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Overrated/Underrated Characters?


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Undderated: Babs. I know some people that hate her, but for god's sake LOOK AT THIS:





Look how fucking adorable this is. How can you NOT say that this isn't the slightest bit cute.


Overrated: Lyra.

"Oh hey da pone is sitting liek da human lol she is best pone"

Really, there is nothing interesting about her other then that. 

And don't get me started about Bon Boin

  • Brohoof 5

I have a large member....

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Overrated: Derpy. But she's basically the face of the fandom, so I'm OK with that.



Sombra - his true terror can't be seen because ratings. And little girls will be scared, yea. Stupid Hasbro with stupid restrictions... *grumble grumble*


Silver Spoon - an unfortunate filly stuck with the only pony of her social class. I see SS as a middle ground between Diamond Tiara and Rarity. Not rotten to the core and still has admiration to elder ponies. If she will be shown as a jerk with a heart of gold in S4-5-6 I'll... do something exceptional.


PS: I shall use my Notepad++ from now on. It's second time my lengthy post is wiped because of one stupid misclick.

Yes, please, please, please writers of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic; please give redemption for Silver Spoon. I beg of you!

Undderated: Babs. I know some people that hate her, but for god's sake LOOK AT THIS:





Look how fucking adorable this is. How can you NOT say that this isn't the slightest bit cute.


Overrated: Lyra.

"Oh hey da pone is sitting liek da human lol she is best pone"

Really, there is nothing interesting about her other then that. 

And don't get me started about Bon Boin

Pretty cute, but I'm still not really a fan of Babs Seed. Just my opinion and I will respect yours.


Yeah, I agree with you. Lyra and Bon Bon are pretty overrated in my opinion and I don't really get the appeal behind them.

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Well time this won't be pretty, but I am prepared to face the consequences.



Overrated Characters:



Basically all the background ponies that receive an overflow of fandom love and obsession over. Namely this includes Derpy (and Ditzy to a lesser extent), Lyra (and Bon Bon), Time Turner (aka Doctor Whooves), Vinyl and Octavia. There are so many other noteworthy background ponies that are worthy of fanfics and memes not limited to Cloudchaser and Flitter, Caramel Seeds, Snowflake, Cherry Berry, Daisy, Lotus and Aloe, Daisy, the Lebowsky Pony, Berry Punch, and Amethyst Star. Many of these background characters have had their own share of notable lines and no less appearances in the show than many of the fan loved background ponies.



Regarding the pony species itself, unicorns and pegasi are quite overrated especially in fanfiction. A lot of this is bias, but its also a limited understanding of the show brought upon by using characters like Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash. Because Twilight was a unicorn and a great magic user, a lot of fans come to the conclusion that most unicorns are (over)power(ed) , without realizing that Twilight is both gifted, studies much harder than many other ponies and attended Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. The same proves true for Rainbow Dash and the comparison to other pegasi. People assume that because she's very fast, strong and cool these traits transfer over to other pegasi, without realizing she had to work very hard to get where she was and the fact that the Sonic Rainboom is a very rare feat to accomplish even for the Wonderbolts. 



Seriously if fans were to consistently abide by this logic then we might assume that by looking at Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie they accurately represent pegasi and earth ponies respectively.



Speaking of those 2 Twilight herself is quite overrated. People will argue that she's THE main character and hence can't be overrated, but really she's shown a lot of ugly flaws and her character a lot of times comes out as flat, boring or even undesirable, especially when we look at her treatment of Spike (or lack thereof), her approach to problems, though I will credit her for defeating King Sombra a la Spike Hail mary.



This should be fairly obvious one, but I’ll say it anyways: Rainbow freaking Dash. She’s somehow become the icon and poster girl of this show period. When you think MLP you might initially think, hmm the fans probably wear Twilight shirts. WRONG. Nearly every other brony and brony product out there has Rainbow Dash somewhere on it, when Build a Bear started making MLP toys, they were mainly, if not only, Rainbow Dash toys. Even Hasbro has Rainbow in every other freaking promo and commercial, alongside Pinkie Pie. Not even Pinkie Pie and her antics and catch phrases manage to match the Rainbow Dash overhype. Her character has actually developed well over the last season and fleshed out, but she still gets more than her fair share of attention from bronies, newcomers and your typical internet user and overused meme craving for attention.



Pinkie Pie herself, in large part due to the character’s personalities, antics and catchphrases tends to receive far more attention than she actually deserves, especially in some episodes where she’s not even the main character. She’s not bad, its just that she tends to receive so much attention that like Twilight and Rainbow it overshadows other interesting and good characters and elements of the show.



Celestia herself is a pretty overrated character. As with Twilight there’s a very similar mindset that’s used against dissenters: “she’s the goddess of Equestria she’s just doing what’s best, trust the writers, and Celestia can’t be bad evil.” Unfortunately for such a dominant character in the show and one that influences Twilight so significantly, we see very little of her motives, let alone character and a lot that revolves around her is facilitated via incomplete or worse lacking and poor writing that creates plot holes and questionable implications.



Equestria itself mind you is highly overrated, despite many of the apparent flaws the show itself illustrates for the viewers and the perceived flaws viewers themselves can interpret and find. The fact is that many would gladly say that humanity is inherently evil bad and a would rather go live in a land of talking ponies, despite its many hazards of dragons, hydras monsters and social issues and biases. Equestria may be a nice place but its far from the utopian paradise many envision it to be.


Underrated characters:



To start off, pretty much every single nonpony race and character in the show, including Little Strongheart, Zecora, Daisy Jo and the cows, Cranky Doodle, Iron Will, Gilda and certainly not least of all Spike. I can already hear the naysayers herp: “hur durr MLP is a show about ponies. It says so in the title. Who gives a crap about the other races they’re not cool or important?” Well my ignorant asshats like it or not MLP’s writers and animators chose to introduce other sentient races that coexist with the ponies and the show’s title does also say “friendship is magic” which as we’ve seen is meant to apply to all, even former evil villains like Nightmare Moon and Discord. Plus exploring the other races within and outside Equestria would be very interesting and provide plenty more plot and flavor to the show. Variety helps breed broader and better understanding and appreciation of those we share our world with. Plus it gives the animators and writers opportunities to work with different and new characters that have good potential and room for development.



In regards to the ponies, Earth ponies are undoubtedly the most underrated group, although still better than most nonponies, but that’s not much to brag about. I suppose its only natural but folks seem to think that abilities like flight and magic are all that matter, and that every unicorn and pegasi has the same skills or potential as Twilight and Rainbow. Earth ponies have their own skills too mind you, surprise surprise! They’re rooted and essential to the land itself, and overall typically physically stronger and in shape than many of those pegasi with their heads stuck in the clouds and those unicorns too lazy to actually lift their own hooves for once. Pinkie Pie is Pinkie Pie and should speak for herself here.



Now for several more Mane 6 breakdowns:



I can almost hear the naysayers again crowing as they read this name, Applejack. Yes she is my “best pony” of the Mane 6 and yes Rainbow Dash is my least favorite of the Mane 6. She has received her fair share of development, though not as much as I’d like, and the writers have expanded her character. For anyone who thinks she’s boring please look at this clip:






For the record she has to manage a whole farm and family business with just Big MacIntosh, Granny Smith and Applebloom. She doesn’t have the time or luxury to hang out and do stunts like Rainbow did, at least until she got accepted at the Wonderbolts Academy. Nonetheless, despite the writers efforts Applejack still is largely overshadowed by the fanbase and the show itself. Applejack has consistently shown herself to be a complex and very sincere character, and has often confronted her own weaknesses and gone as far as to break her comfort zone and act out of character to help others. I mean working on a farm business, being the Element of Honesty, managing a large family, and maintaining friendship and ties with the Mane 6 and Ponyville along with Celestia. What’s more complex and interesting than that? huh.png




Rarity is the other underrated character that the show has glossed over, even moreso than poor Applejack and has been cruelly smeared by fans and critics as “annoying, one dimensional, and boring for a character” all words that could equally apply to Rainbow, Pinkie Pie and yes Twilight. The fact is she’s quite underveloped by the show, but moreover what development we see from her truly is more complex than many give her credit for. On the surface she comes off as melodramatic, petty and even selfish. I’m sorry if many of you can’t appreciate that but that’s her character and what she does in the show, which I find quite amusing and interesting to watch. Deeper down though she’s consistently shown to be conflicted, very caring and compassionate on a level comparable to Fluttershy, and often overcoming her own weaknesses and biases. She may be a flamboyant and petty fashionista at times, but underneath that makeup, elite mannerisms and beauty is a far more complex, caring and beautiful character. Give her a chance. I’m sure she would do the same for you.




That leads us to the final segment here. The background alicorn. I know what you’re thinking, its Princess Luna isn’t it? Well actually no. It’s Princess Cadance. While Luna is certainly underrated in the sense that she is neglected heavily by the show, which is a problem, she has received her own healthy share of adoration from the fanbase that helps mitigate this. For whatever reason Cadance has seemed to accumulate a lot of negativity and hate amongst many fans and critics alike being called, boring and too girly. Since Cadance thus far has largely served more as a plot character as opposed to an actual character, aside from in Games Ponies Play it’s hard to truly say much about her character. In that episode alone it was Twilight and Rainbow that hogged the spotlight with the Hub trying to falsely bait viewers into believing it was a Rarity episode, which it wasn’t. Fact of the matter is she’s practically a tertiary character and highly underdeveloped up until Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell, surprising given she plays a pivotal role being a role model figure for Twilight unlike SOME alicorn goddess we all know. As for Cadance being too girly, I must assume this has somewhat to do with her being pink, but really her power is the Crystal Heart folks, which spreads love and understanding. There are few colors better for that than pink. Cadance will likely play a larger role in Season 4 and has a lot more potential to grow, so folks shouldn’t be so hard on her.



As for Fluttershy, well it’s not that I left her out. I simply regard Fluttershy as being neither overrated nor underrated. She’s received plenty and good development from the show itself and love from the fanbase but she’s never received quite as much attention as the above mentioned 3 Mane 6. There’s also the fact that her character like most, still has plenty of room to grow.



Oh and Discord. Well Discord will be Discord and he has shown that he speaks well enough for himself. Season 4 will likely hold a lot of potential and fun for him. img-387689-1-5e7kmu.png



Edited by Cwanky
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Don't remember what I posted here, but my opinion probably changed


First off 





Overrated: The only characters I find overrated are any and every background character or every character who's only popular because of fanon(including the ones I like), this includes but are not limited to: Derpy, Trixie, Luna, Spitfire, Octavia, Vinyl Scratch, Dr Whooves, Lyra, Bon Bon, and etc. It grinds my gears seeing people hold so much value on characters that either rarely appear or just appear in the background, and both Wonderbolts Academy and The Last Round Up are the biggest offenders of this. I die a little inside whenever people complain about how WA ruined Spitfire like she had so much character in her previous appearances, or how the Last Round Up blows because of the Derpy scene, like Applejack didn't matter at all. The fandom needs to realize that they are not the show, just background characters minor characters that don't serve much purpose because the way they react to them in canon is really pathetic


Underrated: I actually don't see why everyone thinks Applejack is underrated, I always see every brony and their moms constantly going "AJ needs more screentime! She deserves more love! F*** her haters!", yet her haters are miniscule to nonexistant. Just because she doesn't rank no.1 on everyone's "Favorite mane 6" list doesn't mean people dislike her. If anything she's the Final Fantasy IX of the mane 6(take it as a compliment); loved by many but doesn't always rank high on fan's lists, fans defend from the little amount of haters.


As far as the Mane 6 go, the only one I find truely underrated is Rarity, she seems to had gotten on a lot of fan's good sides since her appearance since season 1, but a lot of people still find her to be generic girly show wash due to her fashionista traits which is completely unfair


And bringing up Celestia again, I also think she's a very underrated character, I absolutely hate what a lot of the fandom has turned her into(Tyrantlestia and Molestia, I'm alright with Trollestia) and she's poorly used in a lot of her appearances, usually she's only there just to help start or advance the plot. I also think she's the least developed princess despite having the most screentime(after Twilight obviously), and I think for being in the series for so long, you'd think that she'd have more episodes that let us know more about the girl. I hope season 4 finally gives us more about the Princess of the Sun, and I'd love to see more of her trickster side like we did in "A Bird in the Hoof"("Gotcha!")

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Here are mine:


Overrated - Princess Luna (I cannot stress this enough), Fluttershy, Trixie, and Rainbow Dash.


Underrated - Rarity, Applejack, and Princess Celestia. 


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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I agree with the OP, though I like Derpy/Ditzy in Doctor Whooves and the Lovestruck Derpy tumblr. Applejack has the most integrity of the Mane Six and is not given enough focus. I don't get Bon-bon and Berry Punch. I'd include Lyra, but her fanmade obsession with being human is different. Before that, they were see4mingly given only an identity of being lesbians with no other characterisation. Similarly, BP is a drunk. That's it.


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Overrated: Trixie, Luna and Fluttershy


Underrated: I'd have to say Aj and Rarity.. Though they're also my least favourite ponies I think they deserve more. They both have one episode where they're great and all their other episodes are s***.

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Overrated: The Wonderbolts.  They seem to be pretty cocky and aloof, without much to justify it.  They have to use smoke to skywrite, when RD and her rival in "Wonderbolt Academy" can both do it with sheer speed in their mane/tail colors.  RD is portrayed worshiping the air the "Wonder"bolts fly through, but she routinely outperforms everything we've seen from them.  Yeah, she's overrated too, but that's already been said a zillion times. 


Underrated: I'ma go with Spike on this one, even though I don't particularly care for his character.  He's kinda treated like dirt most of the time, and he's got this huge story hook that hasn't been addressed: the fact that he can never, ever grow up without turning evil ("The Secret of My Excess").  Think about that.  Twilight and the rest of the M6, the CMC's, everybody he knows and cares about, all get to mature, fall in love, have children, achieve career success, etc., but he has to choose to remain trapped in childhood if he wants to have anyone care for him or be able to care for anyone in return.  For the rest of his life.  Plus, he's always the odd dragon out.  "Everypony" doesn't include him.  He has no friends of his own who just hang out with/have fun with him.  The Mane 5 are his boss' friends, and they pat him on the head once in awhile.  


While I'm on the subject, I'm going to put the whole male gender in the Underrated category.  I don't object to the prominent character slots (the M6, the Princesses and Mayor) going to female characters.  I tend to prefer female protagonists, and usually write them as well.  However, I don't like stories that are so male-centered that the single female character (if there is one) is living in a weirdly all-male universe, so in fairness I think a little grumbling is in order when it's done in the other direction.  FiM couldn't pass a reverse Bechdel Test to save its life.  There's literally no male character in Ponyville (apart from some voiceless background stallion suddenly promoted to a speaking role) with whom Spike could have a conversation.  "Eeyup/Nnnope" (Big Macintosh) hardly counts as a possibility, since the average Magic 8-Ball has a wider conversational range.

Edited by InvisiblePinkUnicorn
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  • 1 month later...


Overrated: Princess Luna

will everyone shut up about this god damn character plz


Underrated: Rarity

Sure, she's been a bit selfish, but remember Suited for Success? that episodes pretty much revolved around her generosity.


also i bumped this thread #swag

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Over rated:


She never learns anything yet untill Hurricane Shy and Putting Your Hoof Down. She defeated what, three beasts?. She had a chance at fixing her flaws in the one featuring CMC, but she doesn't LEARN from them until later. She still is extremely shy, she doesn't do much until pushed even for friends, and she doesn't stand up for ponies until LATER from OTHER ponies.

Rainbow Dash

Under rated?

CMC (Scoots more so) Apple Bloom gets huge love by the show company, she had several episodes. She's least liked by fans, but she deserves some love. Sweetie is loved the most by fans despite her lack of coverage. Scootaloo, even with messily one episode still hasn't shown much history or background. She has the most abuse done by far to her, and she honestly is the ponyville's version on "Where's Waldo?" She's that one pony people want to learn more about. Maybe this'll be an episode. Lol

SUNFLOWER DROPS. YEAH, I named a pony. She's the cutest background pony in Wonderbolts Academy.Something made me love her. Maybe her voice? Her design? Her insecurity and weariness? She's so full of potential!



She's so cute. I just had to give her a name.




LUNA=Best Princess


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Underrated: Spike. Pretty clearly Spike has an extremely small fanbase.


Overrated: Derpy. She was my favorite background pony originally, but that's because of all the memes. In the show she's just a little slow.


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Underrated: Sombra. No one likes him, even if he is (possibly) the most powerful UNICORN to have ever lived.

Overrated: Discord. Yeah, I SAID IT.

"Walk always in shadows, so that you will see your foes before they see you."



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Underrated: Rarity. I always see her score the lowest on "Best Pony" polls.


Overrated: Princess Luna. I love her, but she is so overrated and overhyped by the fanbase.

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Overrated: I'm gonna have to say Princess Luna (I still have no idea what she even does), Vinyl Scratch and Chrysalis


Underrated: I guess Big Macintosh. I believe there's a great deal of wisdom behind those 'Eeyup's and 'Eenope's
Oh, and Applejack.. She may not be one of my favourites, but calling her a "background pony" is a bit too harsh I think, she's a good character

  • Brohoof 2

Have a nice cold pint, and wait for all this to blow over..

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Underrated: Spike. He has had a few episodes for him, but he gets nowhere near as much love as any other character, and he's a good one, too.


Overrated: Rainbow Dash, yeah, I said it. I just don't like how Rainbow is becoming the 'face' of the fandom, and her quotes are used far more than those said by others, besides "yay".



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I don't currently have any overrated characters to post, but I do have this one background pony that's pretty underrated.





She is in "Secret of My Excess" and is actually one of the few background ponies that has a few lines, and is referred to by name. She has a nice design, but her voice so amazing. It shows a lot of character, and you get the impression that she is somewhat socially awkward. It's kind of nice. Just watch the episode or google her to see for yourself.

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What I believe is the most overrated pony in MLP is Rainbow Dash. I simply don't understand why alot of people love Rainbow Dash. What I believe to be the most underrated pony is alot of the background ponies...


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Most overrated Is Rainbow Dash, some people act like shes the main character or that she deserves to have her own spin-off.


Underrated: King Sombra, The Only villain who din't lose because of his own stupidity

Credits to Mint Drop for an awesome Sig.

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Now I may just be stirring up a hornets nest here, but I do feel the need to ask. Are there any characters that you feel are completely over hyped by fans? Of course overrated doesn't automatically mean bad, but anyone you feel doesn't deserve all the attention that they get from bronies.

I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony.

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Er, not really, but I dislike Bottlecap, and I don't really know what the big deal is with Vinyl Scratch/DJ-PON3.


I like Rarity because she's different, and in any other show, she'd be a villain, but I still think she's overrated.


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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As much as I love them, I think Derpy and Vinyl are overrated. I also think Lyra is overrated too, as she has a HUGE amount of merch at my Hot Topic. I never did get why Lyra was so dang popular.

  • Brohoof 1


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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