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gaming Hardest trophies/achievements you're unable to earn in games?

Jon the VGNerd

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This is technically about the trophies/achievents you found it either hard or plain impossible that's not worth earning from different games, let alone your time, like on the PC, PS3, or the 360. I'll start this one off:


The Beat Zico trophy from Wipeout HD is, to me, generic beyond all levels, and relatively impossible to earn, no matter how hard I try (note that I always use the Analog Stick because using the D-Pad is downright impossible and can literally hurt my thumb) and I try barrel rolling on an overpass of the shortcut, but it's just basically luck as I always happen to fly off course or my anti-gravity ship refuses to do a barrel roll, even though I performed it correctly as it gets unresponsive at times), and even though I performed it correctly, at least that's how I saw it from YouTube, I didn't got 30.78, but rather 30.98 or more, and no matter how hard I try, I'll just end up getting the same results with no difference to it, so to me, this trophy is not only impossible, it's also not worth the time at all, and I wish Studio Liverpool would've extended the time to make it a bit easier instead of making the time oh-so impossible. :angry:


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Quick Hook, achievement for the Scout in TF2.

Can't seem to unlock this fucker out, it's too damn tough now because people are aware that you can kill them before the round starts.

A F2P might be a good target but you know, or they are either too slow or they don't even know where they are, maybe one that really wants to rush it.

I will get it, some day.

"We will, we will rock you" - Kurt Cobain (2003)

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Seriously 3.0 in Gears of War 3, simply because of the amount of tedium involved.


Reach level 100 and earn every Onyx medal.














Every versus medal can be earned in private matches with custom settings VS casual bots or friends, I recommend you to set the number of bots to "Fill" if you're going to play the matches otherwise you will not be able to earn any of the important ribbons. However, if you are afk playing, it helps to put the bots at 1 or 2 cause you will still earn progress to most of the medals.

Also remember that you can choose what weapons will spawn on what place, if you're going for fire kills for example, set everything to hammer of dawns or scorchers.



Execute (10/20/50/100) nemeses.

A nemesis is an enemy who killed you 5 times in a row without you killing him in the same match.

I don't have a super good method for this, I have been using 2 controllers and killed myself with the 2nd controller 5 times then executed the 2nd controller.



Kill (50/200/500/1000) enemies with a captive.

Press X while standing next to a downed enemy to take them as captive, you can only use melee and your pistol like this. You can knock out a great deal of these while going for leader captures.



Play in (5/10/20/30) Gears events.

Weird medal, been reported to unlock in private matches with different settings. The correct way to earn it is to play online during 30 different Gears Events, to check what events are coming up, go to the "Event Calendar" option in the main menu.



Earn (5/25/100/500) MVP ribbons.

You get the MVP ribbon by finishing a match with the most points. If you plan on playing vs bots, this will come way way way before you finish the 18,000 matches you need to play. Must be done with bots set to "Fill" or in a match full of players.



Reach Level (25/50/75/100).

You gain EXP from pretty much everything in Gears 3. You get the most points out of playing Ranked Matches, however expect your opponents to be more skilled than in quick match. If you don't turn off your console you never lose your consecutive bonus either.



Play (100/500/2000/4000) matches.

Create a private match of Execution or Warzone, set it to 1 minute and fill it with bots. Make sure your controller doesn't go inactive by using a wired one or a battery charger cable. If you don't have any cables you can pull out your battery pack during the countdown screen before the matches begin. Go sleep or go to school/work and when you come back you'll have tons of matches played.



Win (50/250/1000/3000) matches.

Same as "VETERAN" except you can play the matches yourself if you really want to win every one of them. You can also plug in a 2nd controller for the other team to even out the odds.



Get (100/500/2000/4000) headshots.

You can score headshots with most single-fire weapons. Easiest for me is to down someone, then fire 2 rounds in their head with the snub pistol.



Get (100/500/2000/6000) heavy weapon kills.

One-shot, Mulcher and Mortar counts as heavy weapons.



Get (100/500/2000/6000) explosive kills.

Grenades, Boomshot, Torque Bow and Digger counts as explosives.



Get (100/500/2000/6000) executions.

You execute someone who is downed by pressing Y or X (meat shield) while standing next to them, chainsaw-kills and bayonet-charges also counts as executions and stack with kills for that weapon.



Skunk enemy team (25/100/500/2500) times.

Win without letting the enemy team win a single round, cannot be won in 1 round matches. Recommend you to go for these while going for "Sovereign" and "Leader" medals or if you want them done as quick as possible, Warzone set to 2 rounds will be best. Must be done with bots set to "Fill" or in a match full of players.



Earn (10/50/150/300) Untouchable ribbons.

You get the untouchable ribbon by finishing a round of CTL as leader without letting the enemy capture you at all. There is a trick to make you leader every round, you need to have 2 controllers and a dummy profile. Make your dummy profile the main player by pressing start with the 2nd controller at the "PRESS START"-screen, this will make your dummy profile the main player and you the secondary player. Start a match of CTL with rounds to win at 1 and cap time at 10, the key here is to put both you and your dummy profile on the same team vs 5 bots. The first match you start will have the dummy as a leader but every match after that you will be the leader! Must be done with bots set to "Fill" or in a match full of players.



Capture (25/100/250/500) enemy leaders.

Earned in CTL by grabbing the other teams leader for as long as it takes to win the round. Must be done with bots set to "Fill" or in a match full of players.



Get (125/500/2000/5000) assists in Versus multiplayer.

Damage an enemy and let a teammate get the kill. Will surely come by itself if you plan to play in real matches online, if not, wait till you knocked out all the kill medals, then play KOTH or CTL with insane bots, find a place with a good view of the map and just spot and spray with your lancer, letting the bots do the killing.



Revive (50/250/600/1200) squadmates.

Press X while standing next to a downed teammate. These will most likely come while going for all the other medals, just revive whenever you have the chance. If you really want to knock these out fast, play CTL with bots and turn friendly fire on. Keep hitting/shooting your leader till he goes down, then revive him, rinse and repeat.



Earn (10/50/200/600) Buttoned Up ribbons.

You earn the Buttoned Up ribbon by spending the most time in cover in a match, using a meat shield will also count as cover. If you have a turbo controller you can get these while you let your game sit by putting something heavy on the a button. You'll get this medal every match this way. Must be done with bots set to "Fill" or in a match full of players.



(500/2500/10000/25000) perfect active reloads.

Will most likely come naturally while going for kills, otherwise, the snub pistol is the fastest gun to reload, master it and spam reloads.



Get (100/500/2000/6000) Lancer kills.

Chainsaw kills counts as well.



Get (100/500/2000/6000) Hammerburst kills.



Get (100/500/2000/6000) Retro Lancer kills.

Retro charge kills counts as well.



Get (100/500/2000/6000) Gnasher Shotgun kills.



Get (100/500/2000/6000) Sawed-off Shotgun kills.



Get (100/500/2000/6000) pistol kills.

Snub, Gorgon and Boltok are the pistols. Try to pick up a meat shield so you can work on "CAPTOR" at the same time.



Spot (250/1000/5000/12000) enemies.

Aim at an enemy and press your left stick will spot them. Try to do this as often as you can while working on Rifle kills etc.



Kill (50/300/1000/3000) enemies with fire.

Scorcher, Hammer of Dawn and Incendiary grenades are the fire-based weapons.



Destroy (10/50/200/1000) enemy grenades.

Shoot a grenade that is tagged to a wall or to the floor by an enemy. Easy, but tedious, to boost with a 2nd controller, just tag the smoke grenade you start with and shoot it with your main profile. You can also team up with a buddy for it, ViiETx made a video for that. Click here to watch the video.



Rescue (50/250/600/1200) leaders in CTL.

Make an enemy release your leader by throwing a smoke grenade at him/her or kill/down him/her. Chances are these won't come naturally, then you can put yourself and a casual bot on one team, a second controller on the other team. Put the bleedout to 5. Make it so the bot is the leader by finishing the first round (if he's not leader from the beginning.) then you just have to keep capturing him with your second controller and rescue him with your main profile. You can team up with a buddy to replace the bot if you want this to go smoother.



Play (100/300/1000/3000) CTL matches.

Same as VETERAN, except you can't set a time limit but set the capture time to 10 seconds. If you're going to idle play you can plug in a 2nd controller and set the number of bots to 1, make it so it's you and the bot vs the 2nd player. This will end the matches swiftly and you'll always win thanks to the bot on your team.



Play (100/300/1000/3000) KOTH matches.

Same as VETERAN, except you can't set a time limit but set the ring score to 60. If you're going to idle play you can plug in a 2nd controller and set the number of bots to 1, make it so it's you and the bot vs the 2nd player. This will end the matches swiftly and you'll always win thanks to the bot on your team.



Play (100/300/1000/3000) Warzone matches.

Same as VETERAN. I always fill these with bots and maybe even put the time limit at 2 to earn as many "Last Man Out" ribbons, you need 3000 of these for the "HARD TARGET" medal.



Play (100/300/1000/3000) Execution matches.

Same as VETERAN. I always fill these with bots and maybe even put the time limit at 2 to earn as many "Last Man Out" ribbons, you need 3000 of these for the "HARD TARGET" medal.



Play (100/300/1000/3000) TDM matches.

Same as VETERAN, except you can't set a time limit but set the stock to 10. I always fill these with bots and maybe even put the time limit at 2 to earn as many "Last Man Out" ribbons, you need 3000 of these for the "HARD TARGET" medal.



Play (100/300/1000/3000) Wingman matches.

Best method is to use 2 controllers, put them on one team, make the amounts of bots 2 so it will be a 2v2 match. Set the time limit to 2 (For those really big maps like sandbar) and disable all weapon pick ups. The bots will rush and kill you almost right away for some reason, ending the match in 4 rounds.



(Bronze/Silver/Gold/Onyx) Medal in all game modes.



(Bronze/Silver/Gold/Onyx) Medal with all 5 starting weapons.



(Bronze/Silver/Gold/Onyx) Medal with all 3 starting rifles.



Earn (100/300/1000/3000) Last Man Out ribbons.

Be the last person on your team to die, cannot be obtained in KOTH, Wingman or CTL. You'll knock out a great deal of these while afk-playing TDM/Execution/Warzone. If you still need more, turn on friendly fire and play private Warzone games vs bots. As soon as the spawn protection is over, kill all your team mates with the Gnasher and you'll earn a Last man out ribbon. Finish the match by suiciding or just kill everyone on the opposing team. Must be done with bots set to "Fill" or in a match full of players.



Earn (100/300/1000/3000) First Blood ribbons.

Score the first kill of the round, can be earned in horde and beast as well but only once per session, not every wave. Must be done with bots set to "Fill" or in a match full of players.



Curb stomp (50/250/1000/3000) enemies.

Press Y (don't hold) next to a downed enemy to execute them with a curb stomp. Stacks with "Finisher" medal.



Play as a female in (25/100/500/1000) matches.

The female characters are Sam, Anya, Civilian Anya (COG) and Myrrah (Locust). See VETERAN for quick method.



Win (25/100/250/500) CTL rounds as leader.

Almost the same as untouchable, except you can get picked up, you get credit as long as your team wins the round.



Get (100/500/2000/6000) map-based weapon kills.

Every weapon that is not among the 5 starting weapons count as a map-based weapon.










Completed all 50 waves of Horde on (Casual/Normal/Hardcore/Insane).

I have no good method for this yet, but playing with the mutators "Infinite Ammo", "Super Reload" and "Instagib" on helps A LOT. Read about a solo method here: For The Horde! Solo Method. MadmanRAB also made a video for it. Click here to watch the video.



Complete (100/500/1000/2000) waves of Horde.

Cumulative, you can do the first wave on casual as many times as it takes if you want.



Earn Founder ribbon (10/50/150/300) times.

You earn the Founder ribbon by building a base, it's the tower like structures that you have to build to even start playing horde. Cannot be earned solo and only once per session per person.



Earn Point Man ribbon (50/150/300/500) times.

You earn the Point Man ribbon by finishing a wave with the most points, cannot be earned solo. Easy with a 2nd controller.



Complete (100/250/500/1000) fortification modifications.

Barriers, decoy, turrets etc all counts as fortifications. Building/repairing/upgrading/reloading counts towards this. These will come naturally while going for the 2000 completed waves. Here is a fast method.



Earn $(100k/500k/1mil/5mil) cash in Horde.

Everything that gives you points gives you the same amount in cash, completing challenges also earns you cash. It's probably best to keep playing boss waves with mutators on.



Complete (10/20/50/100) challenges in Horde.

If you complete 3 waves in a row without dying, your next wave will have a bonus challenge for you. It can be different side objectives like getting a certain amount of headshots, executions, chainsaw-kills, turret kills etc.










Complete Beast without failing on (Casual/Normal/Hardcore/Insane).

There are 12 waves and you start with 1 minute on each wave, every kill you get will add time.



Complete (60/180/360/600) waves of Beast.




Heal or revive (250/300/750/1500) teammates in Beast.

You have to play as the Kantus or Armored Kantus for this. Press X for your heal/revive scream. My method for these have been to join standard public games and play the savage drone until the Kantus is unlocked, then I just play the Kantus and spam X, can't heal all characters though, only those who are marked with a Locust emblem. You'll be surprised how fast this one goes up!



Destroy (150/500/1500/3000) fortifications in Beast.

The humans will build decoys, barriers, turrets etc. Destroy these by meleeing or walking through them. The Berserker is awesome for this purpose.



Kill (125/325/650/1100) humans in Beast.



Earn $(100k/250k/500k/1mil) cash in Beast.

Same as horde, points = money.



Ready for the Heavies ribbon (5/15/35/75) times.

You get this ribbon by unlocking the final tier of locusts in a game of Beast, cannot be obtained solo. The more points you get, the faster you unlock new tiers. Unlocks at around wave 5 if using a 2nd idle controller. You have to actually buy and play with one of the highest tier locusts for this ribbon to count.










Earn (1mil/2mil/5mil/7.5mil) total points in Arcade mode.

You'll get this naturally while going for all the other medals, if not, replay chapter 2-7 on insane as many times as it takes. See Afficionado video.



Number 1 in Arcade (20/60/120/240) times.

Load up Act II chapter VII or the prologue and make sure you play splitscreen with a idle 2nd controller, shoot anything or everything to ensure you get more points than the 2nd controller. See Afficionado video.



Complete all Arcade chapters on (Casual/Normal/Hardcore/Insane)



Maintain max multiplier in (10/30/60/100) chapters of Arcade.

Act II chapter VII again, can be done in less than 3 minutes.



Complete (20/60/120/240) chapters without dying.

Act II chapter VII or the prologue again. You need to play co-op for these to count. See Afficionado video.



Play (50/150/300/500) chapters of Arcade.

Act II chapter VII or the prologue again.



Manipulate (200/500/1000/2000) objects in campaign.

You earn credit towards this medal every time you press a button, pull a lever or open a door etc.

Load up Act I Chapter I, after the cutscene with Jace you will climb up a staircase and open a door, right in front of you will be a piano. Walk up to it and press X to "play" it. There's also a piano right in front of you if you load up act 5, chapter 5. You can stop at any object scattered over the campaign really, like the Thrashball tables, co-op doors (if you're playing co-op) or buttons. Mash your X button for about 1.5 hours and you will have the easiest and fastest onyx medal in the game!



Complete campaign on (Casual/Normal/Hardcore/Insane).

Stacks with Warmonger and if you complete it on insane right away you won't have to redo it for the lesser valued medals.






As far as actual achievements go, I'd say 100% Super Meat Boy took me the longest.


On 8/23/2012 at 1:54 AM, Djenty said:


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A majority of the trophies/achievements in Skullgirls are really frustrating. It's not that I think they're hard to get; I just wish I could TELL whether or not they're hard to get. Their titles, their descriptions, both so annoyingly cryptic. On top of that, I'm not the type of gamer to give up easily and look up requirements online, either.

I've got an idea! No..... No, wait; it's just a concussion....

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Some of the achievements in Jet Pack Joyride can get really frustrating. And they're usually the ones that require you to do it for one round of the game.

I'm a Y2K Survivor™ 


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Beat Ethereal Queen in 4D with only the Metal Pipe.


So, in Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, there are TONS of hours of post game. There are multiple super-bosses, much harder than the actual final boss. The final super boss is the Ethereal Queen, and she is insane.

Also, 4D is the highest difficulty level. Enemies have 180% increases in HP/MP as a minimum (some have 300%), all other stats increased quite a bit (exact numbers unknown), enemies have super good AI and increased movement speed. So any of the post game bosses in 4D will steamroll you if you don't know exactly what you're doing.

But wait, for this particular Battle Trophy, you can only use the Metal Pipe, which is the TUTORIAL WEAPON of the main character. It's not even his starting weapon, you use the metal pipe in 3 battles in the prologue. Then tons of plot stuff happens and you get the real starting weapon.



Signature now 99% less edgy!

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I thought the ssx Do you see what I see? Is one of the hardest to unlock. You pretty much have to try to snowboard down a hole with death pits without a head lamp or pulse goggles to see. It sucked.(I got it though after a hour of playing)


Another one was perfect run on Bf3. Thought that one was also pretty hard.(Didn't get yet...)

(Xbox 360)

Edited by Bobthecableman


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  • 1 month later...

"The End." in Minecraft. Not because it is difficult or impossible, but to play legit to that point in the game takes so. Freaking. Long. Unless you have a good map seed.


LittleBIGPlanet 2 also has some difficult ones for me...

Ace Story Mode - name says it all. And pretty much all of the Secret Pins. Sadly, I will never work for MediaMolecule, so I won't be getting the Molecule pin...


EDIT: Just saw how far back this thread was...way to bump, Kolth. Way to bump.

Edited by Kolth
  • Brohoof 1

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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  • 1 year later...

Don't you think they should have an achievement on all new games nowadays called "Crashed the Game," which is awarded by default the first time the game crashes?  It just makes sense for games of today.  In the case of Warframe, they achievement should be called "This Game is Broken," which requires players to crash 1000 times.  That would be hilarious.


Anyway, achievments/trophies tend to be pretty easy, imo.  They're designed to be earned.  The toughest challenges are never achievements.  For example, they should have an achievement on all Halo games for beat the game on Legendary with all skulls on.  Except iron, cause, obviously...  I did this, btw.  It's more about patience than anything else.  I must say, though, Coastal Highway in ODST with all skulls is about the most horrendous thing I have ever experienced in any game, period.  But in terms of actual achievements, the only ones of any difficulty I recall are Wake Up Buttercup in ODST, and If They Came to Hear Me Beg in Reach.


*Edit* I cannot believe I forgot about this one!  There's one achievement I was never able to get in my whole gaming collection, and that's Boss Battles on Intense in SSBB.  (And here the Smash lineup is staring me in the face) Of all modern games, that has to be the single hardest challenge ever.  After weeks of practice and a LOT of attempts, I was able to do Very Hard mode, but I can't even come close to Intense.

Edited by Justin_Case001


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Most of the online achievements for Perfect Dark Zero..Some of those achievements were ridiculous .  :wacko:

Edited by Pinkamena-Pills

sig-27460.i2QLbt3.jpgOatmeal, are you crazy?!


"Silly, you are already under my control."- Pinkie Pie
Signature made by me, because resistance truly is futile, silly.

Currently still undergoing maintenance. Yes, i can do that, im a program, silly.

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I had a lot, to count all of them, but here a few


Metal Gear Rising, all S-Ranks


GTAV, few online trophies


Same for GTA IV


Formula 1 games on highest difficulty




Ironically, other things I managed like Killzone 2, COD WaW or MGS2 Platinum Trophy :blink:

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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The Stanley Parable: Don't play the game for 5 years...

Simple. With the game closed, set your clock in Windows or OS X forward 5 years, then play the game.


On topic: the Duty Bound achievement in TF2, because I absolutely suck at rocket jumping.

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Most achievements don't seem worth getting to me. I only go for achievements I think I can do. In most cases it's either too much trouble or just plain impossible. Fighting games are often at the top of the list for impossible achievements as they require things I can't even imagine doing (plus online achievements which I don't even care to do).


Then there are RPGs. Some RPGs have stupid achievements. Star Ocean: The Last Hope is chief among these. I've never tried and never will to get all the battle trophies but know it takes a minimum of three playthroughs using a walkthrough to get all of them. That's BS. That's not even getting into how some of the battle trophies are for things like healing 7777 damage exactly and stupid shit like that. Not even worth my time.


Then there's online achievements...I know online and multiplayer is huge but some games are a little too ambitious with their online achievements. A few examples of dumb achievements that are practically unachievable because no one plays those games anymore and barely did when it was brand new:


Brutal Legend. Achievement: Play someone with this achievement to get this achievement. I know people who actively played this game and never got it.


Fracture. Achievement(s): Playing 500, 1000 and even 1500 online matches. That's a ridiculously high amount of online matches. I almost never play multiplayer of any kind but even if I did I'd be lucky to play ten matches in my lifetime, let alone 1500. Lost Planet has this same issue, though the numbers aren't quite as high.

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I'm pretty sure this is the hardest achievement yet mentioned.. But anyways..


To get the "Impossible Boy" achievement on Super Meat Boy. It's so ridiculously difficult. What you need to do is to beat the "Dark World" (hard version) of the last world called "The Cotton Alley" without dying even once. I know, I know it doesn't sound as hard now but if you have played cotton alley in dark world, you'll known what I mean.


Take a look at the world record speedrun:



Now these levels looks quite difficult, right? They're way harder than they look. I mean I consider myself to be pretty good at the game but I have to spend a few tries on some of these levels to even be able to beat them at all.

Edited by Jokuc


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I'm pretty sure this is the hardest achievement yet mentioned.. But anyways..


To get the "Impossible Boy" achievement on Super Meat Boy. It's so ridiculously difficult. What you need to do is to beat the "Dark World" (hard version) of the last world called "The Cotton Alley" without dying even once. I know, I know it doesn't sound as hard now but if you have played cotton alley in dark world, you'll known what I mean.


Take a look at the world record speedrun:



Now these levels looks quite difficult, right? They're way harder than they look. I mean I consider myself to be pretty good at the game but I have to spend a few tries on some of these levels to even be able to beat them at all.

It's a good thing that game has good physics or those levels would be impossible. I haven't even played SMB but I know I'll never be able to do that. Beating it will be hard enough.

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It's a good thing that game has good physics or those levels would be impossible. I haven't even played SMB but I know I'll never be able to do that. Beating it will be hard enough.


Yeah the game's physics are very good and everything is smooth. But I can tell you, I have played LOTS of super meat boy and I'm pretty good at these kind of games. These levels are way harder than they look.


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It's this one achievement in left 4 dead where you have to beat one of the campaigns without taking damage from a special infected.


This is hard to get because some of them are really hard to avoid like the tank.

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Well, the following achievements in The Stanley Parable.


Descriptions : 8888888888888888888888, I have no idea what to do in this one.

                       Play for the entire duration of a Tuesday, could not be bothered with this one.

                       This achievement is impossible to get, I'm starting to think so.....

                       Do not play for five years, this one is actually going to be easy. :)

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