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Rarity Fan Club


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Rarity and Sweetie have a little spring excursion going on. Ahhhh... Spring... The season that is not so stupidly hot that it makes my head hurt... :muffins:



Beautiful flowers on a field indeed. :please:

Edited by Obsidian Sky
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Rarity looks absolutely breathtaking here, doesn't she? :wub:


558378__safe_solo_rarity_animated_smile_DDem eyes :wub:

Damn. Someone has serious gif making skills. Perfect blink/lash movement.


Mesmerizing :D

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Currently playing the s*** out of Paper Mario on my Wii Virtual Console.


And speaking of Paper Mario:



Reminds me of me playing scribblenauts! :muffins:



Rarity looks absolutely breathtaking here, doesn't she? :wub:


DDem eyes :wub:

That flutter makes my heart melt...

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Did you actually do that? :wau: You can make Rarity in that game? :D



You can actually, you can basically make everything. Sadly i have no real clue how to do that, so i downloaded a Rurdy from the steam workshop.

Oh snap! I have an Epiphany! Need to start Scribblenauts!

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At the time I type this, the Rarity Fan Club has about 6 times the number of posts as the average for the other Mane Six and about 5 times the posts of the Rainbow Dash Fan Club, the one with the second most posts. There is also 2,349 more posts in the Rarity Fan Club than the other Mane Six fan clubs put together! I really sound like an egghead... Rarity is a business pony, so she most likely knows arithmetics (Or however you spell that.)



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Is Rarity technically an Earthbender? Her main talent is gem-related, after all.


P.S.: *Browses TV Tropes* *Finds TLOK section* HOLY S***, SEASON 3 STARTED A MONTH AGO!!! I BETTER CATCH UP!!! *Is currently doing so on YouTube, Dailymotion, etc.*

Edited by A.V.
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At the time I type this, the Rarity Fan Club has about 6 times the number of posts as the average for the other Mane Six and about 5 times the posts of the Rainbow Dash Fan Club, the one with the second most posts. There is also 2,349 more posts in the Rarity Fan Club than the other Mane Six fan clubs put together! I really sound like an egghead... Rarity is a business pony, so she most likely knows arithmetics (Or however you spell that.)



*does her best Applejack* "shouldn't your fancy mathematics be reserved for the Twilight Sparkle fan club?"

Lol; just kidding :smug:

To be serious, and shift the focus back to Rarity; Yes! She's very good at math! If you read the comic "How Rarity Got Her Groovy Back," you can see that as she (minor spoiler)

devises and implements a business plan for Flax Seed and Wheat Grass

. The comic is featured in Rarity's micro comic so you can easily get it for about $4; I highly reccomend it... Such a great read!

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I don't know why this is such a big thing in the fandom... Or at least it seems like that for me.


People with arachnophobia might not want to open that spoiler...







Most cute spider though...post-25189-0-79425100-1406301242.png


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I don't know why this is such a big thing in the fandom... Or at least it seems like that for me.


People with arachnophobia might not want to open that spoiler...




Most cute spider though...

She is cute! Wife has arachnophobia, I actually made a custom wedding vow to squash all of them that I see in her name! I'm alektorophobic; yet somehow a big Scootaloo fan... Go figure?


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Rarity with Scootaloo! I don't see too many pics of that. Awesome find. Speaking of fillies with Rarity.





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Also, I want to lick the frosting... :(






I swear this fanclub has been getting more suggestive lately. No complaints though. ;)


Also, I should apologize. I've been cheating on Rarity FC with Fluttershy FC. No hard feelings, I hope.



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I swear this fanclub has been getting more suggestive lately. No complaints though. ;)


Also, I should apologize. I've been cheating on Rarity FC with Fluttershy FC. No hard feelings, I hope.



You can be in as many fan clubs as you like dear! I'm also fairly active in Applejack's club and numerous other non mane 6 characters... Als0; I found this on google... You may like these people!


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You can be in as many fan clubs as you like dear! I'm also fairly active in Applejack's club and numerous other non mane 6 characters... Als0; I found this on google... You may like these people!



Sweet. I must say, Rarity's ride is a little more sleek (as it should be).


Edit: Uh oh, I'm a cupcake now. Rarity would not approve of this wasteful use of sapphires.


Edited by The Pony Pianist
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