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While the yellow one sees him first, the orange one is faster to get there. Helping him up, she remarks, "Jerks. Don't even have the courage to help you."


"Y'all alright?" Applebloom carefully turns your head with a hoof and cringed a bit at the bruise., "We should take 'um to the nurse."


"But then we'll be late to class. And if Scootaloo's late to class again-"


Scootaloo cuts her off, "Not in front of the newbie!"


Applebloom picks you up, carrying you on her back. It would seem she shares her sister's strength, "Y'all get to class. I'll bring him to the nurse."


The two other fillies exchange a look, but nod and relent as she takes you to the nurse.


At the mention of the nurse, Caramel's eyes widen, but no one notices. Much to his own confusion, he never liked the idea of going to the nurse. One of the things he was constantly made fun of at his old school was the reasons he went to the nurse. He hoped the there were no foals who would do that here, but he wouldn't know unless he got to class.


As he overheard the bit about being late to class, he was upset as he thought to himself, "Great. My first day of school here and I'm gonna show up late. Also, did, Scootaloo she say the other's name was, really have to call me a newbie? I get she doesn't mean bad, but I still don't like it."


"Yeah, I'm alright," Caramel said in response to Applebloom's question.




Caramel is continuing to worry about class while Applebloom walks him to the nurse's office. It is a small school, so he didn't have much time to think. Since the nurse isn't in as Applebloom walks in with he on her back, he jumps off, remembering that his legs work, and says, "You know, you didn't have to do this, uh, Applebloom was it? I'm sure I could've just toughed it out. You didn't have to be late to class just to take me to the nurse..."

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Big Mac facehoofs and mumbles under his breath, “Pony Tones.” Louder, he says, “It’s s’posed to be at the town hall, to commemorate the ceiling’s repair and the town hall’s renovation. It’d be ‘bout an hour after we get done kickin’... so… probably six?” Applejack interjects, “My friends’ll all be there tuh support Rarity, but mosta Mac’s friends work travelin’ labor jobs. They won’t be back till th’ end of the week. Cousin Braeburn might be in town by then though.”


 "Sweet! Well I will definitely be there for sure." Veiled Spike packs up her stuff and looks at Big Mac and Applejack to see if they're finished. She stopped packing and asked, "Hey are you guys done with eating yet? No need to rush though. I noticed that it's getting dark anyway. I can't wait to see the rest of your friends performing though." 

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Steelhide was taken aback, but he didn't let his stance show it. He eyed Nightmare Moon. In his mind he felt that this might be a test of some sort, but he couldn't be too sure. He was pretty sure though. If Nightmare Moon could freeze Dusk, she might could have possibly frozen him as well, but why?  He also couldn't help thinking that Nightmare Moon had been the alter-ego (more or less) of Princess Luna. He had sworn himself into Luna's service and he would not want to hurt her if this was indeed Nightmare Moon taking control of Luna. His head hurt with the logic and counterlogic so instead he chose to speak.


"You are Nightmare Moon are you not? Why are you here, what have you done to princess Luna, and why is my comrade frozen?" Steelhide asked in voice filled with a certain sort of authority. He was standing ready in case Nightmare Moon decided to make an attack and his eyes were narrowed at his potential opponent.

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HopeTheWanderer, on 08 Oct 2014 - 02:55 AM, said:

*Hope smiles and leads the zebra to the cafe and the stallion found it very hard to look straight ahead, as every moment he was tempted to get lost in Zecora's lovely turquoise eyes, but he knew there would be plenty of that later.


As they reached Flowers and Snacks and set down at a table. Hope was still nervous, and it showed. As a mare came up to take their orders, the young stallion exhaled slowly, calming himself.*


"I suppose I'll have a Romaine salad." He told the waitress, who then looked over to the Zebra. Hope glanced at her and that calmed him a bit.


"That dish does sound rather tame/I think I too will have the same. And as for something for which to drink/Some water would be nice, I think." She winks at him and smiles at the waiter.





*The mare slid an appetizer on the table, fresh bread before nodding and leaving. Hope took the first loaf and tore it into two equal pieces before offering one to Zecora, the exotic scent of the zebra caused his nostrils to flare.*


"A mare like you...deserves only the best."


*Hope mentally face-hoofed for using such a generic line. Now she was just going to think that he was just trying to get her into his bed, which wasn't true. He just hoped that he didn't really give the wrong impression.*

Edited by HopeTheWanderer

"It is part of a good man to do great and noble deeds, though he risk everything." - Plutarch


"As long as humans continue to be the ruthless destroyer of other beings, we will never know health or peace. For as long as people massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, those who sow the seed of murder and pain will never reap joy or love." - Pythagoras, Greek philosopher, ca. 530 B.C.

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@@NightWing,Eterochromic eyes, silver mane, and a guard's muscular stature. Those were some of the things that one could use to describe Ao the changeling, but the greatest of all was his behavior in front of the Queen of the changelings. "My Queen Miss Chrysalis! It's nice to finally meet you outside your chambers. I trust life has given you a moment of respite from your duties? How have you been doing? I do hope everything is okay! I would be glad to deal with any misfortune that might be nagging you!" Ao gently bowed before her before rising up again. He had been working to find an appropriate way to respond when such a moment that he would meet the Queen but it was all for naught. All he could do right now is try to be kind and see what it would get him. After that like any good changeling he would adapt.

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Lets start with the dancing, shall we? *I place a radio on the table, and click a button on it, playing early Romantic periond music. Promptly afterwards, I forcibly grab your hooves, and I start elegantly dancing with you, as if I have done this before. Did I do this before?*

You're looking at my signature, so you must be Royally Boned..


Also, I now have a forum for communication and roleplay! Check it out!



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Ahaban soared above the clouds of Ponyville in his typical surveillance manner. He looked upon the peaceful town below, he felt in himself a need for satisfaction.


Not simply by hard tension or relaxation but more of in the middle. A good work day but with lack of danger that he has become accustomed to.


Sweet Apple Acres was about on the distance, a good old apple farm. That is close to nostalgia for himself.


He smiled slightly under his shemag as he descended down to the gate pulling down his shemag and goggles searching about for anypony about.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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ChikoritaBrony, on 28 Oct 2014 - 10:47 AM, said:

Beta agrees to these terms and grabs the food and goes out. He walks to the party and provides some entertainment well passing out the food. "Hey everypony, how would you like a laugh?" he does stuff like laugh in a funny voice and tell corny jokes like the pony and the doctor one. After that entertaining sequence, he goes back to Pinkie. "I sure entertained them Pinkie."


She grins, batter covering her apron and bits of her face and hoof bumps you, “Alrighty! I think this party’s starting to wind down though. Ponies are really full, and I still have a lot of cupcakes…” She looks a bit at a loss, scratching a batter-ed hoof through her mane.


Count Paradox, on 28 Oct 2014 - 11:26 AM, said:

As she jumped down into the ravine, Dox screamed. "Aaaaaahhh!" But they didn't die. He was extremely surprised when they ended up bouncing up to the other side. He looked around to see where they were, and saw they were coming up to the edge of the Everfree. "Puff, you might wanna turn around, we dont wanna go in there!" He attempted to get out of her fluff, but found himself tangled in it.


She ‘Pffts’ disbelieveingly and keeps bouncing after the flutterby. The flybutter did a 180 away from the everfree though, and floats towards Fluttershy’s house, where butfliers are safe. She bounces confidently after it.


DJ Shy-3, on 28 Oct 2014 - 1:23 PM, said:

At the mention of the nurse, Caramel's eyes widen, but no one notices. Much to his own confusion, he never liked the idea of going to the nurse. One of the things he was constantly made fun of at his old school was the reasons he went to the nurse. He hoped the there were no foals who would do that here, but he wouldn't know unless he got to class.


As he overheard the bit about being late to class, he was upset as he thought to himself, "Great. My first day of school here and I'm gonna show up late. Also, did, Scootaloo she say the other's name was, really have to call me a newbie? I get she doesn't mean bad, but I still don't like it."


"Yeah, I'm alright," Caramel said in response to Applebloom's question.




Caramel is continuing to worry about class while Applebloom walks him to the nurse's office. It is a small school, so he didn't have much time to think. Since the nurse isn't in as Applebloom walks in with he on her back, he jumps off, remembering that his legs work, and says, "You know, you didn't have to do this, uh, Applebloom was it? I'm sure I could've just toughed it out. You didn't have to be late to class just to take me to the nurse..."


“Naw, ‘s alright. Nurse Redheart’s fun tuh be ‘round an’ my schoolwork’s mostly good besides. Y’alright?” She looks you over, “Yah look good. ‘cept, you know, yer mark. Listen, ponies here’ll make fun o’ yuh fer that. We got uh group dedicated to findin’ our cutie marks an’, uh, we were talkin last night. We’d like yuh tuh join our club. If yuh want.”


crisahys, on 28 Oct 2014 - 3:07 PM, said:

"Sweet! Well I will definitely be there for sure." Veiled Spike packs up her stuff and looks at Big Mac and Applejack to see if they're finished. She stopped packing and asked, "Hey are you guys done with eating yet? No need to rush though. I noticed that it's getting dark anyway. I can't wait to see the rest of your friends performing though."


Big Mac blushed and tucked his head against his chest, having finished and being slightly nervous. Applejack finished her apples off and stood,”We’re good. See ya t’morrow, sugar cube.” She winks at you and gets Big Mac to his feet.


“Bye,” he says to your hooves, kicking his own around bashfully, before turning and lumbering off.


“Have a good night, Veil. Thanks fer the food. And the company.” Applejack follows him back down the hill towards the barn.


The Shadow Stallion, on 28 Oct 2014 - 3:30 PM, said:

Steelhide was taken aback, but he didn't let his stance show it. He eyed Nightmare Moon. In his mind he felt that this might be a test of some sort, but he couldn't be too sure. He was pretty sure though. If Nightmare Moon could freeze Dusk, she might could have possibly frozen him as well, but why?  He also couldn't help thinking that Nightmare Moon had been the alter-ego (more or less) of Princess Luna. He had sworn himself into Luna's service and he would not want to hurt her if this was indeed Nightmare Moon taking control of Luna. His head hurt with the logic and counterlogic so instead he chose to speak.


"You are Nightmare Moon are you not? Why are you here, what have you done to Princess Luna, and why is my comrade frozen?" Steelhide asked in voice filled with a certain sort of authority. He was standing ready in case Nightmare Moon decided to make an attack and his eyes were narrowed at his potential opponent.


She cackled, “Because he is not the one I want to talk to. You, young knight. You are new. At least to this place. But not knew to hardship.” She draws up behind you, disappearing as you turn. “You will have a choice, you know. There is a reason I exist.” The shadows close in around you, seemingly sealing you up like a cocoon. The night, it guides in firm fashion/those who would see through to passions/but also bites and stings in shades;/a darkness that blinds./The warrior of grey.


Images appear in the darkness. Battles surge from it’s darkness, in which Luna fights with fervor and determination. But sometimes, the battles feature Nightmare Moon, with a cold, fierce determination and a patience only for victory. Sometimes, the backdrop were forests, fighting monsters. Sometimes, it was cobbled walls, crumbling ruins, and warn pathways.


The funny thing about nightmares…

...Is that sometimes…

…...They hold more truth than dreams.


The darknes collapsed inwards, and suddenly everything was seemingly back to normal.


HopeTheWanderer, on 28 Oct 2014 - 4:16 PM, said:


*The mare slid an appetizer on the table, fresh bread before nodding and leaving. Hope took the first loaf and tore it into two equal pieces before offering one to Zecora, the exotic scent of the zebra caused his nostrils to flare.*


"A mare like you...deserves only the best."


*Hope mentally face-hoofed for using such a generic line. Now she was just going to think that he was just trying to get her into his bed, which wasn't true. He just hoped that he didn't really give the wrong impression.*


She laughs, “A mare like me? I’m just like thee. Come, let us eat, there will be time later for words so sweet.” She smiles and takes the bread from you, tearing small pieces off to eat.


IridscentNionios, on 29 Oct 2014 - 4:33 PM, said:

@@NightWing,Eterochromic eyes, silver mane, and a guard's muscular stature. Those were some of the things that one could use to describe Ao the changeling, but the greatest of all was his behavior in front of the Queen of the changelings. "My Queen Miss Chrysalis! It's nice to finally meet you outside your chambers. I trust life has given you a moment of respite from your duties? How have you been doing? I do hope everything is okay! I would be glad to deal with any misfortune that might be nagging you!" Ao gently bowed before her before rising up again. He had been working to find an appropriate way to respond when such a moment that he would meet the Queen but it was all for naught. All he could do right now is try to be kind and see what it would get him. After that like any good changeling he would adapt.


She smirks with humor, “Such a good child. Nothing troubles the Queen of the Changelings.” She then proceedes to pretty much ignore you as she quests for the map room to plot.


Scilight Paitanibu, on 30 Oct 2014 - 9:03 PM, said:



Lets start with the dancing, shall we? *I place a radio on the table, and click a button on it, playing early Romantic periond music. Promptly afterwards, I forcibly grab your hooves, and I start elegantly dancing with you, as if I have done this before. Did I do this before?*


“Woah!” she clumsily follows you, blushing, “I’m, uh… I’m not that great at… dancing.” She had, of course, read many books on the subject. It was that, well, reading and applying were to different things. I hope you prepared for some bruised hooves.


IllusivePony, on 03 Nov 2014 - 2:21 PM, said:


Ahaban soared above the clouds of Ponyville in his typical surveillance manner. He looked upon the peaceful town below, he felt in himself a need for satisfaction.


Not simply by hard tension or relaxation but more of in the middle. A good work day but with lack of danger that he has become accustomed to.


Sweet Apple Acres was about on the distance, a good old apple farm. That is close to nostalgia for himself.


He smiled slightly under his shemag as he descended down to the gate pulling down his shemag and goggles searching about for anypony about.

He was just in time to catch Applejack and Big Mac headed home from their picnic. They don’t really notice him though, as they’re headed in practically the opposite direction.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Ahaban assumed they were the orchard owners, or at least workers. He clears his throat and trots toward them.


"Excuse me." He says aloud to them.

"I'm new in town and was wondering if your orchard is hiring any laborers? You don't even have to pay me much." He offers to them as he catches up.


"I just would like a place of work." He says, his foreign accent notable.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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I missed the update!




Comet Tail, on 15 Oct 2014 - 12:02 AM, said:

"Ooh." I lift my gaze from the telescope to turn to her. "That sounds!-..." I lean forward, once again like a puppy ready to pounce and play as excitement pours of me, then I stop, and the excitement is replaced with visible nervousness. "Dangerous. I, uhh..."


I look at the ground uneasily, then back at her, "I think we should at least try to figure out what the structure is first, perhaps with a larger telescope? I know there's some enormous observatories in Canterlot, and being up so high they get to see through a lot of the atmosphere, too. If you can get permission for a trip to the moon for research, then perhaps you could get some time on one of those observatories? You're stuck with me, though, I want in on this, so ya gotta tell me if you get some time on it :) ... "


A grin comes over my face. "And you must have some pretty darn nice connections if you can get a trip to the moon! That would be... Quite spectacular..."


I stash away the little slap I got in my mind to bring up at another time. As for now, I'm too interested to hear what she has to say about getting a powerful observatory focused on the moon, first, and her connections, to interrupt the flow of the conversation with her swat.


(Where did she swat me again? O.o Also; Canterlot observatory is visible in my profile pic XP )


(On your flank mate. Closest thing to her, and pretty much the equivalent of your shoulder. Of course, it was meant to be mindlessly suggestive.)


She nods, “I could probably make that work. Spike, take a letter.”


The dragon, who had been relaxing in a corner, eagerly gathers the supplies and sits at a desk.


“Dear Princess Celestia,

I have discovered an anomaly on the moon that is very curious. I would like to study it further. May I borrow one of the telescopes in Canterlot for a day? And any books on the subject? Also, there’s a friend who is similarly interested. He would also need to go.

Your Student,

Twilight Sparkle.’


Spike sends the letter and gives her a thumbs up.


I'm bouncing on my hooves with excitement. Normally, perhaps I'd take a few moments and ask about why they had just incinerated the letter, but given that magic is as magic does, and there's enough implication for me to assume that's how magic sends it; I'm content with what's currently on my mind; "Woah. Fire-mail? That's cool... Ooooooh! One of the big observatories!" My mouth seems to be watering at the thought. It reminds me of my own excitement at taking a look at Twilight's telescope. Facing her, I continue; "So, I take it you've been studying this 'anomaly' for quite awhile? What have you been able to gather about it?"


Taking a look at her body language, I'm gonna look through the telescope some more at the object if she doesn't indicate she's going to come back to the telescope. But if she does make any kind of indication she's taking the telescope back to show me something, then I'll step away to make room for her.

  • Brohoof 1

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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Steelhide witnessed all this stoically, but he was a bit unnerved by the shadow visions. He was unsure of what choice that Nightmare Moon meant and if what she had shown and told him was true. This all happened so suddenly. He began to think this was part of a great test. Nightmare Moon was perhaps Luna in disguise and she was testing him in someway. He couldn't be sure though.


It seemed like time was passing normally now. Steelhide looked at Dusk a bit suspiciously and asked. "Did you....see anything just now?" He asked tentatively. He wasn't sure if Dusk was on to Nightmare Moon's plan or was it Luna's plan. It confused Steelhide. He just hoped he could clear his mind in the meditative trance of battle.

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I missed the update!





I'm bouncing on my hooves with excitement. Normally, perhaps I'd take a few moments and ask about why they had just incinerated the letter, but given that magic is as magic does, and there's enough implication for me to assume that's how magic sends it; I'm content with what's currently on my mind; "Woah. Fire-mail? That's cool... Ooooooh! One of the big observatories!" My mouth seems to be watering at the thought. It reminds me of my own excitement at taking a look at Twilight's telescope. Facing her, I continue; "So, I take it you've been studying this 'anomaly' for quite awhile? What have you been able to gather about it?"


Taking a look at her body language, I'm gonna look through the telescope some more at the object if she doesn't indicate she's going to come back to the telescope. But if she does make any kind of indication she's taking the telescope back to show me something, then I'll step away to make room for her.


"Actually, this anomaly is something I've noticed recently. I... usually don't look at the moon, out of respect for Princess Luna... oh!" Spike lets out a burps of green fire and a letter materializes. 


Twilight reads aloud:


Dear Twilight,

    Of course you may borrow one of our telescope facilities. You may access your old room at any time. Further, Princess Celestia would also like you to know that, if you get 'messy,' you are expected to clean it up in any way you can imagine. Have fuuuuuuuuuuuuun!~


Tangled Plot

Celestial Secretary and Temp

Part time night-life writer.


Twilight looks confused, "Secretary?"


Spike burps again:


Dear Twilight,

    I've just been informed that this letter wasn't sent to you. Attached is a letter explaining my temporary placement.


Tangled Plot.


As Twilight reads the letter, she blushes more and more. "Ehem, I see. So, the next train is in an hour. We can either catch that, or wait until tomorrow. Up to you."


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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An off-schedule update!? JUST FOR ME!?




"Actually, this anomaly is something I've noticed recently. I... usually don't look at the moon, out of respect for Princess Luna... oh!" Spike lets out a burps of green fire and a letter materializes. 


Twilight reads aloud:

Dear Twilight,

    Of course you may borrow one of our telescope facilities. You may access your old room at any time. Further, Princess Celestia would also like you to know that, if you get 'messy,' you are expected to clean it up in any way you can imagine. Have fuuuuuuuuuuuuun!~

Tangled Plot

Celestial Secretary and Temp

Part time night-life writer.

Twilight looks confused, "Secretary?"

Spike burps again:

Dear Twilight,

    I've just been informed that this letter wasn't sent to you. Attached is a letter explaining my temporary placement.


Tangled Plot.


As Twilight reads the letter, she blushes more and more. "Ehem, I see. So, the next train is in an hour. We can either catch that, or wait until tomorrow. Up to you."


A wave of excitement runs over me, and only lasts a brief moment before melting into nervousness; "Oh! I, uh... Uhm... Well, do you think you can get ready in an hour? Not sure how much packing we'll need to do." I anxiously put one hoof over the other, as my ears go flat against my head again, "I mean, kinda short notice, and if you don't want to..." Wait... A major observatory in Canterlot! Don't let this slip! C'mon, Comet, live a little! I suddenly perk up, confidence immediately enters my voice; "I mean, yeah! I can be ready in an hour if you can! So if you're good, I am! I can just run back, grab a few essentials then meet you at the station..."


Then, the adventurous spirit melts to make way for curiosity; "And why were you confused to get an answer from a secretary?"


"(Oh, and cool mail system!)" I sneak in a quick aside to Spike.

Edited by Comet Tail
  • Brohoof 1

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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Oh, that's okay. I might be able to teach you, after all, I took home economics back then! *I say that eagerly as we continue dancing, and after a few minutes, I lightly loosen the "Grip" on her hooves, and I start to dance alot differently. I slow my gait to... well... A slower one, as I dance more slowly, allowing her to catch up.*

You're looking at my signature, so you must be Royally Boned..


Also, I now have a forum for communication and roleplay! Check it out!



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She grins, batter covering her apron and bits of her face and hoof bumps you, “Alrighty! I think this party’s starting to wind down though. Ponies are really full, and I still have a lot of cupcakes…” She looks a bit at a loss, scratching a batter-ed hoof through her mane.
Beta smiles and realizes that Pinkie hasn't really done much in this party besides stay in the back and make cupcakes. He then gets an idea. "Say Pinkie, the night's still young, and you've been working in the back for so long. How about we go on the dance floor and dance?" 



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Big Mac blushed and tucked his head against his chest, having finished and being slightly nervous. Applejack finished her apples off and stood,”We’re good. See ya t’morrow, sugar cube.” She winks at you and gets Big Mac to his feet.   “Bye,” he says to your hooves, kicking his own around bashfully, before turning and lumbering off.   “Have a good night, Veil. Thanks fer the food. And the company.” Applejack follows him back down the hill towards the barn.

 Veiled Spike waves and says, "bye," to Big Mac and Applejack as she leaves with the picnic stuff. The next day, Veil makes it to the town hall before the show starts. She looks around to see if Applejack or Big Mac was there or not while going to the concession stand to grab a hot dog and soda pop. She then is finally able settle down on a perfect spot to see the show from. She figured to enjoy the wind blowing through her mane and relax before trying to look for Applejack. 

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“Naw, ‘s alright. Nurse Redheart’s fun tuh be ‘round an’ my schoolwork’s mostly good besides. Y’alright?” She looks you over, “Yah look good. ‘cept, you know, yer mark. Listen, ponies here’ll make fun o’ yuh fer that. We got uh group dedicated to findin’ our cutie marks an’, uh, we were talkin last night. We’d like yuh tuh join our club. If yuh want.”


Caramel think to himself over the offer. "If this place is anything like Manehatten, then I have no doubt that she is telling the truth. And why wouldn't she? She looks so honest and trustworthy and... pretty..." At that exact second, he realized he was staring and quickly looks away. "I guess I can't escape my anger no matter where I go..."


"I... I guess that sounds fun. Yeah, I think I'd like to join your club."

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"Whew!" If Dox had his hooves free, he would have wiped sweat from his brow. "At least we're going someplace a lot safer." He looked up and saw Fluttershy standing in her garden. "Oh, um, hello, miss Shy!" He called out to her as they approached. "Sorry if we intrude, its just Puff was following a butterfly and I kinda got stuck in her fluff..."


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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  • 2 weeks later...

The journey has ended.  Pwny has done his duty to queen and country by completing reconnaissance on surrounding countries.  It was no small task; 2 years prior, Pwny was requested personally by Princess Celestia to head up a unprecedented journey in order to investigate where queen chrysalis could have went, and if there are any other potential enemies Equestria could instead befriend, or if needs be, deter from becoming an enemy. 


Walking towards the Canterlot Castle's gate, Pwny approached the guards weary, tired, but also confident.  "I'm here to see Princess Celestia.  The mission she gave me is complete, and I'm here to be debriefed."


"Wait here." Said the royal unicorn Guardsmen as he turned backwards through a false wall, created by magic.  This is new, thought Pwny.  He touched the false wall with his hoof, and it was as solid as it had appeared.  I wonder who invented this spell? This didn't exist when I left...


A couple minutes later, the Guardsmen came back the way he came, brushing into Pwny just a bit.  "My apologies, Pwny.  We didn't realize you were returning!  The quest you were sent on was anticipated to take 6 months, yet, it has been 25 months since you've left! We counted you as a casualty!"


25 months?!? Thought Pwny.  This doesn't add up... I thought I was only gone a year! "Things... got complicated.  You may know this, but there was no way in communicating back to Equestria from where I was going. The mission required action, and that is why it took long than expected..."


The guardsmen looked like he was processes the information.  After a five second pause, he said, "You're clear to come in.  Follow me."  "Lead the way", replied Pwny.


Both Stallions went through the false wall, this time letting Pwny pass without clipping him.  The stoney hallway they entered through was obviously used for security purposes and emergencies, because it went under almost every important room in the Castle. It was lit by several dim torches in order to light the way.  It was wide enough for hoof-traffic to go both ways, and tall enough for Princess Celestia to stand.


For several moments there was no conversation between the two of them until they hit two right turns and a flight of stairs.  The Guardsmen spoke up and said, "Princess Celestia would like to hear your report as soon as possible.  However,..." he paused and stopped at the top of the stairs, "do you know anything that has happened in Equestria the past two years?" Looking up at him, Pwny responded, "Like I said, I have had no communication with this country from where I was located." 


"None at all? Not even whispers are rumors about changes in royalty?"


Pwny thought to himself for a moment, then said, "There was a village I passed through on the way back just beyond Equestrian influence that mentioned to me that there was a new princess who knew Celestia pretty well previously.  That's all the information I got though."


"That new princess will be doing your debriefing.  She personally requested to do so when we alerted the Castle of your presence. Celestia granted the request and you'll be seeing her shortly."


"I waited two years apparently, I can wait two more days if needs be."


"Follow me", said the Guardsmen again as he continued to walk forwards.  A few minutes of walking later, he paused at what seemed like a very random part of the hallway.  He turned to the wall, pounded the ground four times rhythmically, and a rotating door popped out of place. 


Another false wall. A lot less magic involved though. Pwny thought.  Immediately past the door was a narrow staircase with a trap door at the roof.  The guardsmen stopped and said, "Here's where we part ways. She's been waiting for you for a long time. Good luck on your report." The guard started to walk back the way they came when he lastly said, "Who knows, we may be seeing more of each other depending on how it goes."  Before he was out of earshot, Pwny loudly spoke, "I never got your name!" The guardsmen replied, looking over his shoulder saying, "We'll probably cross paths again.  Don't worry." 


Pwny stared at the armored pony walking away until he went down the staircase.  He had no idea who this new princess was, but at this time, that's not what concerned him the most.  During his entire journey, especially when times were the hardest, the one motivating thing that got him through it was his mare, Twilight Sparkle.  They had a relationship for a few months prior to his assignment from Celestia, right when they were the closest to each other.  It broke both their hearts for him to have to leave, but the assignment came in the wake of the attack on the Castle from Queen Chrysalis which made the importance of international exploration priority number one. 


He could remember the day he left like it was yesterday, and the moment he had to say goodbye to Twilight. He said, "Don't wait for me Twilight.  Life is to short to expect you to not move on." "No, never! Remember, it's just six months! That's... that's nothing! Don't say stuff like that!" cried Twilight. Pwny sorrowfully said, "Celestia says it'll take six months, but we both know that something could hap...." *SLAP* "DON'T EVER SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT!" Yelled Twilight, slapping Pwny in the face. "Just leave! LEAVE ME! Celestia said you don't have to go! She said she would find someone else! But you insisted.  YOU are leaving ME! Not ME leaving YOU!"


"But Twilight... I lo..."


"Just go.  I don't want to hear it, Pwny."


Despite that memory, Pwny's feelings for Twlight barely changed.  He, himself, has changed quite a bit over the 25 months, but still anticipated meeting her once again.  But first, he had to be debriefed by this 'new princess'.  Pwny finally walked up the stairs, and opened the trap door to see a Purple Alicorn on the opposite side of a table.....




OOC: I think I gave you a lot to work with, so take it where you think it needs to go from here.  In real life, I have not seen any of season 3 or 4, so if you see fit to have a conversation about what has transpired in the series, it will be news to me, which makes this RP more real!  Thanks for doing this for me :)

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HopeTheWanderer, on 28 Oct 2014 - 4:16 PM, said:


*The mare slid an appetizer on the table, fresh bread before nodding and leaving. Hope took the first loaf and tore it into two equal pieces before offering one to Zecora, the exotic scent of the zebra caused his nostrils to flare.*


"A mare like you...deserves only the best."


*Hope mentally face-hoofed for using such a generic line. Now she was just going to think that he was just trying to get her into his bed, which wasn't true. He just hoped that he didn't really give the wrong impression.*


She laughs, “A mare like me? I’m just like thee. Come, let us eat, there will be time later for words so sweet.” She smiles and takes the bread from you, tearing small pieces off to eat.



Hope blushed slightly and took a small bite of his piece. "So, how did you end up here in Ponyville?" He asked. Hope couldn't help but be a little curious of where she came from. After all, few knew of Zecora's past. What if it was all too personal?

"Forgive me, I...don't mean to pry."

"It is part of a good man to do great and noble deeds, though he risk everything." - Plutarch


"As long as humans continue to be the ruthless destroyer of other beings, we will never know health or peace. For as long as people massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, those who sow the seed of murder and pain will never reap joy or love." - Pythagoras, Greek philosopher, ca. 530 B.C.

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  • 2 weeks later...

(Happy Turkey Day!)



Comet Tail, on 08 Nov 2014 - 11:55 PM, said:


A wave of excitement runs over me, and only lasts a brief moment before melting into nervousness; "Oh! I, uh... Uhm... Well, do you think you can get ready in an hour? Not sure how much packing we'll need to do." I anxiously put one hoof over the other, as my ears go flat against my head again, "I mean, kinda short notice, and if you don't want to..." Wait... A major observatory in Canterlot! Don't let this slip! C'mon, Comet, live a little! I suddenly perk up, confidence immediately enters my voice; "I mean, yeah! I can be ready in an hour if you can! So if you're good, I am! I can just run back, grab a few essentials then meet you at the station..."


Then, the adventurous spirit melts to make way for curiosity; "And why were you confused to get an answer from a secretary?"


"(Oh, and cool mail system!)" I sneak in a quick aside to Spike.


“Celestia’s never had a secretary before. Or, if she had…. well… She’s always answered me personally…” Twilight frowns a little in thought, before shaking her head. Spike gives you a quick thumbs up, as Twilight adds, “You’d better get a move on. The trains do not like to be held up!” She offers you a smile, waiting for some privacy to pack.


Scilight Paitanibu, on 09 Nov 2014 - 1:43 PM, said:



Oh, that's okay. I might be able to teach you, after all, I took home economics back then! *I say that eagerly as we continue dancing, and after a few minutes, I lightly loosen the "Grip" on her hooves, and I start to dance alot differently. I slow my gait to... well... A slower one, as I dance more slowly, allowing her to catch up.*


She bites her lip and does her best to follow, though she’s still pretty much all over your ankles. “So… uh, tell me about yourself.” She offers awkwardly, searching for conversation.


ChikoritaBrony, on 09 Nov 2014 - 1:46 PM, said:

Beta smiles and realizes that Pinkie hasn't really done much in this party besides stay in the back and make cupcakes. He then gets an idea. "Say Pinkie, the night's still young, and you've been working in the back for so long. How about we go on the dance floor and dance?"


She grins, “Why, Beta! So forwardly formal of you to say! Especially since you’ve got a little something….” She brings her hoof and tries to brush something off your cheek, then blushes as she realizes she pretty much just straight up smeared your cheek with cupcake batter. Laughing, she does it to your other cheek, giving you warrior cupcake marks. “And I dub thee Sir Beta, Knight of the Frosting!” She giggles, “Maybe tomorrow we should do a medieval theme.”


crisahys, on 09 Nov 2014 - 8:22 PM, said:

Veiled Spike waves and says, "bye," to Big Mac and Applejack as she leaves with the picnic stuff. The next day, Veil makes it to the town hall before the show starts. She looks around to see if Applejack or Big Mac was there or not while going to the concession stand to grab a hot dog and soda pop. She then is finally able settle down on a perfect spot to see the show from. She figured to enjoy the wind blowing through her mane and relax before trying to look for Applejack.


The initial music dims down a bit just as Applejack slides in next to you. The curtains separate to show the whole Pony Tones (including Fluttershy) standing before the audience. Fluttershy does look nervous up there, but not quite as bad as… say…. her debut. Regardless, Big Mac gives the beginning notes and the Pony Tones begin to sing.


DJ Shy-3, on 10 Nov 2014 - 08:36 AM, said:

Caramel think to himself over the offer. "If this place is anything like Manehatten, then I have no doubt that she is telling the truth. And why wouldn't she? She looks so honest and trustworthy and... pretty..." At that exact second, he realized he was staring and quickly looks away. "I guess I can't escape my anger no matter where I go..."


"I... I guess that sounds fun. Yeah, I think I'd like to join your club."


“That’s great!” She gives you a huge smile and starts bouncing around. Just as she’s about to deliver an excited speech, however, the nurse enters, looking a bit confused. Your choices - think fast and explain why you’re there, or think not-so fast and have Applebloom do the talking.


Count Paradox, on 10 Nov 2014 - 09:11 AM, said:

"Whew!" If Dox had his hooves free, he would have wiped sweat from his brow. "At least we're going someplace a lot safer." He looked up and saw Fluttershy standing in her garden. "Oh, um, hello, miss Shy!" He called out to her as they approached. "Sorry if we intrude, its just Puff was following a butterfly and I kinda got stuck in her fluff..."


She blushes bashfully and waves, “Hello Mr. Dox. I hope you’re…. umm… successful in escaping… She very much enjoys snuggles.” Puff suddenly stops and looks excitedly at Fluttershy, who squees and bolts indoors. Now a little dejected, our favored pink confectionary pony could definitely use some lovin.


My little pwny, on 18 Nov 2014 - 3:42 PM, said:

The journey has ended.  Pwny has done his duty to queen and country by completing reconnaissance on surrounding countries.  It was no small task; 2 years prior, Pwny was requested personally by Princess Celestia to head up a unprecedented journey in order to investigate where queen chrysalis could have went, and if there are any other potential enemies Equestria could instead befriend, or if needs be, deter from becoming an enemy.


Walking towards the Canterlot Castle's gate, Pwny approached the guards weary, tired, but also confident.  "I'm here to see Princess Celestia.  The mission she gave me is complete, and I'm here to be debriefed."


"Wait here." Said the royal unicorn Guardsmen as he turned backwards through a false wall, created by magic.  This is new, thought Pwny.  He touched the false wall with his hoof, and it was as solid as it had appeared.  I wonder who invented this spell? This didn't exist when I left...


A couple minutes later, the Guardsmen came back the way he came, brushing into Pwny just a bit.  "My apologies, Pwny.  We didn't realize you were returning!  The quest you were sent on was anticipated to take 6 months, yet, it has been 25 months since you've left! We counted you as a casualty!"


25 months?!? Thought Pwny.  This doesn't add up... I thought I was only gone a year! "Things... got complicated.  You may know this, but there was no way in communicating back to Equestria from where I was going. The mission required action, and that is why it took long than expected..."


The guardsmen looked like he was processes the information.  After a five second pause, he said, "You're clear to come in.  Follow me."  "Lead the way", replied Pwny.


Both Stallions went through the false wall, this time letting Pwny pass without clipping him.  The stoney hallway they entered through was obviously used for security purposes and emergencies, because it went under almost every important room in the Castle. It was lit by several dim torches in order to light the way.  It was wide enough for hoof-traffic to go both ways, and tall enough for Princess Celestia to stand.


For several moments there was no conversation between the two of them until they hit two right turns and a flight of stairs.  The Guardsmen spoke up and said, "Princess Celestia would like to hear your report as soon as possible.  However,..." he paused and stopped at the top of the stairs, "do you know anything that has happened in Equestria the past two years?" Looking up at him, Pwny responded, "Like I said, I have had no communication with this country from where I was located."


"None at all? Not even whispers are rumors about changes in royalty?"


Pwny thought to himself for a moment, then said, "There was a village I passed through on the way back just beyond Equestrian influence that mentioned to me that there was a new princess who knew Celestia pretty well previously.  That's all the information I got though."


"That new princess will be doing your debriefing.  She personally requested to do so when we alerted the Castle of your presence. Celestia granted the request and you'll be seeing her shortly."


"I waited two years apparently, I can wait two more days if needs be."


"Follow me", said the Guardsmen again as he continued to walk forwards.  A few minutes of walking later, he paused at what seemed like a very random part of the hallway.  He turned to the wall, pounded the ground four times rhythmically, and a rotating door popped out of place.


Another false wall. A lot less magic involved though. Pwny thought.  Immediately past the door was a narrow staircase with a trap door at the roof.  The guardsmen stopped and said, "Here's where we part ways. She's been waiting for you for a long time. Good luck on your report." The guard started to walk back the way they came when he lastly said, "Who knows, we may be seeing more of each other depending on how it goes."  Before he was out of earshot, Pwny loudly spoke, "I never got your name!" The guardsmen replied, looking over his shoulder saying, "We'll probably cross paths again.  Don't worry."


Pwny stared at the armored pony walking away until he went down the staircase.  He had no idea who this new princess was, but at this time, that's not what concerned him the most.  During his entire journey, especially when times were the hardest, the one motivating thing that got him through it was his mare, Twilight Sparkle.  They had a relationship for a few months prior to his assignment from Celestia, right when they were the closest to each other.  It broke both their hearts for him to have to leave, but the assignment came in the wake of the attack on the Castle from Queen Chrysalis which made the importance of international exploration priority number one.


He could remember the day he left like it was yesterday, and the moment he had to say goodbye to Twilight. He said, "Don't wait for me Twilight.  Life is to short to expect you to not move on." "No, never! Remember, it's just six months! That's... that's nothing! Don't say stuff like that!" cried Twilight. Pwny sorrowfully said, "Celestia says it'll take six months, but we both know that something could hap...." *SLAP* "DON'T EVER SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT!" Yelled Twilight, slapping Pwny in the face. "Just leave! LEAVE ME! Celestia said you don't have to go! She said she would find someone else! But you insisted.  YOU are leaving ME! Not ME leaving YOU!"


"But Twilight... I lo..."


"Just go.  I don't want to hear it, Pwny."


Despite that memory, Pwny's feelings for Twlight barely changed.  He, himself, has changed quite a bit over the 25 months, but still anticipated meeting her once again.  But first, he had to be debriefed by this 'new princess'.  Pwny finally walked up the stairs, and opened the trap door to see a Purple Alicorn on the opposite side of a table.....




With a flash, the purple alicorn teleported right in front of you, delivering one big hug. And then one big slap. “Don’t you ever, ever, do that to me again!” She hugs you again before backing off, smiling bashfully. Brushing some mane behind her ear so she can tuck her head to hide her blush, she adds, “You look untouched by time. The… umm… road treat you well?” You can tell by her face that she’s having a bit of a hard time dealing with her emotions.


Reguardless, she sits you down at the table and magics in some light food. Not exactly a berry buffet, or a similar ornery dinner, but enough. Sitting across from you, she leans forward on her elbows to listen. Despite the wings, and the glittering crown sitting in the corner practically unworn, she seems the same. Sure, powerful princess, sure wings, but same spark in her eyes. Same affectionate presence… And yes, the same semi-uncertain, worried stare.


HopeTheWanderer, on 19 Nov 2014 - 04:16 AM, said:

Hope blushed slightly and took a small bite of his piece. "So, how did you end up here in Ponyville?" He asked. Hope couldn't help but be a little curious of where she came from. After all, few knew of Zecora's past. What if it was all too personal?

"Forgive me, I...don't mean to pry."

“It is a long story, particularly dull. Few have the patience to learn of my home. I will ask that you confirm your wish of this tale, for its length is encompasses all the details.” (Translation: How badly do you want me to make something up in poems? Because this could be exciting, but also particularly challenging. I’m not exactly Homer, but I’ll do my best ;) )

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Well, Twilight, I am many things!" Replied Scilight cheerfully. "I am what you could call intelligent. I enjoy science. THere's many things about me that do not exist in differnet ponies, because I am me!" Scilight replied again, but slightly more (Zestily?). He twirled Twilight around, and he attempted to keep her up, and succeeded. He seemed to have no trouble compared to Twilight. I wonder why? Welp, I am just an omniscient roleplay narrator, so I guess I shouldn't know. Anyway, Scilight then saud "Twilight, I am an earth pony of course. My interests are in the place of science, and engineering usually!"

You're looking at my signature, so you must be Royally Boned..


Also, I now have a forum for communication and roleplay! Check it out!



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She grins, “Why, Beta! So forwardly formal of you to say! Especially since you’ve got a little something….” She brings her hoof and tries to brush something off your cheek, then blushes as she realizes she pretty much just straight up smeared your cheek with cupcake batter. Laughing, she does it to your other cheek, giving you warrior cupcake marks. “And I dub thee Sir Beta, Knight of the Frosting!” She giggles, “Maybe tomorrow we should do a medieval theme.”
Beta laughs at being called this. "Why yes, I am Beta, the Knight of Frosting. I shall save you my princess from the evil veggie monster using my frosting abilities." He pretends to fight a monster. "Oh yes, I've saved you my princess of fun and parties, how about a nice dance?" He holds out his hoof for Pinkie to take. 



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Steelhide witnessed all this stoically, but he was a bit unnerved by the shadow visions. He was unsure of what choice that Nightmare Moon meant and if what she had shown and told him was true. This all happened so suddenly. He began to think this was part of a great test. Nightmare Moon was perhaps Luna in disguise and she was testing him in someway. He couldn't be sure though.


It seemed like time was passing normally now. Steelhide looked at Dusk a bit suspiciously and asked. "Did you....see anything just now?" He asked tentatively. He wasn't sure if Dusk was on to Nightmare Moon's plan or was it Luna's plan. It confused Steelhide. He just hoped he could clear his mind in the meditative trance of battle.


Dusk raises his eyebrows, "I see many things, mate. However, I am technically blind. So, if you mean, did I see an intense amount of dark energy flood in, the withdraw, then yah. Could I make a good guess as to what it was? Yah. But somethings can only be taught through experience. So no, I saw nothing. Steady yourself. You'll need both halves of the coin to defend what you'd love." 


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Noticing that Puff looked a bit down now, Dox did his best to manuver and hug her, even though he was still practically trapped in her fur. "Hey, its ok, Puff, don't be sad..." He looked around, then back at Ponyville. "I think we should head back and see if Twilight could help us out here... I'm sure you don't want me in your fur forever."


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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