Fivefs 38 May 14, 2013 Share May 14, 2013 (edited) IS Equestria Earth? So I think this is an interesting question cause we don't really know. Here is what we do know. The world of MLP:FIM has Earth like veggiation and animals, but they are critically differences and there are mythical creatures as well. The world seems to have many similarities with Earth, but some key differences: Either the world isn't turning or it has a moon and sun that revolve around it and require magic to function properly. However it does only have one moon and a single not binary star. The gems in the ground are all pre-cut into near flawless jewel store quality. They are also massive and very common. Weather and seasons are at least very sluggish on making themselves and require pegasus help to play out at an ordinary rate. There are Earth Ponies and in the Hearth's Warming Eve episode the term Earth is suggested to name the new land, which suggests at the very least they have a concept of Earth. They have customs and holiday's that mimic ours. As well as technology and building design that mimic's ours. I'm sure there is some other stuff that I'm missing. Feel free to add your own points. So is Equestria an alternate reality Earth? An Earth in the far future? A world that simple has the coincidence of miming ours? What happened to the Humans if they were there first? Could a human still survive there? Yes I know it is all imaginary and there is no possible real answer but it is fun and I want to hear peoples opinions so you don't need to make posts say that . So just pretend and think about it okay? I'd love to hear your opinions THANKS FOR READING!! Edited May 15, 2013 by Fivefs 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fivefs 38 May 15, 2013 Share May 15, 2013 Nobody want's to reply to this topic? I thought it would be a lot of fun. I mean there is a lot of interesting ideas out there about humanity interacting with ponies, and the world is so interesting how or where could it be. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
silverreverb 129 May 15, 2013 Share May 15, 2013 (edited) an alternate earth sounds like the most likely scenario. one where people never showed up and somehow ponies became one of the dominant species. though that wouldn't explain stuff like houses, doors, appliances in the show Either the world isn't turning or it has a moon and sun that revolve around it and require magic to function properly. However it does only have one moon and a single not binary star. I don't quite recall exactly but I believe planets around single star systems are more common. I figure the gravity from 2 stars would be a bit much. I would like to see a model of the solar system that equestria's in because if the princesses really do control the sun and the moon, that means that the model would look a lot like medieval models with the earth as the center and other celestial bodies going around it in cycles and epicycles. The gems in the ground are all pre-cut into near flawless jewel store quality. They are also massive and very common. gem-stone quality thing might just be show and simplicity. there have been planets found that are basically giant diamonds. equestria could easily somewhere in the middle of the our earth and those planets. it's also very unusual to find gems so close to the surface Weather and seasons are at least very sluggish on making themselves and require pegasus help to play out at an ordinary rate. that would imply that their world isn't getting enough sunlight to produce enough heat to maintain weather cycles. pegasi might've stepped in for convenience with the weather. Edited May 15, 2013 by silverreverb Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blue Moon 6,341 May 15, 2013 Share May 15, 2013 To answer your note about them being called earth ponies, here is my theory. In the near future, horses have been genetically engineered to be technicolor talking miniature ponies. Since they are on Earth, the ponies are called Earth Ponies. One fateful day, the apocalypse occurs and in an effort to save at least one species, the Earth Ponies are sent into space to find a new planet to live on. They discover a new planet out in the farthest regions of the universe and decide to live there. They call it Equestria. Autumn Blue Moon Clear Skies Summer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fhaolan 4,484 May 15, 2013 Share May 15, 2013 I doubt the pony planet is actually 'Earth'. But then let's be honest; we've effectively named our homeworld 'Dirt' and it's going to take a long time to get over that. There's lots of oddities about the pony world. I personally think it's a terraforming project that the ponies no longer remember being part of. They can only eat special food grown by ponies, natural weather is considered dangerous and scary, etc. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Metemponychosis 1,262 May 15, 2013 Share May 15, 2013 I like this post There is a hypothesis I read somewhere that says that Equestria was once just like Earth, and then came Discord. He screwed up the planet so bad that the ponies had to take care of the planet, changing seasons, controlling the weather, for example. How they got the magic to do this? Elements of Harmony gave them these abilities when they were used to beat Discord. Maybe that's the reason Everfree forest is so "unnatural" to the ponies... Animals tend to themselves, clouds move on their own. There seems to be predation... Maybe it was the "last stand" against Discord, where he couldn't "chaos up" things. This is heavy in headcannon, of course. By this, it could be said that Equestria is Earth of the future (Discord killed all the humans... ). After all, there IS a Horsehead Nebula on equestrian skies. For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out. And I'm just getting started. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fivefs 38 May 15, 2013 Share May 15, 2013 @@silverreverb, I remember reading somewhere that around 85% of the stars in the milky way are actually parts of multiple, triplet or binary star systems and are so close we can't visably tell from our distance. Though that leaves alot of stars that are singles like ours still out there and pretty common. I also really want to see a model of there system, was it in the first episode, when Twilight was thinking about the mare in the moon? @@Blue Moon, I read a theory once where Equestria was the Earth after a post apocalyptic event where mankind did something that really screwed up the Earth and solar system as a whole and then either left or all died during it and i was the event that let magic developed and and all the resulting animals are the way the are from our gentic interferance way in the past. It was probably on of my favorites. With your theory did they send like an ark out with all the other species too? Or were the similar earth animals already there? And if that was it did the unicorns, pegasus and alicorns evolve from those original Earth ponies? Thoughts? @, I like that one! Haha my head cannon just mixed that with Equestria being Earth after a post apocalyptic event that was mankind's fault theory I mentioned above. Basically mankind tried to cause a forced change in themselves to become god like and purely harness magic, and the resulting force wiped out everyone and messed up the whole system. The only human to survive was the center of the experiment who became Discord. He was alone for sooo long with no one around him and near god like abilities and it drove him mad, the only thing that kept him sane was making the animals smarter and smarter and changing the landscape. That is why he loves change and chaos so much, and why his is so bad at connecting or caring for anyone. The shape he has taken on is the mixed bag becuase he's forgotten what he orginally looked like so just mixed the creatures that were still around him. Haha how's for making a far out explanation. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blue Moon 6,341 May 15, 2013 Share May 15, 2013 (edited) @@silverreverb, I remember reading somewhere that around 85% of the stars in the milky way are actually parts of multiple, triplet or binary star systems and are so close we can't visably tell from our distance. Though that leaves alot of stars that are singles like ours still out there and pretty common. I also really want to see a model of there system, was it in the first episode, when Twilight was thinking about the mare in the moon? @@Blue Moon, I read a theory once where Equestria was the Earth after a post apocalyptic event where mankind did something that really screwed up the Earth and solar system as a whole and then either left or all died during it and i was the event that let magic developed and and all the resulting animals are the way the are from our gentic interferance way in the past. It was probably on of my favorites. With your theory did they send like an ark out with all the other species too? Or were the similar earth animals already there? And if that was it did the unicorns, pegasus and alicorns evolve from those original Earth ponies? Thoughts? @, I like that one! Haha my head cannon just mixed that with Equestria being Earth after a post apocalyptic event that was mankind's fault theory I mentioned above. Basically mankind tried to cause a forced change in themselves to become god like and purely harness magic, and the resulting force wiped out everyone and messed up the whole system. The only human to survive was the center of the experiment who became Discord. He was alone for sooo long with no one around him and near god like abilities and it drove him mad, the only thing that kept him sane was making the animals smarter and smarter and changing the landscape. That is why he loves change and chaos so much, and why his is so bad at connecting or caring for anyone. The shape he has taken on is the mixed bag becuase he's forgotten what he orginally looked like so just mixed the creatures that were still around him. Haha how's for making a far out explanation. When the earth ponies started to reproduce, every once in a while the child would receive a little bit more of the genetic engineering found in the earth ponies which caused them to have wings and a lighter bone structure, creating the pegasus. When Pegasi and Earth Ponies had children together, the result was a unicorn. And on rare occasions, the foal would be born with wings and a horn creating the alicorn. Equestria now had all three races of ponies and they went from there. Also, some of the earth animals were on the spacecraft for the ponies and where brought to Equestria as well. Edited May 15, 2013 by Blue Moon Autumn Blue Moon Clear Skies Summer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,882 May 15, 2013 Share May 15, 2013 This thread appears to be discussing MLP:FiM in some way, shape or form. Thus, it has been sentenced to Show Discussion. This is an automatically generated message, by the way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trixie the Greatest 131 May 26, 2013 Share May 26, 2013 There has been many speculations and (fan) theories about whether or not MLP FiM (AKA G4) takes place in our version of Earth, being that many who have yet to learn anything from past MLP Generations and probably even those who have been fans from the very beginning, noticed that it makes countless references to things that adhere to humanity as a whole, from puns on our cities, to other things where an animal couldn't possibly do without having at least fingers on their arms, like humans do. And although many others dismiss this as just silliness being that it is a children's cartoon, and thus, supposed not to be taken seriously in the least, some notice it is hard to do this being that Friendship is Magic has been a rollercoaster of references to even other shows, movies, and pop culture, therefore "ponying up" virtually everything we experience in real life.But does that mean FiM takes place on present day Earth?Let’s take a look on the first show based on G1, on it we learn ponies live a happy carefree life in a land where seemingly, no human culture seems to be present, although small things like the ponies using human tools and even living in houses instead of barns, or in the wild completely, is verily apparent. There are however, humanlike characters in the vein of antagonists, and of course, humans as well, although they do not live in the same place as the ponies reside, rather, when they are attacked (and trapped) by the main antagonist within the first movie of the series, one of them, Firefly, flies off seeking help. She flies "over the rainbow" as stated in the series, finding a parallel world to her own, but where is more populated and instead of ponies, she finds the likes of Megan and her siblings, where Firefly’s kind are seen as mere creatures of burden. This doesn't seem to deter Firefly as she asks Megan to accompany her back to her own world, again, "over the rainbow" and to defeat the evil king who is currently turning them all into dragons to accomplish his sinister goals. At the end of the movie where G1 is taking place, Megan decides to remain with the ponies, even though not completely as she asks Firefly to fly her over and back again on the consequintive episodes that follows. We see that in later episodes, characters like witches who are also seemingly human antagonize the ponies although it is never stated if they are part of their world, come from our world, or anywhere else "over the rainbow".It is clear that the world where Megan lives is apart from where Firefly is...or is it? The series never mentions if the rainbow where Firefly uses to cross over time and time again is actually a portal to other worlds or just Earth, or that the ponies live deep within our world in a place no one else can find unless they follow that specific rainbow to cross over. Again, in the pony world, not much is in tangent with ours, and no references are made about our world in it either.After other series take place, mainly the one based on the G3 series, we learn that said rainbow is never mention, not even Megan, and that reference to the human world is vague, although we notice that the ponies themselves have established a more culturist way of life, and that their world is now more populated instead of being in a single spot, with cities, castles, and other ways of civic life. The ponies have also seemed to become more anthropomorphic in a way that now their hooves are not limited to just try and cope with anything they want to do, things like bending their limbs to grasp items and even run in their hind legs are apparent...if not disturbing.But we do not see any reference to our world during these series. A curious fact that, while that human relation seems to have been lost, many things within the G3 show has been adapted into the current G4 version, including the ponies' main living city, Ponyville, and that they still are as anthropomorphic as they can be in terms of acting human like without ever becoming them entirely.So we could assume that G3 has evolved into G4 or it has been adapted into it, perhaps even as far as to say that the world where G3 and G4 is the same since Ponyville is the center of both universes.However how is it that while G3 makes almost no reference to humans or our world G4 seems blatantly full with such? There is a gap between these two Generations obviously. What happened in said gap then? A time period that probably would be measured in thousands of year’s maybe?Or...Maybe a speculation that every Generation of ponies live in a different version of their own world?Should that rainbow mentioned in G1 be but a doorway that splits all these worlds including our own, where in fact, the world of the ponies IS our world but just a different version of it where instead of humans being the dominant species the ponies have been chosen as such?I could agree in such, but I would never agree that ANY world of EVERY Generation of ponies is Earth on any different timeline whatsoever.Not in the least. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twilight Circuits 603 May 26, 2013 Share May 26, 2013 It depends on how you look at it i suppose. I mean, is not true creation being able to assemble various bits and peices and put something to together? I thinketh so. So based upon that idea, my plan to put the third dna strand together of which I call the ELements Of Harmony In Me, then yes, technically one might say earth is Equestria in the time being. After all, you consider the fact that there's various spiritual talents out there including but not limited to Tulpa Forcing, by assembling the third dna strand we could then see not just spiritual energy, but also other people's tulpa's. Then we could have things like tulpa wars which only we could see and open up a whole new market for making money. Then we can build Celestia and Luna temples where people could assist in making other interesting spiritual things happen but i'm getting a little ahead of myself. Although Celestia willing, if we work together, she just might send me spike so we can being sending her personal messages which I as well would think would be awesome. But I'm not quite ready yet to start putting them together but i'm getting there. It's just a matter of time before we learn how to fly pony. Friendship really is magic after all. But i'm afraid that until we fully assemble them, we're still only third gen ponies. For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duidamasterXD 9,627 May 26, 2013 Share May 26, 2013 @@Trixie the Greatest, We already happened to have a thread dedicated to speculating whether Equestria is actually Earth, and how they are related in general and as this was essentially the subject of your topic, it has been merged with the older one. The older thread has been retitled slightly to make the subject of discussion more clear. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootalove 10,689 May 26, 2013 Share May 26, 2013 I don't really think Equestria is actually Earth. But, there are some possibilities but it depends on the similarities and differences about Earth and Equestria. Credit: Moony © Forum FAQ Forum Rules Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bendy 1,821 May 26, 2013 Share May 26, 2013 (edited) Depends on said universe. I think canon Equestria is in a different universe, therefor Humans don't exist there. However, we may be a mythical creature to them due to that, maybe there are Humans, but there's few of us left. In fan fictions is is addressed that we wiped each other out or something like the Darkspawn came from Dragon Age. Or even when we got to leave Earth, we bumped into the Reapers from Mass Effect. In The Conversion Bureau aftermath universes monstrous abomination versions of our lovely Ponies came to Earth to 'save us' by wiping out the Human race. Killing us and turning us into zombie like minded Ponies down to the last child, so I don't think that's canon Equestria. Edited May 26, 2013 by Rush Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on under the same username here: Rush. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarligPegasi 315 May 31, 2013 Share May 31, 2013 Ooh! So I just thought up this theory! So Equestria is an equestrian reservation and the Everfree forest is the border between the rest of the world and the reservation. Cause you know in wildlife reservations everything is done so that the animals can prosper, so the animals are taken care of etc. So the Everfree forest would be an example of an actual forest without human interference. So yeah I think Equestria is on earth. Signature by @@Champion RD92, Examples of my Art Work Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Orablanco Account 3,707 May 31, 2013 Share May 31, 2013 I believe that Equestria isn't on Earth, but rather on the planet Equis, in the Horse Head Nebula. Kind of a Neverland kind of thing. Onwards to my DeviantArt page! Sig by the illustrious Kyoshi! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inactive01 5,299 June 1, 2013 Share June 1, 2013 Well, the most important fact to note is that Equestria was made by human beings. Thus, it will have representations of Earth that are reflected by the producers, writers, and so forth. Plus, many of the city names in Equestria are ponified Earth names. Fillydelphia (Philadelphia), Manehattan (Manhattan), and Saddle Arabia (Saudi Arabia) are some examples. Plus, the official map of Equestria also is shaped like North America, where Ponyville would be located approximately in either south Saskatchewan or north North Dakota. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Betez 1,734 June 2, 2013 Share June 2, 2013 Eh, I don't know. Equestria seems to be a lot smaller than Earth (It only seems to be the size of a country.) but other than that, it does seen like Earth. Just replace ponies with humans, and there you go. My OC Stay pony my friends"And ALWAYS never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Budding Night 1,043 June 2, 2013 Share June 2, 2013 (edited) No. Equestria is not Earth. I do not exactly recall, but I believe it was Chrysalis who said she had never seen so much love in one place like Equestria did. Even if Chrysalis is equine herself, she states Equestria is just a place in the world, not the actual world itself. Also the things like Equestria is pretty much a country from a world full of weridness, but they happen to have the most magical beings (unicorns) and thats why Equines have the rulers of the Sun and the Moon. If I wasn't so tired, I would continue, but I'm going to stop here Edited June 2, 2013 by Budding Night Signature by mwah~ OC; Evening Glory Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sergios117 192 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 What if the world in MLP was really Earth many years from now where all many the Terran species have evolved into something intelligent. All the architecture they have and languages they speak would just be relics of the previous civilization. I also think it would be cool if Celestia stumbled upon the history of humans and fearing out violent nature, tried to build Equstria to be a place of peace that would avoid the mistakes we made. Also the reason why everything in nature has to be controlled is because the sun finally reached it's end and Earth began to crumble but magic is what is keeping it alive. "People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Issac Assimov They're incomprehensible, they're bloodthirsty and they're not taking 'magic' for an answer: First Contact Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Venomshank 121 September 10, 2013 Share September 10, 2013 Unicorns? Their horns are parts of their brains that produce electromagnetic fields! Pegasi? Their bones are filled with ultralight hydrocarbons, and they have spiracles! Lungs would be too heavy. Equestria? The humans left because we thought we destroyed the earth with pollution, and an asteroid harbouring foreign DNA mutated ungulates across the earth! Have any other crazy, rambling speculations such as these? Then welcome. Rant and rave, you mad scientists, you! Just an everyday guy, doing everyday things. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lunatic Cake 1,618 September 10, 2013 Share September 10, 2013 Well talking about Equestria, it might be the case if what you said would be true, Equestria must be North America. Obviously it must have been millions of years after we left earth as the Continent deformed. (Don't feel like explaining Pangaea and such since I'm not that much into Geology -especially not in a different language than I learned it-) 1 Sig by: Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Fabulous Darky 90 September 10, 2013 Share September 10, 2013 Ooooo science c: Maybe equestria is the epicenter of a huge radioactive blast that irradiated everything and screwed with genetics to the point that we have talking ponies and shiz and everfree forest was where the blast ended. Think about eet 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Winger7632 124 September 10, 2013 Share September 10, 2013 Honestly you can't really be sure as we are 2 different species with different behaviors and will treat out planets differently. We are a more industrious people while the ponies seem to be more magic and seem to keep their world very clean. So it could be earth but it could also be a different planet entirely. Whenever a thread like this pops up trying to compare our 2 universes i love these threads. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fhaolan 4,484 September 10, 2013 Share September 10, 2013 I put this in my blog, but I'll repost the picture here. It's possible that the official map of Equestira is a distortion of the 'real' terrain, as many of the features do line up with a map of North America once you fiddle with it a bit. The distortion may seem extreme to some of you, but honestly real hand-drawn historical maps can be just as distorted as this. As a rough estimate, this puts Ponyville somewhere in the Midwest, let’s say Iowa just because it amuses me to think that the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 episode is that much closer to the Music Man. That puts Canterlot as Chicago, Appleloosa is Oklahoma (fitting), and the Changeling Badlands are around New Orleans... ... ... yeah, I still find that funny. The problem is that many features *don't* line up. The biggest one is that there is no mountain in Chicago that even vaguely resembles Canterlot. With more shifting, you might get it onto the tallest part of the Niagara Escarpment, which used to be commonly called 'the Mountain' in Hamilton, Ontario (when I lived there many, *many* years ago.) But I'm not buying that one. :okiedokielokie: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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