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What do you think is a brony's greatest fear/weakness?


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That doesn't exactly speak for every single brony...


And so I can't speak for anyone else, but I think a brony's greatest fear would be for MLP to end/die out.


For me, though, my greatest fear is obviously for AJ to still be basically having as much personality as a background pony--which is technically already happening.

  • Brohoof 5
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well any closet or partial closet bronies greatest fear is being revealed to friends and family, and a open bronies fear is being shunned by everyone and losing all social integrity
  • Brohoof 6
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I believe the biggest fear would be that of the show ending and then every pony related thing on the internet just going away. This would mean the fourms, the fanfics, the art, and the episodes on Youtube. This is my greatest fear, it takes up even more space than that of everyone finding out and shunning me for it.

  • Brohoof 2
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In a real life setting, a brony's fear would most likely be that they wasted however so many years of their lives to the dedication of this show.


In a fantasy setting, the greatest fear would be being shunned by their favorite pony or all ponies.

Edited by XrosOver
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Im not really that afraid of the show ending, because the community will surely live on.

What i am afraid of is waking up one day, and realising mlp was a dream, and never even existed.


There are no mlpforums, there is no equestria daily, there is no /mlp/. All my folders with pony reactions - cute, angry, happy, sad and confused... Its all gone. Pinkie Pie's randomness which allways made me laugh, the adorable Fluttershy that just melts my heart.... All the happy moments i had both watching the show and discussing it with the rest of the community. Everything was just a lie.

And now that i know of this beauty, i am returned into the cold, real world, and im forced to live the rest of my life without it...


Its really a terrifying thought...

  • Brohoof 2
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The show ending is my greatest fear as a brony, but people thinking that all bronies clop would be pretty scary. I couldn't Imagine people calling me a creep because I was a brony, just because they thought all bronies clop...*shudder* I'd have to become a stealth brony :ph34r: , right now a lot of people know I watch MLP and it's not a big deal, but if...THAT became the image when people thought of bronies, I'd lose a lot of reputation in school. I could explain to my family, but that's still a long shot (my brother is a anti-brony person). I hope that doesn't happen. :huh:

  • Brohoof 1
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My greatest fear as a brony is not the show ending, but backwards progression. The show would live on to another several seasons, but revert back to what it was pre-G4. *cringes at thought of old Rainbow Dash*

  • Brohoof 1
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So here's some that I think would make a brony lose love and tolerance.


1. Media defaming bronies (Howard Stern and Fox news)

2. G1, G2, G3 MLP

3. Cloppers becoming the representatives of bronies


Definitely none of these, because they don't make any sense to me as fears or as possible events. For one thing, "love and tolerate" is an already dated tongue-in-cheek thing that few of us say anymore--good advice though it is, if taken seriously. No legitimate media outfit would bother to defame us, just the sleazy ones who like bashing things more than reporting news (Stern and FOX, lol). Just because we like the new MLP is not a reason to like or dislike the old versions, and certainly I don't find them bad enough to spark contempt among a nice group of people like us. Finally, how or why would active cloppers ever be appointed to "represent" the fandom? They're not bad guys who want to take over bronydom and make it look bad. They're fans of the show just like you who also think the ponies are hot. This is really not as big a deal as it's made out to be. Ask a room full of honest people to raise their hands if they've ever been sexually attracted to an animated character, and you'll see a lot of arms going up.


I agree with Tol'Satha; the worst thing would be if the show had never existed at all. But that's not possible either, and even if it goes downhill somehow we've got two seasons of awesomeness and counting that can never be taken from us.


I really can't think of anything that's flat-out bad about being a brony. It's all been great for me.

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A brony's greatest fear? Well, I don't believe we have any weaknesses as we stand united and strong. But a brony's greatest fear would definitely be the show ending or becoming really bad and that the fandom is going to die. If either on of those happens, a brony wouldn't really have a reason to stay at any pony-related site anymore and probably move on.

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Aside from obvious answers like the show getting cancelled or media slander, one of mine is that one day some random soccer mom finds out about us, instantly freaks out and assumes we're all pedophiles without doing anymore research on the subject (as is typical soccer mom behavior) and starts actively campaigning against us with heavy mindless rallies. Don't underestimate them, these bitches can truly have power in numbers regardless of how utterly stupid they can and tend to be.


Also, I guess another fear would be getting assaulted one day just for being a brony, I've heard of this type of crap going down.

  • Brohoof 1
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Not a fear but my biggest concerns are people making the assumption that we're all cloppers. I've already had to explain myself a few times to friends and explain to them that for me (and I'm quite sure most other bronies) its not a sexual thing.

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A brony's greatest fear?


Well, I know my biggest fear as a brony is what will I do after the show ends, because honestly I don't know, and not knowing kills me sometimes. Though in general it would probably be public humiliation for being a brony, 'cause you know, nobody likes that.


But then again I can't speak for everyone, nor can anyone, so it's just an assumption.

Edited by Definitely not River
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So here's some that I think would make a brony lose love and tolerance.


1. Media defaming bronies (Howard Stern and Fox news)

2. G1, G2, G3 MLP

3. Cloppers becoming the representatives of bronies


to your points:


1. that is just their job, I just trust the people to not get too much influenced by it... and if they are, you can still explain... or at least try

2. that were fromer generations, I really can´t compare that to what we have now (because of my age, too)

3. cloppers are just bronies like you and me. If they feel sexually attracted to ponies from the show that is a feeling I can´t understand, but I would never dare to defend and respect them. But representers? Hm, nah, though uninformed people often assume: all bronys= furrys

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Well, I've said it before and i'll say it again. The day the show ends, is the day i turn into a little girl. LOL Boy wouldn't that be crazy? LOL


I already thought you were crazy.



Hmm..worst fear...I guess either the community ending or losing all of my friends if they find out i'm a brony. I wouldn't like for the show to end too, but it's gonna happen eventually.

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I already thought you were crazy.



Hmm..worst fear...I guess either the community ending or losing all of my friends if they find out i'm a brony. I wouldn't like for the show to end too, but it's gonna happen eventually.


Crazy good or crazy bad? I'd hate to be bad crazy because that would be terrible. Hmmm I think you should start reading my blog. LOL
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Crazy good or crazy bad? I'd hate to be bad crazy because that would be terrible. Hmmm I think you should start reading my blog. LOL


I have, but I usually get half way through reading, scroll down and find out it's about as long as my science paper and Tl;DR.

You are crazy good. Crazy bad would be Lesson Zero crazy...*shudder*

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, I dunno about all of you guys, but gossip spreads like wildfire around my school. If people found out I was a brony...XD


Other then that, I think it'd be the show ending/Luna being banished to the moon again.

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I have, but I usually get half way through reading, scroll down and find out it's about as long as my science paper and Tl;DR.

You are crazy good. Crazy bad would be Lesson Zero crazy...*shudder*


Oh come on! I've had people outside of this forum read it and all I got back was nothing short of excellence. As to lesson zero crazy. I've already done that depending on how you look at it. That is why I'm crazy good. LOL

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Oh come on! I've had people outside of this forum read it and all I got back was nothing short of excellence. As to lesson zero crazy. I've already done that depending on how you look at it. That is why I'm crazy good. LOL


I didn't say it wasn't excellent, I just said I don't have the attention span to read that much lol. Tell me, do you look in the mirror and often see this staring back at you?:
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I didn't say it wasn't excellent, I just said I don't have the attention span to read that much lol. Tell me, do you look in the mirror and often see this staring back at you?:


Hahaha! Of course not! That would be completely pointless. If you can't look at yourself in the mirror, and know that you love the moment you at that very point in time because you can honestly say to yourself, you are right where you want to be and I love you. Then one doesn't not simply understand the Power of Now into Mordor.

However, true craziness is the ability to understand why your perception of the world is changing and your awareness, increasing as a result of understanding cause and effect. That's in blog btw. And the scripture for that matter. lol

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