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(Just to let everypony know, this may seem small, but when you have been in a depression for more than a few years with thoughts of suicide, smaller things can make me upset).   


Alright, I've had enough. Seriously enough. That is it, my mom has crossed the line. I am outraged. There is going to be a video soon made by me. I am done with this bullshit. I could go on, but I chose not to about how raged I am and discussed what happened.

   So, let's start out a few days before I went to Hot Topic. So, it is near Christmas. I check on the MLP collections. I feel like I need more than just 1 fan made pony shirt (it is a hotdiggedydemon shirt). So, I find some Rainbow Dash lounge pants, I WANT THOSE, along with a bracelet, and some headphones. That is all, I want from the store. I also have wanted to have a phone case and a Vinyl Scratch shirt. I was going to pay for it.

   So, I ask my mom if we could go to Hot Topic. My mom takes me, my sister, and herself to the mall. So, I am about to go to Hot Topic, but then my sister and mom come along. It is quite embarrassing, speaking I'm 15. So, we get into the store. Here is the bad thing. My sister and mom know I am a brony. And, my sister is an asshole about it. So, I get into the shirt. I ask for Rainbow Dash lounge pants. They do not have it. Than, my sister teases me about a Rainbow Dash necklace I see. She says that I would like that and I agree. Then she gets al up in my face about it. My mom said I am not allowed to get the necklace. I wanted headphones. My mom said I could not get those since I have a pair of beats. Then I explain to her how I want them cause they are cooler than beats. She than went to tell me that I am not allowed to get any brony stuff and we left the store. She then told me that I look gay and that she was going to speak to my father about this. Now, my dad does not know I am a brony. I do not want him to know cause he could take it the wrong way.

   Here is what I am more annoyed about. Nobrony in the store backed me up. Nobrony (even a store employee that was wearing a MLP shirt) did not back me up when my mom was embarrassing me. No one though looked at me weird when shopping for anything MLP. She explained to me also when I said that if she is criticizing me, she is criticizing more than 36,000,000 bronys (I am sure the population of the world that are bronys are about 5 - 10%. That means that it is very high speaking we have 7 Billion people on this earth. She said all those people are either gay or losers.

  Now, it was embarrassing cause it happened in public and I got to buy, NOTHING. I was mad the rest of my time their. What do you think about this.

   My mom is normally very supportive of the fandom, but today, she wasnt and ticked me off. I am scared of what could happen tonight when my dad gets back.

Edited by morethanicecream
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   My mom is normally very supportive of the fandom, but today, she wasnt and ticked me off.

This little sentence knocked me off a little. If she is supportive of the fandom, then why does she suddenly rage about it?


I suggest just going into the store and buying one without your mother :P i don't think they cost "That" much that you couldn't afford one without your parents.


Probably why no brony interfered with your conflict with your mother, is maybe because they didn't want to get involved in private "Family" Buisness.


I'm sure a talk with your mother should sort it out. I really don't suggest making videos of you raging on your parents over something silly as this...

Edited by Concord
  • Brohoof 1


Thank you MatrixChicken for the Signature!

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cool story..... seriously i don't see the problem, other then you're some what butt hurt over a little teasing and what not, I can't help but laugh. 


Speaking that I have been in a depression for more than a year, the exact same memories of the ongoing bullying took back. So, there is a reason why I was pissed. Trust me, I want to express myself, but, I cant cause of my parents


This little sentence knocked me off a little. If she is supportive of the fandom, then why does she suddenly rage about it?


I suggest just going into the store and buying one withouth your mother :P i don't think they cost "That" much that you couldn't afford one withouth your parents.


Probably why no brony interfered with your conflict with your mother, is maybe because they didn't want to get involved in private "Family" Buisness.


I'm sure a talk with your mother should sort it out. I really don't suggest making videos of you raging on your parents over something silly as this...

The video is going to be funny. So, there is a reason why I was going to make one. Yeah, problem is that I dont live near Hot topic, and cant get one without my parents, so, there is an issue.

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I'm sorry, but I don't understand why you are surprised no one backed you up. It is not their business. If a mother and her son are not getting along, no one is going to intervene. That would actually be pretty rude.

  • Brohoof 1



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kiddo when i was 15 i came out as homosexual (resulting in ridicule and gay bashing) and now you're 15 and crying drama for being teased for liking a show for little girls..... pffff HAHAHAHAHAHA! :D i alway get a chuckle out of thing like these as well as when brony get all insecure about telling the parents 

  • Brohoof 3

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kiddo when i was 15 i came out as homosexual (resulting in ridicule and gay bashing) and now you're 15 and crying drama for being teased for liking a show for little girls..... pffff HAHAHAHAHAHA! :D i alway get a chuckle out of thing like these as well as when brony get all insecure about telling the parents 


Well, without this show I would be dead. Seriously, I had suicidal thoughts, I would have done things that would mostly result in a few people dead, believe me, I DONT FUCK AROUND.

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The video is going to be funny. So, there is a reason why I was going to make one. Yeah, problem is that I dont live near Hot topic, and cant get one without my parents, so, there is an issue.

Can't you just take the bus or aren't there any buses where you live I can't imagine it being that hard probably because I've been taking buses since I was around 10.

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Can't you just take the bus or aren't there any buses where you live I can't imagine it being that hard probably because I've been taking buses since I was around 10.


I cant take the busses because if my parents notice me gone, they will ground me. So, that is out of the question. They do have busses where I am

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I'm not sure what are you outraged about.

That noone backed you up? I wouldn't interfere when I see teens argue with their mothers either, no matter the topic. That's simply not something you do, unless there is violence involved.

Or about your mother? I can understand that, but I guess you either have to talk her out of it or sort-of respect it until you can move out. Or just buy it when she's not around and don't wear it before her.

  • Brohoof 4


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First of I agree: your sister was being an asshole.


Now with your mom, you said she normally supports the fandom, but went against you at the store. This is strange. I guess the reason for it is that she didn't want to be seen as a supporter of the fandom in public. Maby she thinks it will ruin her reputation because in her eyes everyone else is against it and she doesn't want to be out of place. I don't know. What I do know is that it gave her no right to humiliate you in public.


Now for the store employee, I have a reason as to why he/she (you never said, and it might not matter either way) didn't help you. The way to best explaine is to give an example.


I love my family, but one part I mind having all the time at my house. It's one of my aunt and her children. Now the children are poorly disciplined. They believe they can get away with anything (and they mostly do). They always fight with each other and with my other younger cousins. I question my aunts way of parenting, but every time I do my parents say the same thing. "she is the parent and how she raises her children is up to her. We can only give suggestions, but in the end her word is hers alone". I know I shouln't question my aunt, but in reality I care for my misbehaved cousins. I think they can do better, but I can't interfer.


Now back to the employee. He/she may have seen you mom's behavior and may have disliked it, but he/she has technically no right to interfere with how she was parenting you. If it was abuse it could have been reported, but it wasn't (the way you discribed it). No other person in the store could technically have defended you if it was against your own parent because they have no right to say how she should raise her children.


Now I would have gladly have come to your aid. Dispite what I have said of no interfering I do it most of the times (only when it seems necessary or it pisses me off to see things like you discribed). I may not have change your moms opinions, but I would have given you the feeling that someone backed you up. And that would have been worth it to get a lecture from your mom (if I did defend you she may have said something like mind your own business).


For you dad.

No idea. Sorry, but the only thing I can tell you is to stay calm and don't worry. The best advice I can give you is to not let yourself get cought up in emotions.

Remember NO FEAR. If you show no fear and seem confident In yourself you may get some respect for standing your ground.


Hope everything goes well.

Hope things get better.

  • Brohoof 3
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I think you should convince her not to go ahead and shout this out to anyone in the world, including your dad. If she truly loves and cares about you she's not going to do something that would hurt. You're 15 and you probably are mature enough that she can trust you on this.

And who the hell cares what people who live miles away think of you? It's just weird...

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It sounds to me that you just need need to keep it a secret. I personally am open about being a pegasister and usually when i go to Hot Topic EVERYONE in there is a brony even just a little bit. I may not be able to relate as well because i am a female but, you my friend are experiencing what all bronies go through at least one point after entering the fandom. Its ok if you have to keep it a secret. My best friend is a brony and he keeps it a secret from his girlfriend. He comes over my house to get his MLP fix on Netflix or he comes over to watch the new episodes at my house. Its ok if thats what you have to do. At 15 i can understand you don't really have that much control over the situation but regardless of what even your parents think if you like something do what you want. If you want some merchandise you'll just have to get it when your alone and keep it some place where noone can find it. Unfortunate but if that's what your environment requires you to do then that's what you gotta do. Not many people understand what its like being insulted by your parents i do and it does hurt but don't let it cut deep. If you can take insults from your parents and shrug it off then everyone else (and there will be more haters) wont matter to you. I cant be 100% on how many bronies are open about it. Maybe using Bronycon as a benchmark. My advice to you is to keep it to yourself from now on and "Go back in the closet" as it were. Rest assured your not alone in this there are plenty of people that have to do these types of things. My friend really wanted a Celestia figure from Target but he paid me to go get it for him because he just couldn't do it. :) 



~Signature Awesomely Made By Frozen Mint~

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In the situation with the store employee if they were to try to defend you or say something to your mother that may very well cost them their job. Unfortunately it sounds like your mother just doesn't quite understand the fandom. I personally don't think it'd go over well with you making a video about your parents. If anything it might bring unnecessary negative attention towards you. The best thing to do is try to have a civil conversation with your mom sometime. Your sister on the other hand.. I wish I had advice for that. 


Good luck. :)

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Damn son sounds like you have a predicament.

Not really sure what to tell you.

I wouldn't have gotten into it if i were the guy working at the counter. gotta keep my job son.

Just man up, grab your grapes and acknowledge to your father that you're a brony

It sucks that you were in that bad place a while ago, but now it seems like you're using it to get things.

You seem like a nice guy. But you need to be a man about it admit where you are in life and go from there.

  • Brohoof 1

"It's either Blue Cheese with wings or go fuck your mother!"- Joey"CoCo"Diaz

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Well, without this show I would be dead. Seriously, I had suicidal thoughts, I would have done things that would mostly result in a few people dead, believe me, I DONT FUCK AROUND.

yeah well you own mental issues aside (also if you don't have some kind of issue and this is all sane and clare thinking.... O_o), this is a very small thing (tiny) to flip you shit and rant over it rather then laugh.... is kinda what makes me chuckle and i'm sorry if that come of as disrespectful but ..... seriously tell me this were does you're money, upbringing and life come from? if the answer isn't family i'll call BS.


you to pent up over theses things.

Edited by NewCalamity

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i know the feeling im fifteen and i got to hot topic to buy MLP FIM stuff but my mom know i am a brony but she doesnt care cause see is one to. but my dad on the other hand thinks im gay and that pisses me off but i dont let it get to me because my mom chews him out for rippin on me so i learn to laugh at his comments

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kiddo when i was 15 i came out as homosexual (resulting in ridicule and gay bashing) and now you're 15 and crying drama for being teased for liking a show for little girls..... pffff HAHAHAHAHAHA! :D i alway get a chuckle out of thing like these as well as when brony get all insecure about telling the parents 

Whirlwind, enough. The "HAHAHAHA" crap was over the top. You could have simply said you found it amusing to get all upset over something so small. I agree, it does seem like a tantrum, but there are more classy ways to say it.


Obsidian Winter.

  • Brohoof 3

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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This story legitimately annoys me so excuse my language.


Your mom sounds like a bitch. She is retarded, bronies do charity work and express the best the world has to offer, not the worst. We have brought together many diverse people to a common interest, isn't that an achievement?


Your mother is an ignorant cunt and I'd personally tell her to fuck off if she treated me like that. She shouldn't be allowed to emotionally abuse you like that.

This story legitimately annoys me so excuse my language.


Your mom sounds like a bitch. She is retarded, bronies do charity work and express the best the world has to offer, not the worst. We have brought together many diverse people to a common interest, isn't that an achievement?


Your mother is an ignorant cunt and I'd personally tell her to fuck off if she treated me like that. She shouldn't be allowed to emotionally abuse you like that.



Whirlwind, enough. The "HAHAHAHA" crap was over the top. You could have simply said you found it amusing to get all upset over something so small. I agree, it does seem like a tantrum, but there are more classy ways to say it.


You, what do you even know of him? You surmise and assume much considering all you know of Echo is how he acts when angry. He wasn't angry when he made his initial post. He was amused. Second, people start kickboxing and other sports for many reasons and so what if he did do it as a release? I would rather have him hit a bag or spar with a willing partner then be a bully. You are instigating and trying to provoke for a reaction which in turn is taking attention away from this OP's problem.

Last, I doubt you understand his pain seeing as how you don't know him. People who go through the same things experience them differently. How about you stop claiming to know a total stranger and maybe everyone can get back to talking about this topic.


On a side note, you are kinda pushing your luck with him. Instigating flame wars on the forums ain't right and if I was him, I would report you if you took it further. But thats just me.


To the OP, dude, they were sold out of one and your mom said no to something. It happens. There will be other times. There will be other Merchandise. Obviously you can be pissed. I'm pissed I can't hardly find a damn Applejack ANYTHING, but its not the end of the world. Just keep trying and maybe sit down and explain to them why the show is important to you.


Obsidian Winter.

Publicly embarrassing him is quite more than a small incident, it is more of an expression of hate and that shouldn't be tolerated, ever.


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Okay, I'm not a mod, but I think someone should lock this mess up, things are getting a little "heated" in here if you catch my drift. 

Edited by Shoboni



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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This thread...




Now, onto my take on this matter.


First off, everypony needs to bring it down a notch.


Second, morethanicecream, I'm sorry you had to go this little unpleasant experience. I personally have been lucky enough to avoid unpleasantness like this when it comes to MLP, but I've had to deal with lack of support in the past. Basically, you can take things two ways.


- Go back into the pony closet (err...stables) and drop the brony thing publicly until you're out on your own. Not the ideal solution, I've always been an advocate of bronies being open and proud about being in the herd, but if you're in a situation where you're surrounded by close-minded people and it would be endless grief, I guess laying low could work for a while.




- Sit your family down and have a serious heart to heart to your family about being a brony. Lay out the facts for them. If your mom insists that all bronies are gay, inform her that only about 2% of bronies are gay, a similar percentage to the rest of the population. If she insists all bronies are losers, inform her about Seeds of Kindness 1 and 2, Making Christmas Merrier, and the other charities bronies fund. Tell her about John Cena, Tom Cruise, Seth Green, and the other celebrities among our ranks. Give 'em the facts.


Best of luck, my friend. :)

Edited by StratoPegasus
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She explained to me also when I said that if she is criticizing me, she is criticizing more than 36,000,000 bronys (I am sure the population of the world that are bronys are about 5 - 10%. That means that it is very high speaking we have 7 Billion people on this earth.

Five to ten percent of the entire world's population are Bronies? Say what?


not only that, but 36 million is barely .51 percent (That's barely half of one percent) of 7 billion.

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I feel ya' man. A typical attitude is that "your problem ain't as bad as mine so your pathetic and irrelevant"  but by going by that logic I should tell the homeless, crazy guy who can't find his shoes that eats at our cafe near Christmas out of charity that he needs to stop crying and bitching because some kid in africa with aids most likely contracted a brain disease and can't afford shoes in the first place to lose while he jibbers to himself.


Also its tense lately. Everyone seems more... agitated...including me...am I just imaging it.. You think it just one of those winters where everyone getting S.A.D or something?


But yeah, this is a small issue none the less. people have said this and I agree. Its Christmas  near it and after it, that costly so now more than ever people need to restock their funds and hang onto their jobs. They can't risk to lose their means of paying the bills purely out of some fandom camaraderie compel them to intervene into a family issue, on top of this the sister is vexed about it all and so is the mothers so if they did back you up she'll most likely redirect any fandom rage or harassment with the cheering of her daughter at the cashier. Which she might chase to an unfortunate conclusion for the cashier. 


I think though that when your mum really went out of line was the insults  my mum has done this to me because I dress differently- I like to wander about in a top hat and a stereotypical English suit-it more of the fact that she wants you to conform out of insecurity that your difference will be punished by society in some form and is now basically attempting to shame you and deter you from the sense of fashion that you like to employ. You attacking a false image, don't argue the fandom or its merits. Argue how you FEEL about being called gay and having you hobbies insulted by someone you trust and love. Sit down, calmly try to let her know that belittling you're preferences isn't going to help anymore. It isn't going to help you get along, it isn't going to make you secure or confident-which I'd imagine is something she wants to cultivate...being you're mother-and that using hurtful methods against you is not going to help you understand her point of view.


Its a typical thing. Don't sweat it. Worst comes to worst is that you can't buy brony clothes- its sucks but at least you save money. Its important for you two to understand each other and to see that  you realize that your dressing is odd and perhaps..well..lets face it...a bit...out of the traditional male fashion but its a choices with risk you understand and that she needs to have faith in you to assess those risk in life. You need to understand wither or not her rash actions came out of social pressure, awkwardness and insecurity about your safety.


Your safety, man. That kind of stuff can drive ma's to say things a bit out of character at times.



Sister are always there to antagonize you, thats siblings.

Edited by MiStErUnMeRry
  • Brohoof 2

A Head Butt is just a more confrontational meeting of the minds.

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First off if you haven't already I suggest you get help for your mental issues, I have had suicidal thoughts in the past so I know what you are going through. As for your mother, it sounds like she is projecting her own insecurities onto you which is very sad she cares way way too much about what strangers think about her and her children.


I am not excusing everyone but witnessing something like that is very awkward and unexpected, sometimes people can be at a loss for words. I am not sure what I would say but I would probably come to your defense had I been there.And the employee may have stood up for you if circumstances were different, when you are working for company and you are on duty you are on their time and are representing not only yourself but them as well. So anything he would have said which would have made your mother upset probably would have resulted in a complaint to the manager and him losing his job, I mean I have seen people get fired for way less than that a friend of mine was forced to resign over a simple misunderstanding.

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