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Rarity would like to say something to all her fans:

<3<3<3 I love you too dear sweetie darling<3 :grin2:  :grin2:






A Fabulous Encounter
Ponyville really was a beautiful place. The birds always seemed to sing, the sky was usually blue, excluding the days that there were scheduled rainstorms, and their always seemed to be ponies around to talk to. 
As I made my way through the small Ponyville marketplace, I was struck by how few fellow ponies there actually were. Other than the vendors, who had to be here, there were only ten or so ponies walking down the lane and buying food. Normally, I'd have to force my way into a line to even get a cherry, but today I could just walk up and buy one. 
Though I wasn't disappointed, I was a little startled. It meant my morning routine was going to possibly be extremely cut down in time. So, that also meant I had some time to idle. 
As I did so, I heard the noise of a mare coming from the end of the rows. The voice was extremely feminine and almost had a Canterlot edge, though it seemed more learned than natural. I blinked and walked towards the noise, and utterly was shocked. 
AT the end was a mare that was shining white in the brilliant light. Her mane and tail both had matching shades of deep purple, just enough to compliment her form. The way they elegantly curved was something to be admired, for mane-styling was difficult. Her warm navy blue eyes sparkled as she looked to be tussling with something in her mane bag. 
Utterly entranced by the beauty of her luxurious mane and luscious locks, I found myself drifting towards the mare. My hooves pushed down before I could stop them, and before I knew it, I was right beside the mare. 
"Gah!" She was struggling to use her magic to force a small box of greens inside her saddle bag, "Do come on now!" 
I blinked and I coughed a small bit to catch her attention, "Um.. Hello ma'am." 
The mare turned to face me, and I felt as though I could stare into those blue eyes until I was lost in them forever. Then she blinked, and I was thrown out of my stupor. 
"Hullo!" She smiled, "Would you be a dear and possibly... help me... fit this in.. My bag?" She was groaning between words. 
I nodded and walked over, tugging on her strap slightly. Her fur felt like the softest of silk, and I wondered briefly exactly what type of shampoo she used to get it so soft. Needless to say, I thought it was extremely gorgeous. 
I took out the box and thought about it, then I removed the saddlebag. I took it and began to gently move some things around (you never know what a lady like herself would carry), and finally managed to find a space and some extra room for her.  
"Thank you so much!" She smiled, levitating the bag back onto her back. I twinged a bit, wishing I could use unicorn magic. Levitating a brush would be much better than using it to comb by awkwardly bending a hoof. 
"May I ask your name?" I put on my best gentlemanly accent. Her eyebrows fluttered over her eyes in such a beautiful way, it would make lesser poines than myself swoon, and I almost did so. 
"How rude of me not to do so already!" She gasped at herself, "I am Rarity!" 
Rarity...Her name seemed to match the way her beauty was present in the world. I smiled warmly and replied to her my own name before walking up, "Do you need any more help getting around the tents?" 
She smiled, "Such a gentleman! Well, now that you mention it, I do have a few more items to get before I head home. Sweetie is a picky eater." 
I almost blinked. A beautiful mare and a mother? I smiled, "I bet your foal is a very wonderful one." 
She batted her eyebrows before her eyes widened in understanding, "Oh, no dear, she's my sister. My parents are... ahem, on the other side of Equestria, so I'm taking care of her for an indefinite amount of time." 
"Really?" I asked, "What do you do for a living?" 
As we chatted, we obtained the things she needed. I learned so much about her: she was a dress maker with dreams of going to Canterlot, and she'd already made it big with Sapphire Shores. She would have left the town, but she had five friends she adored and wouldn't necessarily leave alone for any reason. She loved to make dresses, and her cutie mark meant something about her creative inspiration. 
"Can I ask you a question, Ms. Rarity?" I asked, blushing a little bit as we walked. We were almost at the end of her list, and I needed ot seal this if I wanted to leave an impression on her. 
"Of course, darling." She smiled. Oh, that smile. I could stare at it for eons and time would flow by as though it were water passing down a river, and I would never wish for it to turn out any other way. 
"Are you free tomorrow?" I asked, blushing heavily as I did so, "I would love to spend more time with you." 
Rarity's eyes widened before she thought. Her brow furrowed in concentration in the most adorable way possible known to ponykind. 
"No, I do belive I'll be free most of the day tomorrow." She smiled. 
"There's a nice resturaunt up by the lake," I smiled, "Would you mind?" 
She shook her head, "No dear." 
"I'll be there at 4:30 to pick you up." I grinned. 
She nodded and blinked, "Oh, and one more thing before I go." She turned around and planted a warm and ladylike kiss on my cheek. 
"I'll be waiting!" With that, she left me, awestruck and went back to her lovely life.

I made my way over towards the fashionable building, taking care to watch the time. I needed to pick up Rarity at exactly 4:30, and not a moment too soon or too late. 
I smiled and sighed a bit as her image flashed through my mind. A gorgeous white coat that sparkled whenever the light hit it, the purple mane and tail that flowed together to link together both ends of her wonderful form. Not only her body, yet her voice was one that he swore he could listen to forever and he'd never get tired of any syllable.  
I approached the carousel boutique, smiling. I'd rented a nice suit that complimented my mane and tail, as well as getting a small ose before I'd arrived. I figured that Rarity wanted to be treated as much like a lady as she could be by her lover. 
I knocked on the door, fully prepared to take her to the quaint restaurant. I smiled and steadied myself, placing the rose in my pocket. 
When the door opened, I was at a lost for all words. 
Rarity stood there, smiling. She wore a beautiful blue gown that accented her eyes, curling around her shoulder. One shoulder was left exposed and lopped around towards the back, where it tightened around her glorious hips. It wrapped to her tail and tightened a little bit, forming a full and gorgeous look. 
I looked down and my eyes widened. I was awestruck, unable to think about what this was. I blushed a little bit and extended my hoof slowly. 
"T-this is for you, L-Lady Rarity." I blushed heavily and hoofed it to her with a smile.  
She smiled and took it with her magic, "You do know how to flatter a lady." She placed it inside her pocket and stepped out, extending her hoof. 
Taking the hoof, I guided her to a small taxi carriage. I opened the door, sweating ever so lightly and making sure that she was okay. 
"Thank you, darling." She smiled. I felt like I was going to swoon at her beautiful voice and smile. I wasn't even able to think much. 
As the carriage went, I dared to put a small hoof on top of her own. I flinched as she twitched, fearing she'd pull away and move aside. 
Suddenly, I felt a warm embrace. Rarity had moved closer and snuggled into my side with an equal blush. 
"thank you." She whispered, "You truly are a wonderful gentlecolt tonight." 
I blushed at her compliment and gasped. I looked down, not sure how to reply. It was going to say something, only to have the feel of her gentle lips on my cheek. 
I flared up and stammered, shaking a little bit. I shook, rubbing my hoof a bit. 
Before I could embarrass myself, the carriage finally stopped. I sighed in relief and got out, walking around and opening her door gently. 
Blinking a little bit, she grinned and got out with me. Her loving locks flipped out as she wrapped her hof around mine, trotting inside with me. 
I ordered us a table and sat down, blushing again. She sat on the opposite side of me in order to talk to me more readily. 
"Tell me more about yourself, darling?" She requested. She batted her long eyebrows at me. I swore I was going to fall over. 
Blinking a bit, I explained the basics facts about me: my name, cutie mark, and some details that she needed to know. I went into a few stories, but tried to only say those that she may enjoy. I didn't want to ruin this date in the slightest. 
In turn, she smiled and replied back. While many things she said I'd heard the other day, I was still intrigued and happy to listen. She talked more about dresses and her inspiration, how her cutie mark meant that she was creative and more willing and ready to make amazing things, and about her sister, whom she both loved and hated at the same time.  
The waitress pony brought us a small tray of water and sat it down. We both ordered a very exquisite looking salad (who knew we had the same tastes?).  
As the date went on, the small talk escalated into full on conversations. Jokes were swapped, identities shared, and we both lightened up to each other in order to help feel better. We laughed together (what a cute laugh she had!), talked about life and other things that would be of interest 
I began to feel like I was going to alight with joy. She seemed so nice to me, and I didn't have to censor myself at all. IT was nice, being open with her and feeling like I could actually make a difference with her. 
At the end of the meal, we both stood up and smiled. Rarity had to get back home, and I had to get to my small shop to open it for the evening. I blushed and looked to her as we stood up together. 
"Will I see you again?" I asked, blushing heavily. I felt so cliche!  
Rarity looked into my eyes and smiled, "Of course, darling, I would be more than happy to do so." 
I blushed crimson. As we walked out together, suddenly I felt her hooves wrapped around my neck. Then, she kissed me. 
Her lips were like the beginnings of the gates to heaven. They felt as though they'd been saturated in love and sheer and utter pleasure. It felt amazing, so amazing. 
It was over all too soon. I looked up as she left, leaving behind a trail of kisses blown to me. 
"Bye dear!" She called gently, getting into a taxi and blowing one last kiss. 
I blushed and nodded, catching it with a smile. Before I knew it, she was gone.
  • Brohoof 11
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I finally got my fabulous plush of best pony!  



Isn't she lovely? post-25189-0-98096400-1405937731.png

It's gonna be fun to snuggle her. 

Wooooh<3<3<3<3 She looks so lovely <3<3 =) :grin2:  :grin2:  :grin2:  :grin2:  :grin2:  :grin2:  :grin2:


Plushies are the best ponies though<3<3<3



Rarity flutters tea time =)=)=)=)=O  :grin2:  :fluttershy:


Talking happy things together like the all the friend ponies do =)=)=)=)=)=)=) :rarity:

  • Brohoof 7
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Rarity working late in the night<3 with her pony dress project :grin2:  Making sure to finish the dress in time to make her friends happy =)




Light is few at this hour, only the shine of the moon coming through the window, helping Rarity to finish the creation<3

  • Brohoof 6
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I think the person who made the game will edit more features into it later =)=)=)=)=)=) in that version you can boop her tiny nose, touch her ear =), touch her eye, touch her 3 hooves, and touch the lamp. =) *hug =)


but i mean who doesn't want to boop her cute tiny pretty pony nose<3 :grin2:  :grin2:



Boop boop!

This isn't Rarity, so I'm only going to link it, but it does fit in quite well here.


  • Brohoof 6

This is my signature.

Because everyone needs a signature.



Special thanks to Blue Moon for the signature pic.

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I think the person who made the game will edit more features into it later =)=)=)=)=)=) in that version you can boop her tiny nose, touch her ear =), touch her eye, touch her 3 hooves, and touch the lamp. =) *hug =)


but i mean who doesn't want to boop her cute tiny pretty pony nose<3 :grin2:  :grin2:


I like Rarity's eyes in this picture.

  • Brohoof 4

Rainbow Dash SIG 1.png

Sig by Kyoshi.

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Rarity new dress on the works!, but the inspiration is gone!!!!! =O post-28950-0-07354200-1421857891.pngpost-28950-0-07354200-1421857891.png


it's time for! the happy trot on the sunny day outside with the cute flowers and soft silken green grass ground to find an inspiration for this new creation of her beautiful dress!<3post-28950-0-62011400-1421858102.png



Rarity having the cozy time wearing the pretty soft purple silken sweater =)<3post-28950-0-14109500-1421857887.pngpost-28950-0-56260100-1421857887.pngpost-28950-0-72485300-1421857886.png


One of my favorite artists<3  so cute lovley style aww<3<3post-28950-0-14109500-1421857887.png







Hair looks so shiny and bubbly and the expressions look just freakin adorable so prettyyyyyyyyypost-28950-0-62011400-1421858102.png

  • Brohoof 7
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