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Most interesting thing about you!

Thermonuclear Kitten

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Hey guys!
The most interesting thing about me is that my eye changes color based on my geographical position!

I mean they change complete Color, not just a little tint. 


Also, I am absurdly good at predicting and impersonation. 

I just need to know a little and BAM!

Edited by Shadow Elecktra
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I'd say my weird, child-like personality. I will admit that I am quite weird, my personality is kinda odd and I know I come off as awkward at times, but as a result, I think I am able to appreciate the simple things and I get really passionate about things I like. :)

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Back when I was a kid... well, a younger kid... I always wanted to be tall. Y'see, I'm half Asian, so I thought I was destined to be really short. My whole family (except for my dad) is really short. I was like 5'3" as a 13-year-old. Then suddenly, BOOM! At fourteen I was 5'8", and I'm still growing. Now I'm 5'11", and I'm concerned that I'm getting too tall...

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Most interesting thing about me?


Well, real life me, nothing much except that I tend to beat games with a story line multiple times and still never get bored of them. That and I've written a whole series of fan fictions in two notebooks, totaling fifteen fan-fics in the two notebooks.


What's interesting about my OC, Kronos, is that despite being of royal heritage, he's still humble and is willing to do the remedial work of a servant as long as he feels that he has a purpose. He believes that he is a soldier first before a prince.

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The way I see the world is probably the most interesting thing about me. It's different -- "crazy" even. It's a part of me that I only share with people I know who will either understand, agree, or won't judge. Suffice it to say, there's not that many people. That isn't to say that I don't drop hints here and there, though, haha.

Edited by Jaxsie
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Hmmmm.... I guess it would be that I am from Iceland. That would be the most interesting thing about me  :diamondtiara:



Maybe also that my eyes, that are really dark brown, tend to look like they are completely black, IDK :T.

Oh and I am really short for a Icelander. We Icelanders tend to be one of the tallest people in Europe, but I, unfortunately, can not state that I have Giant blood running in me. I'm about 176 cm :c


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I have a great spatial memory. I can visualize most things that iv'e remembered with keen accuracy. I'll have an easier time remembering where exactly I've seen a written passage than what's written in it.

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probably...hmmm....goodness, most of the things I usually find unique about me are incredibly common here in the forums o_O




Okay, probably that I'm extremely weird o_o




I once accidentally went on an 18 hour road trip just because I thought it would be fun to go to a random bus and stay till the end. (I ended up insanely far from my city with nothing on me but my wallet and my phone)


I once jumped over an 8ft tall wall that enclosed my school just so I could buy my favorite bubblegum.


recently, I made an omelette out of a bit of everything in my fridge just to know what it would taste like, It include bits of pizza, bacon, orange slices, a hotdog, pieces of spam,  and fish....also a table spoon of protein powder o-O


there are much more moments of course but these are just the ones that come to mind...




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The first: I am extremely tall at 6'7"!


The second: I used to be a pro wrestler.


The third: I am trans and currently in the process of turning into a lady. 



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I'm the founder of POGM a group of small time YouTube gamers working together to get popular...

Well I do it for fun of it.


I tend to make up songs on the spot, so half of my words during the day is related to talking and the other half part of a song I had just made up.

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I am an interesting person I suppose.


1. My personality is just... Not easily explained. I'm like a kidult... Like a mix of a kid and an adult. I'm childlike at times, but I'm also fairly mature.

2. I am a transgender, though I would just appear to be a nerdy guy. I'm more like a nerdy girl than anything else. But I try to keep my public appearances (at the moment) like my sex only because of the fact that society oppresses my kind.

3. I am 99% sure I have Asperger's Syndrome. Not 100% because I do not and probably will not end up getting any sort of professional aid with it. The more I've seen about it, the more sure I am of it. I have a majority of the symptoms.

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One of the most interesting things about me is my memory.  I can remember numbers extremely easily, and can memorize long strings of numbers such as pi without much effort.  However, when people talk to me, I sometimes have trouble remembering everything that they say, and am especially horrible at remembering people's names.

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All of the mobile joints in my body are hypermobile (double jointed). It's most obviously visible in my hands, but my knees and elbows go about 20 degrees farther than they really should. Don't click if squeamish.




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I'm pretty dang dull but I would like others here say my eyes. I have a variant of Heterochromia called Central Heterochromia which gives me two colors on each eye. Like this (Not my eye I can't get a good pic :\)






All of the mobile joints in my body are hypermobile (double jointed). It's most obviously visible in my hands, but my knees and elbows go about 20 degrees farther than they really should. Don't click if squeamish.




......That looks so painful >< What does it feel like?

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