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private Founding of Equestria (RP thread)

Cherry Blossom

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All of time seemed to have stopped for Flame Runner as he curled up in that corner of his jail cell. For pegasi, they really did know how to torture a pony, without even torturing them. His eyes began adjusting to the low-leveled light, but even so, he could only make out shadows, maybe a detail or two if he looked close enough.


Letting out a groan of anger, he walked up to the cave wall and slammed his head against it in frustration. He was taken to Pegaopolis in the morning, and jailed here. It's been at least 24 hours, he figured. His extended stay at Pegaopolis was also taking a surprisingly different toll on his body. The higher altitude made the air quite chilly, and the lower levels of oxygen was forcing Runner to take large, hoarse breaths.


Pegaopolis was slowly killing Runner from the inside out. He needed to finish his job, and get out as soon as possible. Pulling out the knife concealed within his sleeve, he began to think, formulating an escape plan if the Commander doesn't allow him access to leave.

  • Brohoof 1

And stuff.

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"I uh... I am General Flame Dancer... You can just call me Flame." He smiled, with a little more confidence this time. " So um, you were one of the ponies who went on the mission to the Earth Kingdom, weren't you ? He asked, as the bridge to the workshop came into sight.
  • Brohoof 2

Something something something something


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"Yes I was, but I was captured by Unicorns along the way. So I wasn't able t-to get any information on the Earth Ponies." Cherry Blossom let out a sigh and just sat on the floor. "General Flame Dancer, how young are you?" she asked, wondering about a pony that looks as young as him, became a General.
  • Brohoof 1

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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"Oh dear, They didn't hurt you did they ?" He asked wondering how she was captured by the unicorns when she was on a mission to the earth ponies. with a worried expression. "And I am twenty four. You ?" He asked trotting onto the long bridge that leads to the workshop.

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"No they didn't hurt me at all, but they did start asking me a few questions. Oh and I'm 17." Cherry Blossom smiled faintly, but was feeling exhausted. She had been travelling all the way across the border. All the way on hoof and the Unicorn escort hadn't let her use her wings for anything more than hovering.

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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''Okay, um.. We can work this out!'' Splinter said while making a fake smile. He had chopped off a Unicorn's hoof. The unicorn was lying on the ground. The Unicorn began to swear rapidly. ''Woah! Buddy, take it easy. I just chopped you're hoof off. At least I didn't chop you're head off! Now I must be off to infiltrate the unicorns as a one pony band. Bye!'' Splinter said while quickly running off.

  • Brohoof 1
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"That's good." He smiled but then noticed how tired she looked. "Are you ok ? You seem pretty tired." He asked his smiled fading slightly.

<Wait a sec... she's flown all the way from the unicorn kingdom, Of course she's tired.> He thought, as they trotted onto the cloud where the workshop stood.

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"So, your divine magic is based off of... connections from ponies! I was right! Harmony is a real force! And if I could harness it, maybe even weaponize it.... the unicorns would quickly dominate the other tribes!" He began a more indepth magical scan of the goddess. "Sorry if I seem forward. I just need to know how this works..."

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"I'm r-really sleepy right now, but could you go and tell Commander Hurricane that I have news for her? I'm s-so sorry, but my head feels so cold and I just want to rest." Cherry Blossom sighed and turned to the direction of her home. She started hovering to the entrance.

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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Syline stared at the unicorn, "You call what I have Harmony... Then consider this. Harmony is the byproduct of love, happiness, and faith, and is very strong. However, what I think you would call Disharmony is the byproduct of anger, lust, and rage. It is weaker than Harmony, and it is what Harmony will decay into if it were, say, weaponized. It also cannot stand up to Harmony, but cannot be completely obliterated, because there will always be spite, rage, and lust. If you weaponize it, you will find yourself waking up years later to a wasteland, you will not recognize yourself. This is a warning from the past," she looks saddend.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"I will pass on the message... it was really nice meeting you Cherry Blossom." Flame watched her fly off towards her house, Then turned and trotted into the Workshop. "Greylight ? are you here ?" He called. <She must have gone to the prison.> He thought, trotting back out the door then flying towards the Prison.

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After a few minutes of constant flying, Cherry Blossom finally made it to her home, but a thought flew through her head. She had still left her sneaking suit at the holding cells in Unicorn territory. Cherry Blossom decided to ignore it and took a bit of a warm cloud water shower.


Afterwards she went to bed.

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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Splinter had been walking, and walking, and walking. ''Okay, I'm really starting to doubt she is still in prison. I mean, unless those unicorns keep ponies like her in the mad house. I don't even know why ponies call it that! Cause most of the people in the mad house aren't even mad! Has anypony ever think about that! Why does nopony call it jail or prison!?'' Splinter yelled at himself. He then crashed face first into a wall. He removed his face from the wall and stared at the building carefully. ''I think this is where the unicorn's keep the mad hous- I mean prison!'' Splinter said.

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Syline stared at the unicorn, "You call what I have Harmony... Then consider this. Harmony is the byproduct of love, happiness, and faith, and is very strong. However, what I think you would call Disharmony is the byproduct of anger, lust, and rage. It is weaker than Harmony, and it is what Harmony will decay into if it were, say, weaponized. It also cannot stand up to Harmony, but cannot be completely obliterated, because there will always be spite, rage, and lust. If you weaponize it, you will find yourself waking up years later to a wasteland, you will not recognize yourself. This is a warning from the past," she looks saddend.


Wits frowned. "How am I supposed to use it, then? How am I supposed to unite the tribes with 'love, happiness, and faith'? One of them is always going to look out for themselves, and then they're going to try and kill each other! This could be the most powerful discovery EVER, but how... how do I use it...?"
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"You use it to help each other, to tolerate the disharmonic and love the harmonic. I have left you with enough to think about. The ritual Aelicine is almost set up; she does not trust you. If you have the faith to believe in me, however, she will liken to you."


Syline disappeared as Aelicine turned, "Come, faithless. It is ready."


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Wits was surprisingly grave as he approached. "All right..." he said. "Maybe your religion isn't as hokey as I thought. 'Course, I'm not about to get all worshipful, but its clear you are basing this off of significant evidence, so I think that I have more I can learn. What can I do to charge the ceremony?"

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Aelicine was drink water. Lots of water. So it took her a bit to respond, "You are going to bear the Northern candle. It would be stronger the have 4 candle bearers, but, as you can see, I do not have 4 ponies. Make sure you are standing directly north. If you stand to far west or east you will symbolize things that are not as strong as north. Do you have elemental affinity?"


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Not as such... I've always been split between fire and water, so I could probably be either if you need me to. How do the candles work, are they magical of themselves, or do they just amplify the powers already present?" In spite of himself, the ritual had peaked its interest. It was obviously some sort of magic, he just had to figure out what kind.

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"The candles hold incense that heighten the spirit. I will call upon water, for this ritual, flame is to stubborn, to passionate. Water heals, and water grows. Assume your position; the time for this ritual is here. I will not force you to draw blood, but if you will, it will strengthen the ritual. Also, I'd like you name."


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"I will pass on the message... it was really nice meeting you Cherry Blossom." Flame watched her fly off towards her house, Then turned and trotted into the Workshop. "Greylight ? are you here ?" He called. <She must have gone to the prison.> He thought, trotting back out the door then flying towards the Prison.


When Flame Dancer entered Martin was ordering ponies around.


"No, no, no... I need you to lay the frame for that new carriage prototype I designed!"


"But sir I've been working on a design for an improved saddle for eleven months now"


"Then why isn't it finished?!" Martin held his hooves up in exasperation "And you!" Martin pointed to another pony working on something in the workshop.


"Me?" the pony pointed to himself


"Yeah you. I need you to go test this spear in the wind tunnel and see how it flies" Martin held out a spear to him


"Uhh..." the pony looked behind Martin at the other pony he had been talking to who was now just crying in a corner. "Alright" he grabbed the spear and rolled his eyes, walking towards the wind tunnel.


This had been going on for the past few hours; ever since Greylight left Martin to himself. Martin caught a glance of a blue, yellow, and orange pegasus near the door, obviously looking for somepony "Excuse me, can I help you?" Martin said with a friendly smile to this new intruder.

  • Brohoof 1

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"I will pass on the message... it was really nice meeting you Cherry Blossom." Flame watched her fly off towards her house, Then turned and trotted into the Workshop. "Greylight ? are you here ?" He called. <She must have gone to the prison.> He thought, trotting back out the door then flying towards the Prison.


"That was awkward." Said Cumulus. "What were you two talking about? I have a tendancy to drift off, and I wasnt really paying attention to what you were saying while you were drooling all over that mare."


Captain Trench was enjoying his brake. And why shouldnt he? They were ready for anything. So let them come.


(Im really lost.)

  • Brohoof 2


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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"The candles hold incense that heighten the spirit. I will call upon water, for this ritual, flame is to stubborn, to passionate. Water heals, and water grows. Assume your position; the time for this ritual is here. I will not force you to draw blood, but if you will, it will strengthen the ritual. Also, I'd like you name."


"I am Wits End, son of Logical End," He pulled a small knife and made a quick scratch on his upper leg. "Using blood to draw from my life energy. Brilliant." Grinning like a child with a new toy, he followed her instruction and stood in the location that she had indicated was to belong to him.
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Flame looked at Cumulus. I do not Drool...... I look with much delight.

Now we need to find Greylight, She's probably at the prison questioning Flame Runner. He said flying towards the prison. Was I that noticeable ? Oh dear... I totally was. He thought, as a worried expression came over his face.

  • Brohoof 1

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(( A party, don't expect much ))


Aelicine stood in the center, "I call upon the power of the moon to my circle, acknowledge my request." The circle's lines glowed and the moonlight seemed to focus on the pavilion. "On my bond with you, I acknowledge the price," she said as the knife slid across her leg. She moaned, though through pain or pleasure it was impossible to tell. "I acknowledge the North, represented by Wits End, gifted with a talent for water and fire. I invoke his power over water to the circle; let it heal and mend. I invoke his power for fire, through flame the land is reborn. Wits has agreed to help my burden," her knife quickly cut his hoof: he didn't feel a thing. She pressed the cuts together and power rushed through both of them, "Syline hear my prayers. I know you have been busy as of late, but we ask of you another boon. Bless or land with bountiful harvest, give onto us the blessings of the earth. Syl here our prayer." The moonlight intensified, and focused into a single point, where a bush rapidly grew. It spread into a hedge, and the amount of shrubbery increased. The mysterious bush started popping up all over the Unicorn Kingdom. Aelicine cringed, and her grip loosened, then dropped entirely. The moonlight and circle disappeared unceremoniously, and she swayed side to sighed, "I have performed too many blood rituals as of late." She staggered off towards her home, going inside and drinking a thick fluid.

Edited by Dawnpath


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Wits frowned after the ritual was over. "Okay.. that was strange. Not bad strange, just... strange."


He started to walk back to headquarters. There, he had done Vinyl's request. Now all he had to do was make sure she didn't reneg on her end of the bargain. This new information could be vital, and he was now sure that Harmony was the key to the future.

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