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In a world of superpowers would you be the Hero or a Villain.

Bucky McGillyCuddy

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I would be the Mercenary. Or Neutral, I guess. Help both sides a little but mostly have my own side, I guess.

HAHA, oddly enough your avatar fits that belief perfectly! :P

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"Is there such a thing as an absolute, timeless enemy? There is no such thing, and never has been." - The Boss


Neutral it is, though chances are probably I would hang out with the heroes more often.

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I would be Chaotic Neutral, maybe Chaotic Evil. Depends on how the state of the world is.

That said, given my luck, it wouldn't matter, because I'd be like Raul Chaser (I couldn't become a Hero, so I reluctantly decided to get a job).

The short version of the link is,

kid attends a school to get a hero-license, but before his team can become heroes, the worlds evil is eradicated by other heroes, and the school is shut down.


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I've been wondering lately, that if I had a superpower of some kind would I be the Hero or the Villain. Naturally I thought that id want to be the Hero, because isn't that the right decision? But the more I think about it the more i see myself as the villain. I'm not a bad or mean person, in fact just about everyone I know would, hopefully, say that I'm a nice person. I just think being the Hero can be a little overrated sometimes and that initially doing the wrong thing doesn't mean that in the long run it won't have a positive outcome.


So which would you be and how would you carry out your newly appointed role?

Also my power would probably be super speed :D

I want to be a hero.

But I would end up as a villain one way or another.

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Well I would be neither of them because of the fact that It will be boring

The best option is being chaotic neutral and do whatever you feel like

You feel like a good person?get your hero costume

You feel bored and wanna do whatever you like? Get your villain costume

Its always easiest to choose both :D

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Well I would be neither of them because of the fact that It will be boring

The best option is being chaotic neutral and do whatever you feel like

You feel like a good person?get your hero costume

You feel bored and wanna do whatever you like? Get your villain costume

Its always easiest to choose both :D


I'd be the hero who wears the very evil looking costume. Or maybe I'd spend all day jumping off the tallest buildings I could find to freak people out, only to hit the ground and get back up. Or maybe I'd catch a thug then throw him off the building, catch him in mid air, then throw him off again. And again. 


Actually I'd just walk around like normal, being smug because I have superpowers but never proving that I do.

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I'm a chaotic good kinda guy, I'll help if I think I need to but I don't go out of my way for the heroics. It also really depends on the kind of power I have. Like....here lets hit up a random power generator 


"Buck Testa is able to rocket faster than the speed of thought. Lamentably, Buck Testa takes harm from exposure to air."  :okiedokielokie:  


Lets try that again


:eww: "Buck Testa has been known to transform any parrot into silver. Terribly, Buck Testa suffers from being clueless." 


okay....one more time.... 

"Buck Testa has mastered the ability to transform shadow into plastic. Lamentably, Buck Testa is well-known for being unable to see horses."




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Whichever side I feel does the most good. That would mean generally leaning toward the hero side, but there may be occasions in which a villainous role would be better in the grand scheme. Ultimately, it depends on the context at any given moment.

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Probably wouldn't be either. Probably just use it as I wanted, not hurting or helping. I wouldn't want either's attention. If you're a villain you have the good guys after you and if you're a hero you have the villains coming after you and your loved ones. Easier just to stay on the sidelines and not attract attention to yourself.

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Villain, because villains have work ethics and motivation, heroes tend to mope around until something happens.

-Rules are more like guidelines, you don't have to follow them-

Edited by Tempest Shift
  • Brohoof 1
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I would be neither because I'm no hero nor villain because I'm just too lazy to bother trying plus both sides do something good and bad so I would be like "damn both u sides shut up I'm trying to sleep go and destroy another town before the government and construction workers find you thanks."

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My power would be the ability to transform into any animal.


like Beast boy on teen titans. xD


But I would be neither Villain or Hero.


I would be the Neutral bad ass of the story.




I help only when I think that I should.


but other wise, I just use my powers for my own benefit. 

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