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gaming Game moments that made you cry

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There are always thoes moments in some games that are sad... Even makes you shead a tear...


So be an applejack and be honest... We're there any games that were sad?



For me... As a kid... Starfox 64's true ending was kind of sad...

Fox sees his father guide him out of the explosion... Then he just disappears... Fox was looking around... For what did he see? What's that truly his father? "Nothing... Nothing's wrong"


But my most memoable sad ending to a game was sonic adventure 2,

Shadow and sonic need to save the world from the ARK... Shadow uses chaos controle and saves sonic and the ARK... But couldn't save himself... As he fell down to the planet, "Maria, this is what you wanted right? This is my promise I made to you"


As a kid... It was... Sad... Now your turn... What game made you cry/sad/ what ever



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Ever play Superman 64? DON'T!!!!!

That game will make you cry, not because it's so sad. Because it's absolutely the worst game that has ever been made! Do not waste your time and money going out and buying it, you will want to destroy everything around you when you play it..........

Edited by Red
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Nope, you what actually got to me? freaking, lavitz death. It's just amazing, how quickly a character can die and than be so easily forgotten in a game.



  • Brohoof 1

"Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa...

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2: When Grovyle leaves the present to go back to the future. Emotional soundtrack with it too.


The Walking Dead Game Episode 4: When you tell Clementine that you can't find her parents. Extremely heart-breaking.

Edited by Zeruis
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Let's see... Gears of War 2 where Dom's wife dies, MW2 where Ghost dies, MW when Price "dies," MW3 when soap dies, Halo Wars when Jorge dies, Halo Reach when the guy went down with the alien ship (can't remember his name) and every single moment a Carmine dies in GoW.

  • Brohoof 1


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Ghost's death in MW2

Dom's death in gears of war 3... except when it blew up again, i couldn't help but laugh (not evil, just the way it happened...twice)

both carmine deaths in gears of war series


Let's see... Gears of War 2 where Dom's wife dies, MW2 where Ghost dies, MW when Price "dies," MW3 when soap dies, Halo Wars when Jorge dies, Halo Reach when the guy went down with the alien ship (can't remember his name) and every single moment a Carmine dies in GoW.


the guy who went down with the ship was jorge...

Jorge: Covenant Battle Cruiser (bomb)

Kat: Sniped

Carter: Kamikaze

Jun: Possible death...

Emile: Stabbed, shot, cliff

Edited by Rainbow Dashey


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Pokemon mystery dungeon blue rescue team.

Good god, that game was the first.


Then kingdom hearts 358/2 days.


But who will i have ice cream with?



There are some seriously heart-wrenching games out there.

  • Brohoof 4

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Ghost's death in MW2

Dom's death in gears of war 3... except when it blew up again, i couldn't help but laugh (not evil, just the way it happened...twice)

both carmine deaths in gears of war series



the guy who went down with the ship was jorge...

Jorge: Covenant Battle Cruiser (bomb)

Kat: Sniped

Carter: Kamikaze

Jun: Possible death...

Emile: Stabbed, shot, cliff


Who am I thinking of in Halo Wars then? Cause I know that was a sad moment for me. Hated the game, but that moment just stood out for me


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Oh you.


You know harvest moon? You farm, harvest, have animals, etc?


Well I played it when I was very young.


Now I am known to get attached to nonexistent things, and got attached to my cow that I had.


I spent time don't other things, however, and one day, my cow died of hunger.


I ran into my big brother's room, crying.

I'm saying"kuyaaaaa My cow diiiieeeedddd Q_Q"

He had so much trouble keeping a straight face.


Crying about something like that, lol.

"Real life is just a crappy game."

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Who am I thinking of in Halo Wars then? Cause I know that was a sad moment for me. Hated the game, but that moment just stood out for me


I never personally purchased it but judging by the wiki it would be

John Forge

or Captain James Gregory Cutter.

Ring any bells?


There are too many sad scenes to list :(


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I never personally purchased it but judging by the wiki it would be

John Forge

or Captain James Gregory Cutter.

Ring any bells?


There are too many sad scenes to list :(


It was Forge. Cutter was the captain of the big Human ship. That's why I must've gotten them confused. Thanks for setting me straight
  • Brohoof 1


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Metal Gear Solid 3 and four for sure. Big Boss is one of my top five favorite video game characters of all time, when he.....it just made me sad. He reminds me of me, dark past, a badass, cool beard and smokes cigars. He's such a badass it's awesome.


I know I have more but I can't think of any at the moment....

  • Brohoof 2



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Seargent johnsons death in halo 3.

I honestly teared up when he said "send me out, with a bang"

it Just got to me for some reason.


then there is soap....you get the idea......


and finally all the storybook chapters rosalina read in super mario galaxy.



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OK, now I'm being honest (and not just trying to be some sort of macho-man tough guy :ph34r: ) when I say that none of these moments have actually made me cry, because I don't think any moment in a video game has yet moved me that much. However, these are the absolutely most touching, sad, emotional, and moving moments that I've ever seen in video games, and believe me, they have really moved me, just not to tears. :(


1) Dom's wife's death in Gears of War 2 (still one of the most shocking and emotional scenes that I've ever seen in a video game!)


2) Dom's death in Gears of War 3 (not quite as shocking as the aforementioned scene, but still really, really sad)


3) Kat's death in Halo: Reach (don't get me wrong, the other Noble team members' deaths were sad, but hers was the only one that actually took me completely off guard; my jaw seriously dropped open when she got sniped and stayed that way for the rest of the scene. Considering that the player is supposed to go into this game expecting most if not all of Noble Team to die, the fact that even just one of those deaths actually caught me off guard is quite impressive.)


4) Tali's discovery of her dead father in Mass Effect 2 (definitely my favorite teammate mission, and also my favorite teammate in general, this scene was incredibly moving; to see such a normally steady, upbeat, and confident character as Tali just completely break down, as well as Shepard's comforting of her (although that really was my move B) ), made this an especially special moment in ME2)


5) Sergeant Johnson's death in Halo 3 (OK, this might be the only one that actually prompted some moisture to condense in my eyes; another completely shocking death, and it just absolutely was a punch in the gut to me, especially considering we were, well, so very close to finishing the fight, and you can tell in the scene that it was just as much of a punch to the gut to the Chief as well. To lose one of the few very close friends and comrades that he had left was absolutely devastating to him, Cortana, and, frankly, the player as well, at least if he/she is a fan of the story line).


Now, never fear everypony, because there are actually a couple of sad moments in games that are really sad happy moments, in a way, at least that come to my mind:


1) Tali and Shepard's romance scene in ME2 (Now, I haven't played ME3 yet, so no spoilers about what happens everypony!!! With that said, this clinched Tali's place as being officially my favorite teammate in the Mass Effect series; unlike many of the other romance scenes, this scene was not driven at all by any sexual tension. Instead, it was quite tender, sweet, and emotional, and a wonderful climax for two great characters after two great games of developing a very close relationship with each other. Tali, I choose you any day of the week! :wub: )


2) Master Chief and Cortana's reunion in Halo 3 (fantastically quiet and subtle moment in a series not generally known for its quiet and subtle moments, this was a great scene and a great way to reunite one of my favorite duos in any fictional piece of work)


3) The final scene of Halo 3 (this was a very somber but also satisfying and peaceful way to end one of the greatest trilogies of all time in video game history; a wonderfully satisfying way to finish the fight, at least, that particular fight. Halo 4, here we come!!!!!!! B) )


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Been the shooter nut I am, I have witnessed the death of many main characters. The most shocking death for me was Soap in MW3, I owned both MW1 and MW2 (Which my parents forced me to sell) so I got to know the characters and it was just so unexpected! I didn't shed a tear but I do fondly remember been in shock because I never thought in a million years that Infinity Ward would kill Soap. Other then Soaps death Rabits death from MOH was quite sad as well.

Edited by RainbowDashRulez
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You mean, actual tears and stuff? I've had some dewy-eyed moments, but never bawled at a video game. So I guess that'll have to do.


Hmm...I remember I got that way near the end of Xenosaga I when KOS-MOS is trying to escape from the Proto Merkabah to the Elsa as it blows up, and Shion and Ziggy manage to save her. Also a few times in Final Fantasy IX when the mysterious actor who looked like Marcus revealed himself as Zidane, alive and well after all as he reunited with Dagger. And in X my first time through, when Tidus had to leave his friends.


I think those were the only times. ^^

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Being just the way they are..."

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I wouldn't say I cried necessarily during all of these, but these games did get to me in one way or another. It goes without saying, but major spoilers are contained herein.



Xenosaga when you find out why Albedo's insane. While Episode II may have ushered in some different voice actors, that childhood scene still managed to strike an emotional chord when dealing with the subject matter of someone who cannot die and the thought of him having to watch his friends die of old age or other various things while he lived on, unable to die himself. Slowly, that drives him mad and turns him into the crazy psycho we know in Episode I. He was the last person I ever thought I would sympathize in that series, especially after those creepy scenes between him and MOMO in Episode I. Kudos to the development team for pulling that one off, because I don't know if even I could have done it.


Final Fantasy VI (that's 6, not 7). There is a scene that is often overlooked in this game, but its impact still lingers even to this day. That is the cliff scene with Celes. Here's the setup. Celes is a former General in the Empire, who was stripped of her rank and was set to be tortured to death the following day, when Locke saved her. Eventually, the two form a bond, until Kefka puts doubts in Locke's mind about where Celes' loyalties really lie. Then, he destroys the world. After the destruction, Celes wakes up in a run down house, where a sickly Cid is watching over her. But as he says, he doesn't have long to live, and the first time you play the game, he will probably die. This triggers a disturbingly sad scene that leads to Celes literally attempting to commit suicide, when she thinks everyone else is dead and she has nobody left. Of course, she survives and finds Locke's bandanna, showing her that he might still be alive out there and giving her the motivation to keep living in the hopes that he'll turn up. But you will be sad when you realize that you can actually save Cid and prevent the whole suicide attempt. If you feed him the right fish, he'll recover. After you learn this, you will feel guilty that he died when you actually had control over it. That is what makes this a sad scene.


Metal Gear Solid 4 has so many sad scenes, that I can scarcely list them all. And I mean that. So I'd say that the whole game is a sad moment (at least everything after Act I). But it's also one of the best written stories you'll see in a video game. The ending with Big Boss is in my opinion, one of the greatest moments in video game history, and has a score that matches its epicness. And part of why it's so great is because of how sad it is. I read somewhere that Kojima wanted the game to be a tear jerker, and I guarantee you that is what you will think it is if you play through this one.


Mother 3 (the sequel to Earthbound) is another game that is a big gigantic sad moment. Hinawa's death in the beginning is sudden and doesn't hold back, while sunflowers become more common afterward. Then, you wind up in control of a monkey that is constantly abused for an entire chapter. Afterward when you get control of Lucas, you eventually end up having to pull seven needles to awaken a dragon to save the world. Well, this masked man has also been pulling needles, and at the end turns out to be Lucas' brother, Claus, who was thought to have died in Chapter 1. Hinawa's spirit eventually reaches Claus during the final battle, and he is snapped out of the mind control. Overwhelmed with guilt for everything he's done, he fires a lightning bolt at Lucas' Franklin Badge, which is reflected back at him, killing him. Lucas is forced to watch as Claus literally commits child suicide.


If that isn't enough, Lucas still has to pull the final needle. Lucas has had a harsh life. His mother was killed when he was 10, likely in front of him. He watched as his entire home town turned against him and made him an outcast because he wouldn't buy a Happy Box. And on top of that, he was forced to fight his own brother, and watch him die, unable to do anything about it. Griefstricken, he pulls the final needle, and does the unthinkable. He triggers the end of the world. Or does he? The game ends ambiguously, so it's largely open to interpretation about what's really happening at the 'End?' screen. I have my own theories, but with no sequel planned, I doubt we'll get an official answer about it. That in and of itself, is depressing.



So that's four. There are many more that I could get into, but I think that's good for now.

  • Brohoof 1

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Well, I can't remember myself crying when playing games, but there were some moments in 3 games, that almost made me cry.

First 2 sad moments are endings of: The legend of spyro Eternal night and Dawn of the dragon. I think that if there wasn't the sign of good ending in DotD after credits, I would propably cry.

Another moments are from Suikoden II - there were many sad moments, but for example: finding Pilika in the burned village, returning of Jowy to Muse after the spy mission and of course the ending.

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The end of the Fallout 3 good karma ending. That part at the end with the picture of you as a child with your dad always gets me. It gets me thinking about everything sacrificed for the wasteland, and the baby music that plays with it definitely doesn't help stop the manly tears.


The ending of Mafia 2. "Sorry kid, Joe wasn't part of our deal." Quite possibly one of the saddest moments in video game history.


Oh, and when you first meet Giga-Robo in the game, Chibi-Robo. So sad... :(


Chibi-Robo meets Giga-Robo:


Edited by Urdnot Shepard
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