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Ask Kolth (The Most Semi-Interesting Guy in the World)

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Yeah, it doesn't make a heap of sense to me either. But it's pretty good gameplay!

And BACON YES. I apologize for planning to kill you via cake.


Huh. Sounds like fun, I suppose. I do like RPing so even if it is a tad... confusing, at least it's interesting! :D


Mwa ha ha ha ha! As long as I have my Canadian Bacon, all shall fall before me! I shall rule the world! Or, at the very least, Kolth. Ahem, anyway, apology accepted! Though now we have to choose a new flavor... Chocolate?

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Huh. Sounds like fun, I suppose. I do like RPing so even if it is a tad... confusing, at least it's interesting! :D


Mwa ha ha ha ha! As long as I have my Canadian Bacon, all shall fall before me! I shall rule the world! Or, at the very least, Kolth. Ahem, anyway, apology accepted! Though now we have to choose a new flavor... Chocolate?


Chocolate sounds delicious and not poison-y. And mind sharing some o' that bacon? :wub:

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O. M. G. That is amazing! Congratulations! Such exciting news!!! I'm so proud of you, Kolth!!! Look how many exclamation marks I'm using!!!!! :D


Suddenly, exclamation marks.


Thousands of them.


And thank ya' kindly! :wub:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yo Kolth, watcha think 'bout the CMC? 


This is so weird. I was JUST about to click on this thread when you replied. Funny how things work out.


The CMC are three of the best characters in the show, by far. Scootaloo used to be my favorite of them, but after One Bad Apple Sweetie Belle stole my heart.


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This is so weird. I was JUST about to click on this thread when you replied. Funny how things work out.


The CMC are three of the best characters in the show, by far. Scootaloo used to be my favorite of them, but after One Bad Apple Sweetie Belle stole my heart.


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  • 1 month later...

Hey Kolth. Who are your 3 favorite Mane 6 and your 3 favorite background ponies?

Is that avatar a drawing of yours?

And finally, what was the toughest story or writing project you ever did?


*blinks* Woah, totally thought this thread was dead.  :lol:


Oh no, a favorites list. These are so hard...


Mane 6: Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie

BG Ponies (really? Only three?  :( ): Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, Lyra


Nah, the avatar was drawn by @Silverwisp the Bard for an RP. I WISH I could draw that well...


Hmm. Well, writing-wise, the hardest one was Shattered Memories. That was because I was twelve and everyone thought I was an adult, so I felt a lot of pressure to write a really good story. I might pick that one up again sometime...

Plot-wise, definitely On the Tales of Solar Winds. I'm still trying to understand it myself!  ;)

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Is my signature pic too big? I do like it, but I feel its a bit distracting...

Also finished "Shadow of the Hegemon" (currently bidding on  "Puppets" online) and stoked as hell. :wub:


I like it! It is different from most of the signature art on this site, so it is a welcome deviation from the norm.


I'm glad you like it! It'll become one of those series that you tell other fans of science fiction they need to read.

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Kolth, just for fun what do you think of the following ponies?


-Dr. Whooves

-Twilight Sparkle

-King Sombra



-Zecora (even though she's not a pony)


Dr. Whooves

    In the show, he's just another BG "Where's Waldo?" type of pony. But as far as fanon goes, he is one of my favorites. I haven't seen as much Dr. Who as I really should have by now, but all of the Ask Doctor tumblr's and Doctor/Derpy shipfics make me wish I had BBC. Or cable, for that matter. 


Twilight Sparkle

    Twilight is really hit-or-miss with me. At times I love her, her personality, and everything she does, and other times I cringe whenever she comes in. Take the Running of the Leaves, for example. Maybe it is because I'm a runner, but the entire time I was wishing she would just. Drop. Out. But she's also a lot like me (intelligent and socially-awkward, namely) so I can relate to many of her issues.


King Sombra







    I need to read Anthropology. I have a Lyra shirt hanging up in my closet. Every shipfic she is in, she is hilarious. One of my favorite BG ponies.



    Definitely an interesting character; Bridle Gossip remains one of my favorite episodes. Her rhyming is creative and, to me, never gets old. And watching fanfic writers try to force rhymes is always a hoot.  :P

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  • 1 month later...

What's worse:

Ridiculously OP alicorn OC or a first person "Human gets transported/ponified and falls in love with (insert Mane Six member)"?

Also, what's your favourite Lovecraft story?


...egads. That's like picking whether to take a shotgun or an acid-filled squirt gun to the face. Neither option is preferable. But if I really had to choose, it would by the alicorn. At the very least, the alicorn could lose his/her powers, sacrifice his/her wings, etc and become "normal." Human shipfics are just lame.


Unless they involve me.




I have about three Lovecraft anthologies I still need to read...but thus far, I really like the third story in the movie Necronomicon. I just looked it up and it is called "Whispers", though I don't believe there is an actual Lovecraft-written story exactly like this. But it has the horror and the protagonist-gone-insane-in-the-end Lovecrafty goodness, so it is awesome in my book.


Again, if I had to pick, one of the first stories of Lovecraft's that I read was The Dunwich Horror. Anything involving the Dreamlands is good, as is anything where the protagonist goes insane.

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