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how cool is your teacher and why are they cool?


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i made this topic for fun i would like to know what are your coolest teachers and what do they do to make them cool are they funny are the stupid are they fun so on so i would like to know your answers please (they dont have to teach you but you have to go to the same school collage or uni as them and know them a bit) one of the teachers in my school a geography teacher (mr t) was talking to yr7 pupils about snow but they where confused becasue he said "you need to put your fingers in about 3inches deep and then push your fist through all the white all they way through" the yr7s where confused my hole class heared this and my other teacher showed us a old people sign and said i do not know what they are doing in this sign my mate then said they are doing what mr t said a minute a go



Edited by chattydash



sorry for the spelling problem i try my best its so hard to wright write with my mouth


credit goes to Gone ϟ Airbourne for the epic sig

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My old Chemistry teacher Mr Chima was always fun. He was always telling us about how back in his day the experiments he did were a lot more dangerous. He always pointed out the hole in his room (Which was patched up) that he made when an experiment he was doing exploded.


That and he used to play golf in the middle of the lesson. And I hear he's retiring next year which is sad.

  • Brohoof 2

Art // Ion

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Last year(2 years ago, technically), when I was in 8th grade, I had the coolest shop teacher ever. His name was Mr. Bill. He was just a cool guy, he said hilarious things, he knew what he was talking about, he let us say whatever we wanted, he let us chew gum in class, he really didn't have any rules, and he was really nice.

  • Brohoof 1



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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My teacher is ridiculous....(and cool) During class if I ask him to burn something, he will make it SUFFER! Like when I asked him to burn some pencils he told me that was a stupid idea unless we put some rubbing alcohol on them first....they burnt most gloriously. This is all going down while he is playing the song I'm about to kick somebody's ass. True story.

  • Brohoof 1

The mind of the host will desperately try to create memories where none exist. Simple right?

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the two teacher i had (i dont have their classes now D': )
it was my english teacher and my history teacher.
well, the english teacher is a funny *bleep* and just an awesome person x3
we saw all  the LOTR movies with him on the weekend and wrote a paper on the event :P
he also gave us and assignment that we should play games and write about them <3
i miss him already D':
the history teacher was awesome beacuse he would never be boring.
always really happy, dancing, singing... and gave us a load of candy and soda at special occasions.

  • Brohoof 3
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the two teacher i had (i dont have their classes now D': )

it was my english teacher and my history teacher.


well, the english teacher is a funny *bleep* and just an awesome person x3

we saw all  the LOTR movies with him on the weekend and wrote a paper on the event :P

he also gave us and assignment that we should play games and write about them <3

i miss him already D':

the history teacher was awesome beacuse he would never be boring.

always really happy, dancing, singing... and gave us a load of candy and soda at special occasions.

ok you are not worryed why seems too cool (history) if you ask me just saying candy soda might be up to something or not just need to meet the guy befor i judge but i would be carefull if you ask me



sorry for the spelling problem i try my best its so hard to wright write with my mouth


credit goes to Gone ϟ Airbourne for the epic sig

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ok you are not worryed why seems too cool (history) if you ask me just saying candy soda might be up to something or not just need to meet the guy befor i judge but i would be carefull if you ask me

it was in class before we ended that class and when my school won an award :D

he's not a creep in any kinda way xD

he is one of the schools most respected and funniest teacher.

  • Brohoof 1
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it was in class before we ended that class and when my school won an award :D

he's not a creep in any kinda way xD

he is one of the schools most respected and funniest teacher.

sorry sounded like a creep but i know what you mean but that must of been fun all my fun teachers are retiared or retiering any way all the old teachers are geting replaced with new ones and the new ones suck sorry if i ofend



sorry for the spelling problem i try my best its so hard to wright write with my mouth


credit goes to Gone ϟ Airbourne for the epic sig

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I'm not in school anymore, but back in High school my coolest teacher used to let us use our electronics in class when we finished our work, we did often because generally it was an easy class.



the two teacher i had (i dont have their classes now D': )
it was my english teacher and my history teacher.
well, the english teacher is a funny *bleep* and just an awesome person x3
we saw all  the LOTR movies with him on the weekend and wrote a paper on the event :P
he also gave us and assignment that we should play games and write about them <3
i miss him already D':
the history teacher was awesome beacuse he would never be boring.
always really happy, dancing, singing... and gave us a load of candy and soda at special occasions.



Oh yeah, that reminds me of a memory from way back, I had a teacher in Algebra (I hate math) who would give you a 18 (Or 16.my memory escapes me) oz cherry soda every time you got above a 90 on a test. They were also a really funny teacher. I think that was the only math class I enjoyed, ever.

Edited by Aeternae Salutis
  • Brohoof 2


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Well, I have this computer/wood shop teacher. This guy is freaking amazing! He's well versed in the language on the internet and he plays video games. He openly talks about me with them, and he knows his stuff when he is. I'll casually talk to him at the end of class about League of Legends or Borderlands 2 or just anything like that. I know that he likes me as a student because I'm not a dick in his class! He expects me to know stuff which I do and he makes me feel awesome about knowing it! This guy is the teacher ever!

  • Brohoof 1

The Universe, a mystery
The Earth, a puzzle
The Dawn, an enigma...

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All my teachers are the nicest people I've ever meet on a school before. Mostly because me and my best friend are the only students who actually treat them with respect, unlike some of the students I know in my school who's either being disobedient or simply refuse to do their work. 


My Danish teacher is very good at paying attention to every single student, it almost feels like she can be in two places at the same time and she can also be a bit of a joker. My math teacher is incredibly kind and she pays extra attention to student with math issues (like me). There's also my two English teachers who are just plain hilarious, but at the same time can take you very serious if you have problems.

Normally, I wouldn't mind skipping a day in school and stay home in bed, but with the teachers I have now it's a whole different story! :)


Edit: typos

Edited by Xalius
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My teacher is cool because he did character designs and storyboards for almost every 90's cartoon show ever.




Yes... including that.



I had another teacher last year who animated this.




I don't care what anyone says, that thing is amazing.

Edited by Hansel
  • Brohoof 4

Pancakes taste like well seasoned DVD cases.

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I HAVE THE BEST HISTORY TEACHER EVER. He has this sarcastic sense of humour and he tells us funny stories. 


Here's one (I'm going to quote it):

"Have you ever had someone in your class that thinks they're funny, but they're not, and everyone in the class is thinking 'shut the hell up!' when they talk? A couple years ago I had a girl like that in my class. And one time I was explaining something, and at the end I said, 'Any questions?' So this girl raises her hand and says, 'Yeah. If you were a unicorn, what do you think you'd look like?' Now there was this kid that sat in the back of the room, and he never spoke. Ever. Shyest kid I've ever met. But now this kid says, 'Um...I think I'd be white...with like, a flowy mane...." And the kid next to him is like 'Oh my God,' and the one id is trying to explain himself, like, 'No, no I didn't mean it like that....' The shy kid never spoke one word in my class after that."

  • Brohoof 2


Credit to MatrixChicken for Signature

Credit to Генерал Четник for Avatar

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Well, in my high school times, I had a great, great physics teacher. 


He had that happy hippie look about him - Big glasses, beard, long (and very wild) hair, always wearing some ridiculously colorful shirt and some seemingly random metal object around his neck.


He definitely knew his subject well, but more importantly, he managed to present physics in such a good and fun way that even people who absolutely hated it were listening to him. And that's rare, when it comes to math, chemistry or physics.

Additionally, he was very charismatic and the most fair teacher of professor I ever saw or heard about. He surely liked some people more than others, but even people terribly failing at physics never doubted he was fair and gave them exactly the marks they deserved and a chance to fix those marks if they very bad.


That was one of the weird parts tho. If you failed something in his class, it made you feel BAD. Really bad. And that you got exactly what you deserved. And it's not that he would say something that would make you feel terrible, it's was that you did bad. He managed to make people truly care about generally disliked subject and I have great respect for him. even now.

  • Brohoof 2


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i also have a teacher with a strong welsh accent and he has a white birth mark on his head it looks like seagull poo and if you tell him you have seagull poo on your head he replys by saying its not seagull pooooo (in a welsh accent) and if he sees you smokeing he tells you you will get afromer and DIE he smokes him self so we all go you got afromer and you are going to DIE  but he is funny and awesome but it is his accent that makes him funny



sorry for the spelling problem i try my best its so hard to wright write with my mouth


credit goes to Gone ϟ Airbourne for the epic sig

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My history teacher is by far the best of all my 6 teachers, she gives us candy if we answer the question of the week right, and even better prizes if we get picked for the monthly raffle. Examples of what she gives are: Movie tickets, full size candy bars, t-shirts, notebooks, pens, and all that good stuff. Yep. I love my history :)

"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff. " - The Doctor  :comeatus:   


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I have an ongoing rivalry with my history teacher in who can tell the worst puns. I only make them when everyone is writing something down so I'm not being disruptive or anything, and it helps keep some of my less focused classmates alert, methinks. She used to be part of an improv troupe and she can do a ton of different accents. During lunch, she typically has a crowd of students (including myself) following her around because she's awesome like that.

  • Brohoof 2

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"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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The last cool teacher i remember was my Criminology teacher. Her way of teaching the students was unconventional in comparison to all the other teachers at my college. She swore like a sailor in her lectures and had alot of energy which made her class go by quickly. She let kids eat in her class which is the best quality to have for a college professor. She was/is a cop so we as students learned alot about the law and which police departments to avoid due to the fact that they never did their job. she also played games with us on occasions when she was supposed to lecture.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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 My German teacher is from New Zealand and has the most precious accent! xD When she gets mad she says "OH SHIVERS!", like the time when she stained the Promethean board. 

My freshmen algebra teacher is also the wrestling coach. One day, a kid fell asleep in class. Typical, right? Until said teacher PICKED UP HIS DESK WHILE THE KID WAS STILL IN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Yeah. We were all terrified. XD

My english teacher last year hid behind her door dressed in a ski mask on Halloween and jumped out at the kids who walked in late. :3

Love and tolerate, and live by it.

No, this is not a Hallmark card. I'm just incredibly sappy. ^o^


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  • 10 months later...

I don't have a teacher anyway more, nope I got a great boss! why is he so great? Easy, good friends with him so we go out and drink some days after work, holidays I come over and have dinner with his family, he's really fun to chat with because he's like me in everyway, we can talk about anything for hours.. point out a rock.. me and him well chat about it for days... I love it!


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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  • 2 weeks later...

Probably my favorite teacher was my guitar teacher during my senior year of high school. Shoot I used to always the best of times that year. Used to talk about music and artists all the time she was just one cool person in general. Still talk to her a lot till now.






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