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How far is TOO far when you're a brony?


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Okay, so I know I've been a member of the forum for all of a day but after reading so many well thought out post, I decided to make one myself. The question I present to everypony is thus: How far is TOO far to go into the fandom.


Think on this a bit. I understand that people believe that adults watching the show at all is a bit far, even more so for Males who enjoy the show, but for us....those that already love it, what is our own level of tolerance? I'm sure everypony here would be accepting of other bronies even if they went a little to the extreme side a bit but the question is more about YOUR personal limits.


Some of us never miss an episode....even if it means missing out or not doing something we NEED to be doing. Some get tattoos. I've even seen some people with cutie marks tattooed on their flank. Others talk like they do in the show and more still Cos-play as ponies. Does spending embarrassing sums of money on collectables draw the line for you?


On the other side of the coin, List what you do or WOULD do if you could. I'll go first...


I think anytime you neglect things that need to be done it can be harmful. Paying bills, picking up the kids from school or going to work are all important. The show can be seen on you tube or one of the streaming events at anytime. Though I did one time call out of work so I could Kill the Lich King during a World of Warcraft Raid......so....I like to think I've grown a little....


I would go as far as a cutie mark and finding a pony name for myself to use online. If I was lucky enough to have a group of friends who love MLP: FiM in my real life, I may even go so far as to use that name while in their company.


So lets have it Ponies! Wheres that line in the sand for you and what would you do or have you done to show your pony pride!!!!


Obsidian Winter

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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This thread appears to be related to the My Little Pony franchise and/or the Bronydom in general. Thus, it has been sentenced to Sugarcube Corner.


This is an automatically generated message, by the way.


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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When you start neglecting your more important responsibilities and forget that you still have a family, then anything is too far and should be stopped.


But if you can be a freaky bronies without leaving your job unfinished and your family hungry, then by all right, go ahead and stay freaky! :D

  • Brohoof 4


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I agree with you on the part that people shouldn't take away from the daily necessities of their lives to watch an MLP episode that they can see later, but I don't think you should put TOO many limits on the fandom of this show. I mean, if we did that, we might not have the fantastic fanfics, animated films, user created songs, and amazing community that we have today.


Does spending embarrassing sums of money on collectables draw the line for you?


"Embarrassing" is an opinion rather than fact. I personally don't think that people should be embarrassed to express something that they love, and it is their money, and they have the right to do what they want with it. I have not bought any pony merchandise or participated in any events outside of the boundaries of the internet. It's nobody's right to say that this is "embarrassing", as some people who buy lots of MLP items might draw that offensive.


Others talk like they do in the show and more still Cos-play as ponies.


I don't think there's anything wrong with taking influence from a character, real life or fiction. I personally loved Fluttershy's attitude as such a kind being and it rubbed off on me as a person, I'm 95% of the time never seriously mean unless the person on the other side has wronged me.


People might like to act like a certain person/thing just as a son wants to be like his dad.

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I spent $60 dollars on a rainbow dash hoodie a couple weeks ago, which is all I needed. I promised myself that I would only buy 1 more thing after, which was just an mlp seatbelt buckle style belt.


This is all I was going to buy. I never knew that the hoodie was gonna be so much. But I saw after I brought it.


This is me in the hoodie



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I find cosplays to be kinda weird, but I accept it. I find tattoos to be kinda stupid, but I accept it. But when someone's life is filled with just mlp at an unhealthy level, and they constantly talk about it, and embrace it to a point where it seems like nothing else matters to them, it makes me want to cry.

This is a signature.

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Whoa there little pony, when I said "Embarrassing" amounts of money, I was in no way refering to what people were buy as embarrassing. Its an old phrase that harkens back to why people don't go around bragging about how much money they have because its embarrasses them in front of those who may have less. I guess it would be better to say exoberant(sp?) amounts of money....as in thousands upon thousands of dollars. Also, I wasn't saying I was for or against it. I was simply trying to get the thught process going.


On a side note....Great looking hoodie Thunder Dash!

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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I spent $60 dollars on a rainbow dash hoodie a couple weeks ago, which is all I needed. I promised myself that I would only buy 1 more thing after, which was just an mlp seatbelt buckle style belt.


This is all I was going to buy. I never knew that the hoodie was gonna be so much. But I saw after I brought it.


This is me in the hoodie




You look awesome! Wear it with pride.


As for the topic.. Meh. I think anything in real life is fine if you don't neglect your life, family, or duties, but I honestly care more about the status online. Most people hate bronies not because of their opinion to the show, but how they act because of it. We can get called "ponyfag" or things like that because of because of how we express ourselves. :s


Why? Well, because on the internet, you can remain anonymous. You can say anything to anyone and basically get off free if they live in a different country or state or nowhere near you.

  • Brohoof 1


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I don't think I ever drew such line for me before... I don't think I ever went too far with my 'bronynism'. I watch the episodes calmly like any other show, the difference being that the fandom behind it is incredibly huge and nice-to-partake-on.


Also, if I could get a job and gain my own money to spend on the things I like, I would probably do so and go to brony conventions and even buy some brony merchs. I would still try not to go nuts on it though~


As far as I'm concerned, though, this concept of crazy fans throwing away their social lives because of a silly TV show is not exclusively for bronies. Even though I can't say much about it since I never met any of these types until now. :P

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You look awesome! Wear it with pride.


As for the topic.. Meh. I think anything in real life is fine if you don't neglect your life, family, or duties, but I honestly care more about the status online. Most people hate bronies not because of their opinion to the show, but how they act because of it. We can get called "ponyfag" or things like that because of because of how we express ourselves. :s


Why? Well, because on the internet, you can remain anonymous. You can say anything to anyone and basically get off free if they live in a different country or state or nowhere near you.


Thanks dude! It was sooo worth it. People notice me in it and are like "whoa nice hoodie" (not to brag or anything). Whenever I wear it, I feel 20% cooler!

  • Brohoof 1
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I think there really are people out there that NEED the show because it fills a void for them. Thought we may not understand it totally, really the point of the show is friendship. Some of us older ponies may lose sight of what real friendship is and how to be a good friend. this show goes back and gives you tips on that. As I said, I personally had my partner design me as a Pony and I'm getting that and my Cutie mark as a tattoo because I want to remember all the fun I've had here in the community and watching the shows with dear friends. Its a physical memory for me when maybe later on in my years I would otherwise forget.


I think its like people who are adicted to World of Warcraft....in some cases its their escape...their world. Maybe its like that for MLP for others. Their reality sucks so bad this is a nice friendly place to retreat to....Just my thughts.

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Thanks dude! It was sooo worth it. People notice me in it and are like "whoa nice hoodie" (not to brag or anything). Whenever I wear it, I feel 20% cooler!


I've seen tons of bronies while walking and in foreign places, since I travel with a family a lot. Coming home from las vegas, at the airport, saw a guy with the 'loyalty' rainbow dash on his T-shirt. I was like "brohoof" when I walked by him, and since this was very recently, I also winked and added "gak!"


he's like "Betcha can't make a face crazier than THIS!!" and he turned the corner.


Wow, that made my day. MY MONTH.


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I've seen tons of bronies while walking and in foreign places, since I travel with a family a lot. Coming home from las vegas, at the airport, saw a guy with the 'loyalty' rainbow dash on his T-shirt. I was like "brohoof" when I walked by him, and since this was very recently, I also winked and added "gak!"


he's like "Betcha can't make a face crazier than THIS!!" and he turned the corner.


Wow, that made my day. MY MONTH.


Speaking of T-shirts, I got a Rarity shirt that says "Oh...it is on!". I usually wear it when I have a test or something similar. I use it as a lucky charm. I hope it works for finals and a precalc test I have friday!

  • Brohoof 1
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I've seen tons of bronies while walking and in foreign places, since I travel with a family a lot. Coming home from las vegas, at the airport, saw a guy with the 'loyalty' rainbow dash on his T-shirt. I was like "brohoof" when I walked by him, and since this was very recently, I also winked and added "gak!"


he's like "Betcha can't make a face crazier than THIS!!" and he turned the corner.


Wow, that made my day. MY MONTH.


I can honestly only think of one thing to say when I read your story above........PURE EPIC. Again, remember, this post is all about YOUR personally lines if you have any and things you would like to do or have done to express your fandom. Great comments so far!!!

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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I think Bronies/Fans go too far when they make rather extreme depictions of Rule 34.


I also think it is beyond proper for fans to post pictures on Derpibooru of the small MLP figures inserted into a female exclusive orifice on the human body. It's probably trolling, but in the case that it isn't.... well... damn...


Hell, basically 3/5s of the content on Derpibooru have gone too far.

Edited by DeltaTangent
  • Brohoof 1
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I can honestly only think of one thing to say when I read your story above........PURE EPIC. Again, remember, this post is all about YOUR personally lines if you have any and things you would like to do or have done to express your fandom. Great comments so far!!!


I'm a closet brony, sorry :P I don't really have any lines I use. I am seeking other bronies out in my school though. I use lines like "20% cooler", "gak", "Betcha can't make a face crazier than this", whistling the winter wrap up theme (got that idea from a top comment I saw on YT), and more stuff like that. If I get any significant reactions, SCORE!

  • Brohoof 1


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Well its off to bed. I hope this continues. I'll be excited to see of catches on. One way or another we are whe are. People can either dig it or screw off.

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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I'm a closet brony, sorry :P I don't really have any lines I use. I am seeking other bronies out in my school though. I use lines like "20% cooler", "gak", "Betcha can't make a face crazier than this", whistling the winter wrap up theme (got that idea from a top comment I saw on YT), and more stuff like that. If I get any significant reactions, SCORE!


Stuff like this. I mean, I don't want to single people out, but this is a prime example.

I've been a part of the Doctor Who community for decades. I've never really seen people acting the way they do about this show. Perhaps it's because the show is appreciated by the "correct" demographic, but whatever.

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Stuff like this. I mean, I don't want to single people out, but this is a prime example.

I've been a part of the Doctor Who community for decades. I've never really seen people acting the way they do about this show. Perhaps it's because the show is appreciated by the "correct" demographic, but whatever.


Uh? You know I say those things to try to discover other bronies.. right? People that aren't bronies don't understand or think anything of it and move on, it's a tactical plan, I'm not fagging over it. I do this probably once a week too, with new people, don't get the wrong ideas. I like to talk to people with common interests- I do almost the same kind of thing with animes and non-pony subjects.


That kind of hurt, man.


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Uh? You know I say those things to try to discover other bronies.. right? People that aren't bronies don't understand or think anything of it and move on, it's a tactical plan, I'm not fagging over it. I do this probably once a week too, with new people, don't get the wrong ideas. I like to talk to people with common interests- I do almost the same kind of thing with animes and non-pony subjects.


That kind of hurt, man.


Man, if someone came into my circle of friends and started saying things like "Han shot first" and "Watch StarWars you do" I'd be totally annoyed. It's the same sort of thing in my opinion.

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Man, if someone came into my circle of friends and started saying things like "Han shot first" and "Watch StarWars you do" I'd be totally annoyed. It's the same sort of thing in my opinion.


With any sense of logic or rationally, you'd know I'm doing nothing like that, at all. I'm quoting lines from an unfamiliar show to see if anyone goes "woah, you know where that's from?" or some response like that. It's a 'device' to pick other bronies out of the crowd while I remain a closet brony,


It's not going "Anyone watch my little pony? it's cool" 20 times a day. /facepalm

  • Brohoof 1


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Well i was going to sleep until i read the past phew post. Lets remember not to jump to conclusions. Ask for clarification first. I don't want to see any pony getting their tails in knots over misunderstandings. Remember, this is just an inward look at outsellf

And how far we see ourselves going into the fandom.

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Man, if someone came into my circle of friends and started saying things like "Han shot first" and "Watch StarWars you do" I'd be totally annoyed. It's the same sort of thing in my opinion.


Well i was going to sleep until i read the past phew post. Lets remember not to jump to conclusions. Ask for clarification first. I don't want to see any pony getting their tails in knots over misunderstandings. Remember, this is just an inward look at outsellf

And how far we see ourselves going into the fandom.


Can we end this conversation then, please? I'd prefer not to follow it up either, I don't want to see any fights as well. We're all bronies here, no matter what the difference in our views and opinions.

  • Brohoof 1


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With any sense of logic or rationally, you'd know I'm doing nothing like that, at all. I'm quoting lines from an unfamiliar show to see if anyone goes "woah, you know where that's from?" or some response like that. It's a 'device' to pick other bronies out of the crowd while I remain a closet brony,

It's not going "Anyone watch my little pony? it's cool" 20 times a day. /facepalm


Closet brony?

Wait, like being gay?

That's quite possibly one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. I don't hear of closet whovians, or closet Breaking Bad fans.

Things like that perpetuate the hate bronies get.

Edited by Galaxy
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