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let's talk about brothers

Bruno ©

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I have an older brother and while he's an unflappable insufferable know-it-all, he's the only person I can trust in my family. Obviously we've had our squabbles but they're usually over something silly where I get irritated. He's so deadpan half the time and that irks me.

He also calls me Harry even though that isn't my name and I'm a girl anyhow. He wrote "Happy Birthday Harry" on my cake one year. XS

He also calls me "kiddo". All my friends think it's adorable and/or hilarious.

But I owe him a lot to who I am today. He was the one who first showed me how to play video games after I would watch him play as a kid, and today I want to go into the industry. He got me interested in fantasy and introduced me to my greatest obsession, A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones. He and I share similar tastes in music, films, novels...most things. Except food. I'm a devout vegetarian. XD


So yeah, I love my brother a lot. He's at university so I don't see him most of the year. He's coming home from a trip he took tomorrow. Usually we spend our time watching films and playing video games, so I look forwards to it. <3~


Edit: After seeing a lot of responses, I'm really glad I still share a strong bond with mah big bwuvva. It's sad to see how rude some of them are or how you can't get along. :c

Edited by Nicolas Cage
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Well even if it can be very hard to see anything but how annoying he is sometimes I love my brother, I only have 1 brother I'm the older one, and hes 2 years younger then me. Hes probably the person in my family i'd trust the most, even if I don't rely on him to keep any secrets or anything, but my parents being separated makes me not all that trustworthy of them.


In the end, despite all the times I hate him, I still love him in the end, and he loves me and I know it because hes had plenty of times where he trys to protect me over stuff.


So yeah, just remember that to everyone with siblings younger or older, that you should love and enjoy the time you have with them, because they won't be around forever!


I know alot of siblings who always fight, but really I think the fighting is partly because they just want whats best for the other. And sometimes they just have things to deal with, yet even with all the fighting alot of siblings do with each other, they still love each other and would protect them without a moments notice.


So yeah, as much as you wish you didn't have siblings sometimes, you can't reject the fact you still love them deep down.


Ps. I think this is relevant so just gonna post it :).

Enjoy your siblings company and love and protect them while you have them! Even if you think you hate them sometimes! :D There always there for you and always want the best for you.

  • Brohoof 1
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I have none huehuehuehuehuehuehue.


And I wouldn't want either, they would just annoy me. Dunno rly.


Although I have a brother-sister incest fetish.

I'm guessing you've read or seen A Song of Ice and Fire or Game of Thrones?

If not, then you will probably love it based on that interest. :P

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I have a younger brother, who can't keep his mouth shut about anything and overreacts to everything. He got really upset when he found out I was a Brony and got me in a stupid argument about "manliness" and all this bullshit. He has no problem today but he is an idiot nerd who relies on me to rescue him with the simplest tasks such as computer problems, he acts like he is a Christian, yet barely is one, and he is very bad at keeping secrets.


In the end, I'm the quiet one and he is the loud one, I'm around as his human punching bag anyways.

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I have two brothers. One of them is nice and cool. I always have fun around him, and he occasionally watches MLP FiM with me. 


On the other hand, the other brother I have can be a bit of a jerk. He's lazy, but smart. Sometimes we fight, but it usually ends alright.


I'm the youngest of the three (me being 18), and I am thankful for having my brothers :)

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I have a younger brother that I HAVE to drive to school, and in order to do that I have to have a job, so I am really working for him. He definitely has his times, and so do I, but I think we are currently on good terms.

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Hmmm, so we're talking about your brothers or just or our siblings in general? Well, I'm going to talk about both.



I have one older sister who is in college. She just came back for Christmas recently. She's the best sister I could ask for. She didn't discriminate me when I first started being a brony. If anything, she encouraged it. Heck, she fell into the epic pony trap!



I don't have any other siblings, but I consider my friends as an extending realm of my family. In fact, I consider this growing fandom as my family.


About your brothers... Well I'm just going to talk about your older brother. Why don't you tell him? I know you're afraid of discrimination, but aren't we all? He's your brother. He should accept you no matter what your interests are. Even if he spreads word to the internet and beyond about you being gay for watching the show, us bronies will be there to support you.

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I have two brothers 1 older 1 younger. We are all adults now and dont live in the same house anymore but when we get together we always have alot of fun.  We can sometimes fight alot verbally but we get along more than we fight. All 3 of us used to fight phisicaly when we were younger but no one ever got hurt too bad ;)


I really do love my brothers they are my very best friends, I always look forward to when we can see each other again but then sometimes if we are together alot we can get on eachothers nerves, because we know exactly how to annoy the other in the very best way.


I am lucky enough to have my younger brother whos name is Blue here, actually introduce me to MLP and to these forums.

  • Brohoof 1
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I have two brothers 1 older 1 younger. We are all adults now and dont live in the same house anymore but when we get together we always have alot of fun.  We can sometimes fight alot verbally but we get along more than we fight. All 3 of us used to fight phisicaly when we were younger but no one ever got hurt too bad ;)


I really do love my brothers they are my very best friends, I always look forward to when we can see each other again but then sometimes if we are together alot we can get on eachothers nerves, because we know exactly how to annoy the other in the very best way.


I am lucky enough to have my younger brother whos name is Blue here, actually introduce me to MLP and to these forums.


So you can see the differences between us in of the fact that his common manners include what he learned from Runescape forums. Like a lack of grammar in some ways, and forgetting to capitalize.

Yet I don't usually criticize him on things like that because he can kick my ass as a Demoman in Team Fortress 2 anyways.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 5 months later...

Imma resurrect this thread. :P


I have two brothers (one half, one full). One of them is @Dustbuster Dug, a member on this forum. He's a little older than me. He's also incredibly annoying. >.>

I also have a half brother who's 8 years older than me. He doesn't live with my family anymore. :c But we still see him every week or so. :)

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I have one brother and one sister. I'm the middle child. dry.png If your a middle child as well, then you understand my plight. 


Okay, so my brother is almost 2 years older than me. He is actually on this forum as well, got me into MLP actually. Hasn't been very active lately though. He is Circadian. He's a smart kid, booksmarts anyways, kind of a dumbass sometimes. Not going to go into details, but he waited till the last second to get his act together. He is also a bloody SELF RIGHTEOUS VEGETARIAN, which grinds my gears. I'm sure some of you have seen his vegetarian thread. We're on okay terms I guess. Been kind of edgy lately because we're both going through an identity crisis and trying to establish our independence from our parents, also my independence from him. When I was younger, I was like his shadow. So we clash from time to time.


Then I have a younger sister who is a little over 2 years younger than me. She can be kind of difficult at times, but we get along okay. She adheres to societal norms too much though. I worry for her. Out of the three of us, I guess you could say she has the least problems.  

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Let's talk about brothers! :D


I have 2 older brothers! To make it short I have a horrible relationship with both of them, it's not like we hate each other, but it's because I don't have a relationship with them at all!


The oldest one is bipolar or something, he treats everyone like his child (including his GF), and he thinks that he's always right and if you don't do things like the way he says, you are pretty much a complete idiot according to him, he's bitter and verbally abusive. But he's calm.

The other one is drunkass fool and a horrible human being, he's disgusting, he lacks personal hygiene and thinks that everything can be fixed with perfume. He cheats, he lies, he steals and takes things from others without permission. He doesn't care about anyone but him. He has psysically attacked me when we were younger, he horrible from the inside and the outside and he's never gonna change, having said that, I get along with him, but it's a very superficial relationship.


Your older brothers or sisters are supposed to be there for you, to be your friend and guide, your confident when you have no one, they should protect you from others and I never had that, we are all very different from each other, but they have more similarities than me with them, I have 0 common interests with them and I will always be the "weird" brother in the family.


I rather be an only child or something....

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I have two sisters (one Older and one younger) I'm the middle sibling of my family. My older sister is 33 and is also a 'brony' 'pegasister' she has love MLP since she was young. She actually had a very larger collection of the MLP toys when she was younger, but unfortunately it got destroyed in a fire. My relationship with her is actually been better than ever. I watch her kids (my nieces) whenever I am available and we talk about MLP a decent amount as well.



My younger sister is 18 and she just graduated from high school. She's known that I'm a brony since I started playing the songs in my car on our way to a college class we took together. She isn't approving of me being a brony, and we normally have the healthy colorful banter between siblings. Nothing we say to each other is said in spite or anger and we both know that it's all in good fun. She keeps mostly to herself but is always willing to open up to me when I'm around and talking to her. She knows I'm her older brother and that I'll have her back anytime.



I have wished many times that I had a brother who was older than me (like 2 years) and that I could of had someone to talk to about guy stuff and to have an even closer relationship than I could have with either of my sisters, but I got dealt the hand I'm with and I couldn't be happier!

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Well, I love my half sister and we get along.


Then...my oldest half-brother...I genuinely hate him and who he is. Personally, I'd rather spend a day discussing art with Hitler than an hour discussing anything with my brother.


Not gonna go into detail, but that's my relation with two of my half-siblings.

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I'm an only child but my mother had two young sibling miscourages. I've always wanted siblings, but the closest I have are they cousins, they are like the siblings I never had (eight older ones and three younger), but I never really get to see them much.


(Plus, I get spoiled and I hate it)

Edited by Budding Night
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I have two brothers. A big brother and a little brother.

My little brother is a self-centered asshat and also lacks a bit of common sense. I just try to avoid him as much as I can.

My big brother is cool though. I don't really talk to him much because we're both pretty quiet guys and we just sit in our own rooms all the time, but he's still cool.

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I am the oldest sibling in my family. I have a younger brother and sister, my bro is 7, and my sister is a couple years younger than me. 

My little brother is the most annoying person ever. But then again, so is my sister. But sometimes I wish I wasn't the oldest, and that I had an older brother.

I kinda like my brother more than my sister sometimes, except for when he starts to go hyper after eating chocolate or something. He's very sensitive and has a lot of allerigies to most foods, so he gets hyper easily. I love him and all, but it's hard to be nice o him when he just woke me up at 6 in the morning, jumping on my back. Ouchie.

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My relationship with my younger sister used to be like Shining Armor and Twily, we used to be really close siblings, I was in a relationship and my sister used to call my gf "Cadence" It was a complete family, there was mum, dad, Twily (my sis), Shining armor (me) and Cadence (my ex). I was so happy back then. Now days I'm more like Macintosh, working my flank off and quite quiet in class, my sister would be more "Applebloom" rather then "Applejack" because she is still young, small and doesn't do hard work. Being the oldest sibling in the family has its tolls, my dad works all the time so I'm the only guy at home, I am super protective for my sister.

My sis came home once and told me that a boy in her class was annoying her... I arrived at her school the next day... lets say my sister has never heard from him since. When I go shopping with the family (usually its just me mum and sis) I walk behind my mum and sister, so I always got my eye on them (super protective me). Being the eldest is a big responsibility. 

Edited by SwigglySwiggly
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i had 3 brothers. the oldest would've been probably in his late 30's now, but he passed away when i was about 2 years old.

i still have my older brother maarten, and my twin brother niels. with maarten being 19 years old, and niels 17, just like me :3

neither of my brothers is a brony, and my older brother doesn't even know of my love for the fandom.

but my twin brother knows, and he accepted it. 

i must say the bond with my twin brother is way stronger then the bond with my older brother, because my older brother really tries to become more upon himself and stuff. and me and my twin brother go to party's and festivals together.

Edited by repsol rave
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  • 4 months later...

I have one step brother.. ad at first we did not get along to well but over time... of us smoking a lot of pot together we have been getting along just fine and now we are the best of friends... hell he lives with me half the time.

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I don't like my brother....and I don't like my sister. My brother and sister like to mock what I enjoy spending my time on and they're generally not fun to be around. My sister looks exactly like me and we even have the same music taste....but I don't like her. I'm not a fan of family members for the most part either, I like my parents and my grandmother...that's it. There are, however, certain people in my family, that if they were to die, I wouldn't care...simple as that. So, I don't like my brother or sister...they're both older than me as well.

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Technically, I'm an only child. However, my best friend's family has really taken me in and made me part of their family. So much so that my friend's little brother calls me the sister he wish he got. He also says I'm more of a sister to him than his actual sister, pretty harsh, but quite true. I guess it helps that we aren't blood related, but we have a great relationship. We do almost everything together and even dressed the same for Halloween one year when we spent it in Disney. Matt's the little brother I never had, and he's a brony! So yay yay.png

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