DashieVROOM 29 January 31, 2013 Author Share January 31, 2013 I live in a country ran by democratically elected religious terrorists and they love to murder and torture religious minorities.I don't have a problem with them praying even at 4 am but they're just trying to provoke me by doing it with high powered speakers that's a lot louder than metal concerts. oh god....now that reminds me of Fanime in San Jose. Every year I go they just preach saying "Cosplay is the devils work1" and stuff like that is ridiculous... .-. then when we wander at night they are at corners trying to convert us in a nice way? idek its really confusing |League IGN: EffigyLoL| |Twitter: @TheRealEffigy| |Signature by awesome Cider Barrel| Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Dash 1,472 January 31, 2013 Share January 31, 2013 Who doesnt get grumpy when getting woken up (dont you dare say Pinkie Pie)? Whenever i get woken up it's usually during an epic dream and when I'm super comfortable. When people wake me up i usually rage out while im half conscious. i then usually fart in their general direction or throw stuff at them. In rare occasions i wake up bright eyed in bushy tailed and chase them with a morning star. NEVER WAKE A SLEEPING DRAGON! R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 February 1, 2013 Share February 1, 2013 Yeah I don't really like being woken up before I am ready because once I am up I am usually up. It is not as bad when I am off from work or don't have to come in until later but it is still annoying. Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Miss Light Diamond 2,802 February 1, 2013 Share February 1, 2013 (edited) I hate getting up in the mornings...I get angry and grumpy. But I suppose I do stay up till like two o-clock in the morning...every night. so that kinda explains why. Edited February 1, 2013 by Flame Dancer Something something something something Ask me stuff...and all my OC's Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HallowsEve 52 February 1, 2013 Share February 1, 2013 For me it depends on how I am woken up or who wakes me up. I hate getting woken up by my cat attacking my feet or by hearing someone screaming in another room. I love being woken up by my boyfriend, but I would stab my brother if he woke me up. Then again, my brother likes to wake me up by throwing my cat at me... 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jack Durango 119 February 1, 2013 Share February 1, 2013 Oh, man, this reminds me... Several weeks ago, the smoke detector in my room went off at 1:00 in the morning. There wasn't any smoke, it just needed new batteries. The sound the detector makes when it needs new batteries soon is three ear-piercing beeps in rapid succession, repeating over and over again. Now mind you, this isn't just a polite, friendly, beep-beep-I'm-a-Jeep beep; this is your fire-drill-at-school, can-be-heard-through-walls, ear-splitting beep, seven feet above your head AT 1:00 IN THE MORNING. I sat up, alarmed, or as alarmed as you can be when you're half asleep, and quickly made sure there was no fire or smoke. Then I stood up on my mattress, mighty angry, and tried to shut the damn detector up. I didn't want anyone else to be woken up, and this thing was an irritating, ear-lancing mechanism from hell that devastates your cochleas AT 1:00 IN THE MORNING. So I end up unscrewing it and putting it down next to my bed, promising to put batteries in it later that morning, which seems to take care of the problem...for about an hour. Then it shrieks it up again with its ear-lashing beeps AT 2:00 IN THE MORNING. I am so pissed at this thing that I roll half-off the side of the bed and attempt to pry that goddamn battery from its socket. Trollingly enough, this alarm's battery adapter cables are connected to the battery with a special leather hold-in-place button strap. So I pry the battery midway from this button strap, thinking that would be good enough. Well, it was...for about three hours. Then this whiny, ear-raping bitch really REALLY wants me to be a fire safety-conscious citizen* so it starts BEEP-BEEP-BEEPing AT 5:00 IN THE MORNING. I hear someone is awake, grab the little helldisk, and march out of my room. I present this devil's rooster to my father, who had decided to be an early riser and was nowhere near as pissed off, groggy, grumpy, or tired as I was. He takes out the battery and replaces it with a new one, and tells me to put it back later. I'm so relieved it stops, so I go back to my room to regain what was a half-hour of sleep before the school routine started AT 5:30 IN THE MORNING. But man, the thing I was caught up on later was just how angry I was. I never knew pulling me from their sleep like that could make me so enraged. Now I know why you don't wake up bears from hibernation. Sleep is a definite necessity for us humans. *Note: Let it be known that I take fire safety very seriously and promote its practice. The way people die in house fires is just awful, and it's sad how preventable it really is. Please, remember to replace your smoke detector batteries and do smoke detector tests annually. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorWhovian1902 596 February 1, 2013 Share February 1, 2013 Considering I've had to wake up very early before, I'm not too bad about being woken up. That said, if I've had a long day/night, I like to sleep in a bit. You wake me up, we gon' have problems. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DashieVROOM 29 February 1, 2013 Author Share February 1, 2013 Considering I've had to wake up very early before, I'm not too bad about being woken up. That said, if I've had a long day/night, I like to sleep in a bit. You wake me up, we gon' have problems. haha I likeed the last part in this post "we gon' have problems." Reminded me sooo much of Ashley from "Hey Ash What You Playin'" on youtube when she voice acted as Tiny Tina in Borderlands 2 :3 sooo cute. |League IGN: EffigyLoL| |Twitter: @TheRealEffigy| |Signature by awesome Cider Barrel| Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander Urdnot 2,680 February 1, 2013 Share February 1, 2013 How I wish I wake up: How I actually wake up: I react differently depending on how I'm woken up. - If it's from some random noise, or somebody making noises upstairs or outside, I yell: "SHUT UP! IT'S 1PM! PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!" - If it's somebody waking me up when either I asked them to, or they needed help, I'll get up and keep my cranky-tiredness to myself. - If it's Pinkeh, I'd light up instantly. I'd do anything for her<3 - If it's my alarm clock, I make unintelligible noises, turn it off, and lay there for about 3 mins before getting up. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlbinoThunder 42 February 1, 2013 Share February 1, 2013 Usually when someone wakes me up, I think nothing of it. However, If i'm having a really enjoyable dream and then woken by someone, he/she are going to pay dearly. "Sending some assholes your way to the death dimension!" -Lelouch (Code MENT) "Kenpachi Ramasama, why didn't you do your math homework?" "Oh, I'm sorry. My toast wouldn't cook and then I had to go and become a sailor scout. RONIN WARRIORS!" -Matt and Pat (Two Best Friends Play) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pegasister101 39 February 1, 2013 Share February 1, 2013 It really just depends on the person waking me up... If its my mom, she tends to wake me up and instantly tell me I have missing assignments and that I better get my butt going, therefore, putting me in a crappy mood and mindset. If my dad wakes me up, I usually just get extremely annoyed because he tends to either, roll me off the bed, or bounce me up and down on the bed till I get up. If its my alarm clock, I just throw it into the trash bin on the other side of my room. If it were one of my friends however, I get right up and ready as fast as I can. Also, If someone wakes me up because I have somewhere important to go like to school at 6 in the morning, then yeah, I'll most likely get up and get ready unless, of course, I decide to be lazy and just stay in bed. Made by the awesome Doctor-Whooves! Want one yourself? Go here! Awesome Sigs! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DashieVROOM 29 February 1, 2013 Author Share February 1, 2013 It really just depends on the person waking me up... If its my mom, she tends to wake me up and instantly tell me I have missing assignments and that I better get my butt going, therefore, putting me in a crappy mood and mindset. If my dad wakes me up, I usually just get extremely annoyed because he tends to either, roll me off the bed, or bounce me up and down on the bed till I get up. If its my alarm clock, I just throw it into the trash bin on the other side of my room. If it were one of my friends however, I get right up and ready as fast as I can. Also, If someone wakes me up because I have somewhere important to go like to school at 6 in the morning, then yeah, I'll most likely get up and get ready unless, of course, I decide to be lazy and just stay in bed. Ahh yeah. Like if my dad wakes me up i try not to yell at him but I do get testy lol. But if I have a significant other waking me up it all depends on how i'm woke up by her/him. If its a soft "wake up dear" i'll slowly wake up but if its shaking me telling me to wake up I get mad and just cover myself in blankets 1 |League IGN: EffigyLoL| |Twitter: @TheRealEffigy| |Signature by awesome Cider Barrel| Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SrFrog 927 February 2, 2013 Share February 2, 2013 It's a horrible experience for anyone that wakes me up at a bad time, like the violent kind. I've even punched my brother because I though he was shaking my bed! of course I was wrong and had to apologize, it's all good though it doesn't happen very often.. "Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ping111 124 February 2, 2013 Share February 2, 2013 Nope. If they wake me up gently, I'll either wave them off (or flip them off if it's my brother) if I know I can sleep, or if they need me to move to another bed or something I'll actually act very civilly. In fact, my mother once told me that she had said "You're in my spot", and I said "So I am", and simply got up and left. I've even been kicked in the ribs to be woken up and I just take it in stride. It's very hard to startle me awake with a jump. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pony Joe 583 February 3, 2013 Share February 3, 2013 On days when I need to go to school, it's nice to have a little nudge a couple minutes before my alarm goes off so I can be prepared to get out of bed. However, on days when I can sleep in, if you don't leave me alone I will be very tempted to punch you in the face. My favorite way to spend a Saturday morning is in bed, drifting in and out of (sometimes lucid) dreams. This morning, for instance, I had some of the best dreams of my life, and if someone tried to get me out of bed (which inevitably would cause me to forget the dreams) it would be absolutely infuriating. 2 That's really all there is to say on the matter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DashieVROOM 29 February 3, 2013 Author Share February 3, 2013 On days when I need to go to school, it's nice to have a little nudge a couple minutes before my alarm goes off so I can be prepared to get out of bed. However, on days when I can sleep in, if you don't leave me alone I will be very tempted to punch you in the face. My favorite way to spend a Saturday morning is in bed, drifting in and out of (sometimes lucid) dreams. This morning, for instance, I had some of the best dreams of my life, and if someone tried to get me out of bed (which inevitably would cause me to forget the dreams) it would be absolutely infuriating. Yes I love days that have nothing significant to do during them I tend to want to sleep so yes i'm like that too. If I can't have sleep on my lazy days then expect a very angery pony.. 1 |League IGN: EffigyLoL| |Twitter: @TheRealEffigy| |Signature by awesome Cider Barrel| Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lunas Husband 2,777 December 1, 2013 Share December 1, 2013 I for one don't care to be woken up.... I would only be happy for 2 reasons, 1 Pinkie Pie is the one waking me up. the 2th one is because I'm about to die and you want to save my life. But I wont get to mad at you.. not like I'll yell at you or anything more then likely just get a little upset and ask you "Why!!" "Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." ~Princess Luna Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sugar Cube 4,843 December 1, 2013 Share December 1, 2013 On the contrary, it's probably a good thing to have someone wake me up. I have a hard time falling asleep sometimes, but once I do I am out like a light. I'm a very deep sleeper, and my friends and family often poke fun at me saying that I could sleep through a fire, which probably isn't too far off. As for grumpiness, I don't really mind being woken up, especially if it's important. Usually if someone wakes me up it's because they need me for something, or they just enjoy my presence so much that they can't stand waiting for me to wake up on my own. Granted, that rarely ever happens! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moonlight 7,288 December 1, 2013 Share December 1, 2013 Depends on who's waking me up. If parents, I get up immediately with no complaints. If friend, I wake up slowly, but I usually get pissed at her because she wants food or something despite eating a few hours ago. I can function on around 2-5 hours of sleep usually so I don't usually have a reason to be grumpy when waking up. matching setups with my bff pathfinder Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PoniesPlease 365 December 1, 2013 Share December 1, 2013 Numerous times, upon being woken, I would respond either furiously, I.E. pushing my waker away whilst mumbling "fuck off", or by saying something nonsensical from my dream, I.E. "I don't want carrots." Nowadays, that doesn't happen (thankfully). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Celtore 2,770 December 1, 2013 Share December 1, 2013 No, not really. I will be a little annoyed if someone wakes me up from a deep slumber, but not enough to get up out of anger. Plus, I go back to sleep in less than half a minute! In terms of 5-20 minute power naps though, I don't get angry at all. I'm usually refreshed after waking up and I can help wherever I'm needed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
notdog1996 315 December 1, 2013 Share December 1, 2013 (edited) If I need to wake up (go to school or something similar) then I won't be angry, but you won't see me being all thankful either. However, if you wake me up early (I'm the one who wakes up the earliest normally anyway), I will get quite mad. If there's only something like two or three hours left for me to sleep, I just give them up, which makes me tired, and than cranky. You can be sure I won't miss an occasion to mention it. Edited December 1, 2013 by notdog1996 INTJ Introvert(56%) iNtuitive(12%) Thinking(75%) Judging(1%) You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (56%) You have slight preference of Intuition over Sensing (12%) You have distinctive preference of Thinking over Feeling (75%) You have marginal or no preference of Judging over Perceiving (1%) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander Frost 731 December 1, 2013 Share December 1, 2013 I was wondering if anyone else doesn't like to be waked up form their sleep. As I don't like it as much when people wake me up cause it makes me mad cause I don't get much sleep as is due to insomnia so I would yell at people or just be really grumpy and throw stuff lol. I remember when I tried waking my ex up so she could go to school or so she would be on time for her races she would get hella mad and throw all her pillows at me.. @_@ Does anyone have similar grumpiness when waking up too? u wake me from my sleep... u die Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dusty Soul 2,612 December 1, 2013 Share December 1, 2013 When someone wakes me up. The first thing I do is jump out of bed. They should only be waking me up if my life is being threatened or I'm going to be late for something. I'm usually quite grumpy in the mornings until I have a coffee. Soundcloud-------------------Facebook---------------------------Youtube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tazpy 7 December 1, 2013 Share December 1, 2013 I get unintentionally angry when someone wakes me up. According to my girlfriend, I tend to hit whoever wakes me up, too. It's not on purpose, of course. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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