the both of you out into the air.


-Bad End-


Just kidding!


You do not hit the ground, but suddenly you find yourself there.

“I’m so so super sorry! I didn’t know you were afraid of heights! Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?” Pinkie implores.


Applebloom thinks for a moment. “Well, Ah’v only been to one wedding, an’ me an’ the other crusaders were flower girls fer that one, so we cain’t be Cutie Marck Crusader flower girls again...”

Applejack laughs. “It ain’t about yer cutie marks, It’s about Helpin’ me out with mah special day.”


“Oh fine, Ah’ll do it. Cain I go now?”

“That is quite a bold thing to say to a lady.” Rarity replies. “However, I do find your sentiment quite... Sweet.” She smiles at you “I suppose we shall have to see where this goes.”


Celestia smiles as she leaves. “I must go, I imagine Shining Armor is none too pleased with me at the moment. I hope to see you again soon.

(OOC: This date is over, the ball is now in your court to ask her on another one)


“Verry well. I accept your proposition. shall we begin?” The Queen Grabs you and pulls you down so that you are laying on the bed next to her. “Most Ponies are Horrified by what is to come, but you are an odd one. You are probably going to enjoy this.” She says, and then she kisses you.


Soarin grins triumphantly, “Alright pal! I’ll see you tomorrow, I have places to be.” Soarin leaves the restaurant.

Spitfire, noticing your discomfort, puts a comforting hoof on top of yours. “Hey, don’t worry about the race, it’s all in good fun, and I’m sure Soarin will take it easy on you.” she stands up. “C’mon, a change of scenery will help you relax, plus, you still owe me a fly around.”


“heh, Of course not! Nopony wants to miss a chance to be this close to my Awesomeness! um... what were we doing again?” Rainbow asks.


Vinyl Shrugs “Anything you want to tell me, What do you like to do in your spare time, what do you do for a living, What’s your favorite color, y’know, the basic stuff”


“I absolutely refuse!” Applejack snaps. “To let you pay for the trip! Ya’ll may be a bit fuzzy about the concept of a ‘gift’, the whole point is that it’s free, Tryin’ ta return the favor cheapens the gift, Don’t you worry none, Ah’ll be there, an’ all ask mah friends if they wanna come too, but you ain’t payin one bit.”


“You... Don’t know?” Lyra seems taken aback at the idea that somepony doesn’t know about humans. “Okay, you see, there’s this really old Toy line called ‘my little human’, and they recently rebooted the Tv show that goes with it, they got a lot of the same ponies working on it that worked on ‘The Powerpuff Fillies’. It’s a really good show, it has great animation, good humor, and stories that actually make you think from time to time. but by far the best part is the humans themselves! They all walk on only two legs, and instead of hooves they have hands! With fingers! and they use them to hold things, or open doors and they can make shapes with their fingers to communicate with other humans whose ears don’t work! It’s so cool!” She suddenly looks very self conscious again. “Would... would you like to watch an episode with me?”.


(OOC: Changed Lyra’s text color to something that is closer to her actual coloration, and is hopefully easier to read.)


Luna Smiles. “10:30 will be perfectly fine. We shall Be there as thou hath requested.”


Big Mac Thinks about you offer for a moment. “Eeyup.”




(OOC: Alright, here’s the thing, First, Dash is taken, like, SUPER taken. I would suggest going for somepony like Daring Do instead. Second, Slipknot? Really? This is Equestria we are talking about, real world bands like Slipknot don’t exist here, you need to think pony, try inviting her to a DJ Pon3 concert, or even some clever ponification of an existing band, like Daft Pony.)


"Well, okay then, AJ, now that you put it that way, I guess you've got a good point. I greatly appreciate the gift you and your friends gave me, and I guess I should just accept the fact that some things in life are, indeed, free." said Red Talon, a bit unnerved by AJ snapping at him. "Let me know what your friends say, and we'll have a great time at Neightona Beach! Hopefully they all can make it! Oh, and you're not angry at me, are ya?"

Edited by La Li Lu Le Lo

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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Okie Dokie Lokie, I have something to say before we get started, I Am slightly disappointed in several of you. (Especially morningstar) I’m taking weekends off because... well... I need a break from time to time, and I really don’t like coming back to find Discord running around in the thread (Unless one of you is dating him). From now on, be aware that replies will stop on fridays and resume on Mondays. Sorry for the inconvenience, and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you on friday. That said, enjoy your replies.





Celestia smiles as she leaves. “I must go, I imagine Shining Armor is none too pleased with me at the moment. I hope to see you again soon.

(OOC: This date is over, the ball is now in your court to ask her on another one)



“Very well. I accept your proposition. shall we begin?” The Queen Grabs you and pulls you down so that you are laying on the bed next to her. “Most Ponies are Horrified by what is to come, but you are an odd one. You are probably going to enjoy this.” She says, and then she kisses you.




The Morning after Morning star had worked up the courage to ask her if she wanted to hang out with him again. After all they did have a wonderful time together. Morning star made the long walk to canterlot once there he walked right up to the princess and ask her this."If you not to busy i was wondering if you would like to have supper with me"? Morning star waited for the princess to reply.


Bob started to kiss back he didn't care if she took his love that's what he wanted along, he began to put his hooves around her to show her that he truly loved her even if she saw him as food to be feed upon which he didn't mind after all his love for her would never run out.

Edited by Prince_Morningstar

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Cheerilee looks even more concerned than she did before. What are you talking about? of course this is real! It’s all right, I’m here now and I love you, The doctor says you bruised your ribs at some point, probably during your escape,I’ts nothing serious, but i’ts going to take some time to heal. so try not to move too much.” She leans down and kisses you. “Don’t worry, I’ll be right here. I’ll get somepony to substitute for me at school tomorrow.”

"S-Sorry Cheerilee. The fatigue must be messing with me. I'm not making too much sense, am I?"


Static was glad that this wasn't some hallucination he created while working for the Diamond Dogs. He never felt so relieved. His dream to be Cheerilee's coltfriend was real.


When he was told about his injury, it made a lot more sense to him. He could have hurt himself helping Cheerilee escape or even after, while working for the Dogs. Hopefully it would heal quickly though, it hurt quite a bit.


After the kiss, which felt really nice, Cheerilee told Static about calling a substitute for school while she stayed with Static. At first he wanted Cheerilee to go to work anyway and take care of the kids, but he thought against it. Him and Cheerilee never really had any quality time together.


"Sure Cheerilee, I would be glad if you stayed with me while I heal, but for tommorrow only. The kids need you more than I do."


Static leaned in for another kiss, reassuring her that he wasn't too bad off. A few days of rest and he would be good as new.

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I look at Applejack, saying "It's up to your sister." I smile, as my mind starts to ramble off a bunch of random things. Look, her hair's back again. I wonder if she realizes that a strand of her hair is out again. Her tail is doing that impatient flick. I'm staring again. I can't remember, did she like it when I stared at her. Uhoh, she shifted the weight on her hips. I should stop staring. She looks good after bucking. Wait, stop staring. Right. I got this. Ummm, I know! I stare straight down*


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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“heh, Of course not! Nopony wants to miss a chance to be this close to my Awesomeness! um... what were we doing again?” Rainbow asks.



(I was just having some fun Page, take as much time as you need between replies. You are doing a fantastic job so far.)


Jordo chuckles, he must have really taken her mind off things if she forgot.


"I can't believe you of all mares forgot about what was being released today" a grin trickles across Jordo's face.


"Heck, you've been talking about it for months! Were going to see the premiere of the Daring Do movie!"

Edited by Eljordo



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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Twilight and Chrysalis both unleash powerful beams of magic, which meat in the middle as beams of magic always seem to do, Twilight could probably explain the reason for it. For a moment, the bright spark where the violet and green magic meet hangs tin the middle, but then slowly begins to move towards Twilight. “Foalish Pony! You Cannot defeat me! I am powered by your love!” “Yes.” Twilight replies. “But so are we!” That’s when you make your move, you charge up your horn and send out the strongest attack you can muster, which, in your current condition, is the magical equivalent of throwing your shoe. Still, It is enough to distract the queen, allowing Twilight’s spell to make contact. Chrysalis is knocked back into a bookshelf, causing an avalanche of books to fall on top of her. This serves to enrage Twilight even more. “I JUST RESHELVED THAT WALL!” She screams, she picks the dazed Chrysalis up in her magic and tosses her out the window, quickly followed by Twilight herself. you run to said window to watch as Twilight once again lifts the Cheeselegged bugpony in her magic and proceeds to smash her into the ground, the trees, the side of the library, and anything else within her magic’s reach over and over again. “This is for the Books! And this is for ambushing us in our sleep! And this is for foalnapping Mal! And this is for something else you did! And this! AND THIS!” “Twilight! Stop!” you call. Chrysalis may be repulsive, but Twilight is taking things a bit far (OOC: Plus, if you kill her, bob won’t be able to date her anymore). “She’s had enough!” Your voice seems to snap twilight back to her senses, she looks down at the half-dead bug queen. “Go Crawl back into your hole Changeling, maybe next time you will think twice before messing with the elements of harmony!” with that, she turns and storms back into the library.


Mal watched Twilight completely overpower Chrysalis. After Twilight walked back in the library he followed her back inside, still looking back making sure Chrysalis didn't try anything. As he entered he closed the door behind him and turned to Twilight.

"Twi, you were amazing!" Mal said happily as he hugged Twilight.

'Wait, what about Chrysalis?'

"Uhh, Twi, should we just leave Chrysalis out there? She could try something, maybe we could imprison her somehow." He asked.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Vinyl Shrugs “Anything you want to tell me, What do you like to do in your spare time, what do you do for a living, What’s your favorite color, y’know, the basic stuff”


Oh, ok, well, usually what I do in my spare time is whatever I can actually find time to do! I'm usually really busy with my job as a writer, but for fun I like to read or play video games or listen to music, stuff like that. But, yea, like I said, my job is being an author, I enjoy writing all kinds of things, but mostly I write fantasy novels. And, uh, my fave color is actually, uh... *blushes and grins sheepishly* well, it's the beautiful red in your eyes... I was there when you took your shades off at the Royal Wedding, and when I saw them, I just... *shuts up quickly, realizing I probably made myself look stupid, then apologizes and speaks quickly* I-I'm sorry, it's just... I don't know why I said that, I, uh... *blushes again*


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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Pinkie Stares out over the edge of the Ferris wheel car. “Wow! Look how High up we are! If we were to fall from way up here we’d be pancakes? Do you think I would taste good as a pan... Pengy what’s wrong? *Gasp* Omygosh! Are you afraid of heights? I’m so sorry! I Didn’t Realize! Don’t Worry! I’ll get us out of here!” before you can protest she throws up the lap bar, grabs you and flings the both of you out into the air. -Bad End- Just kidding! You do not hit the ground, but suddenly you find yourself there. “I’m so so super sorry! I didn’t know you were afraid of heights! Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?” Pinkie implores.

As he slowly opened his eyes, while shivering in fear, he looks at the ground and then looks at Pinkie Pie with shame and embarrassment.


As he tries to regain his sanity and get his dignity back, he says, "I... It's okay Pinkie, I'll be fine. M... maybe we should just go to Sugarcube Corner like you said..."


He looks at the ground again, hopefully waiting for a response from Pinkie Pie.

My OC : Winter Chill (Indigo)

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“That is quite a bold thing to say to a lady.” Rarity replies. “However, I do find your sentiment quite... Sweet.” She smiles at you “I suppose we shall have to see where this goes.”


I smile back at her and hold her close as the slow dancing music is being changed to some disco-pop

"Really glad to hear that Miss. We can go to the bar for some drinks if you want." I answer and after a short pause I add "Is there anything that you want to ask me?"


OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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Oh boy! What time should we meet up? I mean it really depends on if we want to get in early for the trade fair or not, but then again we could just skip that and go to the petting zoo they have set up! Although that would mean missing the cute little buttons and knick knacks...lol what do you say we meet at the fair ground tomorrow at 4 and wing it? ^_^



(OOC: Protip: If all you ask are yes and no questions, that’s all he’s going to say. try asking more leading questions like “What do you think about___?”)


Thank you, Fluttershy. I was so scared you would say no. Thanks for giving me a chance. If you want it, I got you a present. *gives Fluttershy a butterfly hair pin.* I made it myself. if you don't want it, that's okay too.


p.s. it's not a real butterfly. I would never harm an animal.

“Oh! How cute!” Fluttershy takes the pin and looks at it. “You, um, did a really good job. Would you... um, Help me put it in?” she pulls her mane back to allow you to pin it in place. “So what movie did you want to go see? I hear there’s a new Daring Do movie out... I was hoping I could go with rainbow Dash, but she had plans with her boyfriend...”


“Well I don't think soarin likes me that much, spitfire, and besides, I think I do need to go for that fly, my mind is all over the place.” Says jack. “And also something tells me he won't be going easy on me.”

“Oh, Don’t be silly, Soarin’s a great guy, What reason could he possibly have to pick on you?” Spitfire says. “This isn’t the first time this has happened, Soarin Challenges everypony we hang out with to a friendly race.” She drops her voice to a whisper. “You didn’t hear this from me, but sometimes if a pegasus does really well, they get asked to join the team. There was this one pony, Rainbow Dash, who Beat him really bad, She doesn’t know it yet, but her slot on the team is pretty much guaranteed as soon as we get an opening.”


(OOC: WARNING! This is a dangerous situation, If you accuse Spitfire’s best friend of being a jerky jerkface, it may damage your relationship, however, if you can get Soarin to reveal his true colors in front of her...)


"Well, okay then, AJ, now that you put it that way, I guess you've got a good point. I greatly appreciate the gift you and your friends gave me, and I guess I should just accept the fact that some things in life are, indeed, free." said Red Talon, a bit unnerved by AJ snapping at him. "Let me know what your friends say, and we'll have a great time at Neightona Beach! Hopefully they all can make it! Oh, and you're not angry at me, are ya?"

“Nah, I ain’t mad, I just needed ta get it through to ya that I ain’t gonna accept Charity from the Pony Ah just gave charity to. Ah’ll go see what mah friends say.”


The Morning after Morning star had worked up the courage to ask her if she wanted to hang out with him again. After all they did have a wonderful time together. Morning star made the long walk to canterlot once there he walked right up to the princess and ask her this."If you not to busy i was wondering if you would like to have supper with me"? Morning star waited for the princess to reply.

Celestia Does not even look up from the stack of very important looking documents she is currently signing her way through. “Guards, Take Mr. Morning Star to the Tower room, He is to wait there until I send for Him, at which time he is to be brought to the dining room.”

Two guards Immediately take positions on either side of you. “Right this way, sir.” says one. The guards lead you out of the throe room and up the castle to a very plush room at the top of the hightst tover. (OOC: The same one rarity stayed in in Sweet and Elite) “You are to wait here until the Princess Sends for you, she usually takes her supper at 5, we will return for you then.”


Bob started to kiss back he didn't care if she took his love that's what he wanted along, he began to put his hooves around her to show her that he truly loved her even if she saw him as food to be feed upon which he didn't mind after all his love for her would never run out.

Chrysalis breaks contact with you all too soon. “Ahhh, It fills Me!” She says. “Rarely have I tasted love so exquisite! Perhaps it is because you give it freely, but I have never felt stronger!” She looks at you, the hard edge is gone, her gaze is no longer the appraising one of a connoisseur who is unsure of a new dish, but the joyful look of a mare who has just been handed the meal she has been craving. “You shall share my bed from now until your love runs dry, as it eventually will.” She then Stands up from the bed. “I have duties I must attend to. I suggest that you sleep.” with that she leaves you there feeling drained, exhausted, and happier than you have ever been in your life.


"S-Sorry Cheerilee. The fatigue must be messing with me. I'm not making too much sense, am I?"


Static was glad that this wasn't some hallucination he created while working for the Diamond Dogs. He never felt so relieved. His dream to be Cheerilee's coltfriend was real.


When he was told about his injury, it made a lot more sense to him. He could have hurt himself helping Cheerilee escape or even after, while working for the Dogs. Hopefully it would heal quickly though, it hurt quite a bit.


After the kiss, which felt really nice, Cheerilee told Static about calling a substitute for school while she stayed with Static. At first he wanted Cheerilee to go to work anyway and take care of the kids, but he thought against it. Him and Cheerilee never really had any quality time together.


"Sure Cheerilee, I would be glad if you stayed with me while I heal, but for tommorrow only. The kids need you more than I do."


Static leaned in for another kiss, reassuring her that he wasn't too bad off. A few days of rest and he would be good as new.

For the next few days, Cheerilee hardly leaves your side. In that time you talk about many things and get a much better understanding of one another. after another two days, The Doctor says you are in the clear. Pinkie Pie throws you and Cheerilee a ‘Congratulations on your Escape/Relationship/Recovery Surprise Party.’


I look at Applejack, saying "It's up to your sister." I smile, as my mind starts to ramble off a bunch of random things. Look, her hair's back again. I wonder if she realizes that a strand of her hair is out again. Her tail is doing that impatient flick. I'm staring again. I can't remember, did she like it when I stared at her. Uhoh, she shifted the weight on her hips. I should stop staring. She looks good after bucking. Wait, stop staring. Right. I got this. Ummm, I know! I stare straight down*

Applebloom turn to give Applejack a Pleading look, which Causes her to laugh. “Alright, Applebloom, ya’ll can go play now.” As The little yellow filly runs off, Applejack looks at you just in time to see you avert your gaze. “As fer ya’ll,” She Grabs your chin and forces you to look her in the face. “Loosen up! Ah Ain’t gonna Dry up an’ blow away if ya look at me wrong. ya need ta relax, Ya’ll’s already got me an’ Ah Ain’t goin’ anywhere.”


(I was just having some fun Page, take as much time as you need between replies. You are doing a fantastic job so far.)


Jordo chuckles, he must have really taken her mind off things if she forgot.


"I can't believe you of all mares forgot about what was being released today" a grin trickles across Jordo's face.


"Heck, you've been talking about it for months! Were going to see the premiere of the Daring Do movie!"

Dash Freezes. “Ohmygosh. That’s TODAY? I’ve been so busy I forgot about Daring Do!” She punches you in the shoulder. “You’re a terrible distraction y’know that? C’mon! Let’s go!” She is suddenly gone. You stand there rubbing your sore shoulder for a moment before she returns. “Oh, right, sorry.” she lands and folds her wings. “Let’s just walk.”


Mal watched Twilight completely overpower Chrysalis. After Twilight walked back in the library he followed her back inside, still looking back making sure Chrysalis didn't try anything. As he entered he closed the door behind him and turned to Twilight.

"Twi, you were amazing!" Mal said happily as he hugged Twilight.

'Wait, what about Chrysalis?'

"Uhh, Twi, should we just leave Chrysalis out there? She could try something, maybe we could imprison her somehow." He asked.

Twilight nods. “No worries, I’ve Already put up a barrier to keep her out. In her condition the only place she can go is back to her hive.” Twilight leans in and whispers in your ear. “And she’ll take my tracking spell with her.” She winks. “Soon We will know exactly where the changelings are hiding.”


Oh, ok, well, usually what I do in my spare time is whatever I can actually find time to do! I'm usually really busy with my job as a writer, but for fun I like to read or play video games or listen to music, stuff like that. But, yea, like I said, my job is being an author, I enjoy writing all kinds of things, but mostly I write fantasy novels. And, uh, my fave color is actually, uh... *blushes and grins sheepishly* well, it's the beautiful red in your eyes... I was there when you took your shades off at the Royal Wedding, and when I saw them, I just... *shuts up quickly, realizing I probably made myself look stupid, then apologizes and speaks quickly* I-I'm sorry, it's just... I don't know why I said that, I, uh... *blushes again*

Vinyl seems a bit surprised by what you just revealed. “Wow,” She says. “I guess you’ are a bit more than a fan who wants to hang out with his Idol huh.” She takes off her shades and sighs. “listen, there’s something you should know, If you want to date me, you’re probably going to have to battle my seven evil exes...”


As he slowly opened his eyes, while shivering in fear, he looks at the ground and then looks at Pinkie Pie with shame and embarrassment.


As he tries to regain his sanity and get his dignity back, he says, "I... It's okay Pinkie, I'll be fine. M... maybe we should just go to Sugarcube Corner like you said..."


He looks at the ground again, hopefully waiting for a response from Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie Pats you on the shoulder. “Hey! Don’t worry about it! Everypony has something they’re afraid of, I’m absolutely terrified of rejection. there’s nothing wrong with being afraid of being on top of tall things! it just means we can’t go skydiving.” Pinkie pulls out a piece of paper with the words ‘Fun Things to do with Pengy’ written across the top. she crosses out ‘skydiving’ and puts the list away, but not before you notice several other Items on the list, including. ‘Scubadiving’, ‘Waterskiing’, Regular Skiing’, and ‘spelunking’.

“You sure you want to leave now? there are still plenty of fun Carnival things to do safe on the ground!”


I smile back at her and hold her close as the slow dancing music is being changed to some disco-pop

"Really glad to hear that Miss. We can go to the bar for some drinks if you want." I answer and after a short pause I add "Is there anything that you want to ask me?"

“A drink would be very nice,” Rarity agrees. “As for anything else I may want to ask you, well, I’m sure I’ll come up with something later, for now, let’s just enjoy ourselves.”

Edited by PageTurner(Pwny'sHeir)
  • Brohoof 2

Do you want an awesome thread to visit? Visit this thread! http://mlpforums.com/topic/39132-ask-any-pony-on-a-date/


My Little Pony is a sparkly, happy diamond among things that are not diamonds. -Apple Cider


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leogal, on 12 November 2012 - 02:53 PM, said: Oh boy! What time should we meet up? I mean it really depends on if we want to get in early for the trade fair or not, but then again we could just skip that and go to the petting zoo they have set up! Although that would mean missing the cute little buttons and knick knacks...lol what do you say we meet at the fair ground tomorrow at 4 and wing it? “Eeyup.” (OOC: Protip: If all you ask are yes and no questions, that’s all he’s going to say. try asking more leading questions like “What do you think about___?”)

(OOC: Lol that's what I was trying to go for, but I got all awkward :P)

Awesome! I guess I'll see you tomorrow :3

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