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Rarity Fan Club


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Ooooooh! Congratulations!


Im uncle too... four times...


God im old.


You're only 3 years older than me. My only brother is 25, so not really surprising I got only 1 niece... I do have 4 cousin's kid which are 25,18-19, 2 and 1, so yeah  :please:

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You know the sad part about this that Ghosty is MISSING OUT ON RARITY DAY!!!!


I has a sad for him naow

Nahh. Every day is Rarity day :please:


I found this piece of fanart in the Rarity drawfriend today :wub: Absolutely fell in love with it :please:




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Whoa ... brohoof OD!




And what's all this I'm old stuff?

Nahh. Every day is Rarity day :please:


I found this piece of fanart in the Rarity drawfriend today :wub: Absolutely fell in love with it :please:





Yes! At first I was ... man I've seen all of these ... Then the treasures started. Been keeping the fire stoked for you Ghostie.

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Nahh. Every day is Rarity day :please:


I found this piece of fanart in the Rarity drawfriend today :wub: Absolutely fell in love with it :please:




Oh I know, but it just wasn't the same without you on such a fabulous day....  glad ta see ya back

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Whoa ... brohoof OD!


You're welcome :please:



Been keeping the fire stoked for you Ghostie.

Why thank you :D I kept up with the forums some off-site. Dunno if you applied to be a mod or not, Jeric, but I think you should - if not this round, next round. You can really do a lot to help the site in that regard, I can tell :D 


Plus you'd be able to see my not-so-fabulous warning history


Anyway, here's another beauty from that absolutely amazing drawfriend today :D I think it's been posted already, but I've got a massive headache at the moment so I can't remember :please:


Oh I know, but it just wasn't the same without you on such a fabulous day....  glad ta see ya back

This fan club is the only thing keeping me from up and leaving all together sometimes :please: I'll never leave for very long.

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This one is apparently old too, but I don't care. Haven't seen it so it's new to me. Can you imagine being the lucky fool to find that bottle.



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This one is apparently old too, but I don't care. Haven't seen it so it's new to me. Can you imagine being the lucky fool to find that bottle.



She looks so pretty there :wub: I wish I were the one to find that bottle...:wub:


Another piece of purple and pearl gold from Rarity Day today :D I saw it already, like I did pretty much all of the pics in that thread except for the one I shared a bit above and the NMR pics (because :okiedokielokie: ) but this one is fabulous enough for me :please:



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I love castles too... The same with the middleages and the renaissance... Lucky me... seeing that germany is full of castles and old fortresses.


Im sure Rarity would love to live in a castle like that!

























Need to visit it again... It is just a five minute walk away...


I love it!


Sorry for the spaced-out-ness of replies. I might be going a bit off-topic here, but it's in the spirit of all things fabulous. Last summer, my dad and I took a two-week roadtrip in the UK. Our sole goal was to visit as many castles as possible. With the the help of an English Heritage membership, we managed to explore 27 different castles in those two weeks. We slept in our rental car most nights to save money, but it was an absolutely incredible experience. I've been drawing/designing/dreaming about castles ever since.


I would really enjoy visiting other parts of Europe too. :D


@@ghostfacekiller39, it's good to see you back!

I would add some Rarity pics, but slow internet... grr...

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Doesn't matter of it is a full formal dress, a swimsuit, armor, or business suit ... Pearl Pone can seriously rock any look.




And Ghost, about the comment earlier ...  Though I really appreciate the vote of confidence, I'm passing on that at this point. Too soon, and I am content just posting and being part of the discussion. :D


How's the head?

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Can't spell Rarilove without Ghostie! :confused:






And Ghost, about the comment earlier ...  Though I really appreciate the vote of confidence, I'm passing on that at this point. Too soon, and I am content just posting and being part of the discussion. :D


How's the head?

Ah. Damn :please: Maybe next time.


And much better! :D Posting Rarity all over the place (with a little headache medicine) has really helped! :D


And Rarity makes everything better, eh? :wub:



dem hips

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Night all, and Ghostie! You're sporting a new look?



Yeahh, it was about time to try something new :D


I'm going to start changing my avatars more frequently, too. I had the same one for over half a year, but every now and again it's time to change :proud:


Just because something is timeless doesn't mean that there's not a new fashion in season :pout: Which is what Rarity's passion is :D






Good afternoon fan club! Woke up at 12 today to see 70 notifications from this fan club. Jaysus XD

Yeahh, we're fairly fast moving, I'd like to think :proud: 





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Check out the this beautiful compilation: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2014/08/drawfriend-stuff-rarity-compilation.html


Here's a preview:


(SO BEAUTIFUL  :wub: )


I KNOW :wub:


Isn't Rarity day fabulous? :D 


Fortunately, every day is Rarity day here  :please: 



Also, nice little picture of a true, true friend helping out the goddess of fabulosity whilst she's sick :D



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I KNOW :wub:


Isn't Rarity day fabulous? :D 


Fortunately, every day is Rarity day here  :please: 


The Ghosty is back! Wahahaha!


Like i already said, there is something important missing without you.post-25189-0-10027300-1405956155.png


Rarity is glad you are back too. She even has a little gift for you!post-25189-0-34198200-1406310453.png







And she even created something to wear for that special occasion...






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I've been thinking about joining think fan club for a while... Despite I like RD the best but I'm more like Rarity if I say so myself. Perfectionist. Check. Generous. Check. (My friends sometimes even use me because of my generous it's but I'll just let them be.) Fashionista... Nope. The thing is, I'm bad at art. >.>

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The thing is, I'm bad at art. >.>

Well, so am i... :muffins:


You are welcome to join us, even though Rares is not your favorite. Everyone who at least likes the fabulous one a little bit we will not expel from our little sanctuary.

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