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How open are you about ponies?


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Like many before me.   I don't broadcast my bronydom,   nor do I hide it.  If I'm ever questioned, I provide a straight honest answer,  and I don't go out of my way to make sure no one finds out,   it simply is, what it is.

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I'm pretty open about it, but there is one exception. my parents. if they knew, my precious life of being a brony would come to an end and they would cut off all sources of mlp:fim. but besides that I'm pretty open about it, almost all of my friends at school are bronies too, we are proud to be who we are.

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I don't plan on telling anyone anytime soon... the only person who knows of my love for mlp is my closet friend.


But oddly enough, there is this one *cool* guy in our school that happens to be a brony, and is pretty open with it. Makes you wonder...

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Middle -

I will tell my family if they ask and no one in my school but me is a brony at the moment but i make references they dont understand. i usually listen to pony music :)

I'm going to love and tolerate the cr*p out of you ! <3

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I tell people if they ask me. Otherwise I just keep it to myself. I mean, I'm an open brony, I'm just not proactive about telling people.


At the same time, I have no problems with merch. My flight bag has a few pegasus-related buttons on it. I have the Vinyl Scratch trading card box propped up on the shelf in my dorm. I'll be putting the RD vinyl model somewhere once I find a place for it. My lanyard says "brony" on it. I have a few shirts and a hoodie, as well as a new Vinyl Scratch seatbelt belt. IMO it's no different than wearing branded or sports apparel, which no one bats an eye at. To say otherwise would be to further the double-standard IMO.


Basically I'm just chill about it. And that's a good attitude to have, IMO. Confidence is key.

Edited by AtomicBassCannon
  • Brohoof 1


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I'm not that open in Real Life. Bought no merch yet. Parents don't know it. My brother does, but he's one too. Friends know it too, and one of my friends is also a brony (turns out he's also a mod on My Little Brony over at Cheezburger). But I would honestly answer the question "are you a brony?" if someone asked me to...


On the internet I'm more open to it. And even there I can find support from some other bronies and it's also the reason why I ended up here.

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Well, it's nothing that I usually talk about (unless it's someone who actually is a brony, then I go all crazy, hehe), but I'm not ashamed of it. I draw ponies at art class, sing My Little Pony songs when I feel like it, and I just orderd a t-shirt with Twilight Sparkle on it and I'll probrably wear it in school. All my friends know about it, they think I'm the biggest psycho ever, but they love me anyways. And I think one of them are ready to join the herd soon.  :D


So yeah, I'm pretty open about it I suppose.

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I'm very open about it. I have multiple shirts, a hoodie, socks, belts, all the fun stuff. I don't try to hide it because well, everyone knows me for me and i've always liked thing's most of my friends don't.


I hate trying to hide it. I'm proud to be a pegasister ^u^

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I have no problem wearing shirts from WeLoveFine in public.  My family doesn't really care, it's just another one of my obsessions, like anime and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  My friends know, they don't have a problem with it.  It helps that we're all geeks and they're all pretty used to the fandom from seeing it at cons all the time.


Sig by Thunderstorm

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I'm only open to those who are close to me, but I wouldn't mind actually coming out completely. I wear my MLP lanyard (holding my car keys) every day to school, and it seemed to get a lot of attention wherever I go. xD However, I'm a bit shy to tell in public (aka introducing yourself to the whole class on the first day) that I like ponies. I tend to be a bit paranoid when it comes to that. So, I stick to coming out to the ones whom I'm very close with.


Most of my family knows that I'm a huge fan of ponies, especially my parents. They were a bit skeptical at first, but later on they don't mind anymore. I'm pretty much the only brony in my family (if I recall!). My friends, however...some accept me for what I am, and some are really trying to adjust to it. And well...it's been a long time. xD I do know two irl bronies near me, and we hang out almost every day.

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I was hush hush at first, but I made subtle references. People laughed at the jokes, despite not knowing the context. I later told my close group of friends, they were cool about it. Found other brony classmates, made not so subtle references. People laughed at the jokes knowing the context. Formed a tight-knit group of friends after staying with them during prom weekend. Toughest group of mofos around (kinda). Converted a few. Make outright references. Everyone laughs, even if they don't know the context. Trying to convert the remaining friends.


I'm pretty open otherwise, I wear my Luna shirt with pride!

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Xbox 360 Gamertag: Viny1 Scratch

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The only reason I don't wear "pony shirts" in the open, is because they are not sold in my country, or at least, I couldn't find them.


My cell phone has a ringtone out of a MLP-FIM inspired song.


My ipad has a picture of Rainbow Dash with an electric guitar.



And I put an image of Litlepip in the opening of a presentation about drugs.



I just love ponies and the world can die if it thinks it's wrong. I have my own money and I'm not hurting anyone.


Edit: Oh... and sometimes I say that the pegasus are crazy because of the weather and people look at me like I'm insane 

Edited by moonlightavenger


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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I'm very open about my love of ponies. I ain't got anyone to please but myself. Thankfully, no one seems bothered about it and it they judge me, it's behind my back as it should be. Haha.


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I don't have any type of merch or anything, but I'm pretty open about it. I don't try to hide it or anything. But neither do I try to talk about it to non-bronies all the time unless it's a joke of some sort. I do see why people chose not to be open about it though, some people are really judgmental of others. 

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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I'm very open when it comes to PONIES ^^ 

Whenever I'm out you can hear me singing along to MLP/Fan music :P

I also own a I <3 Fluttershy t-shirt. 


Everyone in my family think I'm weird for liking the show but that hasn't stopped me liking whatever I want before, so why should I stop now. Blasting out the tunes all day and singing along ^^. I'm currently, however, in the mist of trying to get my parents to watch the brony documentary which I have purchased. (It's BUCKING AWESOME!) 


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Fan of the upcoming movie: Equestria Girls. 

Anyone mad enough yet?

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I'm very open about it. Over the years I've learned to stop caring what other people think of me and just do what i want so long as i dont hurt anyone with my actions. I often watch mlp on my ipad when i'm in the train or even at college during project classes. I've had plenty of people come up to me and say i'm weird, i've also had some bronies some up to me and brohoof me out of the blue. I dont own any mlp merch but i'm gonna try to make a plushie of luna soon. Since most of the stuff hasbro makes of the show is garbage i figured i might aswel make my own.

Never underestimate the value of time


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I'm somewhat open about it.  I usually don't talk about it with my friends because they're not Bronies and never will be.  I have one who is but he's been very busy and I only can enjoy it with me myself and I currently.  My friends understand but don't want to hear anything about it, which I respect entirely.   Hopefully my friends will one day cope with the fact that this is what I like and we can laugh about some of the references I make.


I don't wear any of the merchandise because I don't own any however it's not out of the question for me to buy some.  I'm not into the toys/dolls of the show but I think it's cool if you own them.  Who knows though, people change over time so maybe I will get them but it'll be a year or two down the road.  


Generally I express it to myself in a large way by personalizing my computer with themes, desktop backgrounds, music and a lot of other things.  I might get stickers to put on my computer as well who knows.


All in all I'm pretty happy at how much I express myself; not too much, not too little.  I think it's good that people have different levels of expressions; just makes us that more diverse in a world that's ever changing.

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how much more open can one get, The only thing hiding here is my face, and apparently that didn't help ether. I guess it is a small worked after all


  • Brohoof 1

Photo Finish,that's her name.

Makin' every-pony pretty is her number one game.

She do what she do, to make you more than you.

No-pony gonna care if what we share is true.

Cause lies are beautiful, the truth is not.

Come on little mare, you better shake that plot.

You know that's what they really all came to see.

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Not too terribly open about it. It's not that I hide it, I just don't advertise it that much


For instance, while I'm a big fan MLP, I'm an even bigger fan of Godzilla. 


And even then, you wouldn't know unless you asked me.


It's the same with pony.


I'm just a quite fan.

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My whole room glows pink even from a distance. Plushies cover the bed. I wear a Rainbow Dash necklace everywhere I go, and a Fluttershy shirt to amusement parks. All my social media account avatars are pony-related. I don't think I could possibly get any more open!

Welcome to the neighborhood! I brought you this pie to see if you're weird.

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