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S03:E07 - Wonderbolts Academy


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Merriweather Williams ruins everything she touches, every episode she writes pretty much has at least 1 glaring annoyance, it's been said before, Spitfire was out of character, didnt like her new voice, wondering why the changed it, the plot was inconsitent with the rest of the series...Sadly it's canon now, I really don't think Williams understands the show or the characters.


It just seemed like they trivialized Rainbow Dash's dream, and it made absolutely zero sense as to why Spitfire totally forgot or didn't mention knowing Rainbow Dash beforehand at all. And what's with the drill seargent thing? I mean it's played for laughs but Spitfire but being harsh and abbrasive is the last thing I'd imagine.


I liked everything else though, it's just sad to see something with this much potential turned to Meh, because the same mediocre writer hops on it.


That's a bit of a stretch. Merriweather wrote a very good episode in my opinion, with an excellent moral. As for Spitfire, she's a minor character with little personality beforehand, besides your average "cool superior/idol". The drill seargeant was just a joke and just...it's a cartoon you guys.


Merriweather may view RD or Spitfire differently than you do, and that's okay. Personally, her views agree with my own and I find her to be a fine writer. Then again, it's okay if you don't like her writing (her writing, mind you, not Merriweather herself).


no rest for the wizardly.

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Alright since I happened to belong to the less strong-willed people that watched the episode (I feel bad...but a pony episodes is a pony episode!), why not write before I forget? :lol:


First things first, Pinkie...was...HILARIOUS! But also, it shows more development to the relationship between her and Dash, which was part of the relationships I wanted more explored (even if as little as it was), after Griffon the Brush-Off and, if you wish, the fact the scenes in Too Many Pinkie Pies stayed more with Pinkie and Rainbow. And Pinkie being so worried about RD hits me a lot. I think that was pretty cute. :) Given everything, I love how she stays in the mail the same way she stayed for the Marzipan cake (I'm NOT going to write the full name, ok? XD). Overexaggerating things is one of the things Pinkie normally does after all, IMO. (Plus, her blowing the FRIGGIN MOUNTAINS was pretty hilarious).


Then came the fact that this was going to be a Merriwether Williams episode. I didn't know before if she was going to make another pony episode, but when I saw the name, and on a Rainbow Dash episode, my first thought was "Oh boy here we go". Not because I hate The Mysterious Mare Do Well (in fact, despite the fact I don't dislike any pony episode, I rather liked TMMDW both, like I said before, analytically and normally), but because I knew the majority DOES dislike TMMDW. So I thought "Okay Ms. Williams. Let's see what you got". And boy many haters of Dash AND Merriwether might as well have recovered faith in both of them due to this episode for sure!


So far, in all the episodes that Dash has been a major protagonist, we've seen different sides from her. Let's see:


-We got Fall Weather Friends which, alongside Applejack, explores the competitive side of Rainbow Dash, which is complemented with the little things in The Crystal Empire.


-Then, Sonic Rainboom, which, while it shows Rainbow's worry for her wish to impress the Wonderbolts, it's more about her insecurities on herself.


-The next three episodes explored, in one way or another, the face of Dash that worries about her image (and if you realize, she does this almost as much as Rarity). May the Best Pet Win was about her getting the coolest pet that "complemented" with her "coolness" (which she realizes that the best pet was the one who was the most loyal even if not the most "cool" ever), The Mysterious Mare Do Well, which is all about how she loves her image as "savior" of Ponyville and being the fastest of all and such, and Read It and Weap, which is her worrying about the image of how she looks in front of others.


-While not technically a protagonist, Hurricane Fluttershy showed the side of the cyan-colored pegasus that respected her friends, especially one as close as Fluttershy. While being her in-character persistent personality she respected Fluttershy, even though she felt disappointed. Ironically, aside from showing Fluttershy's determination, it showed her loyalty to her friend, rather than the other way around.


-Once more, while not technically a protagonist, Griffon the Brush-Off showed the side of Rainbow that is is loyal to her true friends. She realized who was the friends she should care about, not a jerky one like Gilda.


And finally we get this episode. This is Rainbow and loyalty to the fullest. But I don't think this was so much as to her friends. Rather, herself. Being loyal to your own morals. She realized what was going on with Lightning Dust, and the line was getting crossed more and more. It was when the tornado created by them that almost killed her friends that the line got crossed. Enough was enough. Somepony got mad, and she went as far as sacrificing her ultimate dream to not let her morals feel like they were going to be tweaked. Pushing yourself is one thing. Ignoring any other consecuences? Heh, sorry, ain't gonna happen. And as a plus, it IS true that if Spitfire had something to say, RD didn't really gave her time before to say it. She was willing to abandon her dream not only because it would be against her morals, but also because she lost faith in one of the ponies she admires the most. Spitfire then reinvindicated the train of thought Dash had, and with her faith in her probably soon-to-be mentor and the fact that she realized her morals weren't going to be destroyed by staying in the academy, RD's brain lit up like a Christmas tree and of course, accepted the Lead Pony position. And finally, the humble face that RD showed by not voicing her disgust at being Wing Pony, simply, because at the moment it still meant working with Lightning Dust, and also, that she recognized LD had been more bold than she had (even if in the end, this proved to be LD's downfall and mistake).


This is, what I think, learning on the side of Dash and continuity on the evolution of her character. She now showed that she is not going to ignore the rest of the consecuences as much as she might have done before. No. This time is different. This is of course, still Rainbow Dash the one we're talking about. The only one who beats her tactlessness is Spike. This is why I also believe that Merriwether did a wonderful job of exploring this side of Rainbow Dash. If anything, she might as well have this planned from before. And her writing Dash as a complete egotistical pony and then as her super loyal personality is something I see as intended to start showing the different faces of Rainbow Dash.


Like Dark Qiviut said, I too believe that RD is the most difficult character to write. And if I put together all that I have seen from her, I think they have done an excellent job so far.


Then we got Lightning Dust. She's like Rainbow Dash but without the good traits of that rainbow-maned pegasus. Pushing herself as much as she could...without giving a single care to whoever was in the way. Her last face when exiting the academy still avoids my garsp however. Was it a face of remorse...or was it the face that asked for a second chance? If she got booted out so quickly, I'm inclined to believe that it was the latter, but I'm not entirely sure.


And then we got Spitfire. First things first, dem classy sunglasses. Nuff said. Second, her voice DID seem a little different to me, but I didn't give it any further thought, simply, because this is the Spitfire that has to, you know, show that completely serious face as if part of the mmilatry force, which technically, she is a part of. Spitfire is probably laidback, but this is the academy that shows her, as probable captain of the Wonderbolts, who has material to be a Wonderbolt. And I'm pretty sure it has to be the best of the best of the best. Not only you have to be a good entertainer, but also being under the orders of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna themselves. That alone means something really, really big. You have to have charisma, skill, speed, agility, determination, confidence, willing to push your limits, teamworking skill, heart, leadership, respect for others, coordination. All that in a single pony. And I'm also sure, that all those things in just one pony isn't something you normally come by. And as a plus, like any teacher or authority figure of sorts, you have to be imparcial, every time and anytime even if you happen to know a pony more personally, like RD. past relationships don't matter when testing yourself. Only what you show is what matters.


I've also seen things about giving LD a second chance, like Trixie. Well, there's a problem. Trixie WAS kind of corrupted by the amulet (although she wasn't in Boast Busters), and second, the apology came as a personal thing with Twilight. That and she DID show remorse. With Lightning, I can't really tell if she did show any remorse, and as a plus, this was an academy, so think of it like school. If any person/pony had almost willingly avoided the safety of others and almost KILLED five people/ponies and almost severely hurt others...yeah, I think that would require expulsion regardless of how one might feel.


And then we have the little things. First, the return of the OMGOMGOMGOMG, which I thought was awesome and cute, the return of Snowflake and Cloud Chaser (and of course, "Snowy" was hilarious as always ^_^ ), the lightning trail that LD left, the return of the balloon, the great animation for the "dizzy machine" (can't remember the name if it had one), the interesting place that was the Wonderbolt Academy, Pinkie moving mountains with her megaphone which makes me wonder if Luna and her Royal Canterlot voice would pretty much tear them apart with it, and AJ mentioning Twilight learning spells from Celestia.


Finally, like others said, the academy was supposed to go on for just a week. In other words, this is like the test to prove who has potential for Wonderbolt, and who does not. But I'm guessing there will be an actual test for that when it happens...if it happens, that of RD becoming a Wonderbolt.


Last thought (I liked this episode like any pony episode, AKA a lot :) )......................if Applejack's "IT'S A TWISTER!" is NOT  a reference to the movie "Twister" I will personally watch that movie to confirm it. :ph34r:




Officially-the-Only-Brony-Who-Was-Not-Bothered-By-RD's Characterization-In-The Mysterious Mare Do Well.

Let me correct you right there, because you're NOT the only one. I also belong to the species that actually liked The Mysterious Mare Do Well, both analytically and normally. :)


AJ needs some sort of Feeling Pinkie Keen sort of episode naow.

Next episode will be Apple Family Reunion, AKA an Applejack episode. And if the synopsis tells me something, I think we'll see some more development from AJ. :) Besides, Feeling Pinkie Keen was wrote by Dave Polsky (or is it that she's your favorite writer?)


I don't know if it's just me but Lighting Dust seems like a slight sociopath.
I agree, Lightning Dust seemed quite sociopathic to me. No real conscience of any kind, no concern for anyone besides herself, that was my interpretation as well


I don't think Lightning Dust reaches the level of a sociopath. Blinded by her dreams and desires? Sure, but not quite a sociopath. I think she would have to be more reserved and quiet and less of a social person for that, EVEN if she wasn't that remorseful. She would have to be WAY less emotional, IMO. However, another factor is, that I still have no idea what her face at the end represents. To me, it's either "Please...give me another chance" or "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry" I honestly can't put my finger on it.

  • Brohoof 5
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I have a confession to make.  I haven't seen Wonderbolts Academy yet and I have not read a single word in this entire thread.  Sure, I could've watched it on my computer by now if I wanted to.  But why should I watch an episode I'm seeing for the first time on my tiny computer screen when I have a 52 inch television in my living room?  B)


I'll be back in about two hours to read everyone's thoughts and give my own two cents. 

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Besides, Feeling Pinkie Keen was wrote by Dave Polsky (or is it that she's your favorite writer?).


Ah, no. Dave Polsky is actually my least favorite writer and Feeling Pinkie Keen was my least favorite episode, but I was using it more as a term for the kind of conflict that would result than the style of the episode. I said "Cindy Morrow, get to it!" because Cindy Morrow is my favorite writer for the show and deals the best with personal conflicts. That is, unless Corey Powell continues to write more episodes like their introductory one...

Edited by Stellafera

Latest Video: Come On: An Ode To Best Friendship


"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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Well, after seeing how many ponies have replied already to this thread, I guess I feel a little silly that I waited to watch the episode until today, but ya know what, I'm sentimental that way!  It's been a great thing to look forward to at the end of finals week, and I always love experiencing the episode live when everypony else does.  Can't wait for this episode, it should be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!  :wub:

Edited by Batbrony
  • Brohoof 1


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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im waiting till the DVR finished recording before i start watching. didnt cheat and watch the leaked version, so im pretty anxious to watch the new epi. cant wait!

"If all I care about in life is the imprints I make in this world, then the most I'll ever leave is a grave."


"Heres your apology, heres to burning out, and heres to fading away"



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Rainbow troll is now canon!!!!!!  I really should be more surprised by that ridiculously enormous megaphone that Pinkie whipped out, but, well, I'm not... not after 2 1/2 seasons of Pinkie Pie.  Doesn't even phase me at this point.   mellow.png


Glad to see Snowflake back!  And... well, it has officially happened.  The only reasonable explanation for Lightning Dust's appearance is that she's a Rainbow Dash doppleganger from another dimension who has crossed planes to double the awesomeness and ego that Equestria already had in RD!!!!!!!!!  THERE'S SIMPLY NO OTHER EXPLANATION!!!!!!!!!  laugh.png

Edited by Batbrony


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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this episode was great, i love rainbow dash, and pinkie was great too, but pinkie seemed oddly attached to rainbow, but its pinkie so you know


spitfire seemed to forget the time when rainbow kind of saved them in season 1, but i can excuse it due to the professional setting


i also found it funny that it seemed like rainbow dash there at the end wasnt allowed to say "killed" as in "my friends could of been killed"

  • Brohoof 1

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I think Pinkie Pie is rapidly descending into a state of insanity from which she might not recover.  Oh who am I kidding, she's Pinkie Pie!!!  ^_^


I'm not liking this Lightning Dust!!!  She's a little too competitive, and is being a bad influence for RD.  DON'T GIVE INTO THE PEER PRESSURE RD!!!!!!  YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!  :angry:

  • Brohoof 3


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Yay Pinkie Dash ship XD

Oh damnit Pinkazoid have gotten me into it...


Anyways I liked this episode! It's not the best yet or anything but it was good. I wonder what will happen to rainbow dash now when she is a leader..

  • Brohoof 1


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Ha, well at least there'll be a sequel XD awesome episode though, made it so rainbow dash has some actual progress pursuing her dream, while not being totally busy to hang with her friends :) kinda cheesed me when spitfire belittled RD like that, i mean have YOU done a sonic rainboom? XDD


"Colorful Rainbows catch my eye, as i see you fly across the sky.

You're like a drug that calms the mind."

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Rainbow Dash deserved to be a leader the whole time. Way to go, Rainbow. You did a great thing, not giving into peer pressure at the end. You stood up for yourself, and you will be an official Wonderbolt someday. I just know it. And maybe Lightning Dust can be a third string waterpony.

  • Brohoof 1



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It's a decent episode, not nearly as bad as some people here make it look, but definitely the weakest of S3 so far.


As for Spitfire, its her job to make sure that those who stay in are up to the challenges of being a Wonderbolt (such as ATTACKING A DRAGON). Of course she's gonna be hard on the trainees. If a pony walked up to her and announced that they don't feel up for it, she'd probably shake their hoof and send them on their way. Preferred the old voice though.


What I'm really curious about is, what this episode means for Dash's future. Is she gonna be a Wonderbolt now?


Ah, and yeah, Cloudchaser wants in Fluttershy's pants :lol:

Edited by Silverwisp the Bard
  • Brohoof 2



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I didn't really like this one, yeah sure Rainbow Dash got what she wanted.....But come on, I still think The Wonderbolts are nothing but hot air. They're annoying, they got their butts handed to them by Spike. And they think they beat him.....And to make matters worse Ditzy wasn't in the episode. I didn't see her anywhere. That was the biggest disappointment for me.

Edited by ANGEL


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Just watched the episode and it's awesome as usual! :wub:


So far my second favorite episode. Right there behind "Sleepless in Ponyville".


The "ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh" made a timely return.  :P


And why did I think "Now get out there and give me 20!" was a reference to 20% cooler?  :huh:

  • Brohoof 1


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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Okay, the one flaw I just realized with this episode was that Soarin' wasn't in it at all. Instead we've got the two other pegasus stallions. I mean, why not include Soarin'? He's my favorite Wonderbolt and it's kind of disappointing that we didn't get to see him, since he's such a cute goofball.

  • Brohoof 1


no rest for the wizardly.

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I liked this episode.  Not bad, but not extremely good, just ok, and I like that.


Don't get me wrong; there's plenty of things that I though were pretty cool in this episode.  First and foremost, I love the Wonderbolt Academy itself.  I like the boot camp feel of it, and all the disciplinary aspects of it too.  Also, I enjoyed seeing familiar background pegasi like Thunderlane, Snowball, and Cloud Chaser.  And Spitfire; I think her portrayal as a Wonderbolt drill instructor was rather nice, suits her well.  


Pinkie Pie was her usual self, no surprises there, lol.


Rainbow Dash, I believe, has shown that she has come a long way since the first season.  She's still can be brash and competitive, but (in this season in particular) we have seen her compassionate side (with Scoots last episode), and we have seen her courage reiterated in this episode.  Dash, displeased with her partner's methods of completing the exercises, speaks her mind to Spitfire (one of her idols) and proceeds to quit the academy.  She willingly quits something that was her dream from the get go, in favor of her admirable morals.  That took guts.  It all worked out for RD in the end, so that's good.


And then there's Lightning Dust.  All I can really say is that she was a necessary foil to Dash in this episode.  While they shared the same drive and competitiveness,  Dust had a clear disregard of the other cadets and only thought of the success of herself, whereas Dashie saw her recklessness being 'rewarded', and wanted nothing to do with it.


So yeah.  Good character development for Rainbow Dash in this.  Always nice to see.

  • Brohoof 3


If you wanna see, go on and tear it outta me!


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I am a little dissaspointed that we didn't see Soarin in this episode but overall it was quite good. In past episodes focusing on Rainbow Dash she is usually the one who is reckless and irresponsible so it is interesting to see her as the responsible one for once as it shows that Rainbow Dash is really starting to mature as a character.

  • Brohoof 2
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Welp, the episode starts good enough. Pinkie Pie being all clingy to RD is very entertaining to watch. Thousands of Rainbow Pie shippers would be damn happy lEJ9q.png




Spitfire is being a dick here. It could be a part of military-esque training in the camp, but it's was weird to see her bitchin' like that. Her lecturing Dashie in the end is... fine, I guess?


Cloud that can be stepped on by non-pegasi is now canon

  • Brohoof 2


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Well after avoiding the leaked video for about a week, I finally got to watch the episode today. The episode was great better than I thought it would be. 


Rainbow Dash acted in the way I wanted her to. Not feeling bad about joining the WB and worrying about her friends. She acted like the kinda of person who is living their dream. She could be getting closer to being a WB.


Also the other acted how I wanted them to. They were supportive of her and not to worried about her. Just how friends are suppose to be.


The only down fall of the episode was, I can't believe, but Pinkie Pie got kinda annoying after a while. Her first jokes were good, but it got kinda old. Still the way she acted was what I liked best.

  • Brohoof 2


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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I just finished watching the new episode. It was pretty good, but not the best in the season in my opinion. I also just realized that Spitfire has a new voice. Why is that?

-"My little pony, not yours!"

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Spitfire is so messed up in this episode. Really messed up. She doesn't act like that. Before, she's always been a cool, friendly, and lovable pony. WHY DID THIS HAPPEN!?!?

I'm just afraid that spitfire will always be like this. :( I hope we get old spitfire back soon.


Besides that, it was a good episode. Rainbow dash stood up for herself and her friends. She was also the anti-reckless pony in this episode, which isn't usual for her, but it really works in the context. Wonderful Pinkie gags, and the return of the the White super muscly pony was nice.


Now, a lot of people don't like Merriweather because of Mare-do-well. A lot of characters acted out of character, but in this episode, they were all in character, even Rainbow, who usually isn't. The only exception is Spitfire.

It would have been simple to just create a new character instead of totally destroying the one we already have. :P

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