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mega thread What game are you playing right now?

Mint Petal

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Finishing Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines. I've heard a lot about this game: great roleplay, great characters, story, etc.

As I'm finishing it, I feel like it's just... mediocre, I'm not planning on replaying it. I feel like variability comes from 3 choices: fight, stealth and dialogue. Plus it's an old game, so it has this classical structure: go to a character - ask for something - they ask you to do a job for them first - go to another character - repeat. It gets hilarious towards the end. And technical part is just awful. It's from 2004 and character models look absolutely horrible. Everything about fighting is horrible too

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I've mostly been replaying Donkey Kong Country 2. One of my favourite games and it has a fantastic soundtrack. Seriously, go give it a listen on Youtube.

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All I've been playing lately is Smash Ultimate and the occasional Destiny 2. I've been meaning to get back on story games, I played about half of Earthbound last week just for funsies 

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Been spending most of my free time on Splatoon 2. Just trying to play as much as I can until the new one comes out in September.

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I decided to get the subscription for the Nintendo Switch, now I'm playing Shining Force for the first time. It's a typical story about light and dark or something, even though I read everything, I already forgot everything. :ButtercupLaugh:The music is fine, not memorable so far, but not annoying either - it works for me. But the gameplay is something new to me! As someone who loves Nintendo's strategy games and is a huge fan of the Golden Sun series, this is the perfect game for me, I'm so happy! :eager: The enemies are not smart in the beginning and that's fine, since I need to learn the game. I wonder how it will continue and how much depth the gameplay has in the end. :fluttershy:

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I am currently playing Cold Fear on the Playstation 2, a survival horror game by Darkworks ( the same people that made Alone in the Dark 4 - The New Nightmare ) and Ubisoft.

Its one of those horror games that seemingly no one talks about anymore, apparently its not even interesting for game collectors since you get it kinda cheap.I actually think this game is pretty neat, its has a good atmosphere and cool wave physics. Havent played trough it yet, but i am enjoying it so far.

I am also playing Monopoly Streets on the XBOX 360 and Worms Revolution.

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