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Favorite MLP Shipping and Why?


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I don't ship that many shippings, only ones that or canon, or semicanon

so ones like,


Shining Armor + Princess Cadence

Mr + Mrs Cake


I am on and off on my Spike + Rarity shipping, because I do see an age difference here. It's fine though so I usually ship it.

The age gap between Spike and Rarity isn't wide enough to be relevant. There are other factors in their ages to consider. Like how Twilight is a super genius and prodigy and could very well have been a mere toddler when Spike hatched, she did seem quite a bit smaller in her flashback than the other girls did. The play Rarity worked on the crew for could easily have been a preschool pageant. Fluttershy probably had a just growth spurt before the others, giving credibility to humanized portrayals of her in her current teenage state as having large breasts.

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My favourite ships are:

-Princess Cadence x Shining Armor

-Princess Luna x Princess Celestia

-Big Macintosh x Fluttershy

-Rainbow Dash x Applejack

-Rarity x Spike



I don't see the reason behind all the hate against all the homosexual shipping....

Does the brony fandom really consist of that many heterosexual/homophobic people?

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SoarinDash or Flutterdash. I absolutely HATE PinkieDash. Pinkie Pie will be forever alone. I kinda ship Blueblood and Rarity, mainly because I attempted to mske a fanific explaining Blueblood's behavior. And I would ship Cadence and Shining Armor, but that one really doesn't count because it's a given. BIG MAC AND CHEERILEE!!!!

In my headcanon, Blueblood has it in for Rarity for humiliating him with that reason you suck speech and eventually joins a group founded and led by Trixie to oppose the mane 7 and becomes smitten with her, resulting in their relationship being a warped reflection of any relationship between Spike and Rarity where as many of the things Spike does for her, Rarity would clearly prefer that he not do them because she doesn't want to take advantage of him, while Blueblood will do anything for Trixie and she willingly uses him. Although in my headcanon Trixie becomes a pseudo-alicorn by fusing a pair of cybernetic wings (from stolen specifications) to herself in order to be a match against Twilight.

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My favorite shipping?


I would have to say Tom and Bloomburg. Who wouldn't love to see them together? The did have the best one liners of the show, and are the best background character.


Don't tell the mods, but here is an explicit picture of them. I might get kicked off for showing you guys!



  • Brohoof 1



This fantastic signature is made my by awesome friend Rainbow Skywalker! :D

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Sparity's probs my favourite, but I like Doctor Whooves x Derpy Hooves as well. Flarity's okay, too. But I really hate family shippings (including Spilight) just because.... ewww! I mean, family! as well as Scoots x RD! It just grosses me out! No offense to those who like that but I don't. 

Yeah Spike and Twilight are clearly brother and sister. I think ScootaMoe (Howard)'s Relationship with Rainbow is more Like Rarity's with the Monopoly guy pony than her relationship with Larry (Fine) Belle or AJ's With Curly (Howard) Bloom. Aunt/Uncle and niece.


You're entitled to your opinion of course but can you explain why you think it would be best for pinkie to marry a no nonsense no fun royal guard so she doesn't get betrayed by the element of loyalty?

I don't know, it may be the Discyzptlk (Discord fused with or impersonating Mxyzptlk) in me talking, but I do love the irony in that.


AppleJack x Rainbow Dash. Nothing beats two rivals (even though its a friendly rivalry) making cute couples.

Let's all get something straight here:


AJ and Rainbow =  Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck = Friendly rivals


Twilight and Trixie = Sherlock Holmes and Professor Moriarty = Archenemies


FlutterShy x BigMac, Rainbow Dash x AppleJack, Rarity x Spike, Derpy x Pinkie Pie, Twilight x ?




She may be alone but she's by no means lonely. She's always been extremely reclusive anyway and would have little interest in romance so I doubt being forever single would bother her much.


ooh, I have a whole bundle of favorite ships. biggrin.png


Fluttershy x Rainbow Dash

Fluttershy x Applejack

Pinkie Pie x Big Mac

Cheerilee x Big Mac

Rarity x Pony Joe

Rarity x Spike

Sweetie Belle x Spike

Celestia x Discord (one-sided, i guess? for some reason i can't ship any of the royal sisters with anyone... XD)



...that's all I can think of right now XDD

I think Celestia and Discord have the same relationship these two guys have: 








where Discord shows up to annoy Celestia every 90 days or so.






Flutterpie? How's that work out?

I can probably count on my hand how many shippings would actually make sense xD just enjoy it

Sparity fits as like the girl who's heavily involved with the drama club ending up with the slacker who has a severe video game addiction.


I'm surprised that no one's mentioned Luigishy as long as we're going off topic. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hmmmmmmmmmmmm


Ok. Now I'm in my element.


Rainbow dash X Fluttershy.




Rarity x Spike




Big macintosh x Cherrilee.


Pinkie pie:


Deerpy hooves x Dr whooves.


Discord x Celestia.




I'm finding rather difficult to find a mate for Luna, Pinkie pie, applejack and twilight.

You do realize that if they could have gotten away with it Discord would probably have been portrayed as a homicidal maniac rather than a mere nuisance?


of course, I USED to be a biased homophobe untill I realized, "hey, if you hate something for along time, you become paranoid" so, I still think it's bad but, there born with it so...


I still fail to see the whole discord and pinkie thing... oh well...


just as long as people don't hate me for not liking same sex couples, I'm fine.

As a staunch atheist (which would probably give me something in common with Twilight) i am required by common sense and fair play to either support or be indifferent to gay rights.


Twi can be oblivious to all but the most direct statements, and direct Fluttershy ain't.


Even overcoming that hurdle, it'd just be too sugary sweet, IMO.


Now, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, I support that wholeheartedly.


Image tangentially related.


Of course Twilight's oblivious to non direct statements. She's not only got Asperger's Syndrome, she's the female poster child 


Just thought this was cute but with this ship, what would happen to Fleur?



Sorry, I'm pretty sure this another ship. In this case uncleXniece. Besides aside from probably being her uncle, isn't he married? 


I want to ship Twilight with THIS guy:



He looks Harold from The Red Green Show: 


Here's your host your hero my uncle Red Green: 


Welcome to the experts portion of our show where we examine those three little words stallions find so hard to say ...


I don't know.


I'm probably a really rare case here, but I don't care for shipping at all. Shipping in anything is just sort of... stupid to be honest. I do like pairs of characters interacting, and their friendships and stuff, but shipping means romantic, at least to me, and it's something that really doesn't make sense. Not to mention a lot of shipping in MLP assumes everypony is gay since there's so many females, which doesn't make sense. When people got upset over their Fluttershy/Big Mac with all the Cheerilee/Big Mac, I just rolled my eyes. Shipping wars are so dumb too, IMO.


I like Lyra and Bonbon together, but everyone always assumes they love each other, couldn't they just big best friends too?

DJ Pon3 and Octavia I like when people draw them because they're so different and they're musicians and I like the characters, but shipping? That doesn't make sense.


I do like Spike and Rarity since it's something that's actually been brought up in the show and isn't random or anything, but shipping itself, I don't really care for at all.

Spike and Rarity always give off such a Gomez and Morticia vibe and when they don't they give off one of Mario and Princess Peach.

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I don't understand why some people think that Pinkie Pie could not be in a relationship because she is too busy running around being random.  Yes, she is like that some of the time.  But there have been many episodes that depict her focusing on one thing for an extended period.  I think that she is perfectly capable of having a boyfriend (or coltfriend if you prefer), getting married, having kids, etc. 


I could see Pinkie Pie and Braeburn together. 

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My personaol top 5

1.Fluttershy x Rainbowdash wub.pngwink.png

2.Vinyl x Octavia

3. Rarity x AppleJack

4. Spike x Rarity

5 Lyra x BonBon

Maybe if i find some good fanfiction of other shippings i might change the list but for the time being these are my favorites ^^

Rainbow Dash is best pony.


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  • 1 month later...


Best ship.  I used to hate shipping, but I think it can be cute when it's well done.  I like this one because it's the two best ponies, and it makes sense given that they're both driven athletes with similar ambitions and goals.  Athletes tend to have similar personalities as well so they fit together naturally

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Best ship.  I used to hate shipping, but I think it can be cute when it's well done.  I like this one because it's the two best ponies, and it makes sense given that they're both driven athletes with similar ambitions and goals.  Athletes tend to have similar personalities as well so they fit together naturally


I agree. I'm not normally a fan of shipping unless it's actually well done. I also only usually enjoy opposite-gender shippings, although I can enjoy ships such as this story I'm reading about Twilight x Cheerilee.


Also, Rainbow x Soarin' is best ship in my opinion.

Edited by Sky Chaser


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I also only usually enjoy opposite-gender shippings, although I can enjoy ships such as this story I'm reading about Twilight x Cheerilee

I like those as well, but I'm not opposed to other kinds.  Twixie is a bretty gud ship as well, just because of the whole love/hate thing they have going.  It works for some reason 

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I like those as well, but I'm not opposed to other kinds.  Twixie is a bretty gud ship as well, just because of the whole love/hate thing they have going.  It works for some reason 


Ooh, that reminds me of a funny comic about genie Twixie... let me find a link real quick


Here it is. It starts out kinda slow, but things heat up soon, and it actually gets to be a good story.


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Without a doubt in my opinion of the best and most adorable shipping is the flutterdash ship!!!


Never have I liked the idea of shipping with anything, but since MLP, I've slowly accustomed to the shipping that was going on.


Now Iove it!



  • Brohoof 1
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Yay,shipping, my two faves have got to be Flutters x Dashie, and Octavia x Vinyl


some more of my fave shippings.


~ Flutter Dash

~ Octavia x Vinyl

~ Spitfire x Dashie

~ Apple Jack x Twilight

~ Trixie x Twilight

~ Bon Bon and Lyra

~ Luna and Twilight

~ Derpy x Dr. Hooves











  • Brohoof 2

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page


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Me and Luna.


In all seriousness though, I'll like any shipping as long as its done right, wether it's just a picture or an entire fanfic.

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I'm not a huge fan of Twilestia

I agree with this.  It's way too close to a mother-daughter dynamic and ends up weirding me out.  I think them having a ton of non-romantic affection for each other makes sense, but romance not so much 

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124170_hugging_lesbian_octavia_shipping_My personal favorite is definitely Octavia and Vinyl Scratch; they're so cute together. wub.png  They're also my two favorite background ponies. 

  • Brohoof 2


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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I used to not be into any kind of shipping, but just like every other part of my psyche, MLP broke me.


CITRUS KING's Ship-Picks:




Sparity: Two of my favorite characters, funny and sweet, semi-supported by the show.



DoctorDerpy: Usually I'd rather the Doctor not get too romantically involved with his companions, but the game has changed, dammit! I at least really enjoy the trope that Derpy has a immense crush on Time Turner. I feel so strongly about this ship that I even made a crappy drawing about it.




SoarinDash: Has some of my favorite shipping art.




PinkieDash: I at least really like the idea of Pinkie having a crush on Dash.




LyraBon: I'm actually kind of sad if they're not shipped together.


I couldn't find any art for it, but how about Luna x Joe?

Edited by CITRUS KING46
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Onwards to my DeviantArt page!

Sig by the illustrious Kyoshi!

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MY favorite ship is between Tom the Rock and Bloomburg the tree. Even though they haven't talked since their band broke up, there is still something there. I can tell. Here are some pics of the two.




^Ranchy, I like it.


Tom by himself doing a spread for PlayRock:



Here is Tom doing his spread on BerchPlease:300px-Bloomberg_planted_on_top_of_a_hill

  • Brohoof 5



This fantastic signature is made my by awesome friend Rainbow Skywalker! :D

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