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Good evening, fellow Rarity fans! As you can see, I'm new here so I'm eager to get posting and get rid of this shameful blank-flank. See you all around  :D





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Heh. Welcome to the fan club, my brother in fabulosity :D I hope you enjoy your stay and you come around to visit us often :please:


Have some introductory Rarity :D



  • Brohoof 7
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Our little queen is teasing again...post-25189-0-98096400-1405937731.png


She is really good at that.post-25189-0-56084000-1405868582.png


Oh Rarity, you are so gorgeous... And you know it. You know that these poor stallions have no chance against your charms... But they enjoy it that way.

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Pocky is what Rarity is eating. It's a little cookie stick dipped in chocolate.

Posted a picture not long ago with that stuff too.


Oh my... Only one left... They will have to share i guess... :pout:

  • Brohoof 6
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Actually, I can see Rarity being a huge chocoholic - she probably has stashes of luxury chocolate hidden all over the Carousel Boutique :please: It'd be her guilty pleasure :D


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Sweet and Elite ... and likely to earn you a trip to Colgate.


wait ... what? :confused:


Also attaching images on mobile ... not fun

  • Brohoof 5
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I have the perfect idea for a Rarity/Sweetie Belle episode!


Rarity and Sweetie Belle's cousin comes to Ponyville to visit. She's a painter. Sweetie Belle finds out that her cousin will charge 50 bits, but she will give her a cutie mark. Sweetie Belle decides that her friends should get cutie marks, too, so she steals 150 bits from Rarity. Their cousin paints the cutie marks on the CMC. Soon, Rarity finds out her bits were missing and finds out that Sweetie Belle stole the money. Rarity knew her cousin did not usually charge ponies that high of a price. She confronted both Sweetie Belle and her cousin about stealing. Sweetie Belle stole by taking the money. Their cousin stole by overcharging Sweetie Belle.


It's a terrible idea, isn't it?

  • Brohoof 4
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I have the perfect idea for a Rarity/Sweetie Belle episode!


Rarity and Sweetie Belle's cousin comes to Ponyville to visit. She's a painter. Sweetie Belle finds out that her cousin will charge 50 bits, but she will give her a cutie mark. Sweetie Belle decides that her friends should get cutie marks, too, so she steals 150 bits from Rarity. Their cousin paints the cutie marks on the CMC. Soon, Rarity finds out her bits were missing and finds out that Sweetie Belle stole the money. Rarity knew her cousin did not usually charge ponies that high of a price. She confronted both Sweetie Belle and her cousin about stealing. Sweetie Belle stole by taking the money. Their cousin stole by overcharging Sweetie Belle.


It's a terrible idea, isn't it?

Not necessarily, but it could be fleshed out a bit more for the purposes of not drawing too many parallels with this episode and "One Bad Apple." Make her *very* sneakily evil :please:


If it's going to be a cousin, why not make it a bit older Rarity's age, if she isn't already? (I kind of got the impression she was Sweetie Belle's age :confused:) and why not make it someone Rarity greatly admires for her craftsmanship and artistic ability, as well as refined manners, to the point of having looked up to her greatly when she was young?


Maybe she's why Rarity seeks to be refined? She could even mimic the beatnik Rarity style a bit :please:


However, she'd also be the anti-thesis of Rarity because she'd be snotty, unaccepting, and greedy. She'd be what Rarity haters accuse the goddess of fabulosity herself of being - and it'd shine through when she tricks Sweetie Belle.


So not only would that help provide insight on Rarity's true character and what she *could* be, but it'd provide a moral dilemma and test Rarity's good nature - go against the mare she looked up to for almost her whole life, or get after Sweetie Belle for directly stealing money for her? What to choose?


That's off the top of my head, though :please: 


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Not necessarily, but it could be fleshed out a bit more for the purposes of not drawing too many parallels with this episode and "One Bad Apple." Make her *very* sneakily evil :please:


If it's going to be a cousin, why not make it a bit older Rarity's age, if she isn't already? (I kind of got the impression she was Sweetie Belle's age :confused:) and why not make it someone Rarity greatly admires for her craftsmanship and artistic ability, as well as refined manners, to the point of having looked up to her greatly when she was young?


Maybe she's why Rarity seeks to be refined? She could even mimic the beatnik Rarity style a bit :please:


However, she'd also be the anti-thesis of Rarity because she'd be snotty, unaccepting, and greedy. She'd be what Rarity haters accuse the goddess of fabulosity herself of being - and it'd shine through when she tricks Sweetie Belle.


So not only would that help provide insight on Rarity's true character and what she *could* be, but it'd provide a moral dilemma and test Rarity's good nature - go against the mare she looked up to for almost her whole life, or get after Sweetie Belle for directly stealing money for her? What to choose?


That's off the top of my head, though :please: 


She's around Rarity's age. I should have added it. She also isn't going to appear evil until others find out that 50 bits is actually a ridiculous price. Sweetie Belle would probably look like the only antagonist. She's not a bully or anything. She's very friendly, but she is greedy. 

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