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gaming Game moments that made you cry

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games that made me cry? well lets start this list,

1. CoD4 when Price "dies"

2. when Ghost dies...

3. when Soap dies

4. when Doms wife dies,

5.when Dom sacrificed himself, <made me cry

6. when Marcus's dad dies <made me cry

7.when Sgt.Forge sacrifices himself,

8.when Jorge Tosses you to live,

9.when Emile died, i mean it was sad but God that man didn't give up!

10. Fallout 3 when you finally see your father, and then have him die before your eyes,

11.splinter cell the fake Death of "Sarah" his daughter

12. assassin's creed, Ezio's untimely demise of old age to death,

13. mass effect choosing between Ashley and Kiaden that was hard,

14. more of the choosing between who lives and who dies in that game,

15. the ending made me cry, cause well it wasn't what i expected,

16. Medal of honor that game had some sad moments that made me cry


there have been millions of games in my life that i have played but still the moments that make you cry, you then realize that the game is truly wonderful if it can make you cry, and see that life is beautiful




Amelia Monicle

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The end of Metal Gear Solid 3 does it for me all the time.



Not just the death of the Boss, but when you find out the truth about her at the

very end and even EVA is holding back tears as she tells you the truth. . . that

always gets me.



I haven't played MGS4 yet (I has no Playstaion 3) so I had to duck every single time I noticed everyone posting the spoliers. I know it's an old game now, but duuuuudddeeeesssssssss!

  • Brohoof 2

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There's two scenes that always gets me crying no matter how many times I play through them, and those are Emma's death in Metal Gear Solid 2, and The Boss's death in Metal Gear Solid 3.


Emma's death is just such an intense scene, and it's brilliantly written and directed.

Even after one of the biggest emotional moments in this scene get interrupted, it still carries on with Otacon coping with his sudden loss.


The Boss's death in MGS3 was another incredibly intense one because after she opens up to Snake and gets defeated, she asks Snake to shoot her with her own gun.

At this point in the scene, it gives the player control, and I honestly couldn't pull the trigger... So Snake pulled it for me.


This part of the game is so amazingly written because it takes the idea of The Boss being your main enemy, then completely turns it around by having her talk about her life through Snake to the player, so it makes the player feel like they're killing someone that they've known for their entire life rather than them just killing another character.

I think the most brilliant part about the ending is when EVA tells Snake about The Boss. I cried with Snake during his salute.


If I ever had the honor of meeting Hideo Kojima, I'd have to congratulate and thank him for making such an amazing series.

Edited by JayBee
  • Brohoof 1

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Silent Hill 2: Mary's letter makes me cry EVERY DAMN TIME. Also the god AWFUL HD re-release...


Dragon Age Origins: The Witch Hunt DLC endings.


The Darkness 2: False ending, where you dance with Jenny.

"The oldest and Strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown"

-H.P. Lovecraft

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If any has played Mass Effect 2 onwards you and if you've invested so much time and emotion the characters (particularly below) then it becomes really gut wrenching to see them... Well you know~



"Look upon me, Equestria, for I am Rarity!"

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I can remember 3 moments from three different games that made me shed tears...


Metal Gear Solid 2 (Plant)

This is the first game to make me feel so emotional that I shed tears. Because of this happening quite some time ago, my memory of the moment is rather vague, but I'll do my best to remember it to the best of my ability. The moment was...


Emma's death. As soon as she was stabbed by Vamp, everything just got progressively more depressing. Rock bottom hit when her brother Otacon saw her. He hadn't gotten along with her, and he hadn't seen her in a long time. It was a big shock for him to see his sister again after a long time in the state she was in. She was dying, and the quiet conversation they had during this time was very personal; very emotional. A minute or two later, Emma had finally drew her last breath and her head sank in Otacon's hands. He couldn't stop crying. It was too intense to handle, so to my amazement, I cried.






LittleBigPlanet 2

A 2-Part musical movie made by the PSN user Destiny_Waits. has allegedly made many cry, including me.


Part 1 introduced us to the characters and developed a strong friendship between them, especially the boy and the dog. The dog was living on his own on the streets, not loved by anyone. One day, he bumps into a boy who sees that the dog has gone through a ruff time (see what I did there?). He takes him in as his pet, and through the rest of part 1 he builds his friendship with him. Part 2, however, is the icing on the cake. The boy's dad didn't know that his son had taken in this dog, and once he found the dog, he chased him off into the forest. When the boy goes to check on the dog, he is not there. He gets worried and confronts his dad about it, who then tells him that he chased him off. The boy has an outburst and runs away to find his pet. He looks deep into the forest, but still hasn't found his dog. His journey stopped at a river. A bunch of birds came from behind and pushed the boy into the river. The dog then reaches the river and sees the boy going downstream, drowning. He jumps in and tries to push him to safety. Then the dad comes along and sees the two drowning in the river. He manages to pull up the boy, but not the dog. The dog is then seen struggling to swim, which pretty much confirms that he dies. The crying began here. The boy was so upset that the dog wasn't saved as well. So for the next few days, his depression increases with memories of the dog; of them playing together, looking after each other. The dad faired no better. He kept trying to cheer his son up, but to no avail. He felt guilty about not saving the dog. But, one day, during dinner time, the dad's meal was missing. A path of dog tracks could be seen heading towards the fridge. Unbelievably, hiding behind the fridge door was the dog. He was alive! And the tears slowly started to stop..




Corpse Party

This happened about a week ago.


Whilst Naomi was lying in bed healing her damaged leg, she had a dream with her now deceased friend Seiko (who hung herself, possibly due to an argument between the two earlier). She was speaking with her. Seiko didn't want to die. She had so much to live her. Most of the sadness is only understandable if you've followed these two girls' story, and the thing that made me cry was probably the way Seiko died. Naomi was feeling guilty about not being able to apologise to Seiko, which makes her feel like Seiko's reason for hanging herself was because of this. It really is hard to explain, sorry. But it did make me cry, as well as the LP'er playig it.






The Walking Dead (Episodes 1-5)

I don't even wanna go into detail about this game. It's just so good, and the ending just... just did me in... so bad...

Edited by LMW-YBC
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The ending of Final Fantasy X almost got me. The ending of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days came pretty close as well. Never all the way, though.

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For me, it was Skyward Sword. 'Nuff said.


That part where Fi has to return into the Master sword....I was getting all teary eyed, and especially when she said that their adventures together were 'one of the most precious data I have on record'. That made me bawl my eyes out. Also, is Fi really Navi? But anyways, it made me cry...the whole ending did, really. But it was an awesome game no doubt.



...I cried even more when I decided to choose Hero Mode (I thought it would just add some features to my file) and then realizing it deleted my whole file....but one day I'll rebeat the game. I was fun, either way. I wish Fi didn't have to gooo.....sooooo saaaad....

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The ending of Kingdom Hearts 2... I cried so much that night I finished the game. All the feels!! The ending cinematic and credits when everyone has a happy ending made me very emotional.


Also cried a little bit when playing Heavy Rain at the end

"The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. Good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant."

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Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days:



The death of Xion was a deep stab in my heart, made me tear up like a 5 year old cutting onions.




Silent Hill



Like a goddamn idiot i got the bad+ ending and Cheryl died on me, damn, i felt like an idiot.




The Walking Dead:



The death of Duck and Katjaa was something that really got me sad since i had a tight bond with the Kenny's family.




And i can't remember much else.

Edited by The Milkman

"We will, we will rock you" - Kurt Cobain (2003)

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uh...game moments that made cry


well...one is in Okami, i mean Waka gets blasted away, you have to fight Yami slowly to get back your Brush God powers, when you finally beat him, Amaterasu then sees her friend (and the helper character in the game) Issun who asks to do one of her victory howls, but then it turns out you didn't defeat him and attacks you, is able to destroy the other Brush Gods and render you powerless but then...Issun does this...tells everyone through his paintings about Ammy and tells them to pray to her in order to help her which ultimately restores her to full power and restores the other gods too...and don't get me started on the music!!!


and then the Sequel Okamiden there are two parts that made me cry of sadness while the other out of joy. The first one is after you go 100 years back in time to stop Akuro from bathing in Orochi's blood to become unstoppable but fail due to one of your Allies turning on you, Akuro tries to kill everyone by causing giant rocks to fall but are saved by Shiranui who is Chibiterasu's grandfather (Chibi is also Amaterasu's son) who had already suffered from injuries is taken to Kamiki village where Akuro attacks again but everyone is once again Shiranui but dies soon afterwords.


the last one is at the very end...oh sweet Celestia...this one makes me bawl...Kurow...one of the partners of Chibi betrays him after learning about his true destiny and wanted to avoid it, but after multiable boss battles he relizes that what he did was wrong embraces his destiny along with with revealing that he was a created cloned living doll of Waka to become a vessal for Akuro and to trap him which Kurow but then orders Chibi and Kuni (another partner of Chibi) to kill him and in doing so will kill Akuro which they relunctly do...while Akuro's death is immediete, Kurow's is more slow so that he could have last words with the friends he made...i'll let the scene speak for itself....


now...please excuse me...i need to go find some tissues... :(

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  • 4 months later...

The ending of Conker's Bad Fur Day. The whole game was for the most-part upbeat and happy, but the very end got so dark and depressing and it totally came out of left field. Although it didn't really make me cry, the only games that has done that to me so far was The Walking Dead.

Edited by TheSteampunkNinja (TSN)


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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Also when someone hacked my acc and deleted all of my characters but my main - he just left the arena team with me and stole my money.

Edited by Cocodrillo

Try to try again

To see yourself again from time to time.

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The fate of Emma Emmerich in Metal Gear Solid 2.

I got just a bit teary eyed at the ending of Persona 3.

The ending of The Walking Dead really got me.

Mother 3. Pretty much everything dealing with Claus was sad but that ending was too much for me to take sad.png


There may have been some more games on the older side but I can't remember at this moment.

Edited by Cota
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The end of The Walking Dead game when...


Kenny died, saving Ben. Lee Died and Clementine held his hand.



I have also cried in Mass Effect 2 when...


During FemShep's Thane romance Thane said, "So be alive with me tonight."


And 3 when...


Mordin died while curing the Genophage



And then also in Red Dead Redemption when...


John Marston died...



Oh yeah there was also this one time in the game Radiata Stories when...


Ridley is killed by Aphelion at the end of the Human Path.



My point being, I've cried at severall video games, yes. Don't judge, I'm an emotional person lol

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Metal Gear Solid 3

The whole fight with The Boss at the end is so tragic.Then when you beat her and she tells Big Boss to kill her...Christ,I always take a super long time pulling the trigger.I didn't want to kill her.Then you got the whole ending and the story behind The Boss defecting to the USSR and how,in the end,she had to be labeled a war criminal despite being the ultimate hero.I actually still do a salute whenever I see Big Boss doing so.It just feels weird not do that now for me.

Metal Gear Solid 4

The only sad part of the entire game for me was when Snake reconciled with Big Boss.Big Boss is my favorite character,and to see him finally realize what The Boss wanted and then die right on her grave...makes me sad everytime I think about it.

The Walking Dead

The whole damn series was amazing and I never felt more attached to characters before I played this game.Which made the final episode much harder to go through with.Between Ben dying,Kenny redeeming himself saving Ben from a buncha' zombies,Lee getting bit,and Clementine kidnapped,it was probably the most emotional I've ever gotten during any sort of ficiton,be it game,book,or show.Then when Lee finally sccumbs to the bite and then telling Clem that she needs to kill him...closest I ever came to crying during a game.Just for all that to happen,and Clem has to kill Lee with her own two hands? T_T When Lee said "I'll miss you",I thought I was gonna bawl for the entire day.



In the final decision you make for the game,you can choose to either stop the villian to save the world and kill everybody who has potential for superpowers or become a monster to save the world and kill everybody who doesn't have potential for superpowers.Take the latter option,and you are forced to kill Cole's best bro,Zeke.The whole build-up,music,atmosphere,and the fact that you have to electrocute Zeke yourself...it was like The Boss all over again,except with a chubby dude.


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I wouldn't say cry, but a couple games made me feel pretty emotional. Thes games being all made by Capcom. 3rd and 4th Ace Attorney games, and Ghost Trick. I loved Ghost Trick so much, i can't even remember which part of the game made me feel sad, it was probably somewhere near the end. Now, whenever i listen to any of the Capcom recollection or reminiscence tracks I start to sadden. They were that good.

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Tears of disappointment when I played Pokemon Black/White.


Tears of joy when I made TaliShep happen on Mass Effect 2.


Tears of sadness when Samara died in ME2. (for me)


More tears of disappointment when I lost The Game.

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Oh boy... I've actually shed tears in on many games actually. Well, here's some of them at least:
Final Fantasy VII


I was very sad when Aeris died, though the sadness soon turned to anger which I unleashed on Jenova.



Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Blue & Sky - Both endings made me cry. Heck both games are quite emotional. (I'm so excited about the new Mystery Dungeon.)




I cried a lot when Sue left. It was a very sad and touching scene.



Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3


I shed quite a few tears when Soap actually died.


  • Brohoof 2

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I don't think I've ever had a video game make me cry. Unless out of frustration counts... when I was, like, 8 years old...


I will say, though, that the entire game of Mother 3 is just, like, really heartrending. So much of the game is just sad, and the ending is downright depressing. Even the beginning of the game is depressing. Like, seriously, it's just a depressing game. It's amazing, but it's so sad.

maudpie_zpsh8n7erzx.png You're the most basic of jokes.

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Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Blue & Sky - Both endings made me cry. Heck both games are quite emotional. (I'm so excited about the new Mystery Dungeon.)

This. Chunsoft knows how to make someone cry.


It is even worse that throughout the entire game, you get to know your partner so well that you can even get attached to them in real life. Then, when you go back to the human world (Red/Blue Rescue Team) or cease to exist (Time/Darkness/Sky) it just really gets you going. And then, when you start to feel a bit better, your partner just breaks down on the beach, and it gets you teared up yet again!



Talk about cruel, those games just keep hitting you until there's nothing left!

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Although I didn't really get attached to his character, when Connor lost his mother in AC3 I cried. It was so tragic how he had to leave her in the fire! 

Now, I didn't play The Walking Dead (although I want to so badly), but I did watch playthroughs of it online and the ending tugged on my heartstrings. 

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