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S01:E26 - The Best Night Ever



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This episode is The Best Day Ever [spongeBob] done right. Both take the idea of multiple simple stories wrapped around an idea of having a really good time. So why is this one good, and that one, not so much? First of all, it's not just a random day SpongeBob picked to do his everyday things with more fun, for his own selfish purposes, it's the day of an important celebration, to have opportunities not available in Ponyville, and it's for all the Mane 6. And there's actually an interesting conflict. In BDE, SpongeBob just gets stuck helping his friends and is disappointed, but here, the reasons are a lot more justified. AppleJack isn't making any sales. Rarity is in the presence of a selfish prince. Fluttershy is somehow not able to communicate with exotic animals and goes phsycho. And it's all funny. The most comedy we get from the SpongeBob episode is that puppet joke, which just fell flat on it's face. And lastly, unlike that episode, where they cut out all the good parts of the song and used only the annoying chorus from something from 2 years ago, they took the liberty of creating a full musical number that was great. It's also nice to see a reference to The Ticket Master.


I'll stay away from hype as I don't know what either got. 

But don't believe I hate SpongeBob. I really love it. It just had a lot of duds. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I liked the episode quite a bit. And if you think about it, with Princess Celestia, she was training Twilight on the etiquett and social requirements of being a princess. Twilight didn't realize how great of an honor it is to be right next to the princess during a grand event!

This is something I didn't notice but makes a lot of sense, thanks for highlighting this :maud:


Fluttershy was very entertaining for me in this episode, I acted a bit like her when I couldn't get a dolphin to approach me when I was younger  :maud:

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I don't get it. Spike got a ticket at the end of ticket master. What happened? Why did he not come?

I think he was sad nobody wanted to be at the gala with him.
  • Brohoof 2
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I don't get it. Spike got a ticket at the end of ticket master. What happened? Why did he not come?


His big thing was wanting to hang out with his friends there, but when they all bolted to do their own thing ... he was left along and dejected. He sought solace from the only Stallion who would listen .. Joe. Of course in the end, only Spike got what he wanted ... to chill with his friends.





I don't post in these topics nearly enough.

  • Brohoof 2



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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright.. After I joined the herd earlier this week I finished S1. Just finished watching Best Night Ever. I liked it very much, given the moral the episode gives.


The friends I watched with let me listen to this to "celebrate" my first season:

  • Brohoof 3
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You know, for a stallion/colt who was rather ashamed of himself for losing some little grass seeds, and who is often depicted as being rather shy, am I the only who was actually kinda taken aback at how gruff Caramel's voice sounded in this episode?

Don't be a nerd. Join the herd!

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Alright.. After I joined the herd earlier this week I finished S1. Just finished watching Best Night Ever. I liked it very much, given the moral the episode gives.


The friends I watched with let me listen to this to "celebrate" my first season:

Oh lordy, that song made me sooooo happy!

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Wow, it seems that I was the only one that really didn't like this episode, I think the only part I liked was when Fluttershy snapped, that was pretty funny x3. I had a feeling Twilight wasn't going to be able to talk with Princess Celestia. But it is a great honour to even get to meet the princess. Somepony's...


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These Ponies really know how to "crash" a party!


Sometimes, we lose sight on what really matters. We look WAY on the horizon for that elusive rainbow, when valuable things are happening under our hooves and we don't even realize it. Yes, it is OK to dream, but the here and now is still relevant.

  • Brohoof 2
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Wasn't this the one where Vinyl Scratch takes off her glasses, or was that Season 2?

MLP. Home sweet home. I forgot how nice the residents of Equestria could be. Anyone seen The Martian?

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Ah, yes. Now I remember. Thank you!

MLP. Home sweet home. I forgot how nice the residents of Equestria could be. Anyone seen The Martian?

         __       ____        ____                                             
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/\      \ \ \    \ \ \L\ \   \ \ \L\_\___   _ __   __  __    ___ ___     ____  
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  • 4 weeks later...

I actually think Celestia is really bored for 1000 years and when the party is ruined she thinks Its great xD 




But I need to ask why luna wasn't in the episode ? It will be cool

Maybe Celestia didn't wanted to give the spotlight/screen Time for Luna huh? xD  :catface: 

Edited by Lunar_Night



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I thought this was a great episode. Twilight and her friends attend the Grand Galloping Gala to have the best night ever. I found it very fun to see the ponies fulfill their dream at the Gala. And I think Prince Blueblood is cool, and considering he is Celestia's Niece I would like to see him make another major appearance. My highlight for this episode was the songs. At the Gala was a fantastic song and I thought Pony Pokey was humorous. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I was wondering if this was the episode that inspired some of the outfits that you can get for the Build a Bear MLP dolls. 

It seems that that is the particularly the case when it comes to the Fluttershy doll. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Love this one!  Parties are rarely as exciting as people make them out to be imo.  I didn't like Pinkie in this one though it was in character for her, but I loved Fluttershy.  Now we know the one thing that makes her really mad.  Also, Rarity crushing her slipper haha.  And also Spike at the donut shop.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

I really like it, i say it was good season finaly overall. And also think our first time really gatting big musical number in the show. Oh that sound still make me smile. ^^ And was fun see little more of equstria. The Castle and some bit of Controlot. 


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I love that episode...expecially when Princess Celestia says (at the end) that the grand galloping gala are ever a failure...or when Sorin (I'm right with the name??) buy a cake at the Apple jack's stand (the only one sale of that night.... for AJ) or crazy Fluttershy and the trouble of the garden's animal...


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  • 4 weeks later...

While this was an amazing episode and really showed off what they learned while making the season. It still had an empty feeling like that wasn't a season finale. Don't get me wrong, it was one my more favorite episodes, but it didn't feel like a finale when I watched it for the first time. I was 2 months away from season 2 when I finished.

I have to fully agree with this because it did just mimic a regular episode...

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