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Welcome to the Rarity fan club!


Rarity is the Fashionista of Ponyville. She is considered one of the best dress makers in Ponyville. She aspires to one day make it big in Canterlot. She is a sophisticated pony of manners and etiquette. She is always willing to give to her friends, often offering free dresses for important events. She loves to work on her projects and she is the element of Generosity.


Kyronea's analysis on Rarity


Time for my fourth in my little series of analysis of the characters. Today's Subject: Rarity!

Rarity is an enigma wrapped in a shell of mystery covered by a veil of uncertainty for me, in that she and I have few things in common, making it harder for me to understand her. She's overly dramatic, a drama queen by any definition, a boisterous and refined individual, who prefers form over function in almost everything, because what use is something if it doesn't look good doing it? This description of Rarity makes her sound shallow, but like the rest of the Mane Six she has plenty of depth to her character. She surprised me over the course of the series thus far with how she's turned out to be one of the most fun characters to watch--I'm never bored when Rarity is on screen, that's for sure.

Rarity's character starts with her humble origins in Ponyville, origins confirmed by Sweet and Elite, but honestly suspected by me for far longer. I've never been convinced by her accent that she was from somewhere else--it always seemed...not fake, but more like it was crafted by someone who wanted to sound like nobility, like an upper-class citizen, rather than actually being a real accent. After all, she sounds nothing like her sister, and neither one of them really sound like their parents--if I had had any doubts left in my mind that she was indeed from Ponyville and not Canterlot or Trottingham or some other place, Sisterhoove Special killed those doubts.

Rarity, I suspect, had a difficult foalhood, not because she didn't get along with her parents, but because she felt...confined by her origins. While it's hard to tell from the very brief amount of interaction we see, I suspect her parents are very rustic, fairly common, down to earth kind of folk. Dairy farmers, perhaps, or something else similar...something that keeps them out of sight most of the time explaining why we hadn't seen them beyond the brief moment where they dropped Sweetie Belle off. Rarity, of course, being the creative soul that she is, would have felt very trapped by such a life. It wouldn't have satisfied her. When and how she got the idea in her head that she should be regal, it's hard to say...I am thinking it might have come from storybooks she either read or was read to by her parents. Perhaps as a little filly she was even "Daddy's little Princess." Whatever the case, from a young age, she started putting on airs and developing a persona of nobility, engaging herself in her creative nature to completely transform from her humble beginnings in Ponyville to something much greater. Rarity aspires to be great--she has to, if she wants to succeed in the fashion industry. She kept up her invented persona throughout the rest of her foalhood, into her teen years, and, as we see in the show, as an adult.

In her adult years, Rarity's invented persona has become so much a part of her that it IS her now, her true self as much as anything else, and it is for the better, for as this noble and regal creature, her creativity shines through so much better, because the nature of the persona is already a reflection of that creativity. Rarity is also a hopeless romantic, part of her crafted persona. Her desire to be like royalty means that she had to eventually become a Princess herself, hence her desire to be married to Prince Blueblood. It would be the culmination of her dreams from a very young foal, her crowning achievement. I wouldn't be surprised if Rarity was far more heartbroken over how disappointing the Gala turned out to be than we saw on the show, because it killed an aspect of her dreams.

Unfortunately, the persona does leave her with some failings. She can be far too...froo-froo, as Applejack might put it, occasionally wasting valuable time trying to make herself look fabulous in circumstances where it is inappropriate. Of course it also makes it easy for others to underestimate her--as she demonstrates in A Dog and Pony Show, she has more than enough wits about her to extricate herself from dangerous situations, thinking faster on her hooves than probably any other of the Mane Six with the possible exception of Pinkie Pie. Her vanity and outright adoration for gemstones can lead her to act occasionally in a greedy manner...you can see this best demonstrated in Secret of My Excess when she nearly faints over the beauty of Spike's fire ruby and then clearly argues silently with hersel for a moment before turning on the charm to get the stone from Spike, an act that, were it not for the fact that she ends up treasuring it because it is from Spike, would have left me very disappointed with Rarity. As it is, I can chalk it up more to her not wanting to see such a valuable treasure be wasted by being eaten, rather than just her being greedy.

Because Rarity has spent so much of her life trying to make herself into a member of the elite, it only makes sense that, in Sweet and Elite when she finally got the chance to make real Canterlot connections that she took the opportunity. I've expressed before my displeasure with the resolution of that episode, but it's not because I felt Rarity was acting out of character. On the contrary, her actions in Sweet and Elite made perfect sense for her, because it was something she had aspired to her entire life. I don't blame her for wanting to take advantage of the opportunity while it was available. And while I still think she got away with more than she should have in that episode, it DID remind her of her origins and, I think, helped her remember just how much of her regal nature was artificial, given where she came from.

Rarity's connection to the Mane Six began, as always, with the Sonic Rainboom. And like with the rest of the Mane Six, her story is...suspicious. Why would her horn suddenly go off on its own and drag her who knows how far just so she could be in front of a rock containing a massive amount of gems just as the Sonic Rainboom goes off? More to the point, why did it take this event to give her a Cutie Mark? Rarity had already figured out her creative talents. She was making costumes for the school play. The reason for it connects to her Element of Generosity.

Generosity isn't just giving to others freely. It's more about a way of life, a way of life that Rarity, despite her failings, does live up to. She freely gives her creativity to the world, shining it majestically wherever she goes, whether it's just strolling down Main Street Ponyville in her newest designs, or outright giving away dresses for the Gala to her five best friends. Rarity's very soul is all about expressing her creativity and sharing it with everyone. That, more than anything else, is what makes her the Element of Generosity, because her very way of life is about giving to others.

Why does that connect to the gems within the rock? The magic itself. Gemstones in Equestria are far more common than they have any right to be. They're available in the ground or inside rocks already cut, shining and glimmering ready to be used. They can't be worth as much as they are in our world, because with the way Rarity manages to collect them like candy, if they were she'd be one of the richest ponies in all of Equestria. A common fantasy trope, at least in recent years, is for gemstones to be magical, or at least able to channel magic in some form. They're also quite beautiful, perfectly fitting Rarity's self image. Rarity's special talent, the reason she got her Cutie Mark from the gems rather than just the costumes, is the ability to use gemstones in such a way that she draws out their magic potential to enhance her own natural talent for creating--in essence, the clothes she makes are all wonderfully magical in their design not just metaphorically, but literally as well. The important thing to note here is not that uses the magic of the gemstones to create, but just to enhance what she was already capable of. As for why the spell suddenly chose the moment it did to kick in so she could see the rock broken open by the Sonic Rainboom...it's hard to say. I don't think the Princess was involved in this case, but it might be that the connection between the spirits of the Elements of Harmony goes far deeper than even I had originally suspected. Or it could have just been a coincidence--not everything has to be connected.

While Rarity has failings, they all tend to come down to one important factor above all others: a desire to feel her efforts are appreciated. Ask any creator of anything, whether it be a writer, or an artist, or a poet...they'll all tell you the same thing: the thing that most discourages creativity is feeling unappreciated. Why bother writing a story if no one is reading it? Why bother making a dress if no one would wear it? Rarity wants to feel appreciated even more so than the typical creative soul, because so much of her is ABOUT creativity. She can lose herself in adoration as a result, no clearer than in the episode Sonic Rainboom, where she upstaged Rainbow Dash in the Best Young Flier's Competition, right up until the moment where her magically created wings burned off and her life needed to be saved.

Any discussion of Rarity cannot conclude without at least mentioning her relationship with Spike. Determining just how she feels about Spike is...difficult. The G-rated nature of the show and the complex moral and ethical issues surrounding an interspecies relationship--not to mention the "grody" factor--makes it difficult for the writers of the show to do much with the two. Rarity has probably known about Spike's adoration of her for a very long time--she's far too intelligent and observant to not have noticed. Up until Secret of My Excess I was convinced that Rarity saw Spike's adoration as cute but otherwise ignored it, but after the events of that episode, I am no longer certain what she thinks of Spike. I think it's safe to say she's...fond of him, and that, if Spike were an adult, she might even consider a relationship with him, but because he's still a child, she's not going to do that...at least I hope she isn't, because I would take serious issue with that due to Spike's age. (Whereas I couldn't care less about them being different species, but then I'm open-minded like that.) As I said, Rarity is a helpless romantic...that's probably why she keeps the fire ruby so close to her heart--the fact that it looks like a heart just makes it all the more symbolic, in her mind, of the romanticism of the moment. I don't know if their friendship will ever blossom into something on the show, but I think that, at least from Rarity's point of view, there's something...special there, that won't ever go away.

Rarity, despite her occasional failings and missteps, is a good pony at heart. She cares deeply about her friends, just as they care about her. She's special, and should be appreciated for just how special she is. While I wouldn't call her my absolute favorite, she's definitely high up there.



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Edited by Jeric
  • Brohoof 65


Hows it goin' my little ponies?

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Best pony <33 ~

I will easily own this thread,

Rarity doesn't get enough love from the community.

I make it my personal job to show people her suger-coated sweetness :)




I have so many pictures and things to say about her, that I fill with this thread <3

I love Rarity. ~

Edited by Shankveld
  • Brohoof 22

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Hmm... where to start with Rarity.


At first, I hated her because she seemed like that sterotypical girl from New York who could give two shits about anyone.


But after the diamond dog episode, something changed in me.


I no longer saw a whiny, defensless dress maker.


I saw a beautiful woman.


I started to watch her more carefully to learn how she really was.


It is true that her element does not really match her all that much, but she will still do anything for her friends.


And that is what makes me love her.

  • Brohoof 29


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Three cheers for our dearly beloved Rarity, the most fabulous and best pony EVER!





  • Brohoof 10

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
~*Traveling Timelord Nonpareil*~
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It is true that her element does not really match her all that much, but she will still do anything for her friends.


Her element matches her fabulously ;

she is very generous,

the only pony to notice something is upsetting Twiligh in lesson zero,

makes 6 beautiful dresses for her friends, and then re-does then, and re-does them.

gives her tail away to steve magnent,

gives fluttershy her modelling career,



Well now, if we are going for best Rarity PMV, it would be Rarity as the commander.


both our pmvs have the same thumbnail lol ~

  • Brohoof 5

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Her element matches her fabulously ;

she is very generous,

the only pony to notice something is upsetting Twiligh in lesson zero,

makes 6 beautiful dresses for her friends, and then re-does then, and re-does them.

gives her tail away to steve magnent,

gives fluttershy her modelling career,



Yesyes, that is very true.


But in her normal day, her generiosity runs quite dry.


I am not saying she is NOT her element, but with other ponies, you could find plenty more examples.


Although you did change my opinion of this a bit.



Because that picture of Rarity is pure amazing.


That is why :D

  • Brohoof 1


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What the heck, I'll post my analysis of Rarity too. And then go on to post every analysis. (Except perhaps the one for Rainbow Dash, because I feel like that analysis was a piece of crap.) As with the one I posted in the Twilight Sparkle thread, this analysis was written originally for another forum...if I remember correctly it was written during the break between Hearth's Warming Eve and Family Appreciation Day.


Time for my fourth in my little series of analysis of the characters. Today's Subject: Rarity!


Rarity is an enigma wrapped in a shell of mystery covered by a veil of uncertainty for me, in that she and I have few things in common, making it harder for me to understand her. She's overly dramatic, a drama queen by any definition, a boisterous and refined individual, who prefers form over function in almost everything, because what use is something if it doesn't look good doing it? This description of Rarity makes her sound shallow, but like the rest of the Mane Six she has plenty of depth to her character. She surprised me over the course of the series thus far with how she's turned out to be one of the most fun characters to watch--I'm never bored when Rarity is on screen, that's for sure.


Rarity's character starts with her humble origins in Ponyville, origins confirmed by Sweet and Elite, but honestly suspected by me for far longer. I've never been convinced by her accent that she was from somewhere else--it always seemed...not fake, but more like it was crafted by someone who wanted to sound like nobility, like an upper-class citizen, rather than actually being a real accent. After all, she sounds nothing like her sister, and neither one of them really sound like their parents--if I had had any doubts left in my mind that she was indeed from Ponyville and not Canterlot or Trottingham or some other place, Sisterhoove Special killed those doubts.


Rarity, I suspect, had a difficult foalhood, not because she didn't get along with her parents, but because she felt...confined by her origins. While it's hard to tell from the very brief amount of interaction we see, I suspect her parents are very rustic, fairly common, down to earth kind of folk. Dairy farmers, perhaps, or something else similar...something that keeps them out of sight most of the time explaining why we hadn't seen them beyond the brief moment where they dropped Sweetie Belle off. Rarity, of course, being the creative soul that she is, would have felt very trapped by such a life. It wouldn't have satisfied her. When and how she got the idea in her head that she should be regal, it's hard to say...I am thinking it might have come from storybooks she either read or was read to by her parents. Perhaps as a little filly she was even "Daddy's little Princess." Whatever the case, from a young age, she started putting on airs and developing a persona of nobility, engaging herself in her creative nature to completely transform from her humble beginnings in Ponyville to something much greater. Rarity aspires to be great--she has to, if she wants to succeed in the fashion industry. She kept up her invented persona throughout the rest of her foalhood, into her teen years, and, as we see in the show, as an adult.


In her adult years, Rarity's invented persona has become so much a part of her that it IS her now, her true self as much as anything else, and it is for the better, for as this noble and regal creature, her creativity shines through so much better, because the nature of the persona is already a reflection of that creativity. Rarity is also a hopeless romantic, part of her crafted persona. Her desire to be like royalty means that she had to eventually become a Princess herself, hence her desire to be married to Prince Blueblood. It would be the culmination of her dreams from a very young foal, her crowning achievement. I wouldn't be surprised if Rarity was far more heartbroken over how disappointing the Gala turned out to be than we saw on the show, because it killed an aspect of her dreams.


Unfortunately, the persona does leave her with some failings. She can be far too...froo-froo, as Applejack might put it, occasionally wasting valuable time trying to make herself look fabulous in circumstances where it is inappropriate. Of course it also makes it easy for others to underestimate her--as she demonstrates in A Dog and Pony Show, she has more than enough wits about her to extricate herself from dangerous situations, thinking faster on her hooves than probably any other of the Mane Six with the possible exception of Pinkie Pie. Her vanity and outright adoration for gemstones can lead her to act occasionally in a greedy manner...you can see this best demonstrated in Secret of My Excess when she nearly faints over the beauty of Spike's fire ruby and then clearly argues silently with hersel for a moment before turning on the charm to get the stone from Spike, an act that, were it not for the fact that she ends up treasuring it because it is from Spike, would have left me very disappointed with Rarity. As it is, I can chalk it up more to her not wanting to see such a valuable treasure be wasted by being eaten, rather than just her being greedy.


Because Rarity has spent so much of her life trying to make herself into a member of the elite, it only makes sense that, in Sweet and Elite when she finally got the chance to make real Canterlot connections that she took the opportunity. I've expressed before my displeasure with the resolution of that episode, but it's not because I felt Rarity was acting out of character. On the contrary, her actions in Sweet and Elite made perfect sense for her, because it was something she had aspired to her entire life. I don't blame her for wanting to take advantage of the opportunity while it was available. And while I still think she got away with more than she should have in that episode, it DID remind her of her origins and, I think, helped her remember just how much of her regal nature was artificial, given where she came from.


Rarity's connection to the Mane Six began, as always, with the Sonic Rainboom. And like with the rest of the Mane Six, her story is...suspicious. Why would her horn suddenly go off on its own and drag her who knows how far just so she could be in front of a rock containing a massive amount of gems just as the Sonic Rainboom goes off? More to the point, why did it take this event to give her a Cutie Mark? Rarity had already figured out her creative talents. She was making costumes for the school play. The reason for it connects to her Element of Generosity.


Generosity isn't just giving to others freely. It's more about a way of life, a way of life that Rarity, despite her failings, does live up to. She freely gives her creativity to the world, shining it majestically wherever she goes, whether it's just strolling down Main Street Ponyville in her newest designs, or outright giving away dresses for the Gala to her five best friends. Rarity's very soul is all about expressing her creativity and sharing it with everyone. That, more than anything else, is what makes her the Element of Generosity, because her very way of life is about giving to others.


Why does that connect to the gems within the rock? The magic itself. Gemstones in Equestria are far more common than they have any right to be. They're available in the ground or inside rocks already cut, shining and glimmering ready to be used. They can't be worth as much as they are in our world, because with the way Rarity manages to collect them like candy, if they were she'd be one of the richest ponies in all of Equestria. A common fantasy trope, at least in recent years, is for gemstones to be magical, or at least able to channel magic in some form. They're also quite beautiful, perfectly fitting Rarity's self image. Rarity's special talent, the reason she got her Cutie Mark from the gems rather than just the costumes, is the ability to use gemstones in such a way that she draws out their magic potential to enhance her own natural talent for creating--in essence, the clothes she makes are all wonderfully magical in their design not just metaphorically, but literally as well. The important thing to note here is not that uses the magic of the gemstones to create, but just to enhance what she was already capable of. As for why the spell suddenly chose the moment it did to kick in so she could see the rock broken open by the Sonic Rainboom...it's hard to say. I don't think the Princess was involved in this case, but it might be that the connection between the spirits of the Elements of Harmony goes far deeper than even I had originally suspected. Or it could have just been a coincidence--not everything has to be connected.


While Rarity has failings, they all tend to come down to one important factor above all others: a desire to feel her efforts are appreciated. Ask any creator of anything, whether it be a writer, or an artist, or a poet...they'll all tell you the same thing: the thing that most discourages creativity is feeling unappreciated. Why bother writing a story if no one is reading it? Why bother making a dress if no one would wear it? Rarity wants to feel appreciated even more so than the typical creative soul, because so much of her is ABOUT creativity. She can lose herself in adoration as a result, no clearer than in the episode Sonic Rainboom, where she upstaged Rainbow Dash in the Best Young Flier's Competition, right up until the moment where her magically created wings burned off and her life needed to be saved.


Any discussion of Rarity cannot conclude without at least mentioning her relationship with Spike. Determining just how she feels about Spike is...difficult. The G-rated nature of the show and the complex moral and ethical issues surrounding an interspecies relationship--not to mention the "grody" factor--makes it difficult for the writers of the show to do much with the two. Rarity has probably known about Spike's adoration of her for a very long time--she's far too intelligent and observant to not have noticed. Up until Secret of My Excess I was convinced that Rarity saw Spike's adoration as cute but otherwise ignored it, but after the events of that episode, I am no longer certain what she thinks of Spike. I think it's safe to say she's...fond of him, and that, if Spike were an adult, she might even consider a relationship with him, but because he's still a child, she's not going to do that...at least I hope she isn't, because I would take serious issue with that due to Spike's age. (Whereas I couldn't care less about them being different species, but then I'm open-minded like that.) As I said, Rarity is a helpless romantic...that's probably why she keeps the fire ruby so close to her heart--the fact that it looks like a heart just makes it all the more symbolic, in her mind, of the romanticism of the moment. I don't know if their friendship will ever blossom into something on the show, but I think that, at least from Rarity's point of view, there's something...special there, that won't ever go away.


Rarity, despite her occasional failings and missteps, is a good pony at heart. She cares deeply about her friends, just as they care about her. She's special, and should be appreciated for just how special she is. While I wouldn't call her my absolute favorite, she's definitely high up there.

  • Brohoof 5

Used to be known on here as Kyronea.

Want to read psychological analyses of the Mane Six? Start here.

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Yesyes, that is very true.


But in her normal day, her generiosity runs quite dry.


I am not saying she is NOT her element, but with other ponies, you could find plenty more examples.


Although you did change my opinion of this a bit.



AJ is the one that doesn't fit her element at all ;) ~

  • Brohoof 2

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One of the best Rarity reviews :




I'd just like to add to it though,

in the episode "Green Isn't Your Colour"

when Rarity sees her friend Fluttershy failing on the run-way, despite her jealousy, she cheers her on when no pony else would (putting her reputation at risk). That kind of self sacrifice, is rare to find anywhere. <3 ~

  • Brohoof 5

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when Rarity sees her friend Fluttershy failing on the run-way, despite her jealousy, she cheers her on when no pony else would (putting her reputation at risk). That kind of self sacrifice, is rare to find anywhere. <3 ~


I was going to bring that up.


Although her jealousy of Fluttershy built up anger inside of Rarity that she did not know existed, she could not see her poor friend be emarassed in front of a crowd. That episode warms my heart to this day.


Only a true friend gives up their dreams for another.

  • Brohoof 3


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I don't like to post fan art that isn't mine, so I'll make something of Rarity when I have the time. Until then...


Rarity is a very awesome pony and extremely interesting. She proves that a fashionista can actually be something more than a snob by being caring and generous. Yes, she doesn't seem generous or to fit her element... but I think she does. She has her moments where she can be. And that's why I think it was awesome of them to give a character like that an element like that. She's much more than meets the eye. And what DOES meet the eye is pleasant. She is so amusing in most of her episodes, and proves that you CAN make a character like that who isn't annoying and doesn't make you want to punch them in the face.


A design that I would rate high above there in top pony design. Her mane is curly, which is something we don't see a lot in TV shows. (They seem to have something against curly hair!) It's very sophisticated and nicely coloured. I love her unique eye design, the blush, her cutie mark. She is all about gems, and I definitely love those rocks.

  • Brohoof 7

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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