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S01:E26 - The Best Night Ever



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Answere me! Every season has an epic final double episode like S2 E26+26 canterlott wedding

                                                                                                       S3 E13 Magical mystery cure

But in S1...well its not 

so pls answere me why its thise



P.S:Couse in every final we find out something about the past or about the future but in S1 not. :ooh:  :ooh:



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  • 4 weeks later...

Really liked Fluttershy raging at the animals there. Overall, good conclusion to season 1.

All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention. I believe that someone should become a person like other people.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I hate to say this, but I thought this episode was a bit weak. Even when I first watched it for the first time three years ago, I didn't understand the buzz of this episode, and still hasn't changed from a rewatch. I thought the episode was all over the place with its pacing. There were some bright spots in the episode, like for example, Rarity and Fluttershy had some funny moments. I also thought the music scores for this episode were pretty good.


I'm going to give this a 6/10. It's kind of disappointing because I wanted to like this episode, but I can't. :\

Edited by Kelldrick

(coming soon)

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I like the song in the start, And I like how it fallow them all with diffrent storys ^^ It was very entaertaining just slowly seeing how it came togheter on them and the whole gala got destroyed evil as that may sound :P


Anyway, I like how Celestia took it "Meh, The gala is always boring. It was nice that you all came to ruin it" :lol:


Oh and then it was that one thing... :angry:


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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IMO, this was the weakest season finale ever.  Don't get me wrong, I liked it a lot.  The scene where Fluttershy loses it & screams "You're gonna LOVE me!" is one of the series best & the scene where Spike wants to come into a room & Rarity forbids it because they are dressing, AJ points out they usually don't wear clothes & Rarity says, "Some of us have standards" is also good, as are several others.


It is just that the other season finales were game changers with major plot elements introduced.  This was more just a very good episode with nothing new being introduced. 

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I loved it  :D. How all of the Mane 6 (except Twilight IMO) were trying to work really hard on making this the best night ever. Rarity and Fluttershy were the ones that really made me laugh  :lol:

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I hated this episode. It was easily my least favorite. The bit with Fluttershy was completely aganst her character (not to mention her special talent and element of harmony), and it showed a complete lack of understanding of the character on the part of the writer. I was rather disappointed, because without that bit, it could have been a good episode.

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The bit with Fluttershy was completely aganst her character (not to mention her special talent and element of harmony), and it showed a complete lack of understanding of the character on the part of the writer.

Wrong. Fluttershy was never out of character in this episode. Just like the others, she envisioned a fantastical worldview of the Grand Galloping Gala. For her case, meeting the animals with open arms. But Canterlot isn't some simple town like Ponyville; the inherent sense of class and dignity went completely by them. Sure, they knew the standards were different, but they were outsiders. Like the rest of Canterlot, the animals in the mall don't know her. It made total sense for the animals to run off. But Fluttershy isn't used to it. It was very in character of her to be agitated and desperate to befriend them.


Just because a character is acting within her Element doesn't make her in character. Rarity was within it during Rainbow Falls, but she was just as OOC as the rest of the cast.

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4


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Wrong. Fluttershy was never out of character in this episode. Just like the others, she envisioned a fantastical worldview of the Grand Galloping Gala. For her case, meeting the animals with open arms. But Canterlot isn't some simple town like Ponyville; the inherent sense of class and dignity went completely by them. Sure, they knew the standards were different, but they were outsiders. Like the rest of Canterlot, the animals in the mall don't know her. It made total sense for the animals to run off. But Fluttershy isn't used to it. It was very in character of her to be agitated and desperate to befriend them.


Just because a character is acting within her Element doesn't make her in character. Rarity was within it during Rainbow Falls, but she was just as OOC as the rest of the cast.


I strongly disagree. We see in The Cutie Mark Chronicles that even animals that don't know her are willing to be her friends. Some animals become her friends, yes, but that doesn't mean that other animals alienate her. Based on her track record, I think her fantasy was rather reasonable. There were plenty of ways that her fantasy could have been made unrealistic other than the animals being scared of her. The garden could have been crowded with other party guests, or the animals could have been asked to move somewhere else for the sake of the party. But animals are naturally drawn to her, even animals that don't know her, as we've seen many times.

But let's assume for the sake of example that it's reasonable for these animals to be scared of her because they don't know her. She would be upset, yes. Her fantasy wasn't going to turn out right, although I think a more believable method should have been used. But when she gets upset, it's not in her character to get mad. She's a very timid pony, and everything about her shows that. So if her night didn't go as planned, she wouldn't go into a rage and start shouting. She would curl up in a corner and cry.

It makes sense that her night wouldn't go as planned. It also makes sense that she would be upset about it. But the way that her night didn't go as planned, and the way that she got upset about it were both very out of character for her.

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But animals are naturally drawn to her, even animals that don't know her, as we've seen many times.

Just because animals are drawn to her in some areas doesn't mean they're drawn to her in others. Canterlot is completely foreign territory; the lifestyle there is a lot more different than in areas such as Ponyville. In The Cutie Mark Chronicles, the animals were drawn to her because she just fell from the sky. Here, she wasn't. She ran to the animals; the animals were in the right to scamper off.


She would be upset, yes. Her fantasy wasn't going to turn out right, although I think a more believable method should have been used. But when she gets upset, it's not in her character to get mad.

Wrong. Fluttershy was shown to get mad before. In Dragonshy and Stare Master, she got mad at the dragon and cockatrice, respectively, because her friends and CMCs were in great danger. She enacted the stare to intimidate the cockatrice and cancel the spell, while she scolded the dragon for hurting her friends.


What makes a character in character or out of character isn't exclusively the action, but why. What's the justification for her to do what she did? Fluttershy was in character because she was justified in her anger.


In The Best Night Ever, she was just as justified to be desperate and angry. She wanted her night to be excellent, and the animals gave her a hard time. The more she tried, the more scared they became. The schadenfreude she endured was classic.


She's a very timid pony, and everything about her shows that.

Just because she's timid doesn't mean she doesn't have any backbone. Throughout season one, she proved she can fend for herself. Fluttershy wasn't simply jumpy from her own shadow anymore nor cowering her head away from others. She could take care and stand up for herself.


All six developed from the pilot. Arguably, she developed the most: Her whole character progressed throughout.


So if her night didn't go as planned, she wouldn't go into a rage and start shouting. She would curl up in a corner and cry.

That's out of character of 'Shy. She was IC here because she persistently tried to make friends with animals that wanted nothing to do with her. No matter how hard she tried, it only made things worse. This is completely new to her. If Fluttershy curled up and cried here, then all the development she received up to this point would've been pointless. Rather than confident and firm, she's devolve into a caricature.

Edited by Dark Qiviut

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4


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Just because animals are drawn to her in some areas doesn't mean they're drawn to her in others. Canterlot is completely foreign territory; the lifestyle there is a lot more different than in areas such as Ponyville. In The Cutie Mark Chronicles, the animals were drawn to her because she just fell from the sky. Here, she wasn't. She ran to the animals; the animals were in the right to scamper off.


Wrong. Fluttershy was shown to get mad before. In Dragonshy and Stare Master, she got mad at the dragon and cockatrice, respectively, because her friends and CMCs were in great danger. She enacted the stare to intimidate the cockatrice and cancel the spell, while she scolded the dragon for hurting her friends.


What makes a character in character or out of character isn't exclusively the action, but why. What's the justification for her to do what she did? Fluttershy was in character because she was justified in her anger.


In The Best Night Ever, she was just as justified to be desperate and angry. She wanted her night to be excellent, and the animals gave her a hard time. The more she tried, the more scared they became. The schadenfreude she endured was classic.


Just because she's timid doesn't mean she doesn't have any backbone. Throughout season one, she proved she can fend for herself. Fluttershy wasn't simply jumpy from her own shadow anymore nor cowering her head away from others. She could take care and stand up for herself.


All six developed from the pilot. Arguably, she developed the most: Her whole character progressed throughout.


That's out of character of 'Shy. She was IC here because she persistently tried to make friends with animals that wanted nothing to do with her. No matter how hard she tried, it only made things worse. This is completely new to her. If Fluttershy curled up and cried here, then all the development she received up to this point would've been pointless. Rather than confident and firm, she's devolve into a caricature.

Yes, Canterlot is different from Ponyville, but she wasn't originally from Ponyville. She was from Cloudsdale. Any animals from the ground were completely different from any animals that may have lived in Cloudsdale. Falling from the sky is just as sudden (if not more so) than running towards animals, and the animals wouldn't be able to tell her intent without knowing her. You could argue that she seemed in distress as she was falling, but her scream as she fell could have meant, to the animals, a number of things. To react on instinct, they would naturally run away from something so sudden and unexpected. In Canterlot, Fluttershy was clearly happy and friendly. If they could tell that she didn't have any malicious intent when she was falling, they should have been able to tell even more so when she was running towards them with a smile.


Yes, Fluttershy can get mad. But that's not her character. Dragonshy is actually one of my favorite episodes, because it captures Fluttershy so well. In the situation with the dragon and with the cockatrice, she was defending her friends. She wasn't losing her temper, she was raising her voice. There's a huge difference between controlled anger and uncontrolled anger. Controlled anger, anger that's being used for a purpose, anger at the mistreatment of friends, is entirely different than Fluttershy losing her temper because the animals don't love her. So rather than being strengthened, her character was weakened by this episode. It took someone who was shy and timid, someone who only gets angry for the sake of a friend, and turned her into someone who will lose her temper when she doesn't get her way.

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  • 2 months later...

I like the royal guard as well and in role play I am an officer........yeah it was hilarious



                                                                      :eww: Officer Strike  :eww: 

                                                               Junior Officer in the Royal Guard



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Lol this episode is just so over the top man



                                                                      :eww: Officer Strike  :eww: 

                                                               Junior Officer in the Royal Guard



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  • 2 weeks later...

The name of this episode is rather ironic, but it is still a very good episode!

~My life is a bunch of Discord~
Yes, the pun was intended


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This episode went stereotypically wrong. I saw it coming as soon as everyone started having a terrible time... But I loved it! I just thought it was different to the other episodes, the ponies looked amazing in their dresses, and I love how it turned out that the Gala always went really badly XD

  • Brohoof 1



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When I saw this episode, I had NO idea it was the end of Season one. I had watched the first two seasons straight through and I hardly noticed. I thought that Season two's premier was Season one's finale. It didn't quite feel like a finale, but it was a fun romp none the less.


I felt sad for Spike because when he was talking about showing things to the others on the carriage ride, I was like "Whoa, I want to see those things." I'm sad we never did see them. 


My favorite parts was with Rarity and Fluttershy. These two just made the episode for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It all came down to this, the first season finale. I think it was a worthy closure to the first season of this series.


In a sense, this episode reminded me a bit of the movie "this is Spinal Tap" in the sense that in both instances everything is going wrong that could go wrong. This episode pretty much takes the fairy tale formula of having a happy end for everyone and pretty much throws it out the window. You find that thing here. Everyponies dream dosen't get fulfilled in this episode, eventhough we knew that they anticipated this since episode 3.


My personal highlight of this episode was the song, which could also be qualify as golden age disney song (sorry, i just love disney. :P) It has a very "big deal" feeling.


Alot of funny moments with Flutters flipping out and Rarity making Blueblood dirty. I love how Rarity is destroying her glass slipper, pretty much denying her happy end.


Great closing to the season. Thumbs up

  • Brohoof 1

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

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