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One YouTube comment reads: "I don't know about the rest of you, but I know a green-clad Elf that is going to be wondering where all of his money went."

I had no idea this game existed! Rhythm Heaven Fever is one of my all-time favorite games. I need to play this.


Edit: I downloaded it and am playing now. :D

Edit Edit: There is a DDR version but no Rhythm-style game. :( Sadness.

Edit Edit Edit: But it's still good.


Edit Edit Edit Edit: This post has lost all meaning.



Edited by The Pony Pianist
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Oh hello RFC. I should really try to come here more often I know. :wacko:

Not for another 5 hours for me officially lol... but thanks! :D


Now I have to stay awake for 5 hours... Civ 5 here I come!


Also, Rarity bedazzle1_by_ruby_sunrise-d5cyyt6.png



Also pony civ mods  :D  http://www.equestriadaily.com/2014/02/civilization-v-pony-mod-extradordinaire.html

Edited by GlowingFlask
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Just started a game of Civ 5 as Platinum, the unicorn queen. Other nations are Celestia, Sombra, Discord, Twilight, Puddinghead, Hurricane, Luna, Nightmare moon, Orion (sky march), Pinkamina Diane Pie and.... Cadence as Gandhi (it even bugged and is showing Gandhi  - New crystal empire (with Gandhi Icon) in the selection screen even if it's Cadence in the list). 


All this on Map of Equestria and with ponified cultural policies and such...


I feel like I'm getting too ponified... Maybe MLP is affecting my mind...




EDIT: All the units and research icons are ponified. Superb.

Edited by GlowingFlask
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I found this scene to be absolutely amazing for some reason :please:


attachicon.gifmedium (45).png


She looks so cute when she shuts her eyes tightly :wub:


Agreed! Here's another classic one (though not as cute as yours :please:)




Depending in browser ... click for animation.

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Goodnight, fan club! :D




Also, just going to wish @Radiance64 a happy birthday! :D I remember when I first joined this site, I looked up to you, dude :please: Hope to see you around more :D



medium (7).jpg

Thanks ghosty! I'll, uh, try to keep being a good example for ya kid. ;)


Thanks to you as well! :D
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